The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component).

Overview : The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component), based on CodeMirror & jQuery & Marked.


README & Examples (English) 是一款开源的、可嵌入的 Markdown 在线编辑器(组件),基于 CodeMirror、jQuery 和 Marked 构建。



Download & install


Github download

NPM install :

npm install

Bower install :

bower install


Create a Markdown editor
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="editor">
    <!-- Tips: can auto append a `<textarea>` tag -->
    <textarea style="display:none;">### Hello !</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        var editor = editormd("editor", {
            // width: "100%",
            // height: "100%",
            // markdown: "xxxx",     // dynamic set Markdown text
            path : ""  // Autoload modules mode, codemirror, marked... dependents libs path

If you using modular script loader:

Markdown to HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="editormd/css/editormd.preview.css" />
<div id="test-markdown-view">
    <!-- Server-side output Markdown text -->
    <textarea style="display:none;">### Hello world!</textarea>             
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/editormd.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/prettify.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
	    var testView = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-markdown-view", {
            // markdown : "[TOC]\n### Hello world!\n## Heading 2", // Also, you can dynamic set Markdown text
            // htmlDecode : true,  // Enable / disable HTML tag encode.
            // htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe",  // Note: If enabled, you should filter some dangerous HTML tags for website security.

See the full example:

HTML to Markdown?

Sorry, not support HTML to Markdown parsing, Maybe In the future.


Options options and default values:

    mode                 : "gfm",          // gfm or markdown
    name                 : "",             // Form element name for post
    value                : "",             // value for CodeMirror, if mode not gfm/markdown
    theme                : "",             // self themes, before v1.5.0 is CodeMirror theme, default empty
    editorTheme          : "default",      // Editor area, this is CodeMirror theme at v1.5.0
    previewTheme         : "",             // Preview area theme, default empty
    markdown             : "",             // Markdown source code
    appendMarkdown       : "",             // if in init textarea value not empty, append markdown to textarea
    width                : "100%",
    height               : "100%",
    path                 : "./lib/",       // Dependents module file directory
    pluginPath           : "",             // If this empty, default use settings.path + "../plugins/"
    delay                : 300,            // Delay parse markdown to html, Uint : ms
    autoLoadModules      : true,           // Automatic load dependent module files
    watch                : true,
    placeholder          : "Enjoy Markdown! coding now...",
    gotoLine             : true,           // Enable / disable goto a line
    codeFold             : false,
    autoHeight           : false,
    autoFocus            : true,           // Enable / disable auto focus editor left input area
    autoCloseTags        : true,
    searchReplace        : true,           // Enable / disable (CodeMirror) search and replace function
    syncScrolling        : true,           // options: true | false | "single", default true
    readOnly             : false,          // Enable / disable readonly mode
    tabSize              : 4,
    indentUnit           : 4,
    lineNumbers          : true,           // Display editor line numbers
    lineWrapping         : true,
    autoCloseBrackets    : true,
    showTrailingSpace    : true,
    matchBrackets        : true,
    indentWithTabs       : true,
    styleSelectedText    : true,
    matchWordHighlight   : true,           // options: true, false, "onselected"
    styleActiveLine      : true,           // Highlight the current line
    dialogLockScreen     : true,
    dialogShowMask       : true,
    dialogDraggable      : true,
    dialogMaskBgColor    : "#fff",
    dialogMaskOpacity    : 0.1,
    fontSize             : "13px",
    saveHTMLToTextarea   : false,          // If enable, Editor will create a <textarea name="{editor-id}-html-code"> tag save HTML code for form post to server-side.
    disabledKeyMaps      : [],
    onload               : function() {},
    onresize             : function() {},
    onchange             : function() {},
    onwatch              : null,
    onunwatch            : null,
    onpreviewing         : function() {},
    onpreviewed          : function() {},
    onfullscreen         : function() {},
    onfullscreenExit     : function() {},
    onscroll             : function() {},
    onpreviewscroll      : function() {},
    imageUpload          : false,          // Enable/disable upload
    imageFormats         : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"],
    imageUploadURL       : "",             // Upload url
    crossDomainUpload    : false,          // Enable/disable Cross-domain upload
    uploadCallbackURL    : "",             // Cross-domain upload callback url

    toc                  : true,           // Table of contents
    tocm                 : false,          // Using [TOCM], auto create ToC dropdown menu
    tocTitle             : "",             // for ToC dropdown menu button
    tocDropdown          : false,          // Enable/disable Table Of Contents dropdown menu
    tocContainer         : "",             // Custom Table Of Contents Container Selector
    tocStartLevel        : 1,              // Said from H1 to create ToC
    htmlDecode           : false,          // Open the HTML tag identification 
    pageBreak            : true,           // Enable parse page break [========]
    atLink               : true,           // for @link
    emailLink            : true,           // for email address auto link
    taskList             : false,          // Enable Github Flavored Markdown task lists
    emoji                : false,          // :emoji: , Support Github emoji, Twitter Emoji (Twemoji);
                                           // Support FontAwesome icon emoji :fa-xxx: > Using fontAwesome icon web fonts;
                                           // Support logo icon emoji :editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-1x: > 1~8x;
    tex                  : false,          // TeX(LaTeX), based on KaTeX
    flowChart            : false,          // flowChart.js only support IE9+
    sequenceDiagram      : false,          // sequenceDiagram.js only support IE9+
    previewCodeHighlight : true,           // Enable / disable code highlight of editor preview area

    toolbar              : true,           // show or hide toolbar
    toolbarAutoFixed     : true,           // on window scroll auto fixed position
    toolbarIcons         : "full",         // Toolbar icons mode, options: full, simple, mini, See `editormd.toolbarModes` property.
    toolbarTitles        : {},
    toolbarHandlers      : {
        ucwords : function() {
            return editormd.toolbarHandlers.ucwords;
        lowercase : function() {
            return editormd.toolbarHandlers.lowercase;
    toolbarCustomIcons   : {               // using html tag create toolbar icon, unused default <a> tag.
        lowercase        : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Lowercase\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"lowercase\" style=\"font-size:24px;margin-top: -10px;\">a</i></a>",
        "ucwords"        : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"ucwords\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"ucwords\" style=\"font-size:20px;margin-top: -3px;\">Aa</i></a>"
    toolbarIconTexts     : {},
    lang : {  // Language data, you can custom your language.
        name        : "zh-cn",
        description : "开源在线Markdown编辑器<br/>Open source online Markdown editor.",
        tocTitle    : "目录",
        toolbar     : {
        button: {
        dialog : {



Change logs


The MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Pandao

  • 在我的仓库发布了新版本/ new version in my fork repository

    在我的仓库发布了新版本/ new version in my fork repository

    修复了部分bug,升级了项目构建工具,不兼容 IE9 以下 项目地址:

    :bug: 修复使用 on* 过滤标签的属性,图片加链接的语法会出错的问题 :bug: 修复<0000>的文本会被识别成标签的问题处理 :zap: 编辑器使用自动高度时,可以设置编辑器的最小高度和最大高度 :bug: 修复关闭同步滚动后输入内容右侧不更新的问题及输入内容右侧滚动条跳转的问题

    构建工具使用 babel 转换后再进行 uglify,原本会在 uglify 时报错,因不支持对象动态属性,例如:

    var key = 'Ctrl'
    keyMap = {
        [key + '-1']: 'h1'

    故转换后使用了 Object.defineProperty() 来支持对象动态属性,所以不支持 IE9 以下 欢迎 star & fork & issue

    opened by hawtim 14
  • 自动高亮当前单词的行为和风格能否调整下?




    光标放到 world 这个单词上,当前markdown中所有的world单词都被加上了波浪形的下划线.

    我是费了很大劲才明白这个功能是咋回事。 因为一般来讲,编辑器单词下面有下划线, 代表的含义是 当前单词有拼写错误

    我研究了两个比较出名的编辑器sublime text和ACE, 它们是这么处理的: 光标放倒单词那里, 并不会触发高亮当前单词; 选中整个单词才会触发。 高亮的风格是单词周围加上一个颜色较浅的框框,而不是波浪形下划线。

    opened by tylerlong 12
  • 图片上传的问题


    我集成到一个web程序里后,编辑器初始化正常,点击插入标题这些按钮可以用,但点击添加图片的时候,则提示“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'imageDialog' of undefined”。编辑器初始化的时候已经添加了配置“ imageUpload : true, imageFormats : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"], imageUploadURL : "ImgUpload",

    不过错误依旧。这有可能是什么引起的? unnamed qq screenshot20151204115509

    opened by star7th 10
  • 想修改全屏预览时的位置和大小



    但是这样显示看上去并不舒服。我想全屏预览应该要比编辑器下实时预览更要灵活得多。因为更 想看到的是文章发布后的效果,这样的话显示的位置以及占用的宽度就显得很重要了。而只是纯粹的将实时预览的放到整个屏幕不符合要求。


    实际图: ddfff

    效果图: hhhhh

    opened by wakaryry 9
  • watch参数为false时,预览html出现空白


    testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", {
      width: "90%",
      height: 540,
      watch: false,
      path : '../lib/'

    调用testEditor.previewing(); 后出现空白内容. watch参数为true就没问题

    opened by kevinma2010 7
  • Is this project dead?

    Is this project dead?

    Hi there,

    This looks like a really great tool, really very amazing! But I have some concerns before using it. Is it still supported? I see

    • 331 open issues
    • 18 un-merged pull requests
    • last merged pull request was July 17th, 2017
    • No CI for testing pull requests

    It is a big piece of work, and I'd be interested in being involved in the project. :-)

    Is it alive or dead?

    opened by scarroll32 6
  • 使用HTML的table之后会自动在顶部加很多br


    v1.5.0版本 加入的HTML如下:

    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="2213" width="450">
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="884" rowspan="23" width="115" x:str="">公共模块</td>
                        <td width="131" x:str="">注册</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">手机号注册</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td rowspan="2" x:str="">登录</td>
                        <td rowspan="2" x:str="">账号密码(手机号+密码)</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">密码找回</td>
                        <td x:str="">手机验证码</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td rowspan="2" width="131" x:str="">蓝牙连接</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持蓝牙连接</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">能获取Mac地址</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td rowspan="3" width="131" x:str="">WIFI连接</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持WIFI连接</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">支持WIFI投屏</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">手机网络开启教程(中文)</td>
                    <tr height="30">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">天气/温度</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">来源高德导航</td>
                    <tr height="49">
                        <td x:str="">消息通知</td>
                        <td x:str="">可设置消息来源</td>
                    <tr height="60">
                        <td x:str="">电话挂断</td>
                        <td x:str="">可通过蓝牙控制电话挂断</td>
                    <tr height="72">
                        <td x:str="">激活设备</td>
                        <td x:str="">激活设备,写入设备唯一码</td>
                    <tr height="64">
                        <td x:str="">绑定微信</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">绑定微信并关注思骑云服务接收消息推送</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">OTA升级</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持设备系统OTA升级</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">支付</td>
                        <td x:str="">/</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">订单</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">/</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">多语言配置</td>
                        <td x:str="">中文简体</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">清除缓存</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">意见反馈</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">帮助中心</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="48">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">首页模块差异化布局</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="48">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">多设备管理/切换</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="160" rowspan="5" x:str="">车身数据模块</td>
                        <td rowspan="5" width="131" x:str="">显示车身数据</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">实时行驶速度</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">最高时速</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">小计里程</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">总里程</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">剩余燃油</td>
                    <tr height="48">
                        <td height="132" rowspan="2" width="115" x:str="">骑行数据模块</td>
                        <td rowspan="2" width="131" x:str="">骑行数据统计</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">按月、按次统计骑行数据</td>
                    <tr height="84">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">1、支持,APP记录骑行数据,并储存在本地<br />
                    <tr height="120">
                        <td height="120" width="115" x:str="">骑行记录模块</td>
                        <td width="131" x:str="">骑行轨迹记录</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">在地图绘制骑行轨迹</td>
                    <tr height="122">
                        <td height="122" width="115" x:str="">骑行计时模块</td>
                        <td width="131" x:str="">骑行计时器</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">开始/结束骑行计时</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="328" rowspan="7" x:str="">导航模块</td>
                        <td rowspan="3" width="131" x:str="">地图</td>
                        <td x:str="">高德地图</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">地图免费</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持国内搜索</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td rowspan="2" width="131" x:str="">蓝牙导航</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持,车道指示</td>
                    <tr height="52">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持,有大路口指示图片</td>
                    <tr height="100">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">全屏导航</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持,能后台/息屏WIFI投屏</td>
                    <tr height="48">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">发送目的地到设备</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">使用设备本地导航,<br />
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="128" rowspan="4" x:str="">安全预警模块</td>
                        <td rowspan="3" x:str="">防盗报警</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持碰撞报警</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持低电量预警</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持断电预警</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td x:str="">ADAS预警</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">暂不支持(计划中)</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="32" x:str="">定位寻车模块</td>
                        <td x:str="">实施查询车辆位置</td>
                        <td x:str="">导航到车辆位置</td>
                    <tr height="96">
                        <td height="96" x:str="">行车记录仪模块</td>
                        <td x:str="">查看行车录像</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持设备查看/下载行车录像</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="64" rowspan="2" x:str="">直线竞速模块</td>
                        <td x:str="">0-100km/h竞速记录</td>
                        <td x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">0-400竞速记录</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td height="64" rowspan="2" x:str="">SIM卡模块</td>
                        <td width="131" x:str="">物联网卡</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">国内第三方卡商</td>
                    <tr height="32">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">物联网卡流量查询</td>
                        <td width="204" x:str="">支持</td>
                    <tr height="36">
                        <td height="82" rowspan="2" width="115" x:str="">UI和交互</td>
                        <td x:str="">连接教程UI</td>
                        <td x:str="">连接教程(蓝色文字按钮)</td>
                    <tr height="46">
                        <td width="131" x:str="">选择蓝牙/<br />
                        <td x:str="">弹框选择</td>
    opened by kebenxiaoming 0
  • Spellcheck not working

    Spellcheck not working

    I tried to enable spellchecking over codemirror.js, and I can see it's enabled now in the textarea, but my browser (edge) is still doesn't spell checking.

    opened by Tone866 0
  • 加载错误



    Compiled with problems:X
    ERROR in ./node_modules/ (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5].use[2]!./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/ 18:37-92
    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '.../fonts/editormd-logo.eot' in 'E:\Code\react\guiququ-blog\node_modules\\css'


    opened by GuiQuQu 0
  • wrong table view

    wrong table view

    Hi I don't know why view of these tables without last cell

    | Ввод  | Вывод |
    | --- | --- |
    |  7  | 2 |
    | 0 0 | |
    | 0 2 | |
    | 2 2 | |
    | 0 -2 | |
    | 2 -2 | |
    | 2 -1 | |
    | 2 1 | |
    | 2 | |
    | 1 3 | |
    ### Пример 2
    | Ввод | Вывод |
    | --- | --- |
    |4 | 1 |
    |0 0 | |
    |1 0 | |
    |0 1 | |
    |1 1 | |
    |2 | |
    |1 4 |   |
    ### Пример 3
    | Ввод | Вывод |
    | --- | --- |
    | 4 | 1 |
    | 0 0 | |
    | 2 0 | |
    | 0 2 | |
    | 2 2 | |
    | 1 | |
    | 1 4 | |

    Screenshot from 2022-10-27 01-27-44

    opened by jenia0jenia 0
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Brickdoc is an open-source compound document-based online workspace and low-code development platform.

Brickdoc ⚠️ Note: This software is currently under active development. Some features may be available in the future, and the API and interface may cha

MashCard 65 Jun 17, 2022
A refined tool for exploring open-source projects on GitHub with a file tree, rich Markdown and image previews, multi-pane multi-tab layouts and first-class support for Ink syntax highlighting.

Ink codebase browser, "Kin" ?? The Ink codebase browser is a tool to explore open-source code on GitHub, especially my side projects written in the In

Linus Lee 20 Oct 30, 2022
Reference for How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library -

Reference for How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library The purpose of this document is to serve as a reference for: How to Write an Open Source

Sarbbottam Bandyopadhyay 175 Dec 24, 2022
An Open-Source Platform to certify open-source projects.

OC-Frontend This includes the frontend for Open-Certs. ?? After seeing so many open-source projects being monetized ?? without giving any recognition

Open Certs 15 Oct 23, 2022
Shikhar 4 Oct 9, 2022