Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation


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zxcvbn is a password strength estimator inspired by password crackers. Through pattern matching and conservative estimation, it recognizes and weighs 30k common passwords, common names and surnames according to US census data, popular English words from Wikipedia and US television and movies, and other common patterns like dates, repeats (aaa), sequences (abcd), keyboard patterns (qwertyuiop), and l33t speak.

Consider using zxcvbn as an algorithmic alternative to password composition policy — it is more secure, flexible, and usable when sites require a minimal complexity score in place of annoying rules like "passwords must contain three of {lower, upper, numbers, symbols}".

  • More secure: policies often fail both ways, allowing weak passwords (P@ssword1) and disallowing strong passwords.
  • More flexible: zxcvbn allows many password styles to flourish so long as it detects sufficient complexity — passphrases are rated highly given enough uncommon words, keyboard patterns are ranked based on length and number of turns, and capitalization adds more complexity when it's unpredictaBle.
  • More usable: zxcvbn is designed to power simple, rule-free interfaces that give instant feedback. In addition to strength estimation, zxcvbn includes minimal, targeted verbal feedback that can help guide users towards less guessable passwords.

For further detail and motivation, please refer to the USENIX Security '16 paper and presentation.

At Dropbox we use zxcvbn (Release notes) on our web, desktop, iOS and Android clients. If JavaScript doesn't work for you, others have graciously ported the library to these languages:

Integrations with other frameworks:


zxcvbn detects and supports CommonJS (node, browserify) and AMD (RequireJS). In the absence of those, it adds a single function zxcvbn() to the global namespace.


Install node and bower if you haven't already.

Get zxcvbn:

cd /path/to/project/root
bower install zxcvbn

Add this script to your index.html:

<script src="bower_components/zxcvbn/dist/zxcvbn.js">

To make sure it loaded properly, open in a browser and type zxcvbn('Tr0ub4dour&3') into the console.

To pull in updates and bug fixes:

bower update zxcvbn

Node / npm / MeteorJS

zxcvbn works identically on the server.

$ npm install zxcvbn
$ node
> var zxcvbn = require('zxcvbn');
> zxcvbn('Tr0ub4dour&3');


Add zxcvbn.js to your project (using bower, npm or direct download) and import as usual:

requirejs(["relpath/to/zxcvbn"], function (zxcvbn) {

Browserify / Webpack

If you're using npm and have require('zxcvbn') somewhere in your code, browserify and webpack should just work.

$ npm install zxcvbn
$ echo "console.log(require('zxcvbn'))" > mymodule.js
$ browserify mymodule.js > browserify_bundle.js
$ webpack mymodule.js webpack_bundle.js

But we recommend against bundling zxcvbn via tools like browserify and webpack, for three reasons:

  • Minified and gzipped, zxcvbn is still several hundred kilobytes. (Significantly grows bundle size.)
  • Most sites will only need zxcvbn on a few pages (registration, password reset).
  • Most sites won't need zxcvbn() immediately upon page load; since zxcvbn() is typically called in response to user events like filling in a password, there's ample time to fetch zxcvbn.js after initial html/css/js loads and renders.

See the performance section below for tips on loading zxcvbn stand-alone.

Tangentially, if you want to build your own standalone, consider tweaking the browserify pipeline used to generate dist/zxcvbn.js:

$ browserify --debug --standalone zxcvbn \
    -t coffeeify --extension='.coffee' \
    -t uglifyify \
    src/main.coffee | exorcist dist/zxcvbn.js.map >| dist/zxcvbn.js
  • --debug adds an inline source map to the bundle. exorcist pulls it out into dist/zxcvbn.js.map.
  • --standalone zxcvbn exports a global zxcvbn when CommonJS/AMD isn't detected.
  • -t coffeeify --extension='.coffee' compiles .coffee to .js before bundling. This is convenient as it allows .js modules to import from .coffee modules and vice-versa. Instead of this transform, one could also compile everything to .js first (npm run prepublish) and point browserify to lib instead of src.
  • -t uglifyify minifies the bundle through UglifyJS, maintaining proper source mapping.

Manual installation

Download zxcvbn.js.

Add to your .html:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/zxcvbn.js"></script>


try zxcvbn interactively to see these docs in action.

zxcvbn(password, user_inputs=[])

zxcvbn() takes one required argument, a password, and returns a result object with several properties:

result.guesses            # estimated guesses needed to crack password
result.guesses_log10      # order of magnitude of result.guesses

result.crack_times_seconds # dictionary of back-of-the-envelope crack time
                          # estimations, in seconds, based on a few scenarios:
  # online attack on a service that ratelimits password auth attempts.

  # online attack on a service that doesn't ratelimit,
  # or where an attacker has outsmarted ratelimiting.

  # offline attack. assumes multiple attackers,
  # proper user-unique salting, and a slow hash function
  # w/ moderate work factor, such as bcrypt, scrypt, PBKDF2.

  # offline attack with user-unique salting but a fast hash
  # function like SHA-1, SHA-256 or MD5. A wide range of
  # reasonable numbers anywhere from one billion - one trillion
  # guesses per second, depending on number of cores and machines.
  # ballparking at 10B/sec.

result.crack_times_display # same keys as result.crack_times_seconds,
                           # with friendlier display string values:
                           # "less than a second", "3 hours", "centuries", etc.

result.score      # Integer from 0-4 (useful for implementing a strength bar)

  0 # too guessable: risky password. (guesses < 10^3)

  1 # very guessable: protection from throttled online attacks. (guesses < 10^6)

  2 # somewhat guessable: protection from unthrottled online attacks. (guesses < 10^8)

  3 # safely unguessable: moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses < 10^10)

  4 # very unguessable: strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses >= 10^10)

result.feedback   # verbal feedback to help choose better passwords. set when score <= 2.

  result.feedback.warning     # explains what's wrong, eg. 'this is a top-10 common password'.
                              # not always set -- sometimes an empty string

  result.feedback.suggestions # a possibly-empty list of suggestions to help choose a less
                              # guessable password. eg. 'Add another word or two'

result.sequence   # the list of patterns that zxcvbn based the
                  # guess calculation on.

result.calc_time  # how long it took zxcvbn to calculate an answer,
                  # in milliseconds.

The optional user_inputs argument is an array of strings that zxcvbn will treat as an extra dictionary. This can be whatever list of strings you like, but is meant for user inputs from other fields of the form, like name and email. That way a password that includes a user's personal information can be heavily penalized. This list is also good for site-specific vocabulary — Acme Brick Co. might want to include ['acme', 'brick', 'acmebrick', etc].


runtime latency

zxcvbn operates below human perception of delay for most input: ~5-20ms for ~25 char passwords on modern browsers/CPUs, ~100ms for passwords around 100 characters. To bound runtime latency for really long passwords, consider sending zxcvbn() only the first 100 characters or so of user input.

script load latency

zxcvbn.js bundled and minified is about 400kB gzipped or 820kB uncompressed, most of which is dictionaries. Consider these tips if you're noticing page load latency on your site.

Then try one of these alternatives:

  1. Put your <script src="zxcvbn.js"> tag at the end of your html, just before the closing </body> tag. This ensures your page loads and renders before the browser fetches and loads zxcvbn.js. The downside with this approach is zxcvbn() becomes available later than had it been included in <head> — not an issue on most signup pages where users are filling out other fields first.

  2. If you're using RequireJS, try loading zxcvbn.js separately from your main bundle. Something to watch out for: if zxcvbn.js is required inside a keyboard handler waiting for user input, the entire script might be loaded only after the user presses their first key, creating nasty latency. Avoid this by calling your handler once upon page load, independent of user input, such that the requirejs() call runs earlier.

  3. Use the HTML5 async script attribute. Downside: doesn't work in IE7-9 or Opera Mini.

  4. Include an inline <script> in <head> that asynchronously loads zxcvbn.js in the background. Advantage over (3): it works in older browsers.

// cross-browser asynchronous script loading for zxcvbn.
// adapted from http://friendlybit.com/js/lazy-loading-asyncronous-javascript/

(function() {

  var ZXCVBN_SRC = 'path/to/zxcvbn.js';

  var async_load = function() {
    var first, s;
    s = document.createElement('script');
    s.src = ZXCVBN_SRC;
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
    s.async = true;
    first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    return first.parentNode.insertBefore(s, first);

  if (window.attachEvent != null) {
    window.attachEvent('onload', async_load);
  } else {
    window.addEventListener('load', async_load, false);



Bug reports and pull requests welcome!

git clone https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn.git

zxcvbn is built with CoffeeScript, browserify, and uglify-js. CoffeeScript source lives in src, which gets compiled, bundled and minified into dist/zxcvbn.js.

npm run build    # builds dist/zxcvbn.js
npm run watch    # same, but quickly rebuilds as changes are made in src.

For debugging, both build and watch output an external source map dist/zxcvbn.js.map that points back to the original CoffeeScript code.

Two source files, adjacency_graphs.coffee and frequency_lists.coffee, are generated by python scripts in data-scripts that read raw data from the data directory.

For node developers, in addition to dist, the zxcvbn npm module includes a lib directory (hidden from git) that includes one compiled .js and .js.map file for every .coffee in src. See prepublish in package.json to learn more.


Dropbox for supporting open source!

Mark Burnett for releasing his 10M password corpus and for his 2005 book, Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection, Authentication.

Wiktionary contributors for building a frequency list of English words as used in television and movies.

Researchers at Concordia University for studying password estimation rigorously and recommending zxcvbn.

And xkcd for the inspiration 👍 🐴 🔋 ❤️

  • Custom feedback messages

    Custom feedback messages

    I need to use the library in an internationalized website, which means that I need the feedback messages in other languages. I added the optional third parameter options, in where you can pass a feedback_messages Array-like object with custom messages.

    Do you guys think it worth adding this to the library?

    Example usages:

    Redifining all the messages
    zxcvbn('example', ['paul'], {feedback_messages: ['Utilice varias palabras, evite frases comunes', ...]});
    Changing an specific message
    zxcvbn('example', ['paul'], {feedback_messages: {9: 'Sequences are easy to guess'}});
    opened by paulballesty 39
  • Browser unresponsive for long passwords (WordPress)

    Browser unresponsive for long passwords (WordPress)

    WordPress has an issue where if a long password (500+ characters) is checked for password strength, the browser becomes unresponsive for many seconds or minutes: See issue #31772 for the details.

    Possible solutions

    1. Use Web Workers to do the strength checking
      • Would this be a welcome contribution?
    2. Enhance axcvbn to stop checking strength once a specified threshold of entropy is reached.
      • What would the default threshold be?
    3. Only use zxcvbn if the password is more than 32 characters long
      • The problem with this is that weak passwords can be longer than 32 characters. E.g. 33 zeroes: 000000000000000000000000000000000
    4. Only use zxcvbn on the first 32 characters
      • Would this make zxcvbn less effective?
    5. Improve the performance of the strength-checking for longer passwords
      • Is this even possible without significantly impacting its accuracy?
    opened by BevanR 17
  • without dictionary?

    without dictionary?

    How much would I lose running this library without the dictionary part? My concern is about file size since 300kb download is unacceptable in [my] mobile scenario.. What dropbox does about that? Thanks for such library, anyhow it is awesome.

    opened by enapupe 13
  • Cleanup Structure

    Cleanup Structure

    Would suggest a preliminary cleanup of the project structure...

    data/          - data directory
    data-scripts/  - python scripts to load/parse data
    dist/          - folder for target/compiled js
    src/           - coffeescript & javascript source files
    tests/         - unit tests (mocha?)
    bower.json     - bower package info
    package.json   - npm/node package information

    package.json can reference src/(index.js) as the primary file. npm scripts can be added to package.json for build, and/or use something like gulp.

    Given that npm is already used for the installation of coffee-script and the nature of this package, it may be worthwhile to use uglify-js over closure compiler. It may not be quite as tight, but would reduce the need for external tooling (beyond node/npm) for this.

    Converting the scripts to use CommonJS/node syntax could be used in combination with Browserify for the build, enabling a global and amd target in the dist directory from the same source.

    I'd be happy to take this on, creating a fork and PR for the changes if there would be interest for including such changes/updates.

    opened by tracker1 11
  • Crack time is too optimistic

    Crack time is too optimistic

    zxcvbn assumes that passwords are hashed with bcrypt, scrypt or PBKDF2. This is fine when you know exactly what hashing algorithm is used. Sadly this isn't always the case and it should be stated more clearly in the project documentation.

    The assumed time per guess(with strong hash) is 1/10 seconds and with 100 cores that makes 1/10000 seconds. With MD5, SHA256 or SHA512, the situation is different. For example with Oclhashcat, it takes just 1/1952000000 seconds to calculate single SHA512 hash(using 8 GPUs). See oclHashcat performance table.

    For example with skjiqonjhrp, zxcvbn returns 3 years as crack time. If it was hashed with SHA512, the crack time would be about 320 seconds. I calculated it with entropy returned by zxcvbn and using the same formula as in your blog post: 0.5 * 2^40.188 * 1/1952000000. The difference is huge.

    If people would use this as a general "how good is my password" meter, it would give overly optimistic results since there are countless of services out there using MD5/SHA256/SHA512.

    opened by kimmobrunfeldt 10
  • Point to forked zxcvbn-php library that matches the JS library

    Point to forked zxcvbn-php library that matches the JS library

    The original zxcvbn-php library scores didn't match the JS libary, making it a pain to use both libraries together. It was forked to mkopinsky/zxcvbn-php and the work was done to bring it inline with the JS library. @bjeavons says his library was inspired by the original, and wasn't to be an exact match (https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php/issues/15#issuecomment-377952148)

    While listing 2 PHP libraries may be a little confusing, it would be beneficial for those looking for an exact matching library to be able to find it from this readme.

    opened by timwsuqld 8
  • "try zxcvbn interactively" link in README is broken

    The "try zxcvbn internatively" link in README, Usage section is broken now. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/209/zxcvbn/test/index.html seems returned a 404.

    I think this demo is useful and helps people understand zxcvbn more easier.

    opened by ColinNiu 8
  • Has 'time to crack' gotten shorter with more GPUs?

    Has 'time to crack' gotten shorter with more GPUs?

    The Ars Technica article http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/how-crackers-make-minced-meat-out-of-your-passwords/2/ said that they quickly bruteforced all passwords of 6 or less, plus the all-upper or all-lower passwords of length 7 or 8 in just 41 seconds.
    Yet the 'crack time (display):' for an all caps 7 char password is 5 years. I suspect more GPU power has made cracking faster.

    opened by VWFeature 8
  • added bower.json

    added bower.json

    I registered zxcvbn in the bower registry pointing to git://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn.git. It will work as is, but would be more "correct" if you have this bower.json file in your repo, and tag your commits with semver version numbers.

    opened by doughsay 8
  • Unexpected result returned by call to zxcvbn function.

    Unexpected result returned by call to zxcvbn function.


    When I call zxcvbn('Tr0ub4dour&3') from my Javascript code the returned value is not the object described in the "Usage" section of the main GitHub page, i.e.:

    result.entropy            # bits
    result.crack_time         # estimation of actual crack time, in seconds.
    result.crack_time_display # same crack time, as a friendlier string:
                              # "instant", "6 minutes", "centuries", etc.
    result.score              # [0,1,2,3,4] if crack time is less than
                              # [10**2, 10**4, 10**6, 10**8, Infinity].
                              # (useful for implementing a strength bar.)
    result.match_sequence     # the list of patterns that zxcvbn based the
                              # entropy calculation on.
    result.calc_time          # how long it took zxcvbn to calculate an answer,
                              # in milliseconds.

    but instead is the following object:

    calc_time: 3
    guesses: 594963824
    guesses_log10: 8.7744905598213
    password: "Tr0ub4dour&3"
    sequence: Array[2]
    sequence_length_multiplier_log10: 0.30102999566398114
    sequence_product_log10: 8.473460564157321

    I cannot seem to get the correct return value.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks.

    opened by danr1979 7
  • Reset user input dictionary and matcher function on each call. Fixes #31

    Reset user input dictionary and matcher function on each call. Fixes #31

    Previously the dictionary was appended to with each function call, so user_input from previous calls would persist and build up, affecting the scores of passwords that it was not intended to. Because the user input can change on each call, the dictionary and corresponding matcher function need to be reset and built with the current user input on each call.

    opened by iandunn 7
  • Dead

    Dead "Dropbox Blog Post" URL at demo site

    https://lowe.github.io/tryzxcvbn/ has a dead link, seemingly.

    "Dropbox blog link" goes to http://tech.dropbox.com/?p=165. This seems to be a friendly 404 page.

    I believe the correct link is https://dropbox.tech/security/zxcvbn-realistic-password-strength-estimation

    Cheers and thank you for your demo site!

    opened by ikjadoon 0
  • Just saying thanks

    Just saying thanks

    Hi, we just wanted to say thanks for putting this library together. It is intuitive and easy to use. We used the library to display password strength in 2 of our latest tools:

    Thanks again. -- The AwesomeTools.org team 😊

    opened by AwesomeToolsOrg 0
  • Different score for the password strength for the same string between TypeScript and Java versions

    Different score for the password strength for the same string between TypeScript and Java versions


    I'm using zxcvbn libraries on back-end and front-end of an app. For front-end: https://github.com/zxcvbn-ts/zxcvbn For back-end: https://github.com/nulab/zxcvbn4j

    The password strength score returned for the same password string, "Tiger@0177" is different for both the libraries. For TS version, it returns 3 (Strong) while for Java version, it returns 2 (Weak), which is giving a very bad UX for my users.

    Can you suggest something why is this happening and is there a way to fix this issue? TIA.

    opened by him11 5
  • recent year regex is... out of date.

    recent year regex is... out of date.

    Currently it is set to

    REGEXEN = {
      recent_year: /19\d\d|200\d|201\d/g

    it looks like it needs to be updated to include 202X

    REGEXEN = {
      recent_year: /19\d\d|20[012]\d/g

    Although that will only last a bit over 7 more years that should be enough time to figure out an even better regex update :)

    opened by matthewhively 2
  • v4.4.2(Feb 7, 2017)

  • v4.4.1(Oct 31, 2016)

    • Fixed a search bug where certain optimal bruteforce matches were being ignored. This fix has a minor impact on performance, but only added 1 millisecond or less to all percentiles in my benchmark.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.4.0(Sep 27, 2016)

  • 4.3.0(Feb 25, 2016)

    • shorter and clearer search code with a better runtime bound.
    • new sequence matching that better generalizes to other unicode alphabets.
    • a few tweaks and bugfixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.0(Nov 10, 2015)

    Overhauled dictionary processing pipeline (scripts in data-scripts).

    • zxcvbn now counts 30k top passwords from Xato.net's 10M password corpus instead of an earlier list of 10k passwords.
    • zxcvbn now counts top words from offline wikipedia dumps. Instead of 55k words from the wiktionary tv and movie study, zxcvbn now includes top 30k tokens from the study, and top 30k tokens from en wikipedia.
    • Data processing scripts are easier to use and better documented. It's now easy to, for example, add dictionaries obtained from wikipedia dumps in other locales.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.1.0(Nov 10, 2015)

    zxcvbn now includes targeted verbal feedback in addition to score and guess numbers. verbal feedback is included when score is <=2, and potentially contains a warning and a list of suggestions.

    Warnings include messages like "this is a top-10 common password", "dates are easy to guess", "rows of keys are easy to guess".

    Suggestions include messages like "add another word or two", "avoid dates that are associated with you", "common substitutions like @ for a don't help very much", etc.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.1(Oct 24, 2015)

    zxcvbn's search algorithm now penalizes pattern sequence length. The old model optimized:

    Product(match.guesses for match in sequence)

    The new model optimizes a function that includes both a multiplicative and additive penalty:

    factorial(length) * product + D^(length - 1)

    See comments in scoring.coffee for intuition around the new model.

    Backwards-incompatible changes:

    • Most property names changed in the zxcvbn() return object. Removed all mention of entropy in place of more intuitive guesses and guesses_log10. (entropy in older versions was just log2 of guesses -- a sloppy use of the term.)
    • Removed crack_time property, added instead a dictionary of crack time estimates under different scenarios -- online throttled/unthrottled, and offline with slow/fast hashing.
    • score is still on a 0-5 scale, but with adjusted thresholds to reflect resistance to some of those attack scenarios.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.5.0(Sep 14, 2015)

    • new implementation of repeat_match, supports multi-character repeat sequences.
    • reversed-word dictionary matches.
    • cross-browser testing with travis-ci, saucelabs and zuul.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.4.0(Sep 8, 2015)

  • 3.3.0(Sep 5, 2015)

    • Rewritten date_matcher that is simpler and more aggressive.
    • New matcher: regex_matcher. Includes year and contiguous digit matching, plus a few new patterns: contiguous symbols, uppers, lowers, alpha, alphanum.
    • unit tests for matching.
    • partial unit tests for scoring.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0(Aug 8, 2015)

    • Refactored source into commonjs modules.
    • Tooling overhaul: browserify/watchify/uglifyjs instead of manual compilation script w/ closure compiler.
    • Cleaned up directory structure. Source lives in src, zxcvbn.js lives in lib.

    Backwards-incompatible changes:

    • Removed zxcvbn-async-loader.js / zxcvbn-bower-loader.js, moved these into README under new performance section. Will break old bower setups.
    • Removed zxcvbn_load_hook()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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ZKZRU: Eigen ZK-ZKRollup Eigen ZK-ZKRollup provides confidential transaction for users with low gas cost. The ZK-Rollup is an extention of RollupNC an

Eigen Labs 25 Dec 22, 2022
Modern approach to Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) using webp and sharp.

lqip-modern Modern approach to Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) using webp and sharp. (demo) This approach is extremely fast and produces much sm

Travis Fischer 187 Dec 30, 2022