Command line tool that automatically migrates tests from protractor to playwright.


Protractor to Playwright migration tool

npm codecov

This tool is designed to automatically migrate code from Protractor to Playwright. It is inspired by the "Migrating from Protractor" guide in Playwright documentation.


The migration can be done directly by executing the following command in the e2e root folder:

npx @amadeus-it-group/protractor-to-playwright@latest --dst='relative/path/to/e2e-playwright-folder' --tsconfig='relative/path/to/tsconfig.conf.ts'

Basically, it takes these arguments:

  • cwd: Current directory to consider.Current directory by default,
  • src: Root folder of the e2e protractor tests. Current directory by default,
  • dst: Destination folder of the converted files. By default, the files are replaced at the same location,
  • tsconfig: tsconfig file, relative to the current directory. Whereas this parameter is not mandatory, it is advised to fill it if your e2e project is setup with a tsconfig.
  • file: optional glob pattern of the files to convert. By default '**/*.{ts, js}'.
  • test: optional parameter to convert the it keywords to test or test.step. You can prefer to use the steps if your successive tests in your files are not independant. It can take the following values:
    • test (default): 'it' are replaced by 'test', the {page} parameter is inserted and the setPage(page) is called at the first line to save the page globally.
    • step: 'it' are replaced by 'await test.step'. You will have to finish the conversion by wrapping your test.step in a test.

You can get the help on the usage with npx @amadeus-it-group/protractor-to-playwright@latest --help


A file 'playwright-utils' is added at the root of destination folder. It contains useful functions to help the conversion.

In protractor, there is a notion of current page from where you can do actions. In Playwright, this page is given in the callback function parameter of a test. In order to reproduce the Protractor behaviour, the setPage function (of playwright-utils) must be used at the start of each test to store the current page, which can be retrieved at any time with the getPage function. The test object of playwright-utils must be used as well, in order to clear the current page at the end of the test.

Migration stategy

You can adopt different migration strategies depending on your project. This is an example of how it can be done:

  • Create a new branch for the migration,
  • Create the e2e-playwright folder, and setup a Playwright configuration.
  • Go to your project folder and open a command line,
  • Run npx @amadeus-it-group/protractor-to-playwright@latest --src=e2e --dst='e2e-playwright' --tsconfig='e2e/tsconfig.conf.ts' (e2e contains the protractor suite, e2e-playwright the folder for Playwright, e2e/tsconfig.conf.ts is the tsconfig for your protractor tests),
  • Check the results:
    • Check the console output (also saved in playwright-migration.log) to see some not transformed code.
    • Check the Typescript errors of the new files.
    • Check the work to be finished on your side (see the next section for more explanation).

The new code will not work directly and will require manual changes. At this point, either you detect that something can be improved in the tool, so you can contact us or open a PR, or the migration can be finished on your side in a reasonable time. At any time, you can use the 'file' parameter to migrate only a set of files.

At this point you can either wait for a new release with fixes or finish the work on your side (and you will not need the migration tool anymore :).

Code that will need a review/refactor by the application team

  • The test functions (replacement of 'it') are run with isolation, meaning that a new browser page is recreated for each test. After the conversion, you should check that:

    • beforeAll and afterAll would probably need to be converted in beforeEach and afterEach.

    • Your tests are independent. If it's not the case, they will need to be converted in 'test.step' inside a test (you can use the test parameter to convert them globally, if it's easier to finish the conversion).

      For example, after the migration, you can have:

          test('test 1', async({page}) => {
          test('test 2', async({page}) => {
              // Test 2 depends on the actions done in test 1

      As test 2 depends on test 1, you will need to convert the code this way:

          import { setPage } from "../../playwright-utils"; // Path to be adapted
          test('Global description', async ({page}) => {
              await test.step('test 1', async () => {
              await test.step('test 2', async () => {
                  // Test 2 depends on the actions done in test 1
  • ElementArrayFinder.filter : This function returns a ElementArrayFinder, which can be chained with usual protractor methods. It will probably need to be refactored.

  • ExpectedConditions : even if a lot of these utility methods have been translated, the code would probably not need it and be refactored.

For example, in the following code:

    const button ='#buttonId');
    await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.presenceOf(button));

The line browser.wait is not needed at all, as Playwright provides all this waiting actions in the


    await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.titleIs('My title'));

Must be replaced by:

    await expect(page).toHaveTitle('My title')
  • ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent : alerts are managed with events in playwright. Need to be done differently.
  • ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable : usually useless, as Playwright manage it internally.
  • by.model(...) and by.repeater(...) are converted into [ng-model="..."] and [ng-repeat*="..."] selectors, but the logic in Protractor is more complex (see here for ng-model and here for ng-repeat). You'll have to adapt them if needed.

Found an issue?

This tool is designed to help the migration by doing as much as possible, but the migration may have to be completed manually.

If you detect a generic case which can be handled by the tool, don't hesitate to contact us. Some specific cases are project dependant, and must be managed by the project developers to finish the migration.

  • Not able to convert the file , destination folder is empty, also I want to try for converting js file , is there any option for that?

    Not able to convert the file , destination folder is empty, also I want to try for converting js file , is there any option for that?

    PS D:\Playrightconversions> npx @amadeus-it-group/protractor-to-playwright@latest --src=D:\Automation_Repository\ui-platform-automation --dst='D:\conversion' validateAttributeMessage-po.js step Start migration Apply 0 transformations Migration finished

    in my case, it is showing 0 migrations, let me know anything which I need to change here?

    opened by meghanagandhi-rs 8
  • Adding dependabot configuration

    Adding dependabot configuration

    The documentation is here:

    opened by divdavem 4
  • Migrated code is using playwright-utils dependency which has been deprecated

    Migrated code is using playwright-utils dependency which has been deprecated

    Automation code having having locators in Protractor are being migrated as Protractor locator: var refreshButton = element('tci-list-header-refresh')); Migrated locator:
    var refreshButton = getPage().locator('.ng-app-list-name');

    getPage is a fixture of playwright-utils which has been deprecated similarly all the browser.sleep or browser.wait() are converted into await getPage().waitForTimeout(3000) await waitCondition(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(appPage.uploadButton()), 5000, 'button not found');

    All the files have been added with this dependency import { getPage, ExpectedConditions, waitCondition } from "../../../playwright-utils";

    Do we have a workaround or fix for such conversions?

    opened by avndwivedi09 2
  • Fix incorrectly added

    Fix incorrectly added "await" when there is an assignment to a variable

    The following line:

    promise = $('.a').click();

    was incorrectly transformed into:

    await promise = page.locator('.a').click();

    This PR makes sure await is no longer added in that case:

    promise = page.locator('.a').click();
    opened by divdavem 2
  • Destination path is created along with converted file

    Destination path is created along with converted file

    When trying to convert .js files using npx @amadeus-it-group/protractor-to-playwrite@latest --file='xxx\xx\file.js' --dst='tests\xxx\xxx' We are getting converted file. js along with its original path created in the destination folder

    opened by suhasKaginkar 2
  • Not able to replace by.tagName('a'), by.css('.a') etc with playwright specific replacement

    Not able to replace by.tagName('a'), by.css('.a') etc with playwright specific replacement

    I am trying to convert one of the protractor test file to playwright. While doing so element gets replaced with page.locator but by.css('.a') doesn't get replaced with '.a' For eg. element(by.css("a[title='Sort']")).click() should get replaced with page.locator("a[title='Sort']").click(). Instead I am getting page.locator(by.css("a[title='Sort']")).click() This is one of the examples. The issue is same while replacing by.linkText('b'), by.cssContainingText('a', 'b'),'a') etc with playwright specific replacements

    I'm attaching the the files both original and converted one in text format. Please look into it. Is there something I'm missing that leads to this issue? Kindly guide. original.spec.txt converted.spec.txt

    opened by Sourabhkelani 2
  • Replacement for clear().sendKeys(filterText)

    Replacement for clear().sendKeys(filterText)

    Hi, In Protrcator we have this mechanism to clear input and then add data Eg. element(by.css('[fisid="leftSearchFilter_1"]')).clear().sendKeys(filterText); While passing it through migration tool it gives below results getPage().locator('[fisid="leftSearchFilter_1"]').fill('').sendKeys(filterText); In playwright there is no concept of clear. If we want to clear and pass something, we can use fill directly. The above conversion should be as below await getPage().locator('[fisid="leftSearchFilter_1"]').fill((filterText); Note: await is also missing

    Can you please check and see is it possible to have this in script Thank You!

    opened by Sourabhkelani 0
  • Missing conversion for browser.actions

    Missing conversion for browser.actions

    browser.actions is not converted yet.

    Several actions can be chained and will finish by a perform() call. To convert them, we will need to split all these actions to several lines.

    The scope of the conversion will probably limited to the complete browser.actions. ... .perform() line, as it will be hard to manage, for example, a variable storing actions to perform it later...

    opened by fbasso 0
  • Simplify setPage usage

    Simplify setPage usage

    The idea is to see if we can find a way to simplify the setPage usage. At the moment, it is mandatory to set it at the start of each test.

    Some options:

    • add a beforeEach at the top of the spec file.
    • run the page fixture automatically (but it will prevent the api test from working without a page)
    opened by fbasso 2
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