New Framework Components for Vue.js 2


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Vuesax is an open source MIT project if you want to contribute to keep improving, If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider becoming a patron. Patron

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Vuesax is a framework of components based on vue.js, it is a framework that is designed from scratch to be incrementally adoptable.

The framework is focused on facilitating the development of applications, improving the design of the same without removing the necessary functionality. we want all the components to be independent in colors, shapes and design for a freedom that we like all front-end but without losing the speed of creation and production.

Vuesax 4 (alpha)

We are already creating vuesax 4 you can see the progress here and if you want to help in the development you can do it here

Support the project

If you feel awesome and want to support us in a small way, please consider starring and sharing the repo! This helps us getting known and grow the community. 🙏




Browser Support

Recent versions of Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera and Safari. IE11+

Quick-start CDN

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui">
  <div id="app">
    <vs-button vs-type="filled">Hello World</vs-button>

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
    new Vue({
      el: '#app'

CDN Links

Install inside a NPM project

# npm
npm install vuesax
# yarn
yarn add vuesax


All components

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuesax from 'vuesax'

import 'vuesax/dist/vuesax.css'

Or use individual components:

import Vue from 'vue'
import { vsButton, vsSelect, vsPopup } from 'vuesax'
import 'vuesax/dist/vuesax.css'



Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.


This library was created and is supported by Lusaxweb



  • Buttton type gets ignored

    Buttton type gets ignored

    After the last update, the button type could be set manually overriding Vuesax default as "button". So we could set a button to be submit using:


    Now the type gets ignored and the button is always set as type="button". This makes forms stop working when the button calls the form submit.

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Node.js version: 8.11.2
    • Vuesax version: vuesax3.1.7
    • Browser version: Chrome 67.0.3396.87
    • Package manager: npm v6.1.0
    opened by RickCardoso 20
  • Setting theme doesn't work with SSR

    Setting theme doesn't work with SSR

    Hello, I just installed a clean nuxt.js project using yarn create nuxt-app, then added vuesax through yarn add vuesax.

    Then, to integrate vuesax with nuxt.js I created a plugin, plugins/vuesax.js, with the following code:

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Vuesax from 'vuesax'
    import 'vuesax/dist/vuesax.css' //vuesax styles
    Vue.use(Vuesax, {
        theme: {
            colors: {

    Looks like setting a theme color doesn't work in SSR because it throws the famous document is not defined error in vuesax.common.js at the following function:

    setCssVariable: function setCssVariable(propertyName, value) {, value);

    So, setting the theme requires document, but document is not defined in SSR. Otherwise, when not providing the theme in Vue.use, vuesax loads normally.

    Using node v10 and npm v6 with vuesax 3.0.29 and nuxt-edge

    bug help wanted 
    opened by Blaconix 20
  • [3.10.0] Style issue with vx-card and other vx-* classes

    [3.10.0] Style issue with vx-card and other vx-* classes

    • Your OS : Ubuntu 18.04
    • Node.js version : 10.11.0
    • Vuesax version : 3.10.0
    • Browser version : chrome 76
    • Which package manager did you use for the install? npm


    we have an issue with vx-card, and other vx-* classes they are now hidden by this style in vuesax.styl :

      display: none !important
      pointer-events: none !important
      opacity 0 !important
      visibility hidden !important

    What is the purpose of this style ?

    there is also this code :

    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
        document.querySelectorAll('*[class*="vx-"]').forEach((item) => {

    that breaks everything

    this was added in :


    opened by lk77 18
  • Button is missing Disabled status

    Button is missing Disabled status

    I'm looking and I can't see the readonly and disabled status on any component.

    Inputs, Buttons, Checkboxes, Radios, etc. All those should have disabled and readonly.

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by fergardi 15
  • vs-select bug chrome 73 version

    vs-select bug chrome 73 version

    After the Chrome 73 update, the select component works incorrectly. You can look at this page as an example

    bug help wanted 
    opened by mehmet-polat 14
  • vs-select from vuesax not working and duplicate root node in vuejs

    vs-select from vuesax not working and duplicate root node in vuejs

    I'm working with vuejs 2.5.16, vuesax 3.5.7 and webpack template from vue-cli. When i utilize a vs-select component im my form, the options are not visible, the list size seems to be correct, but the values are all null. And in the Dev Tools the root node gets doubled. Any sugestions? My enviroment Ubuntu 16.04 Node 8.12.0 npm 6.2.0 vue-cli 2.9.6 webpack template

    <vs-col vs-w="2"> <label for="sexo">Sexo</label> <vs-select v-model="pessoa.sexo"> <vs-select-item v-bind:value="opt.value" v-bind:text="opt.text" v-bind:key="index" v-for="(opt, index) in sexo_opt"/> </vs-select>

    data(){ return{ pessoa.sexo:'M', sexo_opt: [{text:'Masculino',value:'M'},{text:'Feminino',value:'F'}] } }

    opened by yvescavalcanti 13
  • Сlosing the dropdown list (Select component)

    Сlosing the dropdown list (Select component)

    When we select the maximum possible number of elements, other elements become inactive. But when you click on this part of the area (where empty) - the list does not close. When you click on the text or an invisible icon - the list closes.

    Does not close - Closes -

    Is it possible to make the closure of the list, and when you click on an empty space? Or it is better to pass a parameter through props, which with an inactive button hides the list, or did nothing. I prefer the second option :)

    P.S. I found part of the code that closes the list

    Path: src/components/vsSelect/vsSelectItem.vue
    blur: (event) => {
      if(event.relatedTarget?!event.relatedTarget.closest('.vs-select-options'):true) {
    opened by oleksiikhr 13
  • Font-family conflict: user can't use google fonts with vuesax

    Font-family conflict: user can't use google fonts with vuesax

    I am using Vusax in a project and realize that when Vuesax CDN link applied my custom fonts are gone ,we cant use custom font in project,i have done some research and found that ,this problem is happening due to vuesax,if i removed cdn link,everything works fine. this code is coming from vuesax.css ,by this the custom fonts can't applied.

    * {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        font-family: Avenir,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
        outline: none;
        text-transform: none;
        text-decoration: none;

    Please review this issue

    bug help wanted good first issue 
    opened by ankitmlive 13
  • Issue with VsButton

    Issue with VsButton

    • Your OS : Ubuntu 18.10
    • Node.js version : 11.10.1
    • Vuesax version : 3.8.75
    • Browser version : chrome 75
    • Which package manager did you use for the install? npm


    we have an issue with VsButton, line 252 to line 255 :

          let btn = this.$refs.btn
          let xEvent = event.offsetX
          let yEvent = event.offsetY
          let radio = btn.clientWidth * 3

    sometimes this.$refs.btn is undefined and btn.clientWidth fails :

    [Vue warn]: Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientWidth' of undefined"
    found in
    ---> <VsButton> at vsButton.vue
           <VsPrompt> at index.vue

    it happens when using the button with a vs prompt.

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientWidth' of undefined
        at VueComponent.clickButton (vendor.js?id=1d679b71abe3382ea820:14433)
        at click (vendor.js?id=1d679b71abe3382ea820:14300)
        at invokeWithErrorHandling (app.js?id=490a4e36a07710a3ac75:137455)
        at HTMLButtonElement.invoker (app.js?id=490a4e36a07710a3ac75:137780)
        at HTMLButtonElement.original._wrapper (app.js?id=490a4e36a07710a3ac75:143133)

    do you have any idea why this is happening ?


    opened by lk77 12
  • Added the pagination component

    Added the pagination component

    Hi guys, sorry it took me so long, i'm pretty busy with work right now. Anyway, I created the pagination component. Next component will probably be the navbar. When I'm sure I will create an issue suggesting the add so I can be assinged to create it.


    opened by VicGUTT 12
  • Feels slow

    Feels slow

    I like the fresh ideas and look of vuesax. However there is one thing that keeps me away from using it. It all feels very slow. Especially when clicking anything there seems to be a short delay before the element reacts. And often the delay feels different each time I click. I expect instant visual feedback from my app.

    enhancement help wanted good first issue question 
    opened by kirschkern 12
  • [Sidebar] prop (vs-sidebar-item:to) - Your Bug Name

    [Sidebar] prop (vs-sidebar-item:to) - Your Bug Name

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Do something
    2. Do something else.
    3. Do one last thing.

    Expected The vs-sidebar-item:to should do this

    Result The vs-sidebar-item:to does not do this

    Testcase (fork this to get started)

    opened by nozuo-ux 0
  • [Button] prop (color) - Your Bug Name

    [Button] prop (color) - Your Bug Name

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Do something
    2. Do something else.
    3. Do one last thing.

    Expected The color should do this

    Result The color does not do this

    Testcase (fork this to get started)

    opened by facubossana 0
  • [Alert] -  Alert does not change color

    [Alert] - Alert does not change color

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Open
    2. Click on tabs color

    Expected The Alert should change color

    Result The Alert does not change color


    opened by lia-tec 2
  • Bringing Vue 3 support to Vuesax 3

    Bringing Vue 3 support to Vuesax 3


    since this package is not maintained anymore,

    i ported Vuesax v3 to Vue 3 :

    You can simply do npm i vuesax3 and change your imports and it should work !

    All components and functions are now working with Vue 3, but be aware that you need to use the new Vue 3 syntax for each component, for example by replacing :value by :modelValue or use the template element to define slots

    The new syntax is now on the docs which was recently upgraded to also work on Vue 3 with the latest vuepress version :


    opened by lk77 0
  • v3.8.61(Apr 19, 2019)

    Issues Resolve

    Notification and dialog component gives console error #512 Sidebar appears for a fraction and closes automatically #505 vs-input with placeholder doesn't support Paste #486 Collapse for Navbar #324 (new collapse property that generates the hidden menu) Fix #419 - Dialog cancel button not displayed on IE & Edge #478 Vs-select-item do not show properly in vs-popup #500 La paginación vs con el incremento programático de la página actual no funciona # 503 Already checked checkbox takes double click to uncheck. #507 vs-select add clear button #506 Already checked checkbox takes double click to uncheck. #507 vs-select inside vs-prompt not showing items #499 Vuesax dialogs are invoking accept alert automatically #251 Some components are not working with latest vue release #462 tooltip don't work #490 how to get this ''? in vs-upload #498 [importante] vs-upload - El modo automático con mutliple no envía datos # 431 Button on tab title #476 vs-upload @on-delete #474 All locations of the uploader should support drag and drop #445 Table collapsed data should open when we click on row instead of arrow. #473 theme colors support for Navbar color #471 How to set rowspan for table #468 Dialog components last example gives console error #467 Switch -> Array Value's switch toggles all at once in firefox #466 vs-input-number render fails #454 File Globbing #452 Collapse > Accordion open first element/parent #449 cannot paginate with search results #451

    Pull Request Merge

    Safari radio fix #477 Added functionality of programmatic Inc/Dec Page Number + Update Docs + Checkbox fix +Disabled Switch CSS fix + Sidebar ClickNotClose Issue fixed #513 Update vs-input-number (#481) - YajJackson colors.js's color vars fixed (#479) - jd-0001 Fix api typo (#480) - YajJackson Typo in the size description (#509) - meyer59 Fix issues with null values #458

    Allow null objects to be passed to v-model #455 Fix #464 - Add emit event to blur and focus listener #465 Add label prop to vs-input-number #442 Merge pull request #538 from Jacrys/fix-table-a... - Jacrys Merge pull request #529 from meyer59/patch-2 - Jacrys Merge pull request #521 from jd-0001/master - Jacrys Merge pull request #342 from Jacrys/add-icon-li... - Jacrys Merge remote-tracking branch 'lusaxweb/master' ... - Jacrys

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • v3.8.12(Jan 21, 2019)

    New Features

    Or use individual components:

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import { vsButton, vsSelect, vsPopup } from 'vuesax' // <------
    import 'vuesax/dist/vuesax.css'

    Issues Resolve

    Tooltip sticks When Element is destroyed #435 El botón no admite la función de ruta de objeto # 438 Elementos desplegables en un espacio más pequeño # 352 Dropdown component gives error when leaving page #439 vs-select with Autocomplete functionality throws .querySelector is not a function #437 Close poppup action doesn't work on Firefox #420 Collapse Item overflows when type is bordered. #417

    Pull Request Merge

    Add autofocus to vs-input #432 [Update docs] Add autofocus to vs-input #433 Fix broken link #429

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.5.7(Oct 26, 2018)

    Issues Resolve

    Reposition tooltip on mobile devices to position at bottom #215 tooltips on mobile devices don't go away when you hit outside the bubble or anywhere else #216 Nuxt vuesax project: Seems missing Montserrat font #242 Collapse component hides content on reduced width #316 Card footer looking wired when title and body text not same number of lines #297 slider set max has wrong initial position of pointer #305

    Pull Request Merge

    Fix incorect type #320 vsCard prop: Fixed Height #326 vsSlider: return correct percent, if max as send. #327 return alphabetically components on sidebar to best search #328 add button property href and target. #329 vsButton: added prop vs-radius to circle buttons #330

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • v3.5.4(Oct 18, 2018)

    Issues Resolve

    Card Footer Empty - flow issue #293 issiue with multiple vs-upload #263 Navigation buttons in the vs-pagination component should disable #300 Multiple components - behaviour when disabled is not consistent #298 After element disabled, change to disabled color ? #310 Custom close function in prompt #315 Add Icon to Dropdown Collapse #307

    Pull Request Merge

    Fix typo in avatar documentation #292 Added verification when slots are sent on vsCard #295 Multiupload can send one file per request #296 Fix #300 - Correct Pagination Nav Buttons #306 Fix: Standardize Disabled behaviour for several components #311 vsprompt emit a event #318 can change icon of dropdown group #319

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.5.0(Oct 7, 2018)

    Issues Resolve

    • can I close a modal through vuex??? #281
    • Table Component Misc Multiple Search and Pagination #271
    • Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined" #261
    • please add ajax search on Autocomplete select component #231
    • Type the number of data want to see per page #279
    • Link like buttons, button integration with router-link #276
    • Navbar color attribute does not work with preset values like primary. #252

    Pull Request Merge

    • Keep using uppercase #278
    • feature / tableMisc #277
    • feat: #231 Add input-changed event for vs-select #280
    • Feature/define default color prop #282
    • added watch on max-items for reactive data #283
    • Added programmatic router on button #284
    • check if a color is a main color and set the rgb color corresponding #285
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.4.10(Oct 2, 2018)

    New Components

    New Features


    Issues Resolve

    • Add size for vs-input #267

    • Can you integrate a menu bar? And a list of pictures, a news list #77

    Pull Request

    • Add vsSize prop for component #274

    -placeholder typo fixed #268

    Fix some of the uppercase #275

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.4.7(Sep 27, 2018)

  • v3.4.3(Sep 25, 2018)

    new components

    • vs-select-group

    new features

    • select: ahora puedes tener un grupo de opciones

    issues solved

    Error raised on clicking vs-select #256 Add ability to add grouped options in a select field. #233 Vue router and dropdown: Error in beforeDestroy hook: "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" #257

    merge pull requests

    Fixes #257 dropdown component #258 @rendoh

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • v3.4.1(Sep 24, 2018)

    Merge Pull Requests

    fix for API table #243 Fix/sidebar docs #245 Support passing Element into loading container property #247 added overflow-y auto for scrollbar on smallscreens #246 Fix #253 #254

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.4.0(Sep 24, 2018)

    New Table component, new features and bug fixes

    Now we have the new table component to be able to show the data, edit them, look for them and much more

    New Components


    The SSR support tags were removed as this is implicit

    New documents on the component ** vs-table **

    New Features


    • Search
    • Fixed thead
    • Striped items
    • Pagination
    • Sort
    • ...


    Improved functionality by having few elements


    Change in the size of the button when it contains only one icon and has the property vs-size


    New size property to determine the width and height of the checkbox


    Error correction: elimination of the sun in blur item

    Issues Solution

    #96 #249

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.3.2(Sep 16, 2018)

    Total support ssr in all components, new components

    • vs-icon
    • vs-spaser

    all components were improved for better accessibility support and functionality improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.23(May 18, 2018)

    New Components / Update

    For this update we have new components and improvements, we want to thank those who helped us to create them, improve them or even a simple contribution that always helps many thanks:



    Error correction

    • Bring back the button styles and create a new one called "Raised" #75
    • Icon buttons #72
    • Button text missing #69
    • Tooltip misplacement #67
    • New component: List #63
    • Input icons are displaced #62
    • Can't uncheck the checkbox #59
    • Unable to Inputs #57
    • Font-family conflict: user can't use google fonts with vuesax #54
    • Little bug on button (present demo tooltip) #53
    • Little UI Modification on the Home Page #51
    • ...
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8(May 12, 2018)

  • v3.0.5(Apr 11, 2018)

  • v3.0.4(Apr 10, 2018)

  • v3.0.3(Apr 10, 2018)

    Error correction

    Table in Layout - Grid Contains Spanish in English Docs #24 Ability to have custom colors for the background of vs-popup #23

    Bug page scroll

    new directives

    vs-close-button-color Popup vs-color button

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.2(Mar 30, 2018)

    pull requests

    • #21
    • #20

    Error correction

    • Allow all native input attributes and events (This is done with $attrs and $listeners) This way you can accept any native html input attributes and events without specifying them in props.

    • Simplify validation logic and allow custom validator functions

    • Adding vue-i18n and integrating it into the project

    • Copying the english translations to es folder (didn't modify the messages)

    • Minor corrections for some english translations

    • Automatic redirect if you try to enter a route with a language that is not supported (e.g /de/home will redirect to /en/home since de is not supported now)

    • Get rid of lang injection into components. We can use $i18n which has more options and control.

    new directives

    • vs-validation-function
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.1(Mar 27, 2018)

    Error correction

    Mainly related to #16 This PR includes:

    • Keyboard accessibility (Works by focusing on slider first with tab key)
    • Fix slider value change on click. When clicking randomly on slider bar, previously the slider value was set wrong.
    • Add step prop. This allows to increment by a certain value when using arrow keys.
    • Cleanup and rename some variables with english names

    Updated with the help of Cristi Jora

    new directives

    • vs-step in component slider
    • vs-not-percentage in component slider
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0(Mar 27, 2018)

    New components

    • vs-popup
    • vs-alert
    • vs-dropdown
      • vs-dropdown-item
    • vs-row
    • vs-col

    New docs

    • Contributing

    Error correction

    • added contribution guide # 11
    • error solution in select IOS # 13
    • add support vs-color component ** vs-buttons ** # 14
    • array color support checkbox array # 15

    new appearance on the page

    • soport color thema
    • new footer
    • new svg
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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