Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond



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Flutter is Google's SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.


For announcements about new releases, follow the [email protected] mailing list. Our documentation also tracks breaking changes across releases.

Terms of service

The Flutter tool may occasionally download resources from Google servers. By downloading or using the Flutter SDK, you agree to the Google Terms of Service: https://policies.google.com/terms

For example, when installed from GitHub (as opposed to from a prepackaged archive), the Flutter tool will download the Dart SDK from Google servers immediately when first run, as it is used to execute the flutter tool itself. This will also occur when Flutter is upgraded (e.g. by running the flutter upgrade command).

About Flutter

We think Flutter will help you create beautiful, fast apps, with a productive, extensible and open development model, whether you're targeting iOS or Android, web, Windows, macOS, Linux or embedding it as the UI toolkit for a platform of your choice.

Beautiful user experiences

We want to enable designers to deliver their full creative vision without being forced to water it down due to limitations of the underlying framework. Flutter's layered architecture gives you control over every pixel on the screen and its powerful compositing capabilities let you overlay and animate graphics, video, text, and controls without limitation. Flutter includes a full set of widgets that deliver pixel-perfect experiences whether you're building for iOS (Cupertino) or Android (Material), along with support for customizing or creating entirely new visual components.

Reflectly hero image

Fast results

Flutter is fast. It's powered by the same hardware-accelerated 2D graphics library that underpins Chrome and Android: Skia. We architected Flutter to support glitch-free, jank-free graphics at the native speed of your device. Flutter code is powered by the world-class Dart platform, which enables compilation to 32-bit and 64-bit ARM machine code for iOS and Android, as well as JavaScript for the web and Intel x64 for desktop devices.

Dart diagram

Productive development

Flutter offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting your app or losing its state.

Hot reload animation

Extensible and open model

Flutter works with any development tool (or none at all), and also includes editor plug-ins for both Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ / Android Studio. Flutter provides tens of thousands of packages to speed your development, regardless of your target platform. And accessing other native code is easy, with support for both FFI (on Android, on iOS, and on macOS) as well as platform-specific APIs.

Flutter is a fully open-source project, and we welcome contributions. Information on how to get started can be found in our contributor guide.

  • Web text overflow dot rendering exception

    Web text overflow dot rendering exception

    The web page rendering overflows, displaying vertical rectangles with a fork inside the rectangles. while the windows application renders normally

          alignment: Alignment.center,
          child: Text("卢卡斯的积分路上看见我看了解放昆仑山大家是扩大飞机离开七九二楼123456789" * 2,
              maxLines: 3,
              overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
    opened by dong-lufei 0
  • Roll Flutter Engine from 35b7dee32b5e to b9b0193ea803 (1 revision)

    Roll Flutter Engine from 35b7dee32b5e to b9b0193ea803 (1 revision)


    2023-01-05 [email protected] Roll Skia from 60e4a4a27375 to 158d51b34caa (19 revisions) (flutter/engine#38654)

    If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller using the controls here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/flutter-engine-flutter-autoroll Please CC [email protected] on the revert to ensure that a human is aware of the problem.

    To file a bug in Flutter: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new/choose

    To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/skia/issues/entry?template=Autoroller+Bug

    Documentation for the AutoRoller is here: https://skia.googlesource.com/buildbot/+doc/main/autoroll/README.md

    opened by engine-flutter-autoroll 0
  • [video_player_web] initialize function takes 4-6 seconds to load in iOS browser

    [video_player_web] initialize function takes 4-6 seconds to load in iOS browser

    To reproduce the issue with the video_player on iOS:

    1. Run the official video player example on an iOS browser.
    2. Replace the network URL with the following ten-minute video: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/new-ydj73/o/Y2Mate.is%20-%20Steve%20Jobs%20on%20Starting%20A%20Business-kwkGX-PlTxs-480p-1643117698611.mp4?alt=media&token=71fbfdf4-3b9a-4522-ad48-511e3fb125fd.
    3. Observe that the video takes 4-6 seconds to load on the iOS web, while it works quickly on the Android web.
    created via performance template 
    opened by michalkubizna 0
  • [pigeon] Consider adding a runtime null assertion for `Object` return values

    [pigeon] Consider adding a runtime null assertion for `Object` return values

    Since C++ doesn't have a generic type, we have to use EncodableValue for Object. However, there's no way in the type system to express "EncodableValue that can't contain null" (unless we add a whole new NonNullableEncodableValue type to the engine, or to Pigeon itself), so:

    ErrorOr<flutter::EncodableValue> Foo::ReturnNonNullableObject() {
      return EncodableValue();

    will compile fine, and explode on the Dart side with a null assertion failure. While our policy (not yet fully implemented) is not to do runtime type checks on things that Pigeon itself generates and thus can only be wrong if there's a Pigeon bug (since that should all be useless code we shouldn't saddle clients with), this is a value that Pigeon doesn't control. Putting an assertion failure on the C++ side would make it easier for people who make the mistake of returning a null EncodableValue from an Object-returning API to understand where the bug is (in particular that it's in their C++ code, not in Pigeon).

    I expect that this is low priority because I would expect returning Object to be quite rare. I only found this because I was adding an echoObject integration test in order to test a fix for an Object parameter (and the case that used an Object parameter in actual usage seems like a niche case already).

    platform-windows package pigeon P5 
    opened by stuartmorgan 0
  • [pigeon] Kotlin generator generates fromList method with compiler error

    [pigeon] Kotlin generator generates fromList method with compiler error

    Pigeon input:

    enum Foo {
    class Bar {
      late Foo field1; // essential that the field with an enum type is not last 
      late String field2;
    abstract class PHostApi {
      void report(
        Bar bar,

    Generated Kotlin code:

    // ...
    data class Bar (
      val field1: Foo,
      val field2: String
    ) {
      companion object {
        fun fromList(list: List<Any?>): Bar {
          val field1 = Foo.ofRaw(list[0] as Int)!!      val field2 = list[1] as String
          return Bar(field1, field2)
      fun toList(): List<Any?> {
        return listOf<Any?>(
    // ...
    opened by ycherniavskyi 0
  • Failed assertion: !_debugLocked is not true

    Failed assertion: !_debugLocked is not true

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Create a main.py file
    2. In void main, set runApp to run Flutter's 'Navigate with named routes' demo example
    3. Execute flutter run -v -d linux
    4. Perform a hot reload

    Expected results: I expected my application to reload smoothly without errors.

    Actual results: I received an error that opened a red screen on my app window and made it impossible to move forward.

    Code sample


    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:frontend/screens/login.dart';
    import 'package:frontend/screens/register.dart';
    import 'package:frontend/screens/dashboard.dart';
    void main() async {
      runApp(const Main());
    class Main extends StatelessWidget {
      const Main({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'Named Routes Demo',
          // Start the app with the "/" named route. In this case, the app starts
          // on the FirstScreen widget.
          initialRoute: '/login/',
          routes: {
            // When navigating to the "/" route, build the FirstScreen widget.
            '/': (context) => const Dashboard(),
            // When navigating to the "/second" route, build the SecondScreen widget.
            '/login/': (context) => const LoginPage(),
            '/register/': (context) => const RegisterPage(),
    The following assertion was thrown building
                        _WidgetsAppState#e5db0](dirty, dependencies: [HeroControllerScope,
                        state: NavigatorState#5f9e6(tickers: tracking 3 tickers)):
                        'package:flutter/src/widgets/navigator.dart': Failed assertion: line
    5203 pos 12:
                        is not true.
                        Either the assertion indicates an error in the framework itself, or we
    should provide
                        more information in this error message to help you determine and fix
    the underlying cause.
                        In either case, please report this assertion by filing a bug on
                        The relevant error-causing widget was:
                        When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
                        #2      NavigatorState.build
                        #3      StatefulElement.build
                        #4      ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #5      StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #6      Element.rebuild
                        #7      StatefulElement.update
                        #8      Element.updateChild
                        #9      ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #10     Element.rebuild
                        #11     ProxyElement.update
                        #12     Element.updateChild
                        #13     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #14     Element.rebuild
                        #15     ProxyElement.update
                        #16     Element.updateChild
                        #17     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #18     Element.rebuild
                        #19     ProxyElement.update
                        #20     Element.updateChild
                        #21     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #22     Element.rebuild
                        #23     ProxyElement.update
                        #24     Element.updateChild
                        #25     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #26     Element.rebuild
                        #27     StatelessElement.update
                        #28     Element.updateChild
                        #29     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #30     Element.rebuild
                        #31     ProxyElement.update
                        #32     Element.updateChild
                        #33     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #34     Element.rebuild
                        #35     StatelessElement.update
                        #36     Element.updateChild
                        #37     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #38     StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #39     Element.rebuild
                        #40     StatefulElement.update
                        #41     Element.updateChild
                        #42     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #43     Element.rebuild
                        #44     ProxyElement.update
                        #45     Element.updateChild
                        #46     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #47     Element.rebuild
                        #48     ProxyElement.update
                        #49     Element.updateChild
                        #50     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #51     StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #52     Element.rebuild
                        #53     StatefulElement.update
                        #54     Element.updateChild
                        #55     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #56     Element.rebuild
                        #57     StatelessElement.update
                        #58     Element.updateChild
                        #59     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #60     Element.rebuild
                        #61     ProxyElement.update
                        #62     Element.updateChild
                        #63     SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update
                        #64     Element.updateChild
                        #65     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #66     Element.rebuild
                        #67     StatelessElement.update
                        #68     Element.updateChild
                        #69     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #70     Element.rebuild
                        #71     StatelessElement.update
                        #72     Element.updateChild
                        #73     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #74     Element.rebuild
                        #75     StatelessElement.update
                        #76     Element.updateChild
                        #77     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #78     Element.rebuild
                        #79     ProxyElement.update
                        #80     Element.updateChild
                        #81     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #82     Element.rebuild
                        #83     ProxyElement.update
                        #84     Element.updateChild
                        #85     SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update
                        #86     Element.updateChild
                        #87     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #88     StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #89     Element.rebuild
                        #90     StatefulElement.update
                        #91     Element.updateChild
                        #92     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #93     Element.rebuild
                        #94     ProxyElement.update
                        #95     Element.updateChild
                        #96     ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #97     StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #98     Element.rebuild
                        #99     StatefulElement.update
                        #100    Element.updateChild
                        #101    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #102    Element.rebuild
                        #103    ProxyElement.update
                        #104    Element.updateChild
                        #105    SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update
                        #106    Element.updateChild
                        #107    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #108    Element.rebuild
                        #109    ProxyElement.update
                        #110    _InheritedNotifierElement.update
                        #111    Element.updateChild
                        #112    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #113    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #114    Element.rebuild
                        #115    StatefulElement.update
                        #116    Element.updateChild
                        #117    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #118    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #119    Element.rebuild
                        #120    StatefulElement.update
                        #121    Element.updateChild
                        #122    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #123    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #124    Element.rebuild
                        #125    StatefulElement.update
                        #126    Element.updateChild
                        #127    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #128    Element.rebuild
                        #129    ProxyElement.update
                        #130    _InheritedNotifierElement.update
                        #131    Element.updateChild
                        #132    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #133    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #134    Element.rebuild
                        #135    StatefulElement.update
                        #136    Element.updateChild
                        #137    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #138    Element.rebuild
                        #139    ProxyElement.update
                        #140    Element.updateChild
                        #141    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #142    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #143    Element.rebuild
                        #144    StatefulElement.update
                        #145    Element.updateChild
                        #146    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #147    Element.rebuild
                        #148    ProxyElement.update
                        #149    Element.updateChild
                        #150    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #151    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #152    Element.rebuild
                        #153    StatefulElement.update
                        #154    Element.updateChild
                        #155    SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update
                        #156    Element.updateChild
                        #157    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #158    Element.rebuild
                        #159    ProxyElement.update
                        #160    _InheritedNotifierElement.update
                        #161    Element.updateChild
                        #162    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #163    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #164    Element.rebuild
                        #165    StatefulElement.update
                        #166    Element.updateChild
                        #167    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #168    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #169    Element.rebuild
                        #170    StatefulElement.update
                        #171    Element.updateChild
                        #172    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #173    Element.rebuild
                        #174    StatelessElement.update
                        #175    Element.updateChild
                        #176    SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update
                        #177    Element.updateChild
                        #178    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #179    Element.rebuild
                        #180    ProxyElement.update
                        #181    _InheritedNotifierElement.update
                        #182    Element.updateChild
                        #183    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #184    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #185    Element.rebuild
                        #186    StatefulElement.update
                        #187    Element.updateChild
                        #188    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #189    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #190    Element.rebuild
                        #191    StatefulElement.update
                        #192    Element.updateChild
                        #193    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #194    Element.rebuild
                        #195    ProxyElement.update
                        #196    Element.updateChild
                        #197    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #198    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #199    Element.rebuild
                        #200    StatefulElement.update
                        #201    Element.updateChild
                        #202    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #203    Element.rebuild
                        #204    ProxyElement.update
                        #205    Element.updateChild
                        #206    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #207    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #208    Element.rebuild
                        #209    StatefulElement.update
                        #210    Element.updateChild
                        #211    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #212    Element.rebuild
                        #213    ProxyElement.update
                        #214    Element.updateChild
                        #215    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #216    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #217    Element.rebuild
                        #218    StatefulElement.update
                        #219    Element.updateChild
                        #220    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #221    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #222    Element.rebuild
                        #223    StatefulElement.update
                        #224    Element.updateChild
                        #225    SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update
                        #226    Element.updateChild
                        #227    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #228    Element.rebuild
                        #229    ProxyElement.update
                        #230    _InheritedNotifierElement.update
                        #231    Element.updateChild
                        #232    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #233    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #234    Element.rebuild
                        #235    StatefulElement.update
                        #236    Element.updateChild
                        #237    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #238    Element.rebuild
                        #239    ProxyElement.update
                        #240    Element.updateChild
                        #241    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #242    Element.rebuild
                        #243    ProxyElement.update
                        #244    Element.updateChild
                        #245    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #246    StatefulElement.performRebuild
                        #247    Element.rebuild
                        #248    StatefulElement.update
                        #249    Element.updateChild
                        #250    ComponentElement.performRebuild
                        #251    Element.rebuild
                        #252    BuildOwner.buildScope
                        #253    WidgetsBinding.drawFrame
                        #254    RendererBinding._handlePersistentFrameCallback
                        #255    SchedulerBinding._invokeFrameCallback
                        #256    SchedulerBinding.handleDrawFrame
                        #257    SchedulerBinding.scheduleWarmUpFrame.<anonymous closure>
                        (elided 6 frames from class _AssertionError, class
    _RawReceivePortImpl, class _Timer, and

    Flutter analyze output:

    Analyzing frontend...                                                   
       info • Unused import: 'dart:convert' • lib/screens/login.dart:2:8 • unused_import
       info • Avoid `print` calls in production code • lib/screens/login.dart:106:31 •
       info • Prefer const with constant constructors • lib/screens/login.dart:122:34 •
       info • Use interpolation to compose strings and values • lib/screens/login.dart:143:9 •
       info • Avoid `print` calls in production code • lib/screens/login.dart:147:7 •
       info • Avoid `print` calls in production code • lib/screens/login.dart:155:7 •
       info • Unused import: 'dart:convert' • lib/screens/register.dart:2:8 • unused_import
       info • Avoid `print` calls in production code • lib/screens/register.dart:135:31 •
       info • Use interpolation to compose strings and values •
              lib/screens/register.dart:163:9 • prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
       info • Avoid `print` calls in production code • lib/screens/register.dart:167:7 •
       info • Avoid `print` calls in production code • lib/screens/register.dart:175:7 •

    Flutter doctor output:

    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.3.10, on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS 5.15.0-56-generic, locale
        • Flutter version 3.3.10 on channel stable at /home/daksh/snap/flutter/common/flutter
        • Upstream repository https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
        • Framework revision 135454af32 (3 weeks ago), 2022-12-15 07:36:55 -0800
        • Engine revision 3316dd8728
        • Dart version 2.18.6
        • DevTools version 2.15.0
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.1)
        • Android SDK at /home/daksh/Android/Sdk
        • Platform android-33, build-tools 33.0.1
        • ANDROID_HOME = /home/daksh/Android/Sdk
        • Java binary at: /opt/android-studio/jre/bin/java
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+0-b1751.21-8125866)
        • All Android licenses accepted.
    [✓] Chrome - develop for the web
        • Chrome at google-chrome
    [✓] Linux toolchain - develop for Linux desktop
        • clang version 10.0.0-4ubuntu1
        • cmake version 3.16.3
        • ninja version 1.10.0
        • pkg-config version 0.29.1
    [✓] Android Studio (version 2021.3)
        • Android Studio at /opt/android-studio
        • Flutter plugin version 71.2.3
        • Dart plugin version 213.7433
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+0-b1751.21-8125866)
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.74.2)
        • VS Code at /usr/share/code
        • Flutter extension version 3.56.0
    [✓] Connected device (2 available)
        • Linux (desktop) • linux  • linux-x64      • Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS 5.15.0-56-generic
        • Chrome (web)    • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 108.0.5359.124
    [✓] HTTP Host Availability
        • All required HTTP hosts are available
    • No issues found!
    opened by dakshsriv 0
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