Wall Covering Calculator and Material Procurement Portal


Wall-Pro MPP

--Wall Covering Calculator and Material Procurement Portal--


Table of Contents:

About This Project:


Deployed Application: http://www.WallPro.net
Repository: https://github.com/mbussert/shaw-ppc


The application will assist clients in calculating square footage measurements for wall installation material deliverables on behalf of the design company. The average user will be able to utilize the calculator tool to place product orders, save their account info to view order history, and notify the administration team of their new orders.

User Story:

  • GIVEN I need to submit vinyl installation projects with specific measurements to a designer
  • WHEN I visit the home page
  • THEN I am able to create an account or proceed to the calculator tool and information about how the calculator tool works
  • WHEN I visit the “How it Works” page
  • THEN I am able to view a video detailing how I should use the calculator tool, along with step-by-step instructions that are simple to follow
  • WHEN I view the “Calculator Tool” page
  • THEN I am able to view previous projects I have submitted (if I am logged in), and create a new project
  • WHEN I choose to create a new project
  • THEN a modal appears (if I am not logged in) reminding me to log in if I want my project to be saved, and have the option to continue if I do not want to create an account
  • WHEN I continue to create a new project
  • THEN I am asked to create a name/number for the first wall of the vinyl installation project
  • WHEN I submit my new name/number for the first wall
  • THEN I am asked to choose which material I would like for the wall
  • WHEN I submit my chosen material and choose to continue
  • THEN I am asked to choose a unit of measurement from a dropdown list that will be used for calculations
  • WHEN I enter a unit of measurement and choose to continue
  • THEN I am asked to enter the total length of the wall
  • WHEN I have entered the total length of the wall and continue
  • THEN I am prompted to choose whether to include an additional six inches of vinyl material to my measurements for production purposes
  • WHEN I click the “Calculate” button
  • THEN I am shown my project’s details and calculated measurements
  • WHEN I save the new project
  • THEN the project is added to my existing projects in the sidebar
  • WHEN I click an existing project in the sidebar
  • THEN I am able to add and save additional walls to the project
  • WHEN I view my “Account” page
  • THEN I am able to easily view details about all projects I have submitted
  • WHEN I am offline
  • THEN basic functionality of the site persists

Built With

Frameworks Dependencies
React Sass
MySQL Material-UI
JavaScript NodeMailer
HTML React Player
CSS Express
Node.js Axios
Sequelize Passport


Getting Started


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/mbussert/shaw-ppc.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Start the application on localhost:3000
    npm start


Demo video coming soon...


This application is covered under GNU AGPL v3.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Tests coming soon...

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  • Modal Overlay

    Modal Overlay

    Created modal overlay

    Created mobile view for Dev team page (Still need to add in more responsive styling)

    Adjusted desktop NAV bar so when the user is logged in everything displays evenly on one line

    Added meta-tags to HTML

    opened by Yeatman51 0
  • Validation/user feedback updates

    Validation/user feedback updates

    • Snackbar resets on timeout (if a user fails a second time, the alert will pop up again)
    • Defensive coding in all forms prevents certain keys in particular input fields (i.e. only alphabetical, only numbers/decimals, etc)
    • A new render will take the user to the top of the page
    • Failing to create an account does not redirect the user to the login page; they stay on the same page and get an alert
    • Sequelize validation isEmail is now used for the database
    • Users can optionally add the six inch border, and that is now taken into consideration in the arithmetic function
    • Changed the Wall model to include decimals for width and height instead of strings
    • The clear function on the calculator now works as expected; clears the formObject and clears what the user sees on the page
    • A user is redirected from the create account page if they are logged in (since they shouldn't need to create subsequent accounts)
    • Logged in users redirected from log in page if already logged in
    • Updated footer by removing a couple links that can be easily accessed in the navbar
    • Created snackbars for the log in page and calculator page (the calculator has a success message and a warning message depending on if the order was successfully posted to the database)
    • Rewrote the arithmetic test (now that you also need to pass it a boolean about the border) and all tests are passing
    • Removed the extra copy of material-ui/styles that was causing a warning in the console
    • Commented out the registerServiceWorker stuff in the index.js file that was causing an error in the console (since we don't currently have a service worker file)
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  • Mobile menu styling

    Mobile menu styling

    Mobile logo and hamburger bun styled also created NAV menu styling.

    Still need to work on the on click event so when the hamburger is pressed it displays the mobile menu

    opened by Yeatman51 0
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