Notify users of your Next.js app when a new deploy is available.


Next.js Deploy Notifications

This library lets your users know when you've deployed a new version of your Next.js application.

import { hasNewDeploy } from 'next-deploy-notifications';

function App() {
  let hasNewDeploy = useHasNewDeploy();

  return (
      <main>Your app</main>

      {hasNewDeploy && (
          New version available!
          <button onClick={() => window.location.reload()}>Refresh</button>

Deploy notification


npm install next-deploy-notifications

# or

yarn add next-deploy-notifications


API Route

You'll first need to create a new API route in order for this library to work correctly. Paste the following into pages/api/has-new-deploy.js.

// pages/api/has-new-deploy.js

export { APIRoute as default } from 'next-deploy-notifications';


Next, the useHasNewDeploy hook will tell you when a new version of your application has been deployed. This hook returns a boolean that's true when there's a new deploy.

import { useHasNewDeploy } from 'next-deploy-notifications';

function Page() {
  let hasNewDeploy = useHasNewDeploy();

  return hasNewDeploy && <div>A new deploy is available!</div>;

Production environments

This add works out of the box with the following hosting providers:

  • Vercel

    Note: Make sure you're application has "Automatically expose System Environment Variables" checked. This can be found in the Vercel dashboard under Settings > Environment variables.

Other hosts

Coming soon.

  • type-script api error

    type-script api error

    // pages/api/has-new-deploy.ts
    import { APIRoute } from 'next-deploy-notifications';
    export default APIRoute.configure({
      version: () =>
        process.env.NEXT_BUILD_ID || process.env.VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA || '',

    This will cause the endpoint fail.

    If I change the import to `import { APIRoute } from 'next-deploy-notifications/api'

    A type error occurs

    Cannot find module 'next-deploy-notifications/api' or its corresponding type declarations.

    How do I fix it?

    opened by zhex900 5
  • Add support for the hosting provider

    Add support for the hosting provider

    This PR adds support for

    When deployed to a Render environment, this package will now identify the current version by looking for RENDER and RENDER_GIT_COMMIT environment variables. All Render environments expose the RENDER variable as true and the RENDER_GIT_COMMIT will be the latest git commit hash for the given deploy.

    Let me know if I can do anything else to help out. I've never developed/contributed to a TS library before so I may have missed something important.


    opened by danielmichaels 2
  • Add support for

    Add support for

    Hey there,

    This is a great library, thanks a lot for putting this together.

    Is it possible to add support for

    The two environment variables that would make this supported out of the box (like vercel) are RENDER_GIT_COMMIT and RENDER

    See the docs.

    My first impressions would be to create:

    let isRender: IsEnvironment = () => !!process.env.RENDER;
    let getRenderVersion: GetVersion = () => `${process.env.RENDER_GIT_COMMIT}`;

    and then reference them in the handler like so:

    let makeRouteHandler = (options: Options = {}): Handler => {
      let route: NextRouteHandler = async (req, res) => {
        let findVersion = options.version
          ? options.version()
          : isVercel()
          ? getVercelVersion()
          : isRender() # untested
          ? getRenderVersion() # untested
          : isGit()
          ? getGitVersion()
          : getUnknownVersion();
        let version = await Promise.resolve(findVersion);
        res.status(200).json({ version });

    I am happy to open a PR for this if it's a viable option.


    opened by danielmichaels 2
  • Content update no commit change

    Content update no commit change


    How can I trigger a new deploy notification when there is a content update? I am using graphCMS for content management. The site is a static site. For content changes, the Vercel will trigger a rebuild. But rebuild will have the same commit hash.

    I can use the BUILD_ID as a part of the site version.

    This is what I did

    I have added this to package.json "postbuild": "next-sitemap; echo NEXT_BUILD_ID=$(cat .next/BUILD_ID) > .env.production; cat .env.production"

    // pages/api/has-new-deploy.js
    import { APIRoute } from 'next-deploy-notifications/api';
    export default APIRoute.configure({
      version: () =>
        process.env.NEXT_BUILD_ID || process.env.VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA || '',
    opened by zhex900 0
  • 500 error when there's no commits yet

    500 error when there's no commits yet

    Thanks for creating this really helpful package 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    I have a little annoyance with it as it keeps erroring with status code 500 when I'm working and hasn't done a commit yet. CleanShot 2022-09-13 at 11 29 43

    As soon as I do my first git commit, the 500 errors disappears. Any way to work around this?

    My endpoint looks like this:

    export { APIRoute as default } from 'next-deploy-notifications/api';
    opened by mellson 0
  • Hook triggers unnecessary renderings (fix provided)

    Hook triggers unnecessary renderings (fix provided)

    Every time the interval is executed or the window gets focused or blurred the entire app re-renders. I fixed the hook but don't have any time to create a PR. If you find any issues in my code, please leave a comment. With my code you can also remove 2 dependencies.

    Feel free to use it:

    import {
    } from 'react';
    const getCurrentVersion = async (endpoint: string) => {
      const response = await fetch(endpoint);
      if (response.status > 400) {
          '[next-deploy-notifications] Could not find current app version. Did you setup the API route?',
        return { version: 'unknown' };
      const json = await response.json();
      return json;
    type HookOptions = {
      interval?: number;
      endpoint?: string;
      debug?: boolean;
    type HookValues = {
      hasNewDeploy: boolean;
      version: string;
    type UseHasNewDeploy = (options?: HookOptions) => HookValues;
    const useHasNewDeploy: UseHasNewDeploy = (options = {}) => {
      const debug = useCallback((message: string) => {
        if (options.debug) {
          console.log(...['[Deploy notifications] ', message]);
      }, [options.debug]);
      const [hasNewDeploy, setHasNewDeploy] = useState<boolean>(false);
      const [currentVersion, setCurrentVersion] = useState<string>('unknown');
      const lastFetchedRef = useRef<number>();
      const intervalInstanceRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timer>();
      const windowFocused = useRef<boolean>(true);
      const interval = options.interval ?? 30_000;
      const loopInterval = interval < 3_000 ? interval : 3_000;
      const endpoint = options.endpoint ?? '/api/has-new-deploy';
      const isUnknown = currentVersion === 'unknown';
      const startInterval = useCallback(
        () => setInterval(async () => {
          const enoughTimeHasPassed =
          !lastFetchedRef.current || >= lastFetchedRef.current + interval;
          if (enoughTimeHasPassed && !isUnknown) {
            debug('Fetching version');
            const { version } = await getCurrentVersion(endpoint);
            debug(`Version ${version}`);
            if (currentVersion !== version) {
              debug('Found new deploy');
            lastFetchedRef.current =;
        }, loopInterval),
        [currentVersion, debug, endpoint, interval, isUnknown, loopInterval],
      useEffect(() => {
        if (!hasNewDeploy) return;
      }, [hasNewDeploy]);
      useEffect(() => {
        if (!hasNewDeploy && windowFocused.current) {
          intervalInstanceRef.current = startInterval();
        const onFocus = () => {
          windowFocused.current = true;
          intervalInstanceRef.current = startInterval();
        const onBlur = () => {
          windowFocused.current = false;
        window.addEventListener('focus', onFocus);
        window.addEventListener('blur', onBlur);
        return () => {
          window.removeEventListener('focus', onFocus);
          window.removeEventListener('blur', onBlur);
      }, []);
      useEffect(() => {
        const fetchInitialVersion = async () => {
          debug('Fetching initial version');
          const { version } = await getCurrentVersion(endpoint);
          if (version === 'unknown') {
              '[next-deploy-notifications] Could not find current app version.',
          } else {
            debug(`Version ${version}`);
            lastFetchedRef.current =;
      }, [endpoint, debug]);
      return {
        version: currentVersion,
    export { useHasNewDeploy };
    opened by sapkra 2
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