A modular authentication library for Deno.




A fully modular authentication library for Deno that intends to be the Bedrock of your application's authentication/session control. Bedrock provides authentication (Local + MFA, OAuth), and session handling middleware as well as conditional access controls to restrict access to your routes as defined by your application's requirements.

Check our website here for additional information and documentation!

Importing Bedrock

import { init } from 'https://deno.land/x/bedrock/mod.ts'


Choose your desired strategy or strategies.

Bedrock offers several ways to provide multi-factor authentication through a local authentication strategy. These include TOTP through an authentication app, SMS, and Email. Additionally, we have abstracted away the process of implementing these six popular OAuth providers.

  • Discord
  • Facebook
  • Github
  • Google
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

Local Authentication Strategy

Define your parameters

Implementing your choice of strategies will require some variance in your parameters object. Visit our documentation for more information about which parameters you will need for your desired implementation.

const params: LocalAuthParams = {  
  checkCreds : dbController.checkCreds,
  mfaType: 'Token',
  getSecret: dbController.getSecret,

Initiate Bedrock

Initiate a Bedrock class object passing in params.

const Bedrock = init(params);

Implant Bedrock middleware into your routes

// Verification of username/password and creation of session
MFARouter.post('/login', Bedrock.localLogin, (ctx: Context) => {
    //inside this if statement means user is locally authenticated with username/password  
    if(ctx.state.hasSecret === false){
      //inside this if statement means user is locally authenticated 
      //but does not have a stored secret
      ctx.response.body = {
        successful: true;
        mfaRequired: ctx.state.mfaRequired; //false
  } else{
      //inside this else statement means user is locally authenticated and with a secret, 
      //to be redirected to verify MFA
      ctx.response.body = {
      successful: true,
      mfaRequired: ctx.state.mfaRequired; //true
    ctx.response.status = 200;
  } else{
      //inside this else statement means user authentication with username/password failed
      ctx.response.body = {
        successful: false
      ctx.response.status = 401;

// Verification of MFA token code, if enabled
MFARouter.post('/checkMFA', Bedrock.checkMFA, (ctx: Context) => {
  console.log('Successfully verified MFA code');

// Secret route with session verification middleware
MFARouter.get('/secret', Bedrock.verifyAuth, (ctx: Context) => {
  console.log('Secret obtained!');
  ctx.response.body = 'Secret obtained!';
  ctx.response.status = 200;

// Route to log user out of server session
MFARouter.get('/signout', Bedrock.signOut, (ctx: Context) => {
  console.log('Successfully signed out');
  ctx.response.body = 'Successfully signed out';
  ctx.response.status = 200;

OAuth 2.0 Strategy

All OAuth providers require a client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri. Additionally, Bedrock requires the developer to define scope for an added level of secruity. However, each OAuth provider publishes an extensive list of their supported scopes and they largely differ from each other. Please see our documentation for more information about scopes for specific OAuth providers.

Define your parameters

const params: OAuthParams = {
  provider: 'Github',
  client_id: Deno.env.get('CLIENT_ID')!,
  client_secret: Deno.env.get('CLIENT_SECRET')!,
  redirect_uri: Deno.env.get('AUTH_CALLBACK_URL')!,
  scope: 'read:user',

Initiate a Bedrock class

const Bedrock = init(params);

Implant Bedrock middleware into your routes

// Route to redirect user to OAuth provider's login site
OAuthRouter.get('/OAuth', Bedrock.sendRedirect);

// Route to retrieve access token and create user session
OAuthRouter.get('/OAuth/github', Bedrock.getToken, (ctx: Context) => {
  console.log('Successfully logged in via OAuth');

// Secret route with verification middleware
OAuthRouter.get('/secret', Bedrock.verifyAuth, (ctx: Context) => {
  console.log('Secret obtained!');
  ctx.response.body = 'Secret obtained!';
  ctx.response.status = 200;

// Route to log user out of OAuth and server session
OAuthRouter.get('/signout', Bedrock.signOut, (ctx: Context) => {
  console.log('Successfully signed out');

How Bedrock is built

  • The timed one time password (TOTP) algorithm used in Bedrock follows the standard outlined in the IETF RFC 6238.
  • The SMS verification is provided through use of the Twilio API.
  • The email verification is provided through deno-mailer

How to Build Upon Bedrock

How to contribute...

  • The first way to contribute is by giving us feedback with context about your use case. The will help us determine where we can improve for future builds.
  • Other ways to contribute would be to contact us or open issues on this repo. If neither of those options work for you, email us at [email protected]



  • Revision on auth logic for MFA
  • Updated additional variables to maintain camelCase consistency


  • Removed debugging information from Twilio class
  • Changed mfa_type to mfaType to maintain camelCase consistency


  • Added additional Local Authentication MFA option of e-mail (via deno-mailer)
  • Added additional OAuth strategies, including Discord, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter


Initial release supporting the following authentication strategies:

  • Local Authentication, with optional MFA options
    • TOTP code (generated by popular apps such as Google and Microsoft Authenticator)
    • SMS code (Via Twilio)
  • OAuth
    • Github
    • Google

Built on top of the Oak library and intended to be used as middleware in routes.

Session management handled by oak_sessions

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  • Invalid code snippet in README

    Invalid code snippet in README

    In the code snippet under "Implant Bedrock middleware into your routes" in the README.md there are two else statements chained without any condition, meaning the second else statement will never be reached. I'm assuming the second else statement is meant for the outer if statement and not for the inner if statement.

    The first block also isn't closed properly so it's not syntactically correct.

    opened by firecakes 0
  • my code not work

    my code not work

    i want to try authentication with github . but apparently not working this is my code

    import { init } from "https://deno.land/x/bedrock/mod.ts"
    import { Application,Router, Context } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
    import { Session } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
    const app = new Application()
    const router = new Router();
    const Bedrock = init({
      provider: 'Github', //example
      client_id: "64318a6ba925a18810c6",
      client_secret: "c56693666d8cdf03e440726d168c558cc992bd81",
      redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/privatepage",
      scope: 'read:user', //example
    router.get('/oauth', Bedrock.sendRedirect);
    router.get('/privatepage', Bedrock.getToken, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log('Successfully logged in via OAuth');
      ctx.response.body = 'Now logged in via OAuth, also have access token';
    router.get('/secret', Bedrock.verifyAuth, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log('Secret obtained!');
      ctx.response.body = 'Secret obtained!';
      ctx.response.status = 200;
    router.get('/signout', Bedrock.signOut, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log('Successfully signed out');
       ctx.response.body = 'logout!';
    console.log("jalan port 3000")
    await app.listen({ port: 3000 });

    AND MY SETTING IN GITHUB homepage url : http://localhost:3000/ authorization callback url : http://localhost:3000/privatepage

    is something wrong, thank you

    opened by bobwatcherx 0
  • Digging Bedrock and some feedback

    Digging Bedrock and some feedback

    Hey guys, I reviewed all the main auth libs for Deno I could find, and I choose Bedrock. (for a few reasons: recent activity, dual auth (local/oauth), and the use of oak_sessions seems nice also) So, it seems like the best of the bunch for me anyway. 😄

    I am a very inexperienced JS dev, but I got things working it seems. I had some feedback I wanted to share:

    1. A fully working OAuth example (my use case for now) and Local example would help massively for people at my stage of learning.
    2. To me, the example handlers for /secret seem incomplete (for OAuth). I needed to gate on ctx.state.authSuccess to have the output/console.log output make any sense, and honestly, nothing made any sense to me until I figured this out by dumping the state and reviewing the source.

    Here is what I ended up with for the /secret handler:

    OAuthRouter.get("/secret", Bedrock.verifyAuth, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log("Secret page");
      if (ctx.state.authSuccess) {
        ctx.response.body = "Secret obtained!";
      } else {
        ctx.response.body = "Not authenticated, secret not revealed!";
      ctx.response.status = 200;

    Here is my full OAuth example. I know all this Oak/routing/etc stuff is simple to you guys, but, again for newer JS developers, a fully worked example can be a lifesaver. Actually, this could be improved by putting links on the homepage, etc, etc. But it's late and I'm a bit tired. Please let me know your thoughts and/or feedback, and I appreciate you guys having created this lib!! Cam

    import {
    } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
    import { Session } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
    import { init } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
    type AppState = {
      session: Session;
    const app = new Application<AppState>();
    app.addEventListener("error", (evt) => {
    const session = new Session();
    // Apply sessions to your Oak application. You can also apply the middleware to specific routes instead of the whole app.
    const OAuthRouter = new Router<AppState>();
    const Bedrock = init({
      provider: "Google", //example
      client_id: Deno.env.get("GOOG_CLIENT_ID")!,
      client_secret: Deno.env.get("GOOG_CLIENT_SECRET")!,
      redirect_uri: Deno.env.get("GOOG_AUTH_CALLBACK_URL")!,
      scope: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email", //example
      prompt: "consent",
    OAuthRouter.get("/", (context) => {
      context.response.body = "Hello world!";
    OAuthRouter.get("/OAuth", Bedrock.sendRedirect);
    OAuthRouter.get("/OAuth/google", Bedrock.getToken, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log("Successfully logged in via OAuth");
      ctx.response.body = "Now logged in via OAuth, also have access token";
    OAuthRouter.get("/secret", Bedrock.verifyAuth, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log("Secret page");
      if (ctx.state.authSuccess) {
        ctx.response.body = "Secret obtained!";
      } else {
        ctx.response.body = "Not authenticated, secret not revealed!";
      ctx.response.status = 200;
    OAuthRouter.get("/signout", Bedrock.signOut, (ctx: Context) => {
      console.log("Successfully signed out");
    app.listen({ port: 8002 });
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