Package for creating entity framework in a nodejs project based on Laravel artisan system.




  1. nodejs


  1. Install the package in your project with the command npm i @filipeas/artisan.
  2. Digit the command yarn for install dependencies.


  1. Digit the command npm rm @filipeas/artisan for remove package in yours dependencies.


  • All commands of artisan: npx artisan.
  1. --create entity <nome_da_entidade> [create a entity in src/domain/]
  2. --init [initialize a project]
  3. --help [get help for commands]
  4. --version [get version of artisan]


  • The command artisan --create entity <entity> creates an entity in the src/domain/ directory at the root of your project:
  • src/
  • ---/domain/
  • ----------/entity/
  • -----------------/dtos/
  • -----------------/infra/
  • -----------------------/typeorm/
  • -------------------------------/entities/
  • -------------------------------/repositories/
  • -----------------/repositories/
  • -----------------/request/
  • -----------------/response/
  • -----------------/useCases/
  • The command artisan --init command performs the initial structuring of the project with the artisan pattern:
  • ---/@types/
  • ----------/express/
  • ---/infra/
  • ---------/http/
  • --------------/container/
  • --------------/errors/
  • --------------/middlewares/
  • --------------/routes/
  • --------------/validations/
  • ---------/typeorm/
  • -----------------/migrations/
  • Fix: file ident

    Fix: file ident

    Aditions A simple logic to guarantee file names are correct spelled with CamelCaseUp name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);

    Removed Nothing was removed in this request.

    Corrections Identation problems at

    • v2/application/create/files/repository.js
    • v2/application/create/files/usecase.js
    • v2/application/create/domain
    • v2/application/create/infra/controller.js

    *Edit: Add Aditions part.

    opened by Germano123 0
  • [Production] release 0.3.5

    [Production] release 0.3.5

    Release Update - June 25, 2022


    1. refactory project


    1. new pattern for creating files and directories
    2. files of config for start project

    Bug Fixes

    1. Fix local of creation of dir and files
    2. Fix creation files and dir of command --create
    3. Fix creation files and dir of command --init
    bug enhancement 
    opened by filipeas 0
  • Criar separação de estrutura

    Criar separação de estrutura

    • Default: estrutura de pasta e arquivos já implementados

    • v1: nova estrutura no rennan

    • Deve haver um arquivo de configuracao gerado com o comando --init. Esse arquivo controlará a estruturação do projeto (arquivos e pastas).

    opened by filipeas 0
  • Adicionar melhorias na versão 0.2.11

    Adicionar melhorias na versão 0.2.11

    • Melhorias:
    • comando para criar useCase
    • comando para criar request
    • comando para criar response
    • quando criar uma entidade, escrever singleton no container/index.ts
    opened by filipeas 0
  • [Production] Release v0.2.8

    [Production] Release v0.2.8

    • Implementations and bug fixes:
    1. Fix imports in --init command creation files
    2. development/production control system
    3. Fix key/value insertion location in package.json file
    4. problem creating the http/ directory
    5. create migration file in --init and --create command
    6. create user authentication usecase in --init command
    7. fix the type of the @types/express index file
    8. fix
    9. fix key scripts into package.json
    bug documentation 
    opened by filipeas 0
  • [Production] Release 0.2.7

    [Production] Release 0.2.7

    • Implementations and fixes:
    1. Fix imports in --init command creation files
    2. development/production control system
    3. Fix key/value insertion location in package.json file
    4. problem creating the http/ directory
    5. create migration file in --init and --create command
    6. create user authentication usecase in --init command
    7. fix the type of the @types/express index file
    bug documentation enhancement 
    opened by filipeas 0
  • 0.3.5(Jun 25, 2022)

    Release Update - June 25, 2022


    1. refactory project


    1. new pattern for creating files and directories
    2. files of config for start project

    Bug Fixes

    1. Fix local of creation of dir and files
    2. Fix creation files and dir of command --create
    3. Fix creation files and dir of command --init
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.11(Apr 10, 2022)

    Release Update - April 10, 2022


    1. create migration file in --init and --create command
    2. create user authentication usecase in --init command


    1. development/production control system

    Bug Fixes

    1. Fix imports in --init command creation files
    2. fix
    3. fix key scripts into package.json
    4. fix the type of the @types/express index file
    5. problem creating the http/ directory
    6. fix key/value insertion location in package.json file
    7. fix key scripts in package.json
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Apr 8, 2022)

    Release Update - April 08, 2022


    • Package refactoring for entity creation command and project startup system creation with artisan pattern.


    • Implementations list:
    1. artisan --init command
    2. refactoring artisan --create entitty command
    3. Implementation of init.js file to create project startup
    4. creating additional files to create the files from the infra/ directory
    5. update to version 0.2.0

    Bug Fixes

    • No fixes implemented.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.5(Apr 6, 2022)

  • 0.0.3(Apr 6, 2022)

    Release Update - April 05, 2022


    • Implementations for this version:
    1. Create entity command. [npx artisan create --entity <entity_name>]


    • No improvements were implemented, as this is the first version that sought to implement only the functionality of creating an entity by command line.

    Bug Fixes

    • Currently no bugs found
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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