Plugins for my daily usage.


Joplin Plugin Bundle

Plugins in one panel. Some of the plugins come from other repo, and I modified them to show all the plugin panels in the same panel under different tabs.

Why? : Save my screen space by aggregating those plugins into one panel

How? : Copy & Paste code from existing plugins, and modify them at the code level. I cannot figure out a non-intrusive way to gather them together in one panel.

Current plugins:

Under development:

  • Note Link System (v0.8.0):
  • Writing Marker [Planned]: Help to mark text with a label and show them in the sidebar ordered by marker categories:
    • Recheck: text needs to be rechecked
    • Rewrite: text needs to be rewritten
    • ... (It depends on what I need to finish my papers)
  • Aggregated Search [Planned]: Allow search multiple resources and present the results in one panel.

    I treat Joplin as my top-level knowledge base while there exist many other tools behind Joplin. Joplin is not a good choice for document management, so I need to search other tools.

Imgur Imgur

Building the plugin

The plugin is built using Webpack, which creates the compiled code in /dist. A JPL archive will also be created at the root, which can use to distribute the plugin.

To build the plugin, simply run npm run dist.

The project is setup to use TypeScript, although you can change the configuration to use plain JavaScript.

Updating the plugin framework

To update the plugin framework, run npm run update.

In general this command tries to do the right thing - in particular it's going to merge the changes in package.json and .gitignore instead of overwriting. It will also leave "/src" as well as untouched.

The file that may cause problem is "webpack.config.js" because it's going to be overwritten. For that reason, if you want to change it, consider creating a separate JavaScript file and include it in webpack.config.js. That way, when you update, you only have to restore the line that include your file.

  • Feature request: related notes filters

    Feature request: related notes filters

    Love this feature, but please consider a couple of minor improvements:

    1. Add a filter based on the type of link (forward / backward, maybe also distinguish internal / external?).
    2. For forward / outgoing links, add a way to jump to the line in the current note where the link appears.
    3. For backward / incoming links, add a way to jump to the corresponding line in the referrer note (like the note link system plugin does).


    opened by alondmnt 11
  • Feature Request : add a dark theme

    Feature Request : add a dark theme

    Hi @SeptemberHX

    Many users use Remood theme (originaly "Ohmine") as a dark theme. It would be great to have an option to optimize the "bundle" panel (Cf. discussion )

    opened by bepolymathe 8
  • Selecting All Projects in TODO displays tasks without a project

    Selecting All Projects in TODO displays tasks without a project

    I expected the filter page to show all tasks related to any project upon selecting All Projects, excluding the tasks shown when selecting No Project. If this was the intended behavior, then please consider this a feature request to add a way to filter out tasks that have no defined project.


    opened by alondmnt 3
  • Feature Request: Toggle Side Panel on and off

    Feature Request: Toggle Side Panel on and off

    I love this side panel, it is essential as I like to have a table of contents that I can look into when I need to. I don't like that there is no option for toggeling the panel on and off as you can with other panels. On my laptop I have limited space on my screen and I need to have a PDF open as I am writing my notes, or when I follow lectures.

    Besides being able to toggle the side panel on and off it would be great to have an opton to hide the panel automatically when no other side panels are toggled on.

    If that is not possible (or additionally) you could bind the toggling on/off to a shortcut so users can create macros to combine toggling on/off side panels that have a shortcut

    opened by quantumfate 2
  • Creates a new notebook every time a daily note is added

    Creates a new notebook every time a daily note is added

    Hi there, great idea with this plugin. however, every time I click on the calendar it makes an entirely new notebook!


    Then clicking the same date again:


    then if I click ok


    I wonder if I'm doing something wrong/badly, but it looks like a bug to me?

    Thanks again for this great idea for a plugin, hopefully it's an easy fix!

    opened by DKBurns 2
  • Updated history panel style

    Updated history panel style

    This PR updates the following:

    1. Customizable style based on relative units that are more consistent with the rest of the CSS.
    2. Fixes lines that were cut in the middle and ensures that they are continuous.
    3. Removes the unused Panel Title setting.
    opened by alondmnt 2
  • History Panel updates

    History Panel updates

    This update includes the following changes:

    1. Fixed the 'load more items' button, which did not work until now in the bundle.
    2. Fixed the open/close logic of monthly sections of history, which until now could not be opened or closed individually in the bundle (e.g., Oct 2022 opened or closed all other months Sep 2022, Aug 2022, etc.).
    3. Changed the default title font size and trail width settings to 80% and 60% respectively.
    opened by alondmnt 1
  • Bugs: [Papers] The display of citations does not follow the change of source

    Bugs: [Papers] The display of citations does not follow the change of source

    opened by bepolymathe 1
  • Updated history panel style

    Updated history panel style

    This PR adjusts the trail plots to have a better default setting, and to support a greater range of setting values (where the plots previously got distorted or didn't scale properly).

    opened by alondmnt 1
  • Feature Request: Show description for todo items

    Feature Request: Show description for todo items

    All the content that starts with more more indent (tab) and follows a todo item should be treated as the description of the followed todo item.

    For example:

    - [ ] task1
            This line should be treated as the description or detail of task1. And we need to show it in the sidebar
    This line doesn't belong to the previous task
    opened by SeptemberHX 0
  • Bug: Plugin Bundle do not work with Joplin 2.10.2

    Bug: Plugin Bundle do not work with Joplin 2.10.2

    Hmm, may an issue with 2.10



    Joplin 2.10.2 (dev, win32) Sync-Version: 3 Profil-Version: 41 Revision: 0a65d53


    Plugin 0.5.4

    Steps to reproduce

    Start Joplin

    I tried the plugin in dev mode and got an exception

    `Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '../../node_modules/@joplin/lib/node_modules/sqlite3/sqlite3.js' Require stack:

    • C:\Program Files\Joplin\resources\app.asar\services\plugins\plugin_index.html at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:940:15) at i._resolveFilename (node:electron/js2c/renderer_init:33:1095) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:785:27) at c._load (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:5:13343) at i._load (node:electron/js2c/renderer_init:33:356) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1012:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18) at target (plugin_index.js:56:12) at newTarget (C:\Program Files\Joplin\resources\app.asar\vendor\lib@joplin\lib\services\plugins\sandboxProxy.js:21:11) at handler.apply (C:\Program Files\Joplin\resources\app.asar\vendor\lib@joplin\lib\services\plugins\sandboxProxy.js:35:9)`
    opened by makaanneo 0
  • Feature Request: Sub-tasks support in Inline-Todo

    Feature Request: Sub-tasks support in Inline-Todo

    For example:

    - [ ] Parent Task 1
        - [ ] Sub Task 1
            - [ ] Sub Sub Task 1
            - [ ] Sub Sub Task 2
        - [ ] Sub Task 2

    It should:

    1. correctly recognize the parent-children relationship between tasks
    2. allow to collapse/open task details, which includes the task description and more details about the sub tasks. Also show a nice progress bar when collapsed.
    3. allow to show parent task for sub tasks and click to jump to the parent task in sidebar
    4. auto mark parent tasks as complete when all sub tasks are finished
    opened by SeptemberHX 0
  • Feature Request: Group feature that can aggregate todo, notes, papers, etc. into user-defined group

    Feature Request: Group feature that can aggregate todo, notes, papers, etc. into user-defined group

    Feature Request: Group feature that can aggregate todo, notes, papers, etc. into user-defined group

    opened by SeptemberHX 0
  • Sidebar does not respect local time format settings

    Sidebar does not respect local time format settings

    Hi, I stumbled upon your plugin yesterday and it seemed a nice combination of little helpers so I wanted to try it out.

    Since I am living in europe I have my Joplin date format set to But this setting seems to be ignored when creating todos with a date assigned. Instead inline todos are always parsed as mm.dd.yyyy.

    opened by fbartels 2
  • v0.5.4(Dec 19, 2022)

    1. Add: auto completion for tags and project of task items. #20
    2. Add: quick ref and cite: #19
      1. @ref to quickly insert a markdown link to Joplin note
      2. @cite to quickly insert a markdown link to your papers
    3. Allow to create paper note in current folder or not #17
    4. Change:
      1. Improve paper notes requesting logic to avoid frequent requests to Zotero server
      2. Fix paper notes updating problem when switching to different paper options in Paper sidebar #24
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.3(Nov 27, 2022)

  • v0.5.2(Oct 28, 2022)

    • All:
      • add:
        1. Dark theme support
        2. Toggle button & shortcut support to show/hide sidebar
    • Todo:
      • add:
          1. allow to show descriptions for tasks (all the text below tasks with more more indent is treated as tasks' description) #18
    • Papers:
      • add:
        1. new copy markdown link button for annotations
        2. show paper details for all the papers mentioned in current note
      • improve:
        1. small font in popup dialogs
      • fix:
        1. missing info with book, chapter, preprint, and more #11
        2. crash when citing some papers with missing information
        3. cannot sync all items when your items are more than 50 in Zotero
    • Related Notes
      • add:
        1. filters & sorters #15
        2. jump to the first appearance #15
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.1(Sep 25, 2022)


    • Papers: Add zotero support. If you install zotero client in your system, then you can go to the pdf/annotation directly by clicking the link in paper tab.
    • Daily Note: Allow use 'Monday' as the first day of each week (disabled by default)
    • Bundle: Allow setting default sidebar tab for given folders so that one of the sidebar tab can show automatically when you open notes in them. For example, you set 'Outline' as the default one for the folder 'Test'. Then, the outline tab shows whenever you switch to the notes under 'Test' and its sub-dirs.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(Sep 18, 2022)

    1. New: Joplin-plugin-readcube-papers is added. Disabled by default.
      1. Show paper details connected to current note
      2. Show your paper annotations in list for copying & citing
      3. Show your paper's references in list
    2. Fix:
      1. Outline: header does not change to current position when scrolling
      2. History: trail bugs @alondmnt
    3. Change:
      1. Daily Note:
        1. setting for using note title as tasks default date or not
        2. allow new created daily notes in todo note type (disabled by default)
      2. Inline Todo:
        1. withProject filter to filter out tasks without project
        2. New search tab:
          • Use @Project, +tag1, //2022-09-09 to search with project, tag, and date
          • Use @, +, and // to find tasks without project, tag, and date
          • Case-insensitive search
      3. Status Info Bar: allow use char count instead of word count (disabled by default)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.2(Sep 10, 2022)

    Happy Mid-Autumn Festival from China!

    1. add:
      1. settings for each sub-plugin so you can enable/disable each one as you like
      2. a status info bar at the bottom of the sidebar. It shows: current line/total line, total word count(selected word count)
    2. improve:
      • Outline
        • Current position is highlighted in the toc, and it changes when scrolling
        • Linewrap setting option works again
      • Inline Todo
        • performance improvement
        • show left days in number of day instead of percent
        • Now the task will show on the first line after opening target note when you click the task in the sidebar
      • Daily Note
        • You can name the root daily note directory by folder ID now: Any folder can be set as the root dir as you like
        • Heatmap of the number of finished tasks in each daily note 【For performance issue, it ONLY calculate the tasks in the daily notes】. You can enable/disable it and set its color in the settings
        • Now the point below the date stands for the word count of the daily note. red point = 500 words, and green point = 100 words. You can set the step in the settings.
      • History
        • Settings work again now, and style is updated. Thanks to @alondmnt !
    3. fix:
      • Freeze when keeping editing for a long time
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.1(Sep 3, 2022)

    fix: some todo items are not shown on the sidebar improve: todo item in the editor will be updated immediately if you mark it as done on the side bar add:

    • basic dark theme support for all sub-plugins
    • All Date/With Date/Without Date filter in the Filter todo category
    • allow //2022-01-01~2022-02-02 to present task duration
    • show how many days are passed in percent for tasks with duration
    • the background colors for task tags & project are dynamically generated according to the tag/project name

    change: UI change

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0-1(Aug 31, 2022)

    • add: History panel from
    • improve:
      • Inline todo:
        • allow task priority with !1~4
        • add filters
        • show priority and project on each task item
      • Daily Note:
        • allow set root dir name for all daily notes
        • note template in settings. (use \n for newline)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Aug 26, 2022)

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