Create a maintainable and scalable Node.js GraphQL API with TypeScript, Express, Mongoose and Apollo Server.


Typescript Node Express GraphQL API

Software License Latest Version


Create a maintainable and scalable Node.js GraphQL API with TypeScript, Express, Mongoose and Apollo Server.

The project structure is based on MVC and follows it's basic principles but is a little bit different in which instead of having the entities logic spread out into specific folders (models folder containing all models, controllers folder containing all controllers etc...).

Each entity has it's own folder containing all it's core logic in isolation from other entities. Let's take the User entity as an example:

└── entities
    └── user
        ├── constants.ts
        ├── interface.ts
        ├── model.ts
        ├── permissions.ts
        ├── resolvers.ts
        ├── typeDefs.ts
        └── validation.ts

With this structure it is easier to maintain and scale with multiple entities (you will rarely have to switch between folders in order to manage one entity).

The project comes with many built-in features, such as:

  • Authentication with JWT: providing both an access token and refresh token (sent as a secure http only cookie and saved in the database).
  • Unified login system for support of multiple roles of users.
  • Validation using Joi.
  • Jest for unit and integration testing.
  • Entity folder/files generation with a custom script.
  • PM2 as a process manager.
  • Seeding data examples.
  • Logger with winston and morgan.
  • Custom Error/Response handling.
  • Filtering, sorting, pagination.
  • GraphQL Codegen to generate typed queries, mutations, resolvers from schema.
  • GraphQL Shield to handle permissions and authorizations.
  • GraphQL Dataloader as a layer for batching and caching data.
  • more details below...

Table of Contents



To create a project, simply run:

npx create-express-gql-ts my-app

or for a quick start if you are using vscode:

npx create-express-gql-ts my-app
cd my-app
code .

*By default, it uses yarn to install dependencies.

  • If you prefer another package manager you can pass it as an argument:

for npm:

npx create-express-gql-ts my-app --npm

for pnpm:

npx create-express-gql-ts my-app --pnpm

*You can pass package manager specific arguments as flags as well after the package manager argument. As an example with npm you might need to pass in the --force flag to force installation even with conflicting peer dependencies:

npx create-express-gql-ts my-app --npm --force

Alternatively, you can clone the repository (or download or use as a template):

git clone

Then open the project folder and install the required dependencies:


*If you want to use another package manager after using this method instead of npx, before installing dependencies you should modify the pre-commit script in .husky to match your package manager of choice (then deleting the yarn.lock file if it would cause any conflicts).

*In the .github/yml folder, there is a workflow file for each package manager. You can copy the file that matches your package manager into .github/workflows and delete .github/workflows/yarn.yml.

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Setup your environment variables. In your root directory, you will find a .env.example file. Copy and/or rename to .env or:

cp .env.example .env

Then run the development server with the command below (depending on your package manager of choice):

yarn dev


npm run dev


pnpm dev

The database should be connected and your server should be running at http://localhost:${port}/graphql. You can start testing and querying the API.

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Directory Structure

├── __tests__/                  # Groups all your integration tests and the testing server
├── config/                     # Apollo server, context, database and schema configuration
├── entities/                   # Contains all entities (generated entities end up here with `yarn entity`)
├── generated/                  # Typed queries, mutation resolvers... by GraphQL code generator
├── helpers/                    # Any utility or helper functions/methods go here
├── middlewares/                # Express & Apollo middlewares
├── seeders/                    # Data seeders examples
├── services/                   # Contains mostly global and reusable logic (such as auth and crud)
├── tasks/                      # Scripts (contains the script to generate entities based of templates)
│   └── templates/              # Contains entity templates (default and user type)
├── types/                      # Custom/global type definitions
└── index.ts                    # App entry point (initializes database connection and express server)

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*yarn can be replaced by npm run or pnpm depending on your preferred package manager.

  • Run compiled javascript production build (requires build):
yarn start

  • Run compiled javascript production build with pm2 in cluster mode (requires build):
yarn start:pm2

  • Compiles typescript into javascript and build your app:
yarn build

  • Run the typescript development build:
yarn dev

  • Run the typescript development build with the --trace-sync-io tag to detect any synchronous I/O:
yarn dev:sync

  • Run the typescript development build with PM2:
yarn dev:pm2

  • Seed an Admin:
yarn seed:admin

  • Seed fake users based on json data file:
yarn seed:users

  • Generate an entity based of either the default or user template (prompts for a template selection and entity name, then create it's folder under src/entities)
yarn entity

*Entities created have their constants, resolvers (with basic crud), permissions all automatically setup from the provided name. The interface, model, typeDefs and validation need to be filled with the needed fields.

  • Eslint (lint, lint and fix):
yarn lint
yarn lint:fix

  • Jest (all, unit, integration, coverage, watch, watchAll):
yarn test
yarn test:unit
yarn test:int
yarn test:coverage
yarn test:watch
yarn test:watchAll

  • PM2 (kill, monit):
yarn kill
yarn monit

  • GraphQL Code Generator:
yarn gen
yarn gen:watch

  • Commitizen:
yarn cz

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let's imagine we generated a Post entity with the default template src/entities/post:

└── entities
    └── post
        ├── constants.ts
        ├── interface.ts
        ├── model.ts
        ├── permissions.ts
        ├── resolvers.ts
        ├── typeDefs.ts
        └── validation.ts

It's constants, resolvers, permissions are all ready and setup:


export enum SuccessMessages {
  POST_CREATED = 'Post created successfully.',
  POST_UPDATED = 'Post updated successfully.',
  POST_DELETED = 'Post deleted successfully.',

export enum ErrorMessages {
  POSTS_NOT_FOUND = 'No posts found.',
  POST_NOT_FOUND = 'Post was not found.',


import * as resolver from '@services/crud.service';
import type {
} from '@generated/types';
import { PostModel } from './model';
import { ErrorMessages, SuccessMessages } from './constants';
import { createPostSchema, updatePostSchema } from './validation';

export const resolvers: Resolvers = {
  Query: {
    getAllPosts: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostsResult> =>
      resolver.getAll(PostModel, args, ErrorMessages.POSTS_NOT_FOUND, 'Posts', 'PostNotFound'),
    getPostById: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostResult> =>
      resolver.getById(PostModel,, ErrorMessages.POST_NOT_FOUND, 'PostBy', 'PostNotFound'),
    getPostByField: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostResult> =>
      resolver.getByField(PostModel, args.field, args.value, ErrorMessages.POST_NOT_FOUND, 'PostBy', 'PostNotFound'),

  Mutation: {
    createPost: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostCreatedResult> =>
    updatePost: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostUpdatedResult> =>
    removePost: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostRemovedResult> =>


import { gql } from 'apollo-server-express';

export const typeDefs = gql`
# Types
  type Post {
    _id: ObjectId
    # Add your fields here #
    createdAt: DateTime
    updatedAt: DateTime
  ## Post by id/field
  type PostBy {
    entity: Post!
  ## All Posts
  type Posts {
    entities: [Post!]!
  ## Created Post
  type PostCreated {
    entity: Post!
    message: String!
  ## Updated Post
  type PostUpdated {
    entity: Post!
    message: String!
  ## Removed Post
  type PostRemoved {
    entity: Post!
    message: String!
  ## Not found
  type PostNotFound {
    message: String!

  # Inputs
  input PostCreatedInput {
    # Add your fields here #
  input PostUpdatedInput {
    # Add your fields here #

  # Unions
  union PostResult = PostBy | PostNotFound
  union PostsResult = Posts | PostNotFound
  union PostCreatedResult = PostCreated | PostNotFound
  union PostUpdatedResult = PostUpdated | PostNotFound
  union PostRemovedResult = PostRemoved | PostNotFound

  # Queries
  type Query {
    getAllPosts(sort: SortInput, filter: FilterInput, paginate: PaginationInput): PostsResult!
    getPostById(id: ObjectId!): PostResult!
    getPostByField(field: String!, value: String!): PostResult!

  # Mutations
  type Mutation {
    createPost(input: PostCreatedInput!): PostCreatedResult!
    updatePost(id: ObjectId!, input: PostUpdatedInput!): PostUpdatedResult!
    removePost(id: ObjectId!): PostRemovedResult!

*After generating your entity, you should complete the definitions by adding your fiels under the main type and for the create and update inputs. For each operation the type of data we could get as a result is defined using an union type.


import { is } from '@middlewares/rules';
import { or } from 'graphql-shield';

const permissions = {
  Query: {
    getAllPosts: is.Auth,
    getPostById: is.Auth,
    getPostByField: is.Auth,
  Mutation: {
    createPost: is.Auth,
    updatePost: or(is.Own, is.Admin),
    removePost: or(is.Own, is.Admin),

export default permissions;

*Most operations by default have the is.Auth middleware that require a user to be authenticated to access them, you can either omit it if you want an operation to be public or use the allow rule from graphql-shield. You can specify which user role is allowed (is.Admin or is.User) and also use operators such as or, and.


import { rule } from 'graphql-shield';
import { IRuleConstructorOptions } from 'graphql-shield/dist/types';
import { verifyAuth } from '@services/auth.service';
import { Roles, Permissions } from '@entities/auth/constants';

const options: IRuleConstructorOptions = { cache: 'contextual' };

export const is = {
  Auth: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req)),
  Self: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.SELF,,
  Own: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.OWN,,
  User: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.USER)),
  Admin: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.ADMIN)),

*The is.Self is for a user to operate resolvers that are targeted at himself. *The is.Own is for a user to handle an entity he owns so that no other user can operate it with the help of:


// Get entity name from graphql operation (query/mutation) to dynamically query data related to that entity
export const getEntityFromOperation = (entities: Array<string>, operation: string) =>
  entities.find((entity) => operation.includes(entity));

*It is required for operations to be properly named as it is good practice. But it is also used here to get the name of the entity: const entityName = getEntityFromOperation(modelNames(), req.body.operationName);. modelNames() from mongoose gets us all the entity names in our database. req.body.operationName gets us the name of the operation requestes for example: UpdatePost. The method will return Post as the entity name so we can find if the entity requested is owned by the user performing the operation.

The interface, model and validation will have to be filled by the needed fields much like the typeDefs.


export interface PostEntity {}


import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose';

import { PostEntity } from './interface';

const PostSchema = new Schema<PostEntity>({}, { timestamps: true });

export const PostModel = model<PostEntity>('Post', PostSchema);


import Joi from 'joi';

export const createPostSchema = Joi.object({});

export const updatePostSchema = Joi.object({});

The user entity template slightly differs from the default one as it is destined for another type of user (another role for example).


yarn entity
npm run entity
pnpm entity

Let's create a Manager entity with the user template src/entities/manager.


export enum SuccessMessages {
  MANAGER_UPDATED = 'Manager updated successfully.',
  MANAGER_DELETED = 'Manager deleted successfully.',

export enum ErrorMessages {
  MANAGERS_NOT_FOUND = 'No managers found.',
  MANAGER_NOT_FOUND = 'Manager was not found.',

export const SALT_ROUNDS = 12;


import { Types } from 'mongoose';

export interface ManagerEntity {
  email: string;
  password: string;
  firstname: string;
  lastname: string;
  role?: Types.ObjectId;


import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose';
import { genSalt as bcryptGenSalt, hash as bcryptHash } from 'bcryptjs';

import { AuthModel } from '@entities/auth/model';
import type { ManagerEntity } from './interface';
import { SALT_ROUNDS } from './constants';

const ManagerSchema = new Schema<ManagerEntity>(
    email: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
      unique: true,
    password: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
      select: false,
    firstname: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    lastname: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    role: {
      type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'Auth',
  { timestamps: true },

// Before creating a manager
ManagerSchema.pre('save', async function save(next) {
  // Only hash password if it has been modified or new
  if (!this.isModified('password')) return next();
  // Generate salt and hash password
  const salt = await bcryptGenSalt(SALT_ROUNDS);
  this.password = await bcryptHash(this.password, salt);
// After creating a manager'save', async (doc) => {
  // Create manager in auth collection
  await AuthModel.create({ email:, role: 'Manager' });
});'findOneAndDelete', async (doc) => {
  // Delete manager from auth collection
  await AuthModel.deleteOne({ email: });

export const ManagerModel = model<ManagerEntity>('Manager', ManagerSchema);


import Joi from 'joi';

export const managerSchema = Joi.object({
  firstname: Joi.string().trim(),
  lastname: Joi.string().trim(),


import { is } from '@middlewares/rules';
import { or } from 'graphql-shield';

const permissions = {
  Query: {
    getAllManagers: is.Auth,
    getManagerById: is.Auth,
    getManagerByField: is.Auth,
  Mutation: {
    updateManager: or(is.Self, is.Admin),
    removeManager: or(is.Self, is.Admin),

export default permissions;


import * as resolver from '@services/crud.service';
import type {
} from '@generated/types';
import type { AuthData } from '@entities/auth/interface';
import { ManagerModel } from './model';
import { ErrorMessages, SuccessMessages } from './constants';
import { managerSchema } from './validation';

export const resolvers: Resolvers = {
  Query: {
    getAllManagers: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagersResult> =>
      resolver.getAll(ManagerModel, args, ErrorMessages.MANAGERS_NOT_FOUND, 'Managers', 'ManagerNotFound'),
    getManagerById: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerResult> =>
      resolver.getById(ManagerModel,, ErrorMessages.MANAGER_NOT_FOUND, 'ManagerBy', 'ManagerNotFound'),
    getManagerByField: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerResult> =>

  Mutation: {
    updateManager: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerUpdatedResult> =>
    removeManager: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerRemovedResult> =>

  Manager: {
    role: async ({ role }, _args, { dataloader }): Promise<AuthData> => dataloader.auth.load(role),

*GraphQL Dataloader is used instead of relying on .populate() and offers better performance through batching and caching. After creating a new entity you should add it's own dataloader under src/middlewares/loader.ts (like below if we created a Manager and Post entities as examples):

import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import type { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { AuthModel } from '@entities/auth/model';
import { AdminModel } from '@entities/admin/model';
import { UserModel } from '@entities/user/model';
import { ManagerModel } from '@entities/manager/model';
import { PostModel } from '@entities/post/model';

// Create a dataloader for the given model
export const createLoader = (entityModel: Model<any>) => {
  const loader = new DataLoader(async (keys) => {
    const data = await entityModel.find({ _id: { $in: keys } });
    return => data.find((item) => item._id.equals(key)));
  return {
    load: async (id: unknown) => (id ? loader.load(id) : null),
    loadMany: async (ids: ArrayLike<unknown>) => loader.loadMany(ids),
    clear: (id: unknown) => loader.clear(id),
    clearAll: () => loader.clearAll(),

// Add dataloader entry for each newly created Model
export const dataloader = {
  auth: createLoader(AuthModel),
  admin: createLoader(AdminModel),
  user: createLoader(UserModel),
  manager: createLoader(ManagerModel),
  post: createLoader(PostModel),


import { gql } from 'apollo-server-express';

export const typeDefs = gql`
  # Types
  type Manager {
    _id: ObjectId
    firstname: String
    lastname: String
    email: String
    role: Auth
    createdAt: DateTime
    updatedAt: DateTime
  ## Manager by id/field
  type ManagerBy {
    entity: Manager!
  ## All Managers
  type Managers {
    entities: [Manager!]!
  ## Updated Manager
  type ManagerUpdated {
    entity: Manager!
    message: String!
  ## Removed Manager
  type ManagerRemoved {
    entity: Manager!
    message: String!
  ## Not found
  type ManagerNotFound {
    message: String!

  # Inputs
  input ManagerUpdatedInput {
    firstname: String
    lastname: String

  # Unions
  union ManagerResult = ManagerBy | ManagerNotFound
  union ManagersResult = Managers | ManagerNotFound
  union ManagerUpdatedResult = ManagerUpdated | ManagerNotFound
  union ManagerRemovedResult = ManagerRemoved | ManagerNotFound

  # Queries
  type Query {
    getAllManagers(sort: SortInput, filter: FilterInput, paginate: PaginationInput): ManagersResult!
    getManagerById(id: ObjectId!): ManagerResult!
    getManagerByField(field: String!, value: String!): ManagerResult!

  # Mutations
  type Mutation {
    updateManager(id: ObjectId!, input: ManagerUpdatedInput!): ManagerUpdatedResult!
    removeManager(id: ObjectId!): ManagerRemovedResult!

The Manager role should be added to the Roles constant src/entities/auth/constants.ts:

export enum Roles {
  ADMIN = 'Admin',
  USER = 'User',
  MANAGER = 'Manager',

*It automatically get added into the src/entities/auth/interface.ts and src/entities/auth/model.ts.

Then optionally add another middleware is.Manager to check if user has a Manager role at src/middlewares/rules.ts:

import { rule } from 'graphql-shield';
import { IRuleConstructorOptions } from 'graphql-shield/dist/types';
import { verifyAuth } from '@services/auth.service';
import { Roles, Permissions } from '@entities/auth/constants';

const options: IRuleConstructorOptions = { cache: 'contextual' };

export const is = {
  Auth: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req)),
  Self: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.SELF,,
  Own: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.OWN,,
  Admin: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.ADMIN)),
  User: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.USER)),
  Manager: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.MANAGER)),

Now to create a user with a specified role, just send the role needed as part of the request body, it will automatically check if that role exists, if not the register will fail.

*By default, registering creates user with a User role, and you cannot create a user with an Admin role with regular registering.

Error & Response Handling

GraphQL handles responses and errors differently compared to REST. For example, if GraphQL doesn't find an entity, it will return null with a HTTP status code of 200. That's not very useful. Also this isn't really considered an error but just another type of response we could get. So we define under src/entities/${entity}/typeDefs.ts all possible responses and the type of data we could get as part of the schema using union types.


import { ApolloError } from 'apollo-server-errors';

// Custom error Apollo class
export class CustomError extends ApolloError {
  constructor(message: string, statusCode: string) {
    super(message, statusCode);
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: 'CustomError' });

// Custom Apollo error status codes
export enum StatusCode {
  InvalidOperationName = 'INVALID_OPERATION_NAME',
  JsonWebTokenError = 'JWT_INVALID_TOKEN',
  SyntaxError = 'JWT_INVALID_SYNTAX',
  ExpiredToken = 'JWT_EXPIRED_TOKEN',
  SignatureError = 'JWT_INVALID_SIGNATURE',
  InvalidAlgorithm = 'JWT_INVALID_ALGORITHM',

*This can be used to return custom apollo errors with a custom status code. You can return or throw already defined apollo errors using their generic ApolloError class and/or it's subclasses.

import { Types } from 'mongoose';

// Custom responses for GraphQL resolvers to match the different returned types
export const customResponse = {
  auth: (typeName: any, generatedToken: string, returnedRole: Types.ObjectId | string, resultMessage: string) => ({
    __typename: typeName,
    token: generatedToken,
    role: returnedRole,
    message: resultMessage,
  entities: (typeName: any, data: Array<object>, resultMessage = '') => ({
    __typename: typeName,
    entities: data,
    ...(resultMessage !== '' && { message: resultMessage }),
  entity: (typeName: any, data: object) => ({
    __typename: typeName,
    entity: data,
  operation: (typeName: any, data: object, resultMessage: string) => ({
    __typename: typeName,
    entity: data,
    message: resultMessage,
  message: (typeName: any, resultMessage: string) => ({
    __typename: typeName,
    message: resultMessage,

*When running in development mode, the error response contains the message but also the error stack.


Data is validated using Joi. Check the documentation for more details on how to write Joi validation schemas.

The validation schemas are defined in the folder for each entity. Let's take the User entity as an example so it would be in: src/entities/user/validation.ts:


Import the logger from src/services/logger.service.ts. It is using the winston logging library.

Logging should be done according to the following severity levels (ascending order from most important to least important):

import { log } from '@services/logger.service';
log.error('error'); // level 0
log.warn('warning'); // level 1'information'); // level 2
log.http('http'); // level 3
log.debug('debug'); // level 4

In development mode, log messages of all severity levels will be printed to the console.

GraphQL operations are logged as HTTP requests using morgan: src/middlewares/morgan.ts


  • Reset, forgot password.
  • Email service.
  • File upload.

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Contributions are welcome. To discuss any bugs, problems, fixes or improvements please refer to the discussions section.

Before creating a pull request, make sure to open an issue first.

Committing your changes, fixes or improvements in a new branch with documentation will be appreciated.



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  • v1.1.3(May 29, 2022)



    • When using npx for installation, you can add arguments specific to each package manager:
    npx create-express-gql-ts <app-name> --packagemanager [args]

    For npm as an example. you might need to pass in the --force flag to force installation even with conflicting peer dependencies:

    npx create-express-gql-ts my-app --npm --force


    • When using npx for installation, get current directory based on operating system.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(May 29, 2022)



    • When using npx for installation, you can add a flag to pick which package manager is preferred for installation and usage during development (yarn is used by default):
    npx create-express-gql-ts my-app --npm


    npx create-express-gql-ts my-app --pnpm

    *If the project is cloned, downloaded or used as a template, some operations must be done manually to ensure a smooth migration from yarn to the prefered package manager. Please refer to the docs for more informations:

    • Replaced nodemon with ts-node-dev for better performance with TypeScript during developement.
    • Github workflow file for each package manager.


    • Renamed entities "permission" to "permissions".
    • Changed database error and added check for credentials.
    • Added apollo drain http plugin and changed cors options.
    • Moved scalars to global typeDefs and removed unnecessary lines in schema.
    • Removed alphanum() from validation.


    • Check if operationName is provided, else get it from query.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(May 19, 2022)

    Typescript Node Express GraphQL API

    Software License Latest Version


    Create a maintainable and scalable Node.js GraphQL API with TypeScript, Express, Mongoose and Apollo Server.

    The project structure is based on MVC and follows it's basic principles but is a little bit different in which instead of having the entities logic spread out into specific folders (models folder containing all models, controllers folder containing all controllers etc...).

    Each entity has it's own folder containing all it's core logic in isolation from other entities. Let's take the User entity as an example:

    └── entities
        └── user
            ├── constants.ts
            ├── interface.ts
            ├── model.ts
            ├── permission.ts
            ├── resolvers.ts
            ├── typeDefs.ts
            └── validation.ts

    With this structure it is easier to maintain and scale with multiple entities (you will rarely have to switch between folders in order to manage one entity).

    The project comes with many built-in features, such as:

    • Authentication with JWT: providing both an access token and refresh token (sent as a secure http only cookie and saved in the database).
    • Unified login system for support of multiple roles of users.
    • Validation using Joi.
    • Jest for unit and integration testing.
    • Entity folder/files generation with a custom script.
    • PM2 as a process manager.
    • Seeding data examples.
    • Logger with winston and morgan.
    • Custom Error/Response handling.
    • Filtering, sorting, pagination.
    • GraphQL Codegen to generate typed queries, mutations, resolvers from schema.
    • GraphQL Shield to handle permissions and authorizations.
    • GraphQL Dataloader as a layer for batching and caching data.
    • more details below...

    Table of Contents



    To create a project, simply run:

    npx create-express-gql-ts my-app

    or for a quick start if you are using vscode:

    npx create-express-gql-ts my-app
    cd my-app
    code .

    Alternatively, you can clone the repository (or download or use as a template):

    git clone

    Then open the project and run the following command in your terminal to install the required dependencies:


    Back to top


    Setup your environment variables. In your root directory, you will find a .env.example file. Copy and/or rename to .env or:

    cp .env.example .env


    yarn dev

    The database should be connected and your server should be running at http://localhost:${port}/graphql. You can start testing and querying the API.

    yarn test:good

    Back to top

    Directory Structure

    ├── __tests__/                  # Groups all your integration tests and the testing server
    ├── config/                     # Apollo server, context, database and schema configuration
    ├── entities/                   # Contains all entities (generated entities end up here with `yarn entity`)
    ├── generated/                  # Typed queries, mutation resolvers... by GraphQL code generator
    ├── helpers/                    # Any utility or helper functions/methods go here
    ├── middlewares/                # Express & Apollo middlewares
    ├── seeders/                    # Data seeders examples
    ├── services/                   # Contains mostly global and reusable logic (such as auth and crud)
    ├── tasks/                      # Scripts (contains the script to generate entities based of templates)
    │   └── templates/              # Contains entity templates (default and user type)
    ├── types/                      # Custom/global type definitions
    └── index.ts                    # App entry point (initializes database connection and express server)

    Back to top


    • Run compiled javascript production build (requires build):
    yarn start

    • Run compiled javascript production build with pm2 in cluster mode (requires build):
    yarn start:pm2

    • Compiles typescript into javascript and build your app:
    yarn build

    • Run the typescript development build:
    yarn dev

    • Run the typescript development build with the --trace-sync-io tag to detect any synchronous I/O:
    yarn dev:sync

    • Run the typescript development build with PM2:
    yarn dev:pm2

    • Seed an Admin:
    yarn seed:admin

    • Seed fake users based on json data file:
    yarn seed:users

    • Generate an entity based of either the default or user template (prompts for a template selection and entity name, then create it's folder under src/entities)
    yarn entity

    *Entities created have their constants, resolvers (with basic crud), permissions all automatically setup from the provided name. The interface, model, typeDefs and validation need to be filled with the needed fields.

    • Eslint (lint, lint and fix):
    yarn lint
    yarn lint:fix

    • Jest (all, unit, integration, coverage, watch, watchAll):
    yarn test
    yarn test:unit
    yarn test:int
    yarn test:coverage
    yarn test:watch
    yarn test:watchAll

    • PM2 (kill, monit):
    yarn kill
    yarn monit

    • GraphQL Code Generator:
    yarn gen
    yarn gen:watch

    • Commitizen:
    yarn cz

    Back to top



    let's imagine we generated a Post entity with the default template src/entities/post:

    └── entities
        └── post
            ├── constants.ts
            ├── interface.ts
            ├── model.ts
            ├── permission.ts
            ├── resolvers.ts
            ├── typeDefs.ts
            └── validation.ts

    It's constants, resolvers, permissions are all ready and setup:


    export enum SuccessMessages {
      POST_CREATED = 'Post created successfully.',
      POST_UPDATED = 'Post updated successfully.',
      POST_DELETED = 'Post deleted successfully.',
    export enum ErrorMessages {
      POSTS_NOT_FOUND = 'No posts found.',
      POST_NOT_FOUND = 'Post was not found.',


    import * as resolver from '@services/crud.service';
    import type {
    } from '@generated/types';
    import { PostModel } from './model';
    import { ErrorMessages, SuccessMessages } from './constants';
    import { createPostSchema, updatePostSchema } from './validation';
    export const resolvers: Resolvers = {
      Query: {
        getAllPosts: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostsResult> =>
          resolver.getAll(PostModel, args, ErrorMessages.POSTS_NOT_FOUND, 'Posts', 'PostNotFound'),
        getPostById: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostResult> =>
          resolver.getById(PostModel,, ErrorMessages.POST_NOT_FOUND, 'PostBy', 'PostNotFound'),
        getPostByField: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostResult> =>
          resolver.getByField(PostModel, args.field, args.value, ErrorMessages.POST_NOT_FOUND, 'PostBy', 'PostNotFound'),
      Mutation: {
        createPost: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostCreatedResult> =>
        updatePost: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostUpdatedResult> =>
        removePost: async (_parent, args): Promise<PostRemovedResult> =>


    import { gql } from 'apollo-server-express';
    export const typeDefs = gql`
      # Scalars
      scalar ObjectId
      scalar DateTime
      # Types
      type Post {
        _id: ObjectId
        # Add your fields here #
        createdAt: DateTime
        updatedAt: DateTime
      ## Post by id/field
      type PostBy {
        entity: Post!
      ## All Posts
      type Posts {
        entities: [Post!]!
      ## Created Post
      type PostCreated {
        entity: Post!
        message: String!
      ## Updated Post
      type PostUpdated {
        entity: Post!
        message: String!
      ## Removed Post
      type PostRemoved {
        entity: Post!
        message: String!
      ## Not found
      type PostNotFound {
        message: String!
      # Inputs
      input PostCreatedInput {
        # Add your fields here #
      input PostUpdatedInput {
        # Add your fields here #
      # Unions
      union PostResult = PostBy | PostNotFound
      union PostsResult = Posts | PostNotFound
      union PostCreatedResult = PostCreated | PostNotFound
      union PostUpdatedResult = PostUpdated | PostNotFound
      union PostRemovedResult = PostRemoved | PostNotFound
      # Queries
      type Query {
        getAllPosts(sort: SortInput, filter: FilterInput, paginate: PaginationInput): PostsResult!
        getPostById(id: ObjectId!): PostResult!
        getPostByField(field: String!, value: String!): PostResult!
      # Mutations
      type Mutation {
        createPost(input: PostCreatedInput!): PostCreatedResult!
        updatePost(id: ObjectId!, input: PostUpdatedInput!): PostUpdatedResult!
        removePost(id: ObjectId!): PostRemovedResult!

    *After generating your entity, you should complete the definitions by adding your fiels under the main type and for the create and update inputs. For each operation the type of data we could get as a result is defined using an union type.


    import { is } from '@middlewares/rules';
    import { or } from 'graphql-shield';
    const permission = {
      Query: {
        getAllPosts: is.Auth,
        getPostById: is.Auth,
        getPostByField: is.Auth,
      Mutation: {
        createPost: is.Auth,
        updatePost: or(is.Own, is.Admin),
        removePost: or(is.Own, is.Admin),
    export default permission;

    *Most operations by default have the is.Auth middleware that require a user to be authenticated to access them, you can either omit it if you want an operation to be public or use the allow rule from graphql-shield. You can specify which user role is allowed (is.Admin or is.User) and also use operators such as or, and.


    import { rule } from 'graphql-shield';
    import { IRuleConstructorOptions } from 'graphql-shield/dist/types';
    import { verifyAuth } from '@services/auth.service';
    import { Roles, Permissions } from '@entities/auth/constants';
    const options: IRuleConstructorOptions = { cache: 'contextual' };
    export const is = {
      Auth: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req)),
      Self: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.SELF,,
      Own: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.OWN,,
      User: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.USER)),
      Admin: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.ADMIN)),

    *The is.Self is for a user to operate resolvers that are targeted at himself. *The is.Own is for a user to handle an entity he owns so that no other user can operate it with the help of:


    // Get entity name from graphql operation (query/mutation) to dynamically query data related to that entity
    export const getEntityFromOperation = (entities: Array<string>, operation: string) =>
      entities.find((entity) => operation.includes(entity));

    *It is required for operations to be properly named as it is good practice. But it is also used here to get the name of the entity: const entityName = getEntityFromOperation(modelNames(), req.body.operationName);. modelNames() from mongoose gets us all the entity names in our database. req.body.operationName gets us the name of the operation requestes for example: UpdatePost. The method will return Post as the entity name so we can find if the entity requested is owned by the user performing the operation.

    The interface, model and validation will have to be filled by the needed fields much like the typeDefs.


    export interface PostEntity {}


    import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose';
    import { PostEntity } from './interface';
    const PostSchema = new Schema<PostEntity>({}, { timestamps: true });
    export const PostModel = model<PostEntity>('Post', PostSchema);


    import Joi from 'joi';
    export const createPostSchema = Joi.object({});
    export const updatePostSchema = Joi.object({});

    The user entity template slightly differs from the default one as it is destined for another type of user (another role for example).


    yarn entity

    Let's create a Manager entity with the user template src/entities/manager.


    export enum SuccessMessages {
      MANAGER_UPDATED = 'Manager updated successfully.',
      MANAGER_DELETED = 'Manager deleted successfully.',
    export enum ErrorMessages {
      MANAGERS_NOT_FOUND = 'No managers found.',
      MANAGER_NOT_FOUND = 'Manager was not found.',
    export const SALT_ROUNDS = 12;


    import { Types } from 'mongoose';
    export interface ManagerEntity {
      email: string;
      password: string;
      firstname: string;
      lastname: string;
      role?: Types.ObjectId;


    import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose';
    import { genSalt as bcryptGenSalt, hash as bcryptHash } from 'bcryptjs';
    import { AuthModel } from '@entities/auth/model';
    import type { ManagerEntity } from './interface';
    import { SALT_ROUNDS } from './constants';
    const ManagerSchema = new Schema<ManagerEntity>(
        email: {
          type: String,
          required: true,
          unique: true,
        password: {
          type: String,
          required: true,
          select: false,
        firstname: {
          type: String,
          required: true,
        lastname: {
          type: String,
          required: true,
        role: {
          type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
          ref: 'Auth',
      { timestamps: true },
    // Before creating a manager
    ManagerSchema.pre('save', async function save(next) {
      // Only hash password if it has been modified or new
      if (!this.isModified('password')) return next();
      // Generate salt and hash password
      const salt = await bcryptGenSalt(SALT_ROUNDS);
      this.password = await bcryptHash(this.password, salt);
    // After creating a manager'save', async (doc) => {
      // Create manager in auth collection
      await AuthModel.create({ email:, role: 'Manager' });
    });'findOneAndDelete', async (doc) => {
      // Delete manager from auth collection
      await AuthModel.deleteOne({ email: });
    export const ManagerModel = model<ManagerEntity>('Manager', ManagerSchema);


    import Joi from 'joi';
    export const managerSchema = Joi.object({
      firstname: Joi.string().alphanum().trim(),
      lastname: Joi.string().alphanum().trim(),


    import { is } from '@middlewares/rules';
    import { or } from 'graphql-shield';
    const permission = {
      Query: {
        getAllManagers: is.Auth,
        getManagerById: is.Auth,
        getManagerByField: is.Auth,
      Mutation: {
        updateManager: or(is.Self, is.Admin),
        removeManager: or(is.Self, is.Admin),
    export default permission;


    import * as resolver from '@services/crud.service';
    import type {
    } from '@generated/types';
    import type { AuthData } from '@entities/auth/interface';
    import { ManagerModel } from './model';
    import { ErrorMessages, SuccessMessages } from './constants';
    import { managerSchema } from './validation';
    export const resolvers: Resolvers = {
      Query: {
        getAllManagers: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagersResult> =>
          resolver.getAll(ManagerModel, args, ErrorMessages.MANAGERS_NOT_FOUND, 'Managers', 'ManagerNotFound'),
        getManagerById: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerResult> =>
          resolver.getById(ManagerModel,, ErrorMessages.MANAGER_NOT_FOUND, 'ManagerBy', 'ManagerNotFound'),
        getManagerByField: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerResult> =>
      Mutation: {
        updateManager: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerUpdatedResult> =>
        removeManager: async (_parent, args): Promise<ManagerRemovedResult> =>
      Manager: {
        role: async ({ role }, _args, { dataloader }): Promise<AuthData> => dataloader.auth.load(role),

    *GraphQL Dataloader is used instead of relying on .populate() and offers better performance through batching and caching. After creating a new entity you should add it's own dataloader under src/middlewares/loader.ts (like below if we created a Manager and Post entities as examples):

    import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
    import type { Model } from 'mongoose';
    import { AuthModel } from '@entities/auth/model';
    import { AdminModel } from '@entities/admin/model';
    import { UserModel } from '@entities/user/model';
    import { ManagerModel } from '@entities/manager/model';
    import { PostModel } from '@entities/post/model';
    // Create a dataloader for the given model
    export const createLoader = (entityModel: Model<any>) => {
      const loader = new DataLoader(async (keys) => {
        const data = await entityModel.find({ _id: { $in: keys } });
        return => data.find((item) => item._id.equals(key)));
      return {
        load: async (id: unknown) => (id ? loader.load(id) : null),
        loadMany: async (ids: ArrayLike<unknown>) => loader.loadMany(ids),
        clear: (id: unknown) => loader.clear(id),
        clearAll: () => loader.clearAll(),
    // Add dataloader entry for each newly created Model
    export const dataloader = {
      auth: createLoader(AuthModel),
      admin: createLoader(AdminModel),
      user: createLoader(UserModel),
      manager: createLoader(ManagerModel),
      post: createLoader(PostModel),


    import { gql } from 'apollo-server-express';
    export const typeDefs = gql`
      # Scalars
      scalar ObjectId
      scalar DateTime
      # Types
      type Manager {
        _id: ObjectId
        firstname: String
        lastname: String
        email: String
        role: Auth
        createdAt: DateTime
        updatedAt: DateTime
      ## Manager by id/field
      type ManagerBy {
        entity: Manager!
      ## All Managers
      type Managers {
        entities: [Manager!]!
      ## Updated Manager
      type ManagerUpdated {
        entity: Manager!
        message: String!
      ## Removed Manager
      type ManagerRemoved {
        entity: Manager!
        message: String!
      ## Not found
      type ManagerNotFound {
        message: String!
      # Inputs
      input ManagerUpdatedInput {
        firstname: String
        lastname: String
      # Unions
      union ManagerResult = ManagerBy | ManagerNotFound
      union ManagersResult = Managers | ManagerNotFound
      union ManagerUpdatedResult = ManagerUpdated | ManagerNotFound
      union ManagerRemovedResult = ManagerRemoved | ManagerNotFound
      # Queries
      type Query {
        getAllManagers(sort: SortInput, filter: FilterInput, paginate: PaginationInput): ManagersResult!
        getManagerById(id: ObjectId!): ManagerResult!
        getManagerByField(field: String!, value: String!): ManagerResult!
      # Mutations
      type Mutation {
        updateManager(id: ObjectId!, input: ManagerUpdatedInput!): ManagerUpdatedResult!
        removeManager(id: ObjectId!): ManagerRemovedResult!

    The Manager role should be added to the Roles constant src/entities/auth/constants.ts:

    export enum Roles {
      ADMIN = 'Admin',
      USER = 'User',
      MANAGER = 'Manager',

    *It automatically get added into the src/entities/auth/interface.ts and src/entities/auth/model.ts.

    Then optionally add another middleware is.Manager to check if user has a Manager role at src/middlewares/rules.ts:

    import { rule } from 'graphql-shield';
    import { IRuleConstructorOptions } from 'graphql-shield/dist/types';
    import { verifyAuth } from '@services/auth.service';
    import { Roles, Permissions } from '@entities/auth/constants';
    const options: IRuleConstructorOptions = { cache: 'contextual' };
    export const is = {
      Auth: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req)),
      Self: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.SELF,,
      Own: rule(options)(async (_parent, args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, '', Permissions.OWN,,
      Admin: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.ADMIN)),
      User: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.USER)),
      Manager: rule(options)(async (_parent, _args, context) => verifyAuth(context.req, Roles.MANAGER)),

    Now to create a user with a specified role, just send the role needed as part of the request body, it will automatically check if that role exists, if not the register will fail.

    *By default, registering creates user with a User role, and you cannot create a user with an Admin role with regular registering.

    Error & Response Handling

    GraphQL handles responses and errors differently compared to REST. For example, if GraphQL doesn't find an entity, it will return null with a HTTP status code of 200. That's not very useful. Also this isn't really considered an error but just another type of response we could get. So we define under src/entities/${entity}/typeDefs.ts all possible responses and the type of data we could get as part of the schema using union types.


    import { ApolloError } from 'apollo-server-errors';
    // Custom error Apollo class
    export class CustomError extends ApolloError {
      constructor(message: string, statusCode: string) {
        super(message, statusCode);
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: 'CustomError' });
    // Custom Apollo error status codes
    export enum StatusCode {
      InvalidOperationName = 'INVALID_OPERATION_NAME',
      JsonWebTokenError = 'JWT_INVALID_TOKEN',
      SyntaxError = 'JWT_INVALID_SYNTAX',
      ExpiredToken = 'JWT_EXPIRED_TOKEN',
      SignatureError = 'JWT_INVALID_SIGNATURE',
      InvalidAlgorithm = 'JWT_INVALID_ALGORITHM',

    *This can be used to return custom apollo errors with a custom status code. You can return or throw already defined apollo errors using their generic ApolloError class and/or it's subclasses.

    import { Types } from 'mongoose';
    // Custom responses for GraphQL resolvers to match the different returned types
    export const customResponse = {
      auth: (typeName: any, generatedToken: string, returnedRole: Types.ObjectId | string, resultMessage: string) => ({
        __typename: typeName,
        token: generatedToken,
        role: returnedRole,
        message: resultMessage,
      entities: (typeName: any, data: Array<object>, resultMessage = '') => ({
        __typename: typeName,
        entities: data,
        ...(resultMessage !== '' && { message: resultMessage }),
      entity: (typeName: any, data: object) => ({
        __typename: typeName,
        entity: data,
      operation: (typeName: any, data: object, resultMessage: string) => ({
        __typename: typeName,
        entity: data,
        message: resultMessage,
      message: (typeName: any, resultMessage: string) => ({
        __typename: typeName,
        message: resultMessage,

    *When running in development mode, the error response contains the message but also the error stack.


    Data is validated using Joi. Check the documentation for more details on how to write Joi validation schemas.

    The validation schemas are defined in the folder for each entity. Let's take the User entity as an example so it would be in: src/entities/user/validation.ts:


    Import the logger from src/services/logger.service.ts. It is using the winston logging library.

    Logging should be done according to the following severity levels (ascending order from most important to least important):

    import { log } from '@services/logger.service';
    log.error('error'); // level 0
    log.warn('warning'); // level 1'information'); // level 2
    log.http('http'); // level 3
    log.debug('debug'); // level 4

    In development mode, log messages of all severity levels will be printed to the console.

    GraphQL operations are logged as HTTP requests using morgan: src/middlewares/morgan.ts


    • Reset, forgot password.
    • Email service.
    • File upload.

    Back to top


    Contributions are welcome. To discuss any bugs, problems, fixes or improvements please refer to the discussions section.

    Before creating a pull request, make sure to open an issue first.

    Committing your changes, fixes or improvements in a new branch with documentation will be appreciated.



    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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