💨 Soothing pastel theme for Tailwind CSS


Catppuccin for TailwindCSS


You can check out one of our deployed examples here!


  1. Install the plugin
$ npm install -D @catppuccin/tailwindcss
# --- or ---
$ yarn add -D @catppuccin/tailwindcss
  1. Configure your tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...other settings
  plugins: [
  1. Optional: customize the plugin
module.exports = {
  // ...other settings
  plugins: [
      // prefix to use, e.g. `text-pink` becomes `text-ctp-pink`.
      // default is `false`, which means no prefix
      prefix: 'ctp',
      // which flavour of colours to use by default, in the `:root`
      defaultFlavour: 'latte'
  1. Use it in your markup!
<!-- switching the class for parent elements changes the flavour! -->
<body class="frappe">
  <h1 class="bg-base text-pink">
    Hello world!

You can find examples for Next.js, Svelte, and Vite in the examples folder.

💝 Thanks to


Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org

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  • Using other flavours inside an element that already contains a flavour seems to break the default flavour.

    Using other flavours inside an element that already contains a flavour seems to break the default flavour.

    Title may have been confusing, so I'll show an example.

    Suppose you have the defaultFlavour set to 'latte' and the class 'ctp-latte' on your body element. Now picture this theme picker:


    It seems fine when the selected flavour is the default one. But when I change it to another one, Mocha for example: image

    It adopts the colors from the current flavour instead of keeping its own colors, even when its class is set to 'ctp-latte'. The code for each flavour demo is basically this:

    <div className='ctp-{flavor}'>
      // flavour name and demo colors

    And I'm setting the global theme on the wrapping div on App.tsx (I'm using React). Hope you understand my explanation :)

    opened by empsps 5
  • Themes root styles not in order

    Themes root styles not in order

    So this is some interesting behavior I found...

    I couldn't get the themes working with a defaultFlavour set (I think it was mocha or latte), so I investigated in the generated CSS and saw that my root styles were not on top of the document. CSS literally means Cascading Style Sheet, so this is a bug and shouldn't be happening.

    The problem is the variants map, which has a fixed order and doesn't put the defaultFlavour dynamically on top of the other variants (in first place/index inside the map).

    I edited the plugin myself and made a fix for this... I could enhance this and contribute later when I have some free time.

    // generates the css variables, injected in the addBase() function
    const generateColorCss = (defaultFlavour = "", prefix = false) => {
    	const result = {};
    	variants.map((variant) => {
    		// if a prefix is defined, use e.g. '.ctp-mocha' instead of '.mocha'
    		const className = prefix ? `.${prefix}-${variant}` : `.${variant}`;
    		// if the current variant is defaultFlavour, add to ':root'
    		const keyName = variant === defaultFlavour ? ":root" : className;
    		result[keyName] = {};
    		colours.map((colour) => {
    			result[keyName][`--ctp-${colour}`] = parseHexToRGB(
    	return result;
    // generates the css variables, injected in the addBase() function
    const generateColorCss = (defaultFlavour = "", prefix = false) => {
    	const result = {};
    	if (variants.includes(defaultFlavour)) {
        		const defaultIndex = variants.indexOf(defaultFlavour);
        		const rootElement = variants.splice(defaultIndex, 1)[0];
    	variants.map((variant) => {
    		// if a prefix is defined, use e.g. '.ctp-mocha' instead of '.mocha'
    		const className = prefix ? `.${prefix}-${variant}` : `.${variant}`;
    		// if the current variant is defaultFlavour, add to ':root'
    		const keyName = variant === defaultFlavour ? ":root" : className;
    		result[keyName] = {};
    		colours.map((colour) => {
    			result[keyName][`--ctp-${colour}`] = parseHexToRGB(
    	return result;

    If someone wants a more detailed description: The variants map looks like this (if I can remember correctly):

    • latte
    • frappe
    • macchiato
    • mocha

    The classes get added to the CSS in this order. If your defaultFlavour is mocha, it gets added as root element.
    Now the Problem is this: When you want to apply the latte theme it gets overridden by the mocha root variants, which is not good.

    opened by elias-knodel 4
  • Tailwind fails to find its styles after adding the plugin

    Tailwind fails to find its styles after adding the plugin


    I have an app running with DaisyUI and a couple of custom styles like this:

    .sumiu-gradient-rules {
      @apply bg-gradient-to-r from-pink-400 via-purple-400 to-indigo-500;
      @apply dark:from-blue-600  dark:to-purple-400;

    as soon as I add the plugin, without any config, just require("@catppuccin/tailwindcss"), I start to see errors like this

    14:04:45 css.1  | Rebuilding...
    14:04:45 css.1  | CssSyntaxError: tailwindcss: /Users/luiz/Projects/sumiu/app/assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css:10:3: The `focus:ring-blue-400` class does not exist. If `focus:ring-blue-400` is a custom class, make sure it is defined within a `@layer` directive.
    14:04:45 css.1  |
    14:04:45 css.1  |    8 |   @apply text-gray-900 bg-gray-50 rounded-lg placeholder:text-slate-400;
    14:04:45 css.1  |    9 |   @apply dark:bg-[#1f2129] dark:border-gray-600 dark:text-white dark:placeholder:text-slate-500;
    14:04:45 css.1  | > 10 |   @apply focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-blue-400 focus:border-blue-400;

    ring-blue-400 is a class from tailwind and now it can't be found. It happens to a number of other classes as well, like from-pink-400, text-blue-900, etc.

    opened by luizkowalski 2
  • Are color previews supposed to work?

    Are color previews supposed to work?

    I got a bit disappointed when the little squares showing the color preview didn't work. I'm not sure if that's possible with plugins but it would be nice to have them.


    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by empsps 7
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