This package enables you to define your routes using the flat-routes convention.


Remix Flat Routes

All Contributors

This package enables you to define your routes using the flat-routes convention. This is based on the gist by Ryan Florence

πŸ›  Installation

> npm install remix-flat-routes

βš™οΈ Configuration

Update your remix.config.js file and use the custom routes config option.

const { flatRoutes } = require('remix-flat-routes')
module.exports = {
  // ignore all files in routes folder
  ignoredRouteFiles: ['**/*'],
  routes: async defineRoutes => {
    return flatRoutes('routes', defineRoutes)

NOTE: basePath should be relative to the app folder. If you want to use the routes folder, you will need to update the ignoreRouteFiles property to ignore all files: **/*

🚚 Migrating Existing Routes

You can now migrate your existing routes to the new flat-routes convention. Simply run:

npx migrate-flat-routes <sourceDir> <targetDir> [options]

  npx migrate-flat-routes ./app/routes ./app/flatroutes --convention=flat-folders

  sourceDir and targetDir are relative to project root

    The convention to use when migrating.
      flat-files - Migrates all files to a flat directory structure.
      flat-folders - Migrates all files to a flat directory structure, but
        creates folders for each route.

πŸ”¨ Flat Routes Convention


As React Router routes:

} /> } /> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> }> }> } /> } /> }> } /> } /> ">
  <Route element={<Auth />}>
    <Route path="forgot-password" element={<Forgot />} />
    <Route path="login" element={<Login />} />
    <Route path="reset-password" element={<Reset />} />
    <Route path="signup" element={<Signup />} />
  <Route element={<Landing />}>
    <Route path="about" element={<About />} />
    <Route index element={<Index />} />
  <Route path="app" element={<App />}>
    <Route path="calendar" element={<Calendar />}>
      <Route path=":day" element={<Day />} />
      <Route index element={<CalendarIndex />} />
    <Route path="projects" element={<Projects />}>
      <Route path=":id" element={<Project />} />
  <Route path="app/projects/:id/roadmap" element={<Roadmap />} />
  <Route path="app/projects/:id/roadmap.pdf" />

Individual explanations:

filename url nests inside of...
_auth.forgot-password.tsx /forgot-password _auth.tsx
_auth.login.tsx /login _auth.tsx
_auth.reset-password.tsx /reset-password _auth.tsx
_auth.signup.tsx /signup _auth.tsx
_auth.tsx n/a root.tsx
_landing.about.tsx /about _landing.tsx
_landing.index.tsx / _landing.tsx
_landing.tsx n/a root.tsx
app.calendar.$day.tsx /app/calendar/:day app.calendar.tsx
app.calendar.index.tsx /app/calendar app.calendar.tsx
app.projects.$id.tsx /app/projects/:id app.projects.tsx
app.projects.tsx /app/projects app.tsx
app.tsx /app root.tsx
app_.projects.$id.roadmap.tsx /app/projects/:id/roadmap root.tsx
app_.projects.$id.roadmap[.pdf].tsx /app/projects/:id/roadmap.pdf n/a (resource route)


filename convention behavior
privacy.jsx filename normal route
pages.tos.jsx dot with no layout normal route, "." -> "/"
about.jsx filename with children parent layout route dot child route of layout
about.index.jsx index filename index route of layout trailing underscore url segment, no layout
_auth.jsx leading underscore layout nesting, no url segment
_auth.login.jsx leading underscore child of pathless layout route
users.$userId.jsx leading $ URL param
docs.$.jsx bare $ splat route
dashboard.route.jsx route suffix optional, ignored completely
_layout.jsx explict layout file optional, same as parent folder
_route.jsx explict route file optional, same as parent folder
investors/[index].jsx brackets escapes conventional characters


  • Make it easier to see the routes your app has defined - just pop open "routes/" and they are all right there. Since file systems typically sort folders first, when you have dozens of routes it's hard to see which folders have layouts and which don't today. Now all related routes are sorted together.

  • Decrease refactor/redesign friction - while code editors are pretty good at fixing up imports when you move files around, and Remix has the "~" import alias, it's just generally easier to refactor a code base that doesn't have a bunch of nested folders. Remix will no longer force this.

    Additionally, when redesigning the user interface, it's simpler to adjust the names of files rather than creating/deleting folders and moving routes around to change the way they nest.

  • Help apps migrate to Remix - Existing apps typically don't have a nested route folder structure like today's conventions. Moving to Remix is arduous because you have to deal with all of the imports.

  • Colocation - while the example is exclusively files, they are really just "import paths". So you could make a folder for a route instead and the index file will be imported, allowing all of a route's modules to live along side each other.

For example, these routes:


Could be folders holding their own modules inside:

    _layout.tsx <- explicit layout file (same as _auth.tsx)
    _route.tsx  <- explicit route file (same as _auth.forgot-password.tsx)
    index.tsx   <- route files (same as _auth.login.tsx)
    index.tsx   <- route file (same as _landing.about.tsx)
    index.tsx   <- route file (same as _landing.index.tsx)
    index.tsx   <- route file (same as _landing.tsx)
    index.tsx   <- route file (same as app.tsx)
    index.tsx   <- route file (same as app_.projects.$id.roadmap.tsx)
    _layout.tsx <- explicit layout file (sames as app.projects.tsx)
    _route.tsx  <- explicit route file (sames as app.projects.$id.tsx)

This is a bit more opinionated, but I think it's ultimately what most developers would prefer. Each route becomes its own "mini app" with all of it's dependencies together. With the routeIgnorePatterns option it's completely unclear which files are routes and which aren't.

😍 Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


πŸ’» πŸ“–

Ryan Florence


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

  • Form submitting to incorrect routes

    Form submitting to incorrect routes

    After migrating to this library, my forms are submitting to incorrect routes.

    Here's a repro (the README has a lot more detail):

    opened by nakleiderer 14
  • Trailing underscore at params affect useParams

    Trailing underscore at params affect useParams

    Hi, I'm trying out remix-flat-routes and when I use routes with trailing underscore at params, it affects the useParams as well as params in loader / action.

    I have to resort to creating a getParam abstraction but just wondering if there's a good way to solve this within the library itself.

    Just to clarify in case my description is not clear enough, for example, I have these routes:

    /app/$organizationSlug_/other.tsx` --> useParams() will return { organizationSlug_: "slug" }
    opened by alexluong 14
  • Update documentation for index route

    Update documentation for index route

    I think the documentation needs updated for an index route.

    For example, this will break because app.calendar and app.calendar.index refer to the same route:


    But this works as intended:

    opened by barbinbrad 6
  • Issue with layouts conflicting

    Issue with layouts conflicting


    Mentioned this in a discussion but thought it would be best to create a separate issue.

    After upgrading to 0.5.2 from 0.4.8, and using remix 1.9.0, my routes aren't valid apparently anymore

    Here is my file structure, have removed a load to show the problem ones:

    β”œβ”€β”€ admin._index.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id._profile._index.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id._profile.episodes
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id._profile.shows.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id._profile.ts    <-layout
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id.episodes.tsx    <-layout
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id.shows.$showId._profile._index.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id.shows.$showId._profile.tsx   <-layout
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id.shows.$showId.tsx    <-layout
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id.shows.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.artists.$id.tsx   <-layout
    β”œβ”€β”€ admin.tsx
    Error: Path "/admin/artists/:id" defined by route "pages/admin.artists.$id._profile" conflicts with route "pages/admin.artists.$id"
    Error: Path "/admin/artists/:id/shows/:showId" defined by route "pages/admin.artists.$id.shows.$showId._profile" conflicts with route "pages/admin.artists.$id.shows.$showId"
    Error: Path "/admin/artists/:id/episodes" defined by route "pages/admin.artists.$id.episodes" conflicts with route "pages/admin.artists.$id._profile.episodes"
    Error: Path "/admin/artists/:id/shows" defined by route "pages/admin.artists.$id.shows" conflicts with route "pages/admin.artists.$id._profile.shows"

    As mentioned this was working before, so wondering what's changed and what I would need to do to fix?


    opened by JClackett 5
  • Hybrid Routes

    Hybrid Routes

    Based on the conversation on the Remix Flat Routes RFC discussion - is it correct that this library supports "hybrid routes" out of the box? I do not see anything referencing this in the README.

    I was attempting to use a hybrid of a "layout route" directory with normal flat route subdirectories. Does this work out of the box?

    Something like this:

    opened by stephen776 5
  • Add ability to ignore files

    Add ability to ignore files

    I'd like to colocate .css and .test.tsx files with my files in my routes. So I'd like to be able to ignore files as routes. Something like this config?

    module.exports = {
    	ignoredRouteFiles: ['**/*'],
    	routes: async defineRoutes => {
    		return flatRoutes('routes', defineRoutes, {
    			ignoredRouteFiles: ['**/.*', '**/*.css', '**/*.test.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'],
    opened by kentcdodds 5
  • Optional dynamic segments aren't allowed

    Optional dynamic segments aren't allowed

    I'm trying to do optional dynamic segments like this: /($foo)

    This spits out an error saying the route prefix must come first.

    Tried putting the $ first and got this for the output route:

    <Route path="reports/:(type)/:id" file="routes/reports_.$(type).$id/_route.tsx" />
    opened by brandonpittman 4
  • Conflicts with route when trying to nest routes

    Conflicts with route when trying to nest routes

    When trying to nest a round under a parent route it is returning an error:

    Error: Path "app/calendar" defined by route "routes/app.calendar/index" conflicts with route "routes/app.calendar.index/index"

    version: 0.4.4

    opened by shortnd 4
  • multiple params, no parent

    multiple params, no parent

    Awesome work! I love this.

    I tried it on the revamp the react router docs site and had this route config:

    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ $.tsx
    β”‚Β Β  └── index.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref.tsx
    β”œβ”€β”€ healthcheck.tsx
    └── index.tsx

    Which creates this route tree with $ remix routes

      <Route file="root.tsx">
        <Route path="healthcheck" file="routes/healthcheck.tsx" />
        <Route path=":lang/:ref" file="routes/$lang.$ref.tsx">
          <Route index file="routes/$lang.$ref/index.tsx" />
          <Route path="*" file="routes/$lang.$ref/$.tsx" />
        <Route index file="routes/index.tsx" />

    I ran the migration script and it kicked out:

    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref.$
    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref.index
    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang_.$ref
    β”œβ”€β”€ healthcheck
    └── index

    Which creates this incorrect route tree:

      <Route file="root.tsx">
        <Route path=":lang/:ref" file="flatroutes/$lang_.$ref/index.tsx" />
        <Route path="healthcheck" file="flatroutes/healthcheck/index.tsx" />
        <Route index file="flatroutes/index/index.tsx" />
    • Note the strange $lang_.$ref
    • Note the missing child routes under :lang/:ref

    I'm realizing my examples never handled the case where a single route defines multiple segments <Route path=":lang/:ref" />, and it looks like the migration script and flatroutes aren't handling it either!

    I changed my files to this, which I think is what the correct output of the migration script should be:

    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref
    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref.$
    β”œβ”€β”€ $lang.$ref.index
    β”œβ”€β”€ healthcheck
    └── index

    But the route config has an even bigger disappearing act with that πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

      <Route file="root.tsx">
        <Route path="healthcheck" file="flatroutes/healthcheck/index.tsx" />
        <Route index file="flatroutes/index/index.tsx" />

    It should look like this:

      <Route file="root.tsx">
        <Route path="healthcheck" file="routes/healthcheck.tsx" />
        <Route path=":lang/:ref" file="routes/$lang.$ref.tsx">
          <Route index file="routes/$lang.$ref/index.tsx" />
          <Route path="*" file="routes/$lang.$ref/$.tsx" />
        <Route index file="routes/index.tsx" />

    The tricky bit here is when you see $lang.$ref and don't find a $lang to be the parent, we need to treat $lang.$ref as it's own route without needing a parent.

    Of course, if the app developer adds a $lang then the route config will completely change on them, and I'd consider that expected behavior.

    opened by ryanflorence 4
  • Trouble with optional route segments when in a folder

    Trouble with optional route segments when in a folder

    Having some trouble getting the new optional route segments working when nested in a folder:

    This gives the output expected:

      <Route file="root.tsx">
        <Route path="hello/thing?" file="routes/hello.(thing).tsx" />
        <Route index file="routes/index.tsx" />

    However if nested in a folder we lose that route entirely:

      <Route file="root.tsx">
        <Route index file="routes/index.tsx" />

    Using remix v1.9.0 + remix-flat-routes v0.5.1

    opened by corygibbons 3
  • Does not respect configured appDirectory

    Does not respect configured appDirectory

    It seems like the appDirectory is hard-coded to app, so if you've changed it (for me it's set to remix/app), you get an error. Would be ideal if remix-flat-routes respected the appDirectory parameter.

    opened by rogerchi 3
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