A Single Guild Welcome Bot Made with ♥ By Ahad#3257



A Single Guild Welcome Bot Made with By Ahad#3257

How to Use?

Open config.json and enter your bot's token there.

Make sure to turn on GUILD_MEMBERS intent in Developers Portal.

If you are using this script on PC then first run setup.bat to install all dependencies.

Run start.bat to run your bot.


・Hostable on Replit.

・Hostable on Heroku.

・Sends Embed Message.

・Sends Normal Message.

Future Updates

・Canvas Message with/without embed.

・Leave Logs.


Use it but please give credits to author.

Skidding this code is not allowed if you see anyone taking credits of this script dm me on discord.

Social Media:


Discord: Ahad#3257

If you liked this music bot please don't forget to give it a star it would mean a lot.


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