To Do List application that allows to add, list and remove tasks. Developed using Javascript.



To Do List exercise - Module 2 - Week 2 - Microverse Program

Module 2, Week 2 - To Do List - List structure - Project 1

Continuing work for Microverse Program -Awesome Books Project for Module 2 on Microverse Program - Week 2

Images & Video



Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Webhint
  • Stylelint
  • ESlint

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Knowledge on basic html and css
  • Text Editor (VScode, Atom, Sublime text, etc)
  • Basic knowledge of node.js


  • clone repository using git clone
  • run npm install
  • run live server

Github page for this project


👤 Author

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  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used as inspiration.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • Code Review

    Code Review

    Peer to Peer Code Review Module 2 Block 3

    Seeing such an attractive website makes the user experience very impressive. All the functions perform really well, especially when a task has completed the line through the task makes it look amazing. Like every code, this repository can be improved with the following suggestions:

    1. Before adding a new task it would be better to check if the input field is empty or not. Handling this issue it would be ensured that no empty task is added to the Todos list.
    2. Refactor storage() function: Use the advantage of anonymous function and as the code is just a single line the Flower Brackets can be removed.
    3. It's better to use the event listeners inside the window.load event. This would make sure that the events are attached after the document is loaded and no events remain unassigned.
    4. The function displayAllTodos() is working well, but it can be refactored to improve code readability.
    5. Instead of reloading the window the list can be completely revamped which would improve the user experience with the list.
    6. I suggest using the while function to delete content from HTML. It will improve the speed of this task and your code will look professional.
    7. I think it’s better if a new task will be added below to the previous task.
    opened by Saadat123456 1
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