A starter and demo project for Keycloakify v6 - Component level customization.


A starter/demo project for Keycloakify

⚠️ Please read the two following notices ⚠️

This starter is for Component-level customization, if you only want to customize the page at the CSS level heads over to keycloakify-starter.

If you are only looking to create a theme and don't care about integrating it into a preexisting React app there are a lot of things that you can remove from this starter. Please read this.

Quick start

yarn install
yarn start # See the Hello World app
# Uncomment line 6 of src/KcApp/kcContext, reload https://localhost:3000
# You can now develop your Login pages.

# Think your theme is ready? Run
yarn keycloak
# Read the instruction printed on the console to see how to test
# your theme on a real Keycloak instance.


This repo constitutes an easily reusable CI setup for SPA React App that generates Keycloaks's theme using keycloakify.

The CI workflow

  • This CI is configured to both publish on GitHub Pages and on DockerHub. In practice you probably want one or the other but not both.
    We deploy the demo app at demo-app.keycloakify.dev using GitHub page on the branch gh-pages (you have to enable it).
    To configure your own domain name please refer to this documentation.
  • To release don't create a tag manually, the CI do it for you. Just update the package.json's version field and push.
  • The .jar files that bundle the Keycloak theme will be attached as an asset with every GitHub release. Example. The permalink to download the latest version is: https://github.com/USER/PROJECT/releases/latest/download/keycloak-theme.jar. For this demo repo it's here
  • The CI publishes the app docker image on DockerHub. <org>/<repo>:main for each commit on main, <org>/<repo>:<feature-branch-name> for each pull-request on main and when releasing a new version: <org>/<repo>:latest and <org>/<repo>:X.Y.Z See on DockerHub



If you want an example of an app that put that setup in production checkout onyxia-ui: the repo, the login, the app.

Standalone vs --external-assets

The CI creates two jars

  • keycloak-theme.jar: Generated with npx keycloakify --external-assets, the assets, located static/**/*, like for example static/js/main.<hash>.js will be downloaded from https://demo-app.keycloakify.dev/static/js/main.<hash>.js (demo-app.keycloakify.dev is specified in the package.json.
  • standalone-keycloak-theme.jar: Generated with npx keycloakify, this theme is fully standalone, all assets will be served by the Keycloak server, for example static/js/main.<hash>.js will be downloaded from an url like http://<your keycloak url>/resources/xxxx/login/keycloakify-starter/build/static/js/main.<hash>.js.

More info on the --external-assets build option here.


docker build -f Dockerfile -t garronej/keycloakify-advanced-starter:test .
#OR (to reproduce how the image is built in the ci workflow):
yarn && yarn build && tar -cvf build.tar ./build && docker build -f Dockerfile.ci -t garronej/keycloakify-advanced-starter:test . && rm build.tar

docker run -it -dp 8083:80 garronej/keycloakify-advanced-starter:test

DockerHub credentials

To enables the CI to publish on DockerHub on your behalf go to repository Settings tab, then Secrets you will need to add two new secrets:

  • DOCKERHUB_TOKEN, you Dockerhub authorization token.
  • DOCKERHUB_USERNAME, Your Dockerhub username.

Standalone keycloak theme

If you are only looking to create a keycloak theme, you can run theses few commands after clicking image to refactor the template and remove unnecessary file.

rm -r src/App
rm src/KcApp/index.ts
mv src/KcApp/* src/

cat << EOF > src/index.tsx
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { StrictMode, lazy, Suspense } from "react";
import { kcContext } from "./KcApp/kcContext";

const KcApp = lazy(() => import("./KcApp"));

if( kcContext === undefined ){
    throw new Error(
        "This app is a Keycloak theme" +
        "It isn't meant to be deployed outside of Keycloak"

        <KcApp kcContext={kcContext} />

rm .dockerignore Dockerfile Dockerfile.ci nginx.conf

cat << EOF > .github/workflows/ci.yaml
name: ci
      - main
      - main


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: github.event.head_commit.author.name != 'actions'
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/[email protected]
        node-version: '14'
    - uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1
    - run: yarn build
    - run: npx keycloakify
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: standalone_keycloak_theme
        path: build_keycloak/target/*keycloak-theme*.jar
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: build
        path: build

    name: Check if version upgrade
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
      from_version: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.from_version }}
      to_version: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.to_version }}
      is_upgraded_version: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.is_upgraded_version }}
    - uses: garronej/[email protected]
      id: step1
        action_name: is_package_json_version_upgraded

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - check_if_version_upgraded
    # We create a release only if the version have been upgraded and we are on a default branch
    # PR on the default branch can release beta but not real release
    if: |
      needs.check_if_version_upgraded.outputs.is_upgraded_version == 'true' &&
        github.event_name == 'push' ||
        needs.check_if_version_upgraded.outputs.is_release_beta == 'true'
    - run: mkdir jars
    - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
        name: standalone_keycloak_theme
    - run: mv *keycloak-theme*.jar jars/standalone-keycloak-theme.jar
    - uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
        name: Release v${{ needs.check_if_version_upgraded.outputs.to_version }}
        tag_name: v${{ needs.check_if_version_upgraded.outputs.to_version }}
        target_commitish: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}
        generate_release_notes: true
        files: |
        draft: false
        prerelease: ${{ needs.check_if_version_upgraded.outputs.is_release_beta == 'true' }}
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
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