Automatically configure Vitest from your SvelteKit configuration.



Automatically configure Vitest from your SvelteKit configuration.

Getting Started


In an existing SvelteKit project, run the following.

npm install --save-dev vitest vitest-svelte-kit


Create a file called vitest.config.js:

import { extractFromSvelteConfig } from "vitest-svelte-kit"

export default extractFromSvelteConfig()

What’s Inlcuded

This package aims to emulate SvelteKit-specific behavior in a unit testing context. It does not actually run SvelteKit, but rather configures Vite in a way similar to how SvelteKit would do so.

Svelte File Support

Importing .svelte files into tests will work out of the box.

SvelteKit Modules

SvelteKit makes a number of modules available to your application.

This package will define those modules with reasonable defaults, but if you depend on their behavior its suggested you mock them using Vitest’s mocking capabilities.

Vite Configuration

Since SvelteKit is built on Vite, it allows you to pass a Vite configuration as part of your Svelte config file.

This package will use that configuration when running Vitest – meaning any custom Vite config, such as plugins, will be used in your tests.


An example usage of this package can be seen here.


Vitest and SvelteKit are both under active development and are subject to breaking changes. This package aims to stay up-to-date with any upstream changes, but may introduce breaking changes as a result.

When both of these projects become stable, this package aims to follow suit.

Additional Resources

  • New experimental sveltekit config exposed

    New experimental sveltekit config exposed

    Do we need to make some changes in this plugin, because of and ?

    opened by sebastianrothe 7
  • Syntax errors all over the place

    Syntax errors all over the place

    Simply doing this in svelte config:

    export default () => ({vite: {}})

    and then in vite.config.js:

    import { extractFromSvelteConfig } from 'vitest-svelte-kit';
    let cfg = extractFromSvelteConfig();
    cfg.then(console.log); // Just the plugins added by this package
    export default cfg;

    is giving syntax errors seemingly at random:

    vite v2.9.9 building for production...
    ✓ 0 modules transformed.
    [vite-plugin-svelte] /workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/__layout.svelte:180:46 RightParenthesis is expected
    file: /workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/__layout.svelte:180:46
     178 |      height: 3px;
     179 |      border: 0;
     180 |      background-image: linear-gradient(to right, @primary-500, spin(@primary-500, -20), transparent);
     181 |    }
     182 |    :global(.gradient-text) {
    > /workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/__layout.svelte:180:46 RightParenthesis is expected
        at error (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:17691:19)
        at Parser$1.error (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:17767:9)
        at Object.read_style [as read] (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:14456:20)
        at tag (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:16817:33)
        at new Parser$1 (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:17726:21)
        at parse$3 (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:17858:20)
        at compile (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/svelte/compiler.mjs:31871:17)
        at compileSvelte2 (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte/dist/index.js:321:20)
        at async Object.transform (file:///workspace/stackoverflow_import/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte/dist/index.js:1727:25)
    [!] Error: unfinished hook action(s) on exit:
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/.svelte-kit/runtime/client/start.js"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/__error.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/challenges/__layout.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/modules/__layout.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/about.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/api/verify/[slug].svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/challenges/[slug]/submit.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/challenges/index.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/graphql_test.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/help/ask.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/help/faq/[slug].svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/help/faq.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/help/index.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/help/questions/[slug].svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/home.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/index.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/login.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/modules/index.svelte"
    (vite:load-fallback) load "/workspace/stackoverflow_import/src/routes/signup.svelte"
     ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
    opened by Explosion-Scratch 3
  • Export kit-module-emulator

    Export kit-module-emulator

    I would like to ask if it would be possible to export the kitModuleEmulator-plugin?

    I was thinking of using it in instead of mocking the sveltekit-modules by myself.

    Thank you!

    opened by benbender 3
  • Update plugin to take in vite.config.js to Align with newer versions of Sveltekit.

    Update plugin to take in vite.config.js to Align with newer versions of Sveltekit.

    Recently Sveltekit converted from using the Svelte config file to configure Vite to using the vite.config.js making loading your own vite config in this module non functional.

    Please refer to this issue:

    What I did

    • Updated the plugin to read the vite.config.js file instead of the svelteConfig.kit.vite
    • Updated dependencies in lock

    Possible Issues

    • Do we want to allow users to inline the vite config also?
    • Don't think this solves this issue with stores
    opened by bertybot 2
  • Failed to resolve

    Failed to resolve "extends":"./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json"

    I don't know if this the correct place to put this problem (if it is not I apologize). When setting up a project with SvelteKit where its tsconfig.json contains "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json", as it is present in the documentation, it breaks the tests when running vitest. If I delete this line the error does not happen.

    More specifically the error below when running vitest --run. When there are several tests, only one of them fails with this error and the others pass: image


    import { extractFromSvelteConfig } from 'vitest-svelte-kit';
    export default extractFromSvelteConfig();

    Is there something missing, or is this current limitation?

    opened by BeeMargarida 2
  • Typescript Support

    Typescript Support

    Currently when using this with typescript.

    ▲ [WARNING] Cannot find base config file "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json"
          2 │   "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json"
            ╵              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Further if you use ts instead of js for the tests you get the following error and the tests don't run.

     FAIL  src/lib/button/button.test.ts [ src/lib/button/button.test.ts ]
    Error: failed to resolve "extends":"./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json" in <Project path>/tsconfig.json
     ❯ resolveExtends node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:22266:11
     ❯ parseExtends node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:22250:34
     ❯ parse$e node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:22201:24
     ❯ async loadTsconfigJsonForFile node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:22547:24
     ❯ async transformWithEsbuild node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:22380:36
     ❯ async TransformContext.transform node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:22468:32
     ❯ async Object.transform node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:38334:30
     ❯ async doTransform node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-9c153816.js:53030:29
    opened by ccadieux 2
  • Top level hooks support

    Top level hooks support

    Hi, first of all, thanks for the neat tool! Encountered ReferenceError: describe is not defined error while running a few tests inspired from the Svelte Vitest example which is using top level hooks.

    import { cleanup, fireEvent, render, screen } from '@testing-library/svelte'
    import Hello from '../components/Hello.svelte'
    describe('Hello.svelte', () => {

    When importing the accurate hooks, like in the vitest-svelte-kit example, tests work. Is it possible to support top level hooks ?

    opened by tommywalkie 2
  • fix: encount for the new sveltekit vite config placement

    fix: encount for the new sveltekit vite config placement

    The newest SvelteKit has 'vite' placed on a higher level, not within the 'kit' configuration. This PR fixes that, while allowing for older configurations to keep working as well.

    opened by kevtiq 1
  • Specify custom Vitest config

    Specify custom Vitest config

    Hi! Thanks for your work on this package @nickbreaton! I'm using this package with my vitest.config.js but I have existent configuration here:

      plugins: [svelte({ hot: !process.env.VITEST }), Icons({ compiler: 'svelte' })],
      test: {
        watch: false,
        clearMocks: true,
        environment: 'jsdom',
        include: ['test/**/*.ts'],
        exclude: [
        deps: {
          inline: ['@splidejs/svelte-splide', 'msw', /@sentry/],
        coverage: { reporter: ['lcovonly'], reportsDirectory: '.coverage' },

    I would like to be able to provide this config along with the one provided by the package to Vitest. Would this be possible? Thanks in advance!

    opened by EstebanBorai 1
  • Add custom vitest plugin

    Add custom vitest plugin

    I am trying to test a graphql call performed with @urql/svelte but, during the test, every call returns a [Network] fetch is not defined error; so, I would like to add the @rollup/plugin-graphql vite plugin to the configuration as shown here.

    Is there a way to add a custom plugin to this vite.config.js file:

    import { extractFromSvelteConfig } from "vitest-svelte-kit"
    export default extractFromSvelteConfig()

    BTW, as the graphql call works without issues when running the sveltekit application (both in SSR as in the client), so I am not sure if this is a problem of a missing plugin or a problem with vitest-svelte-kit

    opened by ufoscout 1
  • [bug] Svelte config file resolving on Windows

    [bug] Svelte config file resolving on Windows


    As described in this Vite issue, there is a problem on Windows to get the file with ES modules

    There is an error like this:

    Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME]: Only file and data URLs are supported by the default ESM loader. On Windows, absolute paths must be valid file:// URLs. Received protocol 'c:'

    Solution is easy, one liner,

    import {pathToFileURL} from 'url'
    const resolvedConfigFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "svelte.config.js");
    const file = pathToFileURL(resolvedConfigFile).href;
    opened by lukaszwisniewski88 1
  • Add @testing-library/jest-dom to the example

    Add @testing-library/jest-dom to the example

    What has been done:

    • Installed @testing-library/jest-dom package
    • Updated Vitest version (the older version doesn't catch the updated matchers types)
    • Moved cleanup and the matchers extending to a separate file (setupTests.ts). Also changed beforeEach to afterEach for the cleanup (to match the example in the @testing-library/svelte docs)
    • Overrode globals and setupFiles fields in the tests' setup (in svelte.config.js file)
    • Used toBeInTheDocument matcher instead of toBeDefined to check the changed and TypeScript support
    • Used getByText from the imported screen object instead of the one from the render result (here is why)
    • Fixed comments indentation in tsconfig.json
    • Added a note about @testing-library/jest-dom to and fixed a typo out there
    opened by vasilii-kovalev 0
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