Filter tests using substring



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Filter tests using substring

# run only tests with "hello" in their names
npx cypress run --env grep=hello

  ✓ hello world
  - works
  - works 2 @tag1
  - works 2 @tag1 @tag2

  1 passing (38ms)
  3 pending

All other tests will be marked pending, see why in the Cypress test statuses blog post.

If you have multiple spec files, all specs will be loaded, and every test will be filtered the same way, since the grep is run-time operation and cannot eliminate the spec files without loading them. If you want to run only specific tests, use the built-in --spec CLI argument.

Watch the video intro to cypress-grep plugin


Assuming you have Cypress installed, add this module as a dev dependency

# using NPM
npm i -D cypress-grep
# using Yarn
yarn add -D cypress-grep

required: load this module from the support file or at the top of the spec file if not using the support file.

// cypress/support/index.js
// load and register the grep feature

Plugin file

optional: load and register this module from the plugin file

// cypress/plugins/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // optional: register cypress-grep plugin code

By loading this module from the plugin file, it allows the cypress-grep to print a little message on load, for example

$ npx cypress run --env grep=hello
cypress-grep: tests with "hello" in their names


Start grepping by title and tags:

# run only the tests with "auth user" in the title
$ npx cypress run --env grep="auth user"
# run tests with "hello" or "auth user" in their titles
# by separating them with ";" character
$ npx cypress run --env grep="hello; auth user"
# run tests tagged @fast
$ npx cypress run --env grepTags=@fast
# run only the tests tagged "smoke"
# that have "login" in their titles
$ npx cypress run --env grep=login,grepTags=smoke


Watch the video intro to cypress-grep which shows how this repository tags tests, uses cypress-grep plugin, and sets up the TypeScript intelligent code completion.

You can also watch How I organize pull request workflows where I show how the GitHub workflows in .github/workflows are organized to run the smoke tests first on pull request.

Read the blog post Burning Tests with cypress-grep that shows how to run the selected test multiple times in a row.


You can filter tests to run using part of their title via grep, and via explicit tags via grepTags Cypress environment variables.

Most likely you will pass these environment variables from the command line. For example, to only run tests with "login" in their title and tagged "smoke", you would run:

$ npx cypress run --env grep=login,grepTags=smoke

You can use any way to modify the environment values grep and grepTags, except the run-time Cypress.env('grep') (because it is too late at run-time). You can set the grep value in the cypress.json file to run only tests with the substring viewport in their names

  "env": {
    "grep": "viewport"

You can also set the env.grep object in the plugin file, but remember to return the changed config object:

// cypress/plugin/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  config.env.grep = 'viewport'
  return config

You can also set the grep and grepTags from the DevTools console while running Cypress in the interactive mode cypress open, see DevTools Console section.

Disable grep

If you specify the grep parameters inside cypress.json file, you can disable it from the command line

$ npx cypress run --env grep=,grepTags=,burn=

grep by test title

# run all tests with "hello" in their title
$ npx cypress run --env grep=hello
# run all tests with "hello world" in their title
$ npx cypress run --env grep="hello world"
# run all tests WITHOUT "hello world" in their title
$ npx cypress run --env grep="-hello world"

You can pass multiple title substrings to match separating them with ; character. Each substring is trimmed.

# run all tests with "hello world" or "auth user" in their title
$ npx cypress run --env grep="hello world; auth user"

Filter with tags

You can select tests to run or skip using tags by passing --env grepTags=... value.

# enable the tests with tag "one" or "two"
--env grepTags="one two"
# enable the tests with both tags "one" and "two"
--env grepTags="one+two"
# enable the tests with "hello" in the title and tag "smoke"
--env grep=hello,grepTags=smoke

Tags in the test config object

Cypress tests can have their own test config object, and when using this plugin you can put the test tags there, either as a single tag string or as an array of tags.

it('works as an array', { tags: ['config', 'some-other-tag'] }, () => {

it('works as a string', { tags: 'config' }, () => {

You can run both of these tests using --env grepTags=config string.

TypeScript users

Because the Cypress test config object type definition does not have the tags property we are using above, the TypeScript linter will show an error. Just add an ignore comment above the test:

// @ts-ignore
it('runs on deploy', { tags: 'smoke' }, () => {

This package comes with src/index.d.ts definition file that adds the property tags to the Cypress test overrides interface. Include this file in your specs or TS config settings. For example, you can load it using a reference comment

// cypress/integration/my-spec.js
/// <reference types="cypress-grep" />

Test suites

The tags are also applied to the "describe" blocks. In that case, the tests look up if any of their outer suites are enabled.

describe('block with config tag', { tags: '@smoke' }, () => {
# run any tests in the blocks having "@smoke" tag
--env grepTags=@smoke
# skip any blocks with "@smoke" tag
--env grepTags=-@smoke

See the cypress/integration/describe-tags-spec.js file.

AND tags

Use + to require both tags to be present

--env grepTags=@smoke+@fast

Invert tag

You can skip running the tests with specific tag using the invert option: prefix the tag with the character -.

# do not run any tests with tag "@slow"
--env grepTags=-@slow

If you want to run all tests with tag @slow but without tag @smoke:

--env grepTags=@slow+-@smoke

OR tags

You can run tests that match one tag or another using spaces. Make sure to quote the grep string!

# run tests with tags "@slow" or "@critical" in their names
--env grepTags='@slow @critical'


You can repeat (burn) the filtered tests to make sure they are flake-free

npx cypress run --env grep="hello world",burn=5

You can pass the number of times to run the tests via environment name burn or grepBurn or grep-burn. Note, if a lot of tests match the grep and grep tags, a lot of tests will be burnt!

General advice

  • keep it simple.
  • I like using @ as tag prefix to make the tags searchable
// ✅ good practice
describe('auth', { tags: '@critical' }, () => ...)
it('works', { tags: '@smoke' }, () => ...)
it('works quickly', { tags: ['@smoke', '@fast'] }, () => ...)

// ERROR: treated as a single tag,
// probably want an array instead
it('works', { tags: '@smoke @fast' }, () => ...)

Grepping the tests

# run the tests by title
$ npx cypress run --env grep="works quickly"
# run all tests tagged @smoke
$ npx cypress run --env grepTags=@smoke
# run all tests except tagged @smoke
$ npx cypress run --env grepTags=-@smoke
# run all tests that have tag @fast but do not have tag @smoke
$ npx cypress run --env grepTags=@fast+-@smoke

I would run all tests by default, and grep tests from the command line. For example, I could run the smoke tests first using grep plugin, and if the smoke tests pass, then run all the tests. See the video How I organize pull request workflows by running smoke tests first and its pull request workflow file.

DevTools console

You can set the grep string from the DevTools Console. This plugin adds method Cypress.grep and Cypress.grepTags to set the grep strings and restart the tests

// filter tests by title substring
Cypress.grep('hello world')
// run filtered tests 100 times
Cypress.grep('hello world', null, 100)
// filter tests by tag string
// in this case will run tests with tag @smoke OR @fast
Cypress.grep(null, '@smoke @fast')
// run tests tagged @smoke AND @fast
Cypress.grep(null, '@smoke+@fast')
// run tests with title containing "hello" and tag @smoke
Cypress.grep('hello', '@smoke')
// run tests with title containing "hello" and tag @smoke 10 times
Cypress.grep('hello', '@smoke', 10)
  • to remove the grep strings enter Cypress.grep()


This module uses debug to log verbose messages. To enable debug console messages, from the DevTools console set localStorage.debug='cypress-grep' and run the tests again.

Debug messages


See also

Migration guide

from v1 to v2

In v2 we have separated grepping by part of the title string from tags.


--env grep="one two"

The above scenario was confusing - did you want to find all tests with title containing "one two" or did you want to run tests tagged one or two?


# enable the tests with string "one two" in their titles
--env grep="one two"
# enable the tests with tag "one" or "two"
--env grepTags="one two"
# enable the tests with both tags "one" and "two"
--env grepTags="one+two"
# enable the tests with "hello" in the title and tag "smoke"
--env grep=hello,grepTags=smoke

Small print

Author: Gleb Bahmutov <[email protected]> © 2021

License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.

Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Gleb Bahmutov <[email protected]>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Update plugin to be compatible with Cypress 10

    Update plugin to be compatible with Cypress 10

    Hello 👋 I'm writing on behalf of the Cypress DX team. We wanted to notify you that some changes may need to be made to this plugin to ensure that it works in Cypress 10.

    For more information, here is our official plugin update guide.

    opened by admah 16
  • Can't run grepFilterSpecs and grepOmitFiltered

    Can't run grepFilterSpecs and grepOmitFiltered

    Hi, I am struggling to run the grepFilterSpecs and grepOmitFiltered options.

    Can't get it to work, not in CI, but mainly not even locally.

    config.env.grepTags = '@smoke';
    config.env.grepFilterSpecs = true;
    config.env.grepOmitFiltered = true;


    npx cypress run --env grepTags=@smoke,grepFilterSpecs=true,grepOmitFiltered=true


      "env": {
        "grepTags": "@smoke",
        "grepFilterSpecs": true,
        "grepOmitFiltered": true

    What is interesting - the configurations above will correctly run only tests with a @smoke tag, but the grepFilterSpecs and grepOmitFiltered are not taken into account. The output still shows pending tests both in run mode and in GUI:


    Expected: Tests without the @smoke tag should not be skipped (pending) but ommited.

    The plugin is registered in plugins/index.js require('cypress-grep/src/plugin')(config); Cypress v. 8.7.0

    Any hint will be appreciated.

    Cheers, Dario

    opened by darioprinc 13
  • "grepFilterSpecs": true not working when passed through env files

    I have env files for each environment (dev,qa,uat,prod) when passing "grepFilterSpecs": true in the env file grepFilterSpecs is not working. I am thinking this either a bug or I am not loading/registering the module to the plugin file correctly. Be below is an example of my plugin file, env file and debug console.

    Plugin file `/// // *********************************************************** // This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins // // You can change the location of this file or turn off loading // the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option. // // You can read more here: // // ***********************************************************

    // This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to // the project's config changing)


    • @type {Cypress.PluginConfig} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars

    const { on } = require('events'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path');

    function getConfigurationByFile(file) { const pathToConfigFile = path.resolve('config', ${file}.json);

    return fs.readJson(pathToConfigFile); }

    module.exports = (on, config) => { // on is used to hook into various events Cypress emits // config is the resolved Cypress config const file = config.env.configFile || 'qa'; let newConfig = getConfigurationByFile(file); require('cypress-grep/src/plugin')(newConfig);

    return newConfig;


    env file

    { "baseUrl": "", "env": { "name": "qa", "FAIL_FAST_STRATEGY": "spec", "FAIL_FAST_ENABLED": true, "grepTags": "@SMOKE", "grepBurn": 1, "grepFilterSpecs": true, "grepOmitFiltered": true } }

    debug log {grep: undefined, grepTags: '@SMOKE ', grepBurn: 1, omitFiltered: true, version: '2.12.1'}

    What is displaying in cypress settings config image

    Cypress version 9.1.1 cypress-grep version 2.12.1

    opened by shutchison-bai 11
  • How can I repeatedly run/burn a scenario (written in cucumber) for a specific number of times through cypress-grep?

    How can I repeatedly run/burn a scenario (written in cucumber) for a specific number of times through cypress-grep?

    I have installed cypress-grep plugin as a dev dependency so that I can run a cucumber scenario a specific number of times to check its flakiness. These are the changes I have made:

    1. yarn add -D cypress-grep which adds this dependency in package.json
    2. Made this entry require('cypress-grep')() in cypress/support > index.js
    3. Optionally, also made the following below entry here cypress/plugins > index.js
    module.exports = (on, config) => {
    1. Now I am trying to run a scenario (title contains "hello") inside a feature file multiple times to check its flakiness cypress/integration/folderA/sample.feature. For this, I am executing the following command: npx cypress run --spec "cypress/integration/folderA/sample.feature" --env grep=hello,burn=10

    But every time the command runs, I get the following error:

    The error was:
    Error: Webpack Compilation Error
    ./cypress/integration/folderA/sample.feature 1:15
    Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:15)
    You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
    > Feature: Feature file name
    |   Background: Sample background title
    This occurred while Cypress was compiling and bundling your test code. This is usually caused by:
    - A missing file or dependency
    - A syntax error in the file or one of its dependencies
    Fix the error in your code and re-run your tests.

    I am not sure what this error is trying to tell me and how do I fix it. P.S: I have even referred this but it only talks about spec (.js) files and not feature (.feature) files:

    opened by praveenpandey02 9
  • Cypress-Grep : All the specs are executing , not only the spec where the particular tag is given

    Cypress-Grep : All the specs are executing , not only the spec where the particular tag is given

    For me it executed all the specs under integration rather the tag given. I followed below steps. Could you please let me know where I have done wrong?

    1. Install grep

    2. Package.json "smoke:qa": "cypress run --env grepTags="Smoke" --browser chrome",

    3. index.js require('cypress-grep')

    4. Added the Smoke tag for a spec describe('ID - 343 : Verify Navigate to "Assisted Service" Page, Heading & Grid Fields',{tags:'Smoke'}, function () {

    5. Execute the below command; npm run smoke:qa

    enhancement released 
    opened by dilugit 8
  • Inherit tags between describe(context) and it

    Inherit tags between describe(context) and it

    This is a great plugin! I loved mocha's test tagging and glad it has a complementary plugin for cypress 🙏

    What I find a bit confusing though is this case:

    describe('Screen A', { tags: ['@smoke', '@screen-a'] }, () => {
      it('should navigate to Screen B successfully', { tags: ['@screen-b'] }, () => {
        // do something that eventually sends the page to screen b.

    if I run cypress run --env grepTags="@smoke+@screen-b" I'd expect it to run the test, because I assume that describe adds some context to the test, and tags would have been included in this context (similar to how beforeEach of an ancestor describe is run for all of its descendant its ).

    However, this didn't work, and looking a bit at the code it looks like tags are calculated separately for describe and it, and only if the describe contains tags matching the current grep it'll try running all of the its inside it.

    So, this works:

    describe('Screen A', { tags: ['@smoke', '@screen-a'] }, () => {
      it('should navigate to Screen B successfully', { tags: ['@smoke', '@screen-b'] }, () => {
        // do something that eventually sends the page to screen b.

    However, it feels odd to me... why would I need to specify @smoke twice? I know it makes things a bit more explict, and explicitness is good, but this is a contrived example. What if I have multiple describes (2-3-4 aren't that far-fetched), and some of them contain tags, I'd then have to specify all the tags, all the way down, everywhere I have at least one additional tag. This makes things harder to maintain if I'm having to always have to keep them in sync.

    Changing to this behavior would mean that describes are no longer "skipped" in advance, instead, they're run as is, and their tags would be collected along the way till we get to the it and then calculate if that it should run according to all of the tags.

    If this change is desired then I'd be happy to implement it :)

    opened by oririner-wiz 8
  • Filter out to run only 1 test from the rest of the loop

    Filter out to run only 1 test from the rest of the loop

    We have a suite (describe) consists of a few tests (it). On top of that suite, we have a for loop to iterate through that suite.

    We are using cypress-grep to filter out a handful of tests for smoke test or acceptance test run. Is it possible to filter out or run only 1 test in said loop?

    opened by quad5 7
  • Using grepUntagged to notify on untagged tests

    Using grepUntagged to notify on untagged tests


    I've split all of my tests into 4 groups (@A, @B, @C, @D), and created a GitHub Action that runs 5 instances of Cypress in parallel. Each instance covers one group, and the 5th instance runs using grepUntagged=true. I'm also using the flags grepFilterSpecs and grepOmitFiltered, to completely ignore tagged tests from other groups.

    When running the 5th instance, all of the specs are shown in the logs, but they are completed after 1-2 ms (as expected). I wanted to ask if there's a way I can create some kind of notification if the 5th instance (running untagged tests) actually runs a test? Ideally, I want all of my tests to be covered, so I want to comment on the PR if the CI found an untagged test.

    I'd appreciate your help!

    UPDATE: I managed to create the notification I needed using a shell script that queries the test amount from all of the mochawesome JSONs, but it feels a bit too complicated. So now I just want to know if cypress-grep can provide this notification more cleanly?

    opened by yonatanaftali 7
  • grepTags and grepOmitFiltered:true runs skipped tests

    grepTags and grepOmitFiltered:true runs skipped tests

    When grepTags and grepOmitFiltered:true are used together, skipped tests ( via it.skip) are not skipped.

    When a test is skipped via it.skip, it is not skipped when grepOmitFiltered:true is used in conjunction with grep tags.

    opened by sivapriya-k 7
  • Runs before block as well although the tests don't run

    Runs before block as well although the tests don't run

    One specific issue is that the before block runs for tests which are not supposed to run.

    describe('My First Test', () => {
      it('Does not do much! @smoke', () => {
      it("Does not do much either!, but shouldn't run", () => {
    describe('Tests with before block', () => {
      before('You know, setting up fixtures', () => {
        cy.log('setting up fixtures')
      it('Tests with the before block', () => {
      it("Tests with the before block, again", () => {

    Strangely the commands of the before block doesn't show up in the command log. Here if I grep with @smoke the tests in second describe block won't run but the before block does. Is there any way to skip them as well ?

    opened by vkolgi 7
  • cypress-grep not working for me using Typescript

    cypress-grep not working for me using Typescript

    I ran DEBUG=cypress-grep cypress run --spec cypress/integration/test.spec.ts --env grep=zebra


    cypress-grep: tests with "zebra" in their names
      cypress-grep Cypress config env object: { grep: 'zebra' } +0ms
      cypress-grep plugin version 2.13.1 +2ms


    describe('test', { tags: 'spectag' }, () => {
      before(() => {
      it('tag1', { tags: 'tag1' }, () => {
      it('tag2', { tags: 'tag2' }, () => {
      it('tag1tag2', { tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] }, () => {

    Outcome: spec with all 3 it() ran with no filtering performed when no test should be running cause of grep=zebra tried grepTag=tag1 and all it() ran too.

    I installed "cypress-grep": "^2.13.1"

    import 'cypress-grep'; in cypress/support/index.ts

    import * as cypressGrep from 'cypress-grep/src/plugin';
    module.exports = (on, config) => {
      return cypressGrep(config);

    in cypress/plugins/index.js

      "compilerOptions": {
        "allowJs": true,
        "target": "es5",
        "lib": ["es5", "dom"],
        "types": ["cypress", "cypress-grep"]
      "include": ["**/*.ts"]

    in tsconfig.json

    npm ls cypress-grep shows me [email protected] correctly

    Please help let me know if I m missing anything here. Thank you in advance!

    opened by chinkjieh 6
  • typescript is always return error about the tags object if we don't add //@ts-ignore

    typescript is always return error about the tags object if we don't add //@ts-ignore

    Intellj always return a typescript error about the object of tags even it's defined as "type" inside the typescript compiler configurat file and also is part of the "include" files. please your assistance.

    Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 12 16 01

    opened by idanElitzur 5
  • Open redirect vulnerability in Cypress-grep dependency

    Open redirect vulnerability in Cypress-grep dependency

    A vulnerability was found in the 'got' dependency in Cypres grep. This is fixed in version 11.8.5, 12.1.0 or higher. Check link below for more info.

    opened by awallemo 0
Gleb Bahmutov
JavaScript ninja, image processing expert, software quality fanatic. Ex-VP of Engineering at @cypress-io. MS MVP for OSS work.
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