This is another Express + TypeScript + DDD (Domain Driven Design patterns) + IoC/DI (Inversion of control and Dependency injection) + Primsa ORM + API REST boilerplate.



TypeScript GitHub Repo Size Github CI codecov License MIT

This is another Express + TypeScript + DDD (Domain Driven Design patterns) + IoC/DI (Inversion of control and Dependency injection) + Primsa ORM + API REST boilerplate.

Installation and Configuration

yarn install
yarn prisma generate

Generate .env file

cp .env.dist .env

You have to configure local environment variables such as PostgreSQL connection string with your own parameters inside .env file. These are the default values:


# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:



Development with nodemon (Runs on 3000 port)

yarn dev

Run tests and generate coverage report

yarn test
yarn coverage

Build/Compile JS (to /dist folder)

yarn build

Access Prisma Studio (Database preview for dev)

We are using Prisma ORM to handle database connections, migrations, code schema management and also its studio web UI to preview database content in development environment. Please check Prisma documentation for more detailed information.

yarn prisma studio

Authentication with AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito is implemented as default authentication service. Please, check documentation on how to configure it for more details:

Docker Compose

This project is ready to work with docker-compose 3.8 to initalize the needed stack during development process. To start working run the following commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Working docker compose environment (Port 8080)

curl http://localhost:8080
curl http://localhost:8080/health_check

Example JSON response (/health_check):

  "id": "cd6f2876-5de5-4433-b0b9-fb7a8d47abbb",
  "success": true,
  "date": "2021-02-07T20:13:21.720Z"

Build Docker image for production

You can build an optimized Docker production-ready image with the standard command:

docker build -t express-ts-ddd .

And then run the container passing environment variables within the initialization:

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 \
  -e NODE_ENV=production \
  -e APP_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:password@host:5432/dbname?schema=public" \
  -e COGNITO_USER_POOL="your_cognito_user_pool" \
  -e COGNITO_CLIENT_ID="your_cognito_client_id" \
  -e COGNITO_REGION="your-aws-region-x" \
  --name express-ts-ddd express-ts-ddd

Next steps

  • Adds Prisma ORM with PostgreSQL implementation
  • Adds Github CI + CI testings
  • Adds better documentation
  • Kubernetes support (Local environment microk8s, minikube...)
  • Docker for development (docker-compose) and production environments
  • Global logger service (Morgan + Winston)
  • Integration basic testing (supertest)
  • Authentication service with Cognito
  • Adds test coverage report, codecov integration
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