The app helps you to add todo items to your list, mark completed ones and also delete finished items. Its a handy tool for your day today activies. Check out the live demo.


Todo List App

The app helps you to add todo items to your list, mark completed ones and also delete finished items. Its a handy tool for your day today activies. Check out the live demo.


Built With

  • HTML, CSS and Js (ES6).
  • No Frameworks
  • Webpack
  • Git, Github and VsCode. -jest framework

Live Demo

  • Click here for the live site.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • A modern upto-date browser
  • Text Editor or IDE


  • copy the git link for cloning.


  • Open terminal
  • run git clone (link)
  • run nmp install
  • run npm build
  • run npm start


  • run npm test


  • open index.html file with a server or localhost.


👤 Billions Atugonza joel

👤 Mugisha Samuel

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • javascript best practices

    javascript best practices

    hey @billionsjoel ✋ while I was reviewing your codebase I found it well organized with best practice 🥇

    but they are still some issues to work on to better improve it.

    • on below line you should consider creating a list node and bind it to ul as best practice instead of overwriting string to ul 👍

    opened by mugishasam123 2


    This PR suggests code reviews for the es6 awesome books app

    • we suggest that you sort your array element in the sort function rather than having an entire module ex arr.sort((a,b) => a.index-b.index).
    • we suggest that use forEach instead of map if you are just going to loop through the array.
    • we suggest that you pass the todos array as a parameter instead of redeclaring it in each module.
    • we suggest that you call the renderAllTasks method every time you update your array that way you can avoid having the renderTask method.
    opened by rachidelaid 1
  • Add and remove feature with interactive list

    Add and remove feature with interactive list

    This PR adds and removes tasks with the interactive list actions

    • Adding a new item.
    • Removing a selected item.
    • Marking a selected item as complete.
    • Removing all items marked as complete at once.
    • Add new JavaScript files and import it as a module:
    • it will contain methods related to the status updates (completed: true / false).
    • Add event listener to the checkbox (change).
    • Update items object's value for completed key upon user actions.
    • Implement a function for the "Clear all completed" button (use filter() method).
    • Store the updated array of items in local storage, so the user gets the correct list values after the page reloads.
    opened by billionsjoel 1
  • Test feature

    Test feature

    This PR creates tests for the todo list app.

    • Create a test file ([..].test.js) for a file containing the add item and delete item functions that you want to test.

    • Take a look at each of these functions. Are they pure functions? If the answer is "yes" then writing tests for them should be straightforward. Some of those functions however will update localStorage and manipulate the DOM. For those, you will need to use mocks:

    • Mock a storage object to "imitate" localStorage operations (only if you are using jest < 24.x, in newer versions localStorage is mocked automatically).

    • Mock HTML to test if add/delete functions add or remove exactly one

    • element to/from the list in the DOM.

    • Make sure you group your tests using the describe() method.

    opened by billionsjoel 0


    1. I can see code functionality works well but I would suggest using destructing for best practices.
    Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 09 18 40
    1. Use classes to avoid variable repetitions so you can keep it DRY. I can see you are calling this variable almost in every file.

    Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 09 20 08.

    1. Good job on HTML and CSS good practices although I suggest that you avoid using the !important value as much as possible.
    Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 09 22 06
    1. Good use of the compare module for sorting tasks although I suggest that you refactor and remove it because of YAGNI. You can sort within the sort function
    Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 09 24 50
    opened by billionsjoel 0
  • To Do list: list structure

    To Do list: list structure

    This PR creates a todo list structure

    • Set an array of some simple to do tasks (array of objects). Each task object contains three keys: 1. description [string]. 2. completed [bool]. 3. index: [number].

    • A function to iterate over the tasks array and populate an HTML list item element for each task.

    • On page load the list renders and the list appears in order of the index values for each task.

    • All files in the dist are auto-generated by webpack.

    opened by billionsjoel 0


    This issue presents code reviews suggested on 25th-Jan-2022.

    • We suggest you add the drag and drop feature to make the project complete. 😄
    • We think it would be a good idea to move the test files to a test directory for modularity and a clean codebase.
    • We also suggest that you fix the mobile version of the app. It looks like the app breaks on extra small devices.
    opened by billionsjoel 3
Atugonza ( Billions ) Joel
FullStack Software Developer at Laravel enthusiast. Stack: | Javascript | React & Redux | Ruby | Rails | Postgresql | SQL | APIs. Open to Work
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