Vue2.x plugin to create scoped or global shortcuts. No need to import a vue component into the template.



Vue2.x plugin to create scoped or global shortcuts. No need to import a vue component into the template.


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$ npm install --save vue2-shortcut


import Vue from 'vue';
import vShortcut from 'vue2-shortcut';

Optional global config

You can define excludeTags or customized preventWhen function globally to prevent shortcuts from being executed

  • excludeTags: a list of html tags where shortcuts should not be triggered
  • preventWhen: a global interceptor function which returns true
  Vue.use(vShortcut, {
    excludeTags: ['input', 'textarea'],
    preventWhen: (e) => true // prevents all shortcuts

Check the demo here

Define scopes for shortcuts

By default, the shorcuts will work globally. Optionally, if you want to restrict shorcuts within certain scopes, it's also easy to define a scope in vue template like this:

  <div v-shortcut-scope="'a'">
    Component A

Then you could pass ['a'] as value for the scope property when creating shortcuts. In this way, shorcuts are triggered only when you are currently interacting with Component A

Register shortcuts

Register your shortcuts in any vue template under the mounted hook

  mounted() {
    Vue.createShortcuts(this, [
        keys: ['ctrl', 'c'],
        scope: ['a'], // optional
        eventHandler: () => {
          console.log('pressing ctrl and c in scope a');
          console.log('executed once');
        once: true, // optional, false by default
        unordered: true // optional, false by default

Deregister shortcuts

When the template is destroyed, shortcuts registered in that template will be removed automatically

Key List

Below is the list of keys mapping. Use ctrl if you want a shortcut to work with meta on mac and control on windows.

Keyboard shortcut key
A - Z a - z
0 - 9 0 - 9
F1 - F12 f1 - f12
Escape esc
Backquote backquote
Minus minus
Equal equal
Backspace del
Tab tab
CapsLock capslock
Space space
Pause pause
Delete del
ContextMenu contextmenu
BracketLeft bracketleft
BracketRight bracketright
Backslash backslash
Semicolon semicolon
Quote quote
Enter enter
Comma comma
Period period
Slash slash
ArrowLeft arrowleft
ArrowUp arrowup
ArrowRight arrowright
ArrowDown arrowdown
Control control
Shift shift
Alt alt
Meta meta
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