A Feathers service adapter for Prisma ORM.



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A Feathers service adapter for Prisma ORM.


npm install feathers-prisma --save


This adapter supports all methods (create, delete, update, patch, find, get) and the common way for querying (equality, $limit, $skip, $sort, $select, $in, $nin, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne, $or). Also supports eager loading ($eager) and full-text search ($search).


import feathers from "@feathersjs/feathers";
import { service } from "feathers-prisma";
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";

// Initialize the application
const app = feathers();

// Initialize the plugin
const prismaClient = new PrismaClient();
app.set("prisma", prismaClient);

const paginate = {
  default: 10,
  max: 50,

      model: "messages",
      multi: ["create", "patch", "remove"],
      whitelist: ["$eager"],

Eager Loading / Relation Queries

Relations can be resolved via $eager property in your query. It supports also deep relations. The $eager property has to be set in the whitelist option parameter. Otherwise the service will throw an error.

      model: "message",
      whitelist: ["$eager"],
// will load the recipients with the related user
// as well as all attachments  of the messages
  query: {
    $eager: [["recipients", ["user"]], "attachments"],

Batch requests

This adapter supports batch requests. This is possible by allowing this in the multi property in the service options. Supported methods are create, patch and delete.

      model: "messages",
      multi: ["create", "patch", "delete"],

app.service("messages").create([{ body: "Lorem" }, { body: "Ipsum" }]);

Full-Text Search

Prisma supports a full-text search which is currently in preview mode. Find out more how to activate it here. If you activated it through your schema you have to allow it in the whitelist property:

      model: "messages",
      whitelist: ["$search"],

  query: {
    body: {
      $search: "hello | hola",

Complete Example

Here's an example of a Feathers server that uses feathers-prisma.

import feathers from "@feathersjs/feathers";
import { service } from "feathers-prisma";

// Initialize the application
const app = feathers();

// Initialize the plugin
const prismaClient = new PrismaClient();
app.set("prisma", prismaClient);

const paginate = {
  default: 10,
  max: 50,

      model: "messages",
      multi: ["create", "patch", "remove"],
      whitelist: ["$eager"],
// Or if you want to extend the service class
import { PrismaService } from "feathers-prisma";


Copyright (c) 2021.

Licensed under the MIT license.

  • Unexpected behaviour on get method

    Unexpected behaviour on get method

    Steps to reproduce

    • Tried to use feathers-casl with prisma adapter, but setting permissions to specific issues gives the following error
        "name": "NotFound",
        "message": "No record found for id 'ckzqtphw00000hz3x1g9szk3f' and query.id 'ckzqtphw00000hz3x1g9szk3f'",
        "code": 404,
        "className": "not-found",
        "errors": {}
    • simple example to reproduce this issue
    // abilities.ts https://feathers-casl.netlify.app/getting-started.html#about for better reference 
    import { createAliasResolver, makeAbilityFromRules } from 'feathers-casl';
    import { AbilityBuilder, Ability } from '@casl/ability';
    import { User } from '@prisma/client';
    export const defineRulesFor = (user: User) => {
      const { can, rules } = new AbilityBuilder(Ability);
      can('read', 'users', { id: user.id }); # note that { id: user.id } causes this issue
      can('update', 'users', { id: user.id });
      can('delete', 'users', { id: user.id });
      return rules;
    import { authorize } from 'feathers-casl/dist';
     before: {
        all: [authenticate('jwt'), loadAbilities()], // load abilities are basically same as https://feathers-casl.netlify.app/getting-started.html#add-abilities-to-hooks-context
        get: [authorize()], // this hook causes the JSON response written at the top

    Expected behavior

    It should allow user to get only info related to their id, and give 403 on any other user

    Actual behavior


    System details

    Macbook Pro M1 13inch MacOS Monterey 12.2

    Module versions (especially the part that's not working):

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    NodeJS version:


    Operating System:

    opened by harukaze-sm 3
  • Add adapter-tests

    Add adapter-tests

    This is amazing! Thanks for your work! 🚀 Do you know about @feathersjs/adapter-tests? It's an official package to check adapters against common use cases. Please have a look at

    • https://github.com/feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-sequelize/blob/master/test/index.test.js#L13
    • https://github.com/feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-knex/blob/master/test/index.test.js#L11
    • https://github.com/feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-mongoose/blob/master/test/index.test.js#L10

    What do you think? Are you interested to add adapter-tests to this package? That would make this package even more reliable.

    opened by fratzinger 3
  • no prisma.schema generated

    no prisma.schema generated

    Steps to reproduce

    When you run feathers generate app and select prisma as the ORM no schema.prisma is generated, but it does generate some service and class modules.

    Expected behavior

    schema.prisma would be generated to go along with the users.service and users.class modules and hooked into the starter app. Alternatively some sort of documentation for that portion of it so that the normal prisma commands could work from the command line.

    I can run npx prisma init to generate a schema file, but by default it is referencing .env for it's database URL, while the feather's config also has a database URL in its config. And I could add fields to that schema, but if you select something like Sequelize when initing feathers, it creates a model file with all the appropriate fields for the auth classes that you've selected. So I was expecting a similar experience to that.

    Actual behavior

    Some modules get generated that theoretically will use prisma, but despite knowing a bit about both feathers and prisma, I fail to see what I'm supposed to do next.

    System configuration

    Just installed feathers and ran feathers generate app .

    Module versions the latest of everything

    NodeJS version: v16.15.1 (LTS)

    Operating System: Mac OS 12.3.1

    Browser Version: N/A

    React Native Version: N/A

    Module Loader: N/A

    opened by rizen 2
  • Can't get $select, $sort, or $in to work via html request

    Can't get $select, $sort, or $in to work via html request

    Steps to reproduce

    • [x] Tell us what broke. The more detailed the better.

    I have created a basic feathers controller using this feathers-prisma adapter and have tried to use various query parameters with no success. I have tried various queries:


    The official feathers.js documentation says this should work, but:

    gives error: "Invalid query parameter $select[]"

    Looking through the code, it looks like the "[]" is not seen, so removing that gets us farther, but still have an error:

    gives error: "$select.forEach is not a function"

    The query $select value didn't get converted to an array... Am I missing something?


    $sort via the official feathers documentation:

    gives error: "Invalid query parameter $sort[created_at]"


    gives the error: Invalid `this.Model.findMany() ...
    gives the error: Invalid `this.Model.findMany() ...
    • [x] If you can, please create a simple example that reproduces the issue and link to a gist, jsbin, repo, etc.


    import { PrismaService, PrismaServiceOptions } from 'feathers-prisma';
    import { Application } from '../../declarations';
    interface Options extends PrismaServiceOptions {}
    export class Spaces extends PrismaService {
      //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
      constructor(options: Options, app: Application) {
        super(options, app.get('prisma'));


    mport { ServiceAddons } from '@feathersjs/feathers';
    import { Application } from '../../declarations';
    import { Spaces } from './spaces.class';
    import hooks from './spaces.hooks';
    // Add this service to the service type index
    declare module '../../declarations' {
      interface ServiceTypes {
        'spaces': Spaces & ServiceAddons<any>;
    export default function (app: Application): void {
      const options = {
        model: 'spaces',
        client: app.get('prisma'),
        paginate: app.get('paginate')
      // Initialize our service with any options it requires
      app.use('/spaces', new Spaces(options, app));
      // Get our initialized service so that we can register hooks
      const service = app.service('spaces');

    prisma model

    model spaces {
      space_id          Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
      name              String?   @db.VarChar
      created_at        DateTime? @db.Timestamptz(6)
      description       String?
      organization_id   String?   @db.VarChar
      primary_color     String?   @db.VarChar
      secondary_color   String?   @db.VarChar
      @@index([organization_id], map: "spaces_link_organization_id_index")

    Expected behavior


    Should select return only the organization_id and space_id's for the records.


    Should sort by created_at descending


    Should return the records with the ids in the given array of ids.

    Actual behavior

    Errors: Invalid query parameter, $select.forEach is not a function, or Invalidthis.Model.findMany() ...`

    System configuration

    Tell us about the applicable parts of your setup.

    This is a bare bones feather setup with no hooks. Using feathersjs-serverless.

    Module versions (especially the part that's not working):

    "dependencies": {
        "@feathersjs/configuration": "^4.5.15",
        "@feathersjs/errors": "^4.5.15",
        "@feathersjs/express": "^4.5.15",
        "@feathersjs/feathers": "^4.5.15",
        "@feathersjs/primus": "^4.5.15",
        "@feathersjs/socketio": "^4.5.15",
        "@feathersjs/transport-commons": "^4.5.15",
        "@prisma/client": "^3.15.2",
        "aws-serverless-express": "^3.4.0",
        "body-parser": "^1.20.1",
        "class-transformer": "^0.5.1",
        "class-validator": "^0.13.2",
        "compression": "^1.7.4",
        "cors": "^2.8.5",
        "ejs": "^3.1.8",
        "express": "^4.18.2",
        "feathersjs-serverless": "^0.3.1",
        "feathers-prisma": "^0.6.0",
        "helmet": "^5.1.1",
        "install": "^0.13.0",
        "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13",
        "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
        "rxjs": "^7.5.7",
        "serve-favicon": "^2.5.0",
        "serverless-express": "^2.0.12",
        "serverless-http": "^3.1.0",
        "winston": "^3.8.2",
        "ws": "^8.11.0"

    NodeJS version: v16.18.0

    Operating System: OS/X M1

    Browser Version: Firefox, Chrome, Safari

    React Native Version: N/A

    Module Loader: N/A

    opened by robblovell 1
  • Automatic conversion of fields to numbers leads to errors (e.g. for GoogleOauthIDs or Ethereum Addresses)

    Automatic conversion of fields to numbers leads to errors (e.g. for GoogleOauthIDs or Ethereum Addresses)

    Steps to reproduce

    Strings that contain numbers are automatically converted to numbers, this is sometimes not the desired behavior.

    Service.create({ googleId: "123456789" })
    // --> { googleId: 123456789 }


    Service.create({ ethereumAddress: "0x71C7656EC7ab88b098defB751B7401B5f6d8976F" })
    // --> { ethereumAddress: 6.4956264143494794e+47 }

    Expected behavior

    Strings should not be converted to numbers

    Actual behavior

    Strings are converted to numbers

    System configuration

    Module versions 0.5.8

    NodeJS version: v16.13.1

    Operating System: Mac

    Browser Version: Chrome

    opened by pineappledafruitdude 1
  • Prisma Client error 'PrismaClientUnknownRequestError' is not handled and results in an error of undefined

    Prisma Client error 'PrismaClientUnknownRequestError' is not handled and results in an error of undefined

    The error handler is not handling the error PrismaClientUnknownRequestError. This causes the variable feathersError in the error handler to remain undefined, because no default error is set. Because of the undefined error the error cannot be processed correctly by feathers.

    The error can be reproduced by, for example, sending a query that contains an integer value that is too large.

    Module versions: 0.5.8

    NodeJS version: 16.15.1

    opened by NLaza 1
  • Some errors are not communicated to the frontend client.

    Some errors are not communicated to the frontend client.

    Steps to reproduce

    • Create a user model missing a property called for example missing_property_in_schema
    • Trigger a PrismaClientValidationError by calling for example service('users').create({ missing_property_in_schema: 'some_value' })

    Expected behavior

    The current returned error is : image

    The actual error I'd been able to console.log directly in the library is :

    Unknown arg `missing_property_in_schema` in data.missing_property_in_schema for type UserCreateInput. Did you mean `id`? Available args:`

    We'd like to see the error in the frontend client.


    The problem seems to come from error-handler.js.

        else if (error instanceof index_1.PrismaClientValidationError) {
            switch (prismaMethod) {
                case 'findUnique':
                case 'remove':
                case 'update':
                    feathersError = new errors.NotFound('Record not found.');

    On line 53 the switch does not set feathersError if prismaMethod is undefined (which is its value in the case I described above). I think it should always set an error (a errors.GeneralError maybe ?)

    opened by harijoe 1
  • Add support to query json fields

    Add support to query json fields

    Prisma supports querying JSON fields in postgres and mysql. It is currently in preview mode.

    • [ ] support path query as $path and support postgres and mysql
    • [ ] add $string_contains, $string_starts_with and $string_ends_with
    • [ ] add $array_contains, $array_starts_with and $array_ends_with
    opened by ps73 1
  • Query relations

    Query relations

    It would be nice if we cannot just load relations via $eager but also query the related items with default feathers query and filter options.

    Could look like this:

      query: {
        $eager: {
          todos: ['title'],

    Also it should be supported to filter for relations:

      query: {
        todos: {
          tag1: {
            $in: ['TEST'],
    opened by ps73 1
  • Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6

    Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6

    Bumps minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6.


    Dependabot compatibility score

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    Dependabot commands and options

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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Implemented @feathersjs/adapter-tests (#1)

    Implemented @feathersjs/adapter-tests (#1)


    • [x] Test the adapter with @feathersjs/adapter-tests (#1)
    • [x] Fixed service to support full common api

    Other Information

    Fixed also a typo in endsWith so this operator is now working as expected.

    opened by ps73 0
  • Got invalid value '1' on prisma.deleteOneUser. Provided String, expected Int.

    Got invalid value '1' on prisma.deleteOneUser. Provided String, expected Int.


    I get the following error when I try to delete a resource through the REST API

        "name": "GeneralError",
        "message": "\nInvalid `this.Model.delete()` invocation in\n/home/leo/workspace/detale/prisma-bug/node_modules/feathers-prisma/dist/service.js:169:59\n\n  166 }, this.options.id);\n  167 try {\n  168     (0, utils_1.checkIdInQuery)({ id, query, allowOneOf: true, idField: this.options.id });\n→ 169     const result = yield this.Model.delete(Object.assign({\n            where: {\n              id: '1'\n                  ~~~\n            }\n          })\n\nArgument id: Got invalid value '1' on prisma.deleteOneUser. Provided String, expected Int.\n\n",
        "code": 500,
        "className": "general-error",
        "errors": {}

    Steps to reproduce

    $ feathers generate app
    ? Do you want to use JavaScript or TypeScript? JavaScript
    ? Project name prisma-bug
    ? Description
    ? What folder should the source files live in? src
    ? Which package manager are you using (has to be installed globally)? Yarn
    ? What type of API are you making? REST
    ? Which testing framework do you prefer? Jest
    ? This app uses authentication No
    ? Which coding style do you want to use? StandardJS
    $ feathers generate service
    ? What kind of service is it? Prisma
    ? What is the name of the service? users
    ? Which path should the service be registered on? /users
    ? Which database are you connecting to? PostgreSQL
    ? What is the database connection string? postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/prisma_bug
    // This is your Prisma schema file,
    // learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema
    generator client {
      provider = "prisma-client-js"
    datasource db {
      provider = "postgresql"
      url      = env("DATABASE_URL")
    model User {
      id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
      email String
      name  String
    $ yarn run prisma init
    $ node .
    $ curl -X POST -d '{"email":"[email protected]","name":"joe"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3030/users
    {"id":1,"email":"[email protected]","name":"joe"}
    $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3030/users/1
    {"name":"GeneralError","message":"\nInvalid `this.Model.delete()` invocation in\n/home/leo/workspace/detale/prisma-bug/node_modules/feathers-prisma/dist/service.js:169:59\n\n  166 }, this.options.id);\n  167 try {\n  168     (0, utils_1.checkIdInQuery)({ id, query, allowOneOf: true, idField: this.options.id });\n→ 169     const result = yield this.Model.delete(Object.assign({\n            where: {\n              id: '1'\n                  ~~~\n            }\n          })\n\nArgument id: Got invalid value '1' on prisma.deleteOneUser. Provided String, expected Int.\n\n","code":500,"className":"general-error","errors":{}}

    Prisma complains about the type of id, it expects an integer since the model uses an Int but id is a string. However, this error does not occur when using GET http://localhost:3030/users/1 even though it uses the same url as DELETE.

    Expected behavior

    The resource get deleted without errors.

    Actual behavior

    An error is returned when trying to delete a resource.

    opened by Leo843 1
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