Hubble Public data - TypeScript API


Hubble Public API

Hubble Public API is a TypeScript API that serves public data of the Hubble Protocol.


Local API Setup

You will need to use npm to install the dependencies. You will also need to install Netlify CLI to run and debug locally.

We are using private nodes without rate limit for fetching mainnet-beta and devnet chain data. You will have to add an .env file in the root of this repository with the correct environment variables inside. Please take a look at the example .env.example file:

cd hubble-public-api
cp .env.example .env
# edit .env with actual endpoints with your favorite editor
# nano .env  
# code .env
# ...

Run the application by launching a Netlify development server:

cd hubble-public-api
npm run netlify

Local DynamoDB Setup

Our scheduled Netlify function snapshot.ts saves metrics to DynamoDB. If you want to test this locally without using actual AWS service you can use docker to run a local DynamoDB instance:

# go to docker folder
cd hubble-public-api/docker

# spin up DynamoDB locally with persistent database data in hubble-public-api/docker/dynamodb/data/shared-local-instance.db
docker-compose up 

# create required tables - this is only required once after first setup, all the data will be persisted on disk
chmod +x

Local instance will be started on http://localhost:8000.

Before you can invoke the Netlify functions you will also have to add this environment variable to .env file (see .env.example):



Netlify Status

All of the API routes should be added to the src/netlify/functions folder. Deployments are done automatically by using Netlify.

Everything that gets pushed to the master branch will be deployed to the production URL:

Make sure to add environment variables MAINNET_ENDPOINT and DEVNET_ENDPOINT using Netlify site settings UI.



Get mainnet-beta metrics of Hubble Protocol:


You may also specify the environment (mainnet-beta[default],devnet,localnet,testnet) by using an env query parameter:


Metrics History

Get mainnet-beta metrics of Hubble Protocol:


You may also specify the environment (mainnet-beta[default],devnet,localnet,testnet) by using an env query parameter:


History endpoint will only return the historical data of the past month by default. If you need more/less data you can also use either the from or/and to query parameters to query by date. Both dates should be specified in their epoch form.



Runtime config specifies all of the public configuration used by Hubble (accounts, public keys, program ids...).

Get runtime config of all environments:


You may also filter by environment (mainnet-beta[default],devnet,localnet,testnet) by using an env query parameter:

  • Token metadata api

    Token metadata api

    Add a Fungible token standard endpoint for kTokens.

    Dynamic endpoint which validates the token mint passed is owned by Kamino.

    Reads on-chain metadata to dynamically generate the full token metadata json object.



    opened by elliotkennedy 3
  • Add endpoint for LDO reward eligible loans

    Add endpoint for LDO reward eligible loans

    • added an endpoint that does the calculations to determine which loans are eligible for the LDO rewards that we will be giving away, and returns a list of eligible loans, example response:
        "eligibleLoans": [
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "27.06558034194027710279586166731737367548",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "2aMCQhPcvM5C9eTX2iD1u2iNUdDU16dXgxyQZXiQoKpy",
                "daysEligible": "17"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "448.4233536817963101223578623444636713705",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "2LBP1xjVcysoUXb99wdCbfTnA38iZ3ekY84NARvyFuhT",
                "daysEligible": "16"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "14.26436918836496209361642456442660622802",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "FfynUA4N151HqZgiLe9euudgvFWZjndVYNVewMqZs4Sk",
                "daysEligible": "13"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "4.10275919626439795178511491454672903063",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "B9XrBCPZxfva4soDPaUvffA59JDbtgeLGm5PvZA3eFNp",
                "daysEligible": "9"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "4.760791725679126968189205379408029488192",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "7Feh1hRUwEwLLvCaFEzCXvy4LmAhTTDPQANVmC31BSCc",
                "daysEligible": "5"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "9.408608130397856523428089231866073023064",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "2V58aFRBFyZtL722W6hDmZymby1CKj8DsAaHzFzrP7sK",
                "daysEligible": "4"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "0.0003800870102556819328980033003807004054725",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "6ENGCRU8r18veWmTfL5pqyJ4pKKMrYmRwqv3wtPkGWyF",
                "daysEligible": "2"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "0.000253391340170454621932002200253800270315",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "8YnYGFRBwvKxLDZ8zeiu3xAYHyvGX7ACcfkqPdst3Coz",
                "daysEligible": "2"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "0.000253391340170454621932002200253800270315",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "GstvpDqjphN4h5D5VjYCMuPquqFaGF5A3Wzgk8qSau3r",
                "daysEligible": "2"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "0.02275422751217285831616286027562521250584",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "8G2RTvrBZagG1aiHYo9p7y2oPT3ZydyiJ5dPybReLZko",
                "daysEligible": "1"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "0.0001266867962706027747126839693115445704858",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "C34T6g9QwWWRnAGxbr4r51PDTvnHzNW3ZTJJo6vfakd1",
                "daysEligible": "1"
                "ldoRewardsEarned": "0.0001900301944059041620690259539673168557287",
                "userMetadataPubkey": "EjN1CptG8JzNhXzqZj7wzmNbmhpCgsskoXw5gn4TY2tM",
                "daysEligible": "1"
    • can specify a start/end date for the endpoint, e.g.: http://localhost:8888/staking/lido/eligible-loans?env=devnet&start=2022-06-01&end=2022-07-01 (start=inclusive, end=exclusive)
    • I decided to use a PostgreSQL function instead of using the knex ORM for this as it would be way too hard to understand/read, it's already a pretty wild query as it is
    • a loan is eligible for LDO rewards if it has:
      • at least 40% LTV during the entire time period you specified
      • at least 40% of the total collateral value is in STSOL or wstETH
      • the LTV and total collateral values use daily average value image
    opened by peroxy 2
  • Add list of wallets eligible for rewards

    Add list of wallets eligible for rewards

    Get a list of wallets that are eligible for strategy rewards on an hourly basis.

    Example request:

    AUTH=$(echo -ne "hubble:development" | base64 --wrap 0)
    curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8888/strategies/Cfuy5T6osdazUeLego5LFycBQebm9PP3H7VNdCndXXEN/rewards/eligible-shareholders' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic $AUTH' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "startDate": "2020-01-01",
        "endDate": "2023-01-01",
        "rewardsPerHour": 100

    Example response:

            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.6920133828985366495754907778709581302102",
            "ownerPubkey": "28Lv4bK1HzRBfzCPBoqYrsfM8UZhCdi7zPRHKs45ct7Z"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "14.67151819468679565449829183047105417672",
            "ownerPubkey": "4CRGrqi53CMQazYs2bZrgKvdfaMqTHXngjbby6QGMEdv"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "2.10781027876931696661140125613317233652",
            "ownerPubkey": "4iSRTaE8SmpaCUwHnTVkDBpFGaqVJJXtbBvijRdFapgq"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "1.651561718746190796557704461581694199193",
            "ownerPubkey": "5FF7oHV9fEkxdiHFsW7iGCewxsxBTjyeDRw7jpuUqCs1"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "1.5289899029648308223676575045726519328",
            "ownerPubkey": "5VG4J3QqLFcNV3V3tngduK71YU1o1HzA8AWZ6EAM9R2S"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.6019728353399104176068243781713969993244",
            "ownerPubkey": "7U1KsPGqNXYyHfD5qATHf9HwoGTUTwepSLWGcK7DuLxS"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.7959603756334293807045168509902168860761",
            "ownerPubkey": "7zqdN3cHqaBcTqs8hKR161HchtHkVHCvaMgBt4nrBNJd"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.5084591073254491241065462848373859950986",
            "ownerPubkey": "8npk5rpnndz3o2xu7Mzr3AzToCbcaXBv81SJq43NGQ7Y"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.00322882001716595281145829508101934442146",
            "ownerPubkey": "8tz9KYmEjhNxqagvJcn3F3vdM3soDL3F8C6tqeXQcCPp"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "16.56663366480422977741850826050680409527",
            "ownerPubkey": "93MxqvDvCdzQts1QpkAWPBj745rAVXqfAEyU5JvvtAj8"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "1.496720168908015555891348940694211033629",
            "ownerPubkey": "99EYUt3BYAXoLdsF1ZmgGNGiQJktfs9TFGvXjQ6XWhST"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.1540366899162579769334231721177979784293",
            "ownerPubkey": "9qeNMDH5PfJyC3wuaPwi1Jao2xH3Hhva2UkqrA1r7bqH"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "125.2240394414391017108542651903710335685",
            "ownerPubkey": "9xU7i4H3pY8LZkwspeLVNaQuL8PsAvyjpex1fnr28KxH"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "29.23267057030994915837691238972406812987",
            "ownerPubkey": "AGbz8HA7mTmDpfvrNFgRMcwtieN7t34FdStSBK6EvGtL"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "4.491901379864342628263182910009517441316",
            "ownerPubkey": "AzzTqxHhkKuRRmg6S9mjcK5R8SdeEnQoMSuNHdSVeZoG"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.000001794314870121125984669433309939679526021",
            "ownerPubkey": "BabJ4KTDUDqaBRWLFza3Ek3zEcjXaPDmeRGRwusQyLPS"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "5.208995792195113857381749039118748623113",
            "ownerPubkey": "D2X1i4YYELaAtM5XTRmSzs7cYzcAGEvHnHvChZtnhVFu"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "9.021709440647101432745778828682330519303",
            "ownerPubkey": "Dsr1eVDz7Jr93nNtmroSZjMNLeNzx9p9QN8ZM2dBggV2"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "60.04566876039430101157851282715459162389",
            "ownerPubkey": "EXQRUQFhAcMq8j6jJqJag7jSNRvLCkXjgTe8KAX3htCE"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "1.501643630656210797332318222825777210688",
            "ownerPubkey": "EkaNLzCbJpBWfkgu3q8uWuMJhfnnjXKzbed69LapSQeG"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.2994765888677721230170508097218264507158",
            "ownerPubkey": "EqRCPNx2uC5kvUngK3jXe1ncXoyCHj9D3KEnPYoJhWST"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "8.874742564713351477116484063889053346744",
            "ownerPubkey": "FJyrEGUbqLtNUdUYHS8KmtDnJAu18aYQL41W34tjz9Bw"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.008649451250906966944230028887343129467826",
            "ownerPubkey": "GkeDRfHcACap2CM9oaWrb3QUMG7pk6F6EMYca8Lu52t8"
            "hoursEligible": "3",
            "rewardsEarned": "15.29662102606239954932814755661922644976",
            "ownerPubkey": "J3o4j8vp4Ju1xdTWMMpBudSZUb48i8kkN2uLrTLhA7fD"
            "hoursEligible": "2",
            "rewardsEarned": "0.01996556016302472543496114497441574309743",
            "ownerPubkey": "GCtZ3UeX91ekKVUBq3UiC5LnXh2HjqBiryAUUPe6qLW1"
    opened by peroxy 1
  • Update @hubbleprotocol/hubble-config and remove config files

    Update @hubbleprotocol/hubble-config and remove config files

    Update to latest version of @hubbleprotocol/hubble-config npm package and remove the src/models/*config.ts files that are not needed anymore and fix everything.

    opened by peroxy 1
  • Add historical data to API

    Add historical data to API

    A lot of changes in this PR:

    • Split history data from the /metrics endpoint and move it to the dedicated /history endpoint. Since /metrics endpoint is called very frequently (every 5s in webapp) and contains live data I've decided to split it up since history will not have to be fetched as often as that and would be better suited to be cached on the client side. We only fetch history once every hour, so we can just invalidate the cache hourly on the client side.
    • As mentioned, history is fetched once every hour by the snapshot.ts Netlify scheduled function and saved to the AWS DynamoDB metrics table.
    • To avoid wasting our production AWS resources when testing locally I've set up a simple docker-compose configuration that let's the developer run a DynamoDB instance locally. The metrics table can be created by the helper script (this can be run only once per machine, the DynamoDB tables and data will stay on the host machine by using docker volumes).

    Closes #2

    opened by peroxy 1
  • Add memcmp filter for getUserVaults() in BorrowingClient

    Add memcmp filter for getUserVaults() in BorrowingClient

    This should be fixed to be more efficient and use memcmp filter (in BorrowingClient.ts):

      async getUserVaults() {
        //TODO: use memcmp filter and return the userdata we need, not everything like right now
        return (await this._client.account.userMetadata.all())
          .map((x) => x.account as UserMetadata)
          .filter((x) => {
            return x.borrowingMarketState.toString() === this._config.borrowing.accounts.borrowingMarketState.toString();
    opened by peroxy 1
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