ECS Blue/Green Deployment with AWS CodePipeline


ECS Blue/Green Deployment with AWS CodePipeline

This repository contains a set of configuration to setup a CI/CD pipeline for an AWS ECS Cluster. All configuration powered by AWS Cloud Development Kit. Hope you have fun ^^ Let's get started

Table of Contents

  1. About this Repo
  2. Cdk Setup
  3. Network Setup
  4. ECS Cluster Setup
  5. CodePipeline Setup
  6. License

About this Repo

In this repo, I give a step-by-step guide for deploying applications to ECS Fargate use AWS CodePipeline with AWS CDK. Hope you have fun ^^ Let's get started. The image below gives an overview of what we are going to create using CDK.

ECS CI/CD Architecture

Cdk Setup

Install or update the [AWS CDK CLI] from npm (requires Node.js ≥ 14.15.0). We recommend using a version in Active LTS

npm i -g aws-cdk

Bootstrap Cdk assets if you run Cdk the first time:

cdk bootstrap

Deploy this to your account:

cdk deploy

Network Setup

To be able to connect to the ECS cluster you need to create an Application Load Balancer in front of the ECS service.

Create a new vpc with 2 public subnets:

const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, "ecs-devops-sandbox-vpc", {
  vpcName: "ecs-devops-sandbox-vpc",
  maxAzs: 2,
  cidr: "",
  subnetConfiguration: [
      name: "ecs-devops-sandbox-subnet-public",
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
      cidrMask: 24,
      name: "ecs-devops-sandbox-subnet-private",
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_ISOLATED,
      cidrMask: 24,

Create a new Application Load Balancer:

const elb = new elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer(
    vpc: vpc,
    vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC },
    internetFacing: true,

Create new target group with health check config for containers to be deployed to:

const targetGroupBlue = new elbv2.ApplicationTargetGroup(this, "target-group", {
  targetType: elbv2.TargetType.IP,
  protocol: elbv2.ApplicationProtocol.HTTP,
  port: 8080,
  vpc: vpc,
  healthCheck: {
    // My custom health check
    path: "/api/v1/health",

Create a new HTTP listener for HTTP requests around the world on port 80:

const listener = elb.addListener("ecs-devops-sandbox-listener", {
  port: 80,
  open: true,

listener.addTargetGroups("ecs-devops-sandbox-target-group", {
  targetGroups: [targetGroupBlue],

Create a new Security Group and attach it to Application Load Balancer:

const elbSG = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, "ecs-devops-sandbox-elb-sg", {
  vpc: vpc,
  allowAllOutbound: true,

// Allow access from around the world
  "Allow HTTP traffic from the world"

// Attach the ELB to the Security Group

ECS Cluster Setup

This section helps to create all the resources in ECS and connects them to the application load balancer. It creates the following resources:

Create a new ECS cluster:

const cluster = new ecs.Cluster(this, "ecs-devops-sandbox-cluster", {
  clusterName: "ecs-devops-sandbox-cluster",
  vpc: vpc,

Create a new ECS execution role help your cluster has permission for pulling image from AWS ECR and pushing logs to AWS Cloudwatch:

const executionRole = new iam.Role(
    assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(""),
    roleName: "ecs-devops-sandbox-execution-role",

  new iam.PolicyStatement({
    effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
    resources: ["*"],
    actions: [

You also need to create a task role that help the task and its containers can access AWS Resources through IAM Role:

const taskRole = new iam.Role(this, "ecs-devops-sandbox-task-role", {
  assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(""),
  roleName: "ecs-devops-sandbox-task-role",
  description: "ECS Task Role",

// Allow sendEmail
  new iam.PolicyStatement({
    effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
    resources: ["*"],
    actions: ["ses:SendEmail"],

Create a new ECS task definition:

const taskDefinition = new ecs.FargateTaskDefinition(
    cpu: 256,
    memoryLimitMiB: 512,
    executionRole: executionRole,
    family: "ecs-devops-sandbox-task-definition",
    taskRole: taskRole,

Create a new docker container including the image to use:

const container = taskDefinition.addContainer(
    image: ecs.ContainerImage.fromRegistry("amazon/amazon-ecs-sample"),
    memoryReservationMiB: 512,
    environment: {
      SANDBOX_ELB_DNS: elb.loadBalancerDnsName,
    // Store the logs in cloudwatch
    logging: new ecs.AwsLogDriver({ streamPrefix: "ecs-devops-sandbox" }),

Mapping port for containers:

container.addPortMappings({ containerPort: 80 });

Create a new Security groups to allow connections from the application load balancer to the fargate containers:

const serviceSG = new ec2.SecurityGroup(
    vpc: vpc,
    allowAllOutbound: true,

  "Allow traffic from the ELB"

Create a new ECS Fargate Service user for deploying tasks:

const service = new ecs.FargateService(this, "ecs-devops-sandbox-service", {
  cluster: cluster,
  taskDefinition: taskDefinition,
  securityGroups: [serviceSG],
  assignPublicIp: true,
  desiredCount: 1,
  serviceName: "ecs-devops-sandbox-service",

Attach ECS Fargate Service to Target Group that we've created before:


Create a new Scalable Target for tasks based on CPU and Memory Utilization:

const scalableTarget = service.autoScaleTaskCount({
  maxCapacity: 3,
  minCapacity: 1,

scalableTarget.scaleOnCpuUtilization("ecs-devops-sandbox-cpu-scaling", {
  targetUtilizationPercent: 50,

    targetUtilizationPercent: 50,

CodePipeline Setup

To perform blue/green deployment with ECS and CodePipeline, you need to create some extra resources:

Create a new Target Group for Green Environment that be used by CodePipeline:

const targetGroupGreen = new elbv2.ApplicationTargetGroup(
    targetType: elbv2.TargetType.IP,
    protocol: elbv2.ApplicationProtocol.HTTP,
    port: 8080,
    vpc: vpc,
    healthCheck: {
      // My custom health check
      path: "/api/v1/health",

You also need a service role that can be used by AWS CodeDeploy to perform actions in your ECS Cluster (for information, please read this documenation:

const ecsCodeDeployRole = new iam.Role(this, "ecs-codedeploy-role", {
  assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(""),
  roleName: "ecs-codedeploy-role",
  description: "ECS CodeDeploy Role",


  new iam.PolicyStatement({
    effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
    resources: [taskRole.roleArn, executionRole.roleArn],
    actions: ["iam:PassRole"],


License: MIT

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