JS/TS lightweight value-multimethod util


fp-multik ๐Ÿคน๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ

npm version

Small functional utility for control flow and conditional operator for functions. Multik is value-based multimethod for Javascript/Typescript programs.

It's simple:

  1. import fp-multik
  2. create in first argument of multik - selector from initial arguments
  3. write in the rest of the arguments what you want to process in the predicates
  4. enjoi!



npm install fp-multik


yarn add fp-multik


  • ๐Ÿฃ small API and size
  • ๐ŸŒŠ pipable
  • ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป usefull access to data/selector in predicates
  • ๐Ÿ”— better types than in analogues


multik is a single function:

  selectorFunction(...initialArgs) => selector,
  [pricidateValue, actionFunction(selector, ...initialArgs) => result],
  [predicateFunction(selector, ...initialArgs), actionFunction(selector, ...initialArg) => result],
  [defaultFunction?(selector, ...initialArgs) => result]
): (initialArgs) => result;
  • pricidateValue can be primitive value or Array / Object
  • predicateFunction is a classic predicate function that return boolean
  • defaultFunction is optional function for specify default result

Simple predicate as value

Matching Number values

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const nominalDegreesOfThousand = multik(
  (n: number) => n,
  [1000, () => 'thousand'],
  [1000000, () => 'million'],
  [1000000000, () => 'billion'],
  [1000000000000, () => 'trillion'],
  [1000000000000000, () => 'quadrillion'],

nominalDegreesOfThousand(1000); // 'thousand'
nominalDegreesOfThousand(1000000); // 'million'
nominalDegreesOfThousand(1000000000); // 'billion'
nominalDegreesOfThousand(1000000000000); // 'trillion'
nominalDegreesOfThousand(1000000000000000); // 'quadrillion'

Matching String values

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const greet = multik(
  (data) => data.lang,
  ["english", () => "Hello"),
  ["french", () => "Bonjour")

greet({ id: 1, lang: "french" }); // "Bonjour"

Matching Array values

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const shot = multik(
  (data) => data.coord,
  [[30, 40], () => 'hitted!'],
  [[90, 40], () => 'hitted your building!'],

shot({ coord: [30, 40] }); // "hitted!"
shot({ coord: [90, 40] }); // "hitted your building!"
shot({ coord: [0, 0] }); // undefined

Matching Object values

import multik from 'fp-multik';

interface Response {
  code: number;

const getResult = multik(
  (data: Response) => data,
  [{ code: 200 }, () => 'complete'],
  [{ code: 500 }, () => 'error'],

getResult({ code: 200 }); // "complete"
getResult({ code: 500 }); // "error"

Custom predicate

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const fizzBuzz = multik(
  (n: number) => n,
  [(n) => n % 3 === 0 && n % 5 === 0, () => 'FizzBuzz'],
  [(n) => n % 3 === 0, () => 'Fizz'],
  [(n) => n % 5 === 0, () => 'Buzz'],

fizzBuzz(3); // "Fizz"
fizzBuzz(5); // "Buzz"
fizzBuzz(15); // "FizzBuzz"

OR predicate

import multik from 'fp-multik';

enum UserRole {
  Admin = 'admin',
  Guest = 'guest',
  Editor = 'editor',
type User = { fullname: string; age: number; role: UserRole };

const adminUser: User = { fullname: 'John Smith', age: 20, role: UserRole.Admin };
const guestUser: User = { fullname: 'Evan Martinez', age: 24, role: UserRole.Guest };
const editorUser: User = { fullname: 'Tod Parker', age: 17, role: UserRole.Editor };

const getInformation = multik(
  (data: User) => data.role,
  [[UserRole.Admin, UserRole.Editor], () => 'secret information'],
  [UserRole.Guest, () => 'no access'],

getInformation(adminUser); // "secret information"
getInformation(editorUser); // "secret information"
getInformation(guestUser); // "no access"

Default predicate

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const greet = multik(
  (data) => data.lang,
  ["english", () => "Hello"),
  ["french", () => "Bonjour"),
  [() => 'not matched'] // default method

greet({ id: 1, lang: "germany" }); // "not matched"

Access to initial arg and selector

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const adultInformation = multik(
  (user) => user.age,
  [(age) => age >= 18, (user, age) => `hey ${user.name}, your age (`${age}`) is right, access success!`),
  [(_user, age) => `your age (${age}) less 18, access denied`]

adultInformation({ name: 'Greg', age: 17 }); // "your age (17) less 18, access denied"
adultInformation({ name: 'John', age: 27 }); // "hey John, your age (27) is right, access success!"

Placeholder convection for unused params

If you want use only concrete arguments in predicate or action and ignore other you can name param start underscore:

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const calc = multik(
  (_n1: number, op: string, _n2: number) => op,
  ['+', (_selector, n1, _op, n2) => n1 + n2],
  ['-', (_selector, n1, _op, n2) => n1 - n2],

calc(1, '+', 2); // 3
calc(4, '-', 2); // 2

that changes show unused params in callback and exclude some conflicts with names


Control flow

import multik from 'fp-multik';
import process from 'process';

const app = multik(
  (args: string[]) => args[2],
  ['--help', () => console.log('Show help information')],
  ['--run', () => console.log('Run job')],
  [() => console.log('Command not found')],

user % ts-node app.ts --help
Show help information
user % ts-node app.ts --run
Run job
user % ts-node app.ts
Command not found

Handling business scenarios

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const convertFile = multik(
  (filepath: string, format: string) => format,
  ['json', (format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as JSON...`)],
  ['html', (format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as HTML...`)],
  ['csv', (format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as CSV...`)],
  [(format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} by default as TXT...`)],

convertFile('/Users/file1.data', 'json');
convertFile('/Users/file1.data', 'html');
convertFile('/Users/file1.data', 'csv');
convertFile('/Users/file1.data', 'unknown');
user % ts-node app.ts
Convert /Users/file1.data as JSON...
Convert /Users/file1.data as HTML...
Convert /Users/file1.data as CSV...
Convert /Users/file1.data by default as TXT...

Handling error

import multik from 'fp-multik';

const handleFetchError = multik(
  (clientError: HttpClientError) => clientError.code,
    () => {
      /* ... handle 404 code */
    () => {
      /* ... handle 500 code */

try {
  const response = await fetch('http://mysite.ru', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(data),
  return await response.json();
} catch (e: HttpClientError) {

Handling state

import multik from 'fp-multik';

type Action = {
  type: string;
  id?: number;
  text?: string;

type Store = {
  add: (text: string) => void;
  remove: (id: number) => void;
  toggle: (id: number) => void;

const store: Store = {
  add(text: string) {
    console.log(`todo with ${text} added`);
  remove(id: number) {
    console.log(`${id} todo removed`);
  toggle(id: number) {
    console.log(`#${id} todo toggled`);

const handleAction = multik(
  (action: Action, store: Store) => action.type, // custom dispatch
  ['ADD_TODO', (_type_, action, store) => store.add(action.text!)],
  ['REMOVE_TODO', (_type, action, store) => store.remove(action.id!)],
  ['TOGGLE_TODO', (_type, action, store) => store.toggle(action.id!)],

handleAction({ type: 'ADD_TODO', text: 'Eat banana' }, store); // log "todo with Eat banana added"
handleAction({ type: 'TOGGLE_TODO', id: 1 }, store); // log "#1 todo toggled"


Let's overview simple code with multik:

import multik from "fp-multik";

const greet = multik(
  (data) => data.lang,
  ["english", () => "Hello"),
  ["french", () => "Bonjour")

greet({ id: 1, lang: "french" }); // "Bonjour"

you can also consider alternatives

Lodash (Ramda like libs)

If you love lodash and you dont want install multik - you can implement DIY multik yourself. ๐Ÿ˜‰

import _ from 'lodash';

const multik = (dispatcher, predicates) =>
    (data) => dispatcher(data),
    _.cond([...predicates, [_.stubTrue, _.constant('no match')]]),

const greet = multik(
  (data) => data.lang,
    [(lang) => lang === 'english', () => 'Hello'],
    [(lang) => lang === 'french', () => 'Bonjour'],

greet({ id: 1, lang: 'french' }); // "Bonjour"


Powerful multimethod library. You can

import { multi, method } from '@arrows/multimethod';

const greet = multi(
  (data) => action.lang,
  method('english', () => 'Hello'),
  method('french', () => 'Bonjour'),
  method(() => 'no match'),

greet({ id: 1, lang: 'french' }); // "Bonjour"

Also you can discover next libraries:


Your feedback and contributions are welcome. If you have a suggestion, please raise an issue. Prior to that, please search through the issues first in case your suggestion has been made already. If you decide to work on an issue, or feel like taking initiative and contributing anything at all, feel free to create a pull request and I will get back to you shortly.

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  • Placeholder for selector and predicate arguments

    Placeholder for selector and predicate arguments

    implement placeholder like https://github.com/ramda/ramda/blob/v0.28.0/source/__.js

    for skip unused variables.


    import multik from 'fp-multik';
    const convertFile = multik(
      (filepath: string, format: string) => format,
      ['json', (format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as JSON...`)],
      ['html', (format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as HTML...`)],
      ['csv', (format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as CSV...`)],
      [(format, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} by default as TXT...`)],
    convertFile('/Users/file1.data', 'json');


    import multik, { __ } from 'fp-multik';
    const convertFile = multik(
      (filepath: string, format: string) => format,
      ['json', (__, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as JSON...`)],
      ['html', (__, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as HTML...`)],
      ['csv', (__, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} as CSV...`)],
      [(__, filepath) => console.log(`Convert ${filepath} by default as TXT...`)],
    convertFile('/Users/file1.data', 'json');
    opened by lulldev 1
  • Predicate action as value

    Predicate action as value

    add user's choice possibility indicate value or function in predicate action


    import multik from 'fp-multik';
    const greet = multik(
      (data) => data.lang,
      ["english", () => "Hello"),
      ["french", () => "Bonjour")
    greet({ id: 1, lang: "french" }); // "Bonjour"


    import multik from 'fp-multik';
    const greet = multik(
      (data) => data.lang,
      ["english", "Hello"),
      ["french",  "Bonjour")
    greet({ id: 1, lang: "french" }); // "Bonjour"

    or (valid situation):

    import multik from 'fp-multik';
    const greet = multik(
      (data) => data.lang,
      ["english", "Hello"),
      ["french",  () => "Bonjour")
    greet({ id: 1, lang: "french" }); // "Bonjour"

    please add tests for these cases

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
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