Salesforce Commerce Cloud ODS Command Center


ODS Command center

The On Demand Sandbox Command Center is a GUI tool which usessfcc-ci under the hood. It aims to provide a simple interface for running sfcc-ci commands and provide usability improvements for Managers, Developers and other stakeholders.

ODS Command Center Dashboard

Why is this needed?

We have different ways to manage Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud's On Demand Sandboxes

  1. Swagger API:
  2. Control Center (ODS capabilities coming soon)
  3. SFCC-CI commands

While all of these provides functionality to run operations on ODS(among other things), they don't provide an interface to Monitor, Analyse and Control ODS in a single, easy to use interface.

ODS Command Center is built on React + Node.js, leverages SFCC-CI Javascript API and can be easily deployed on cloud servers.


  • Login options: 1 Click login using dw.json, login using API key & user credentials
  • Realm Switcher to render dashboard for selected realm
  • Bulk Operations: Restart, Start, Stop all Sandboxes in a realm
  • Individual operation on ODS: Start, Stop, Restart, Reset, Delete
  • Manage Credit History: Add no of credit, Purchase date, Support ticket link for reference, Auto-renewal flag
  • Pie-chart to show Remaning, Uptime, Downtime Credit percent usages
  • Realm Statistics: Active Sandboxes, Credits remaining, Minutes up, Minutes down
  • Details for individual sandbox: Usage history, Operations history, Quick links Minutes up, Minutes down
  • Notification when credit usages hits predefined limit(50%, 75%, 90%).

Upcoming Features:

  • User & Role management, for better logging of operations performed and controlling access.
  • Usage Calculator:
    • Predicts remaining days of usage based on current up/down time and no of sandboxes
    • Calcule usage percentage based on user input of uptime/downtime(taking weekends into consideration), no of sandboxes
  • Upload dw.json through GUI
  • Schedule Start/Stop operations on individual Sandboxes using GUI
  • Graphical representation of Sandbox usage and operations
  • Notification Center:
    • Manage notification settings, turn-on/off.
    • Slack and SMS notifications
    • Manage contacts who should be notified
    • Manage SMTP, SMS configurations through GUI
    • Notifications for critical operations(Delete, Reset Sandboxes)
  • Log file for debbugging
  • Demo mode & Demo site on Heroku using dummy data
  • Caching to avoid frequent API calling
  • Docker container

Getting Started


  • Check Prerequisites in SFCC-CI repo to setup your API key and roles. If you still stuck somewhere, I have detailed the steps in this Medium post, please check that.
  • Clone or download this repository
  • Create a dw.json file(or copy sample file from docs/dw.json) and put it in server folder, so that we have server/dw.json.
    • Update dw.json with your API and User credentials.
    • If you are not familiar with the format, please follow above links for this. There will be an option soon to easily upload dw.json through GUI.
  • Copy docs/database.sqlite3 file and put it in server/ folder.
  • Create server/.env and client/.env files using .env.example files in respective folders, update environment variables.
  • Add SMTP details in server/src/routes.js (optional). Alternatively you'll be able to manage this in Notification Center(upcoming)

Running on Local system

  • We would require NPM to be available on local system, recommended Node version is 12.19.0. If you don't have it already installed check installation instruction for NVM(recommended, so that you can easilt manage multiple node versions) or install Node.js through official site
  • Go to <local_folder> and run npm run build, after build process is complete run npm start command.
  • goto localhost:3009 in your web browser.
  • Login using your preferred method.

Running on remote server

You can easily set this up on Heroku or your preferred hosting solution, so that other users can also perform operation, view usage statistics and get notified about relevant information(User & Role management coming soon).

  • Complete the prerequisities.
  • Update client/.env and server/.env with Production details.
  • Upload to server


ODS Command Center is using SFCC-CI Javascript APIs under the hood and was created for Salesforce Community by


Feature requests, Pull requests, Issues or Ideas are always welcome.


This software is using MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Additional Images

Login options


Sandbox details

sandbox details

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