SuperCollider GUI for browsers with remote sync capablities.



webRTCgui allows to create dynamic GUI elements in the internet or local network from within SuperCollider. Clients get synced among each other and movements in the GUI gets also forwarded to SuperCollider.

Screen recording

This GUI also syncs across multiple devices, also across the internet.

As SuperCollider can not directly communicate via WebRTC we need some translational layers. To get a better understanding we quickly explain each component involved.

Service Folder Description
Backend . A express server which distributes the necessary messages. Can run on your local machine or remote machine.
Frontend ./frontend A frontend through which outside clients can interact. Should run on the same machine as the backend.
Client . Client to translate WebRTC to SuperCollider OSC messages. Needs to run on your local machine.
SuperCollider ./classes A simple Quark with the class WebRTCGUI. Should be used on your local machine.



Before we start with setting up the services you should install the necessary Quark in SuperCollider by entering the following lines into the editor and evaluate them.

// recompile interpreter to make new classes available


The easiest way to set up all necessary services is using Docker with docker-compose. If you do not want to use Docker take a look at Dockefile and docker-compose.yml to get a sense on the port mappings and build processes.

Use on local machine for local network

The easiest way to try this setup is by running everything on your local machine. Simply clone the repository by executing the following line within a terminal and a folder of your choice.

git clone

Now we switch the directory to the just created folder

cd webRTCgui

We assume that SuperCollider is running on the default port 57120 which can be verified by running


in the SuperCollider interpreter. If these ports do not match up you will not receive any updates from the frontend in SuperCollider. Check if any other sclang instances are running or modify the port in the docker-compose.yml file.

Now we can build and run the Docker containers by executing

docker-compose up --build

Once everything spun up you can access the frontend on http://localhost:3000 and start creating controls from SuperCollider (see the Help Files in SuperCollider by searching for WebRTCGUI).

Other clients within your local network can access the website as well via http://your_local_ip:3000.

For the sake of completeness there is a schematic on how the services are connected.

Local setup

Use on remote machine for internet

Deploying the service on a remote machine allows you to connect globally to the GUI. One of the nice things about WebRTC is that it can bypass some P2P obstacles such as IPv6 or a firewall, so most likely you do not have to worry about these things.

We assume that you run a linux server on which docker, docker-compose and nginx is already installed.

Start by cloning the repo on your remote machine

git clone && \
cd webRTCgui

Spin up the remote setup via

docker-compose -f docker-compose.remote.yml up --build

You may add the flag -d to make the container run in the background.

Check via curl -f http://localhost:3000 if the server is reachable.

If so we can now create and activate a nginx config. It is also possible to use an Apache server but I don't have a config for it.

Here is an example of such a nginx config file.

server {

  location / {
    proxy_pass  http://localhost:3000;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
      add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload";
      client_max_body_size 0;

      access_log /var/log/nginx/remote.access.log;
      error_log /var/log/nginx/remote.error.log;
  listen 80;

Modify it according to your URL and port mappings, restart nginx and let certbot give you a certificate for your config.

Verify that you can access the backend server with your browser.

Connect te remote machine

Once we set up everything on the remote machine we need to connect our local client to the remote website.

Use the following command in which we prepend the URL and token of our remote service as environment variables which will passed to the service.

BACKEND_ADDRESS="" BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN="my_token" docker-compose -f docker-compose.remote_client.yml up --build

If everything worked you should see

client_1  | Connected to server


Remote setup


To restrict the creation and deletion of GUI elements there needs to some kind of authentication to distinguish between the local client which is attached to SuperCollider and the remote clients, accessing the server via a browser. You can use and modify the environment variable BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN in both places of the docker-compose.yml file (or respectively any other docker-compose file) to change this token. Please do not use precious passwords as these passwords are transmitted non-encrypted and may get spilled by storing and printing them in plaintext.


There is an additional docker-compose file which allows for hot-reloading and debugging of the Vue frontend by using the Vue development server instead of shipping the static build via an Express server like on the normal build.

To use this server please install first all frontend dependencies first by running

cd frontend
npm install

as we will completely mount and replace the folder in the container with our local instance which would otherwise lack the necessary dependencies in node_modules.

To use the dev version simply run

docker-compose -f up --build

The Vue development server is then available under http://localhost:8080.

Please install and setup pre-commit before committing which will run some linting checks.

The schematics of the dev environment are a bit more complex.

Dev schematic



  • Implement locking mechanism

    Implement locking mechanism

    A rabbit hole, but at least it should

    • [x] prevent feedbacks
    • [x] prevent out-of-sync GUIs (maybe send a "beacon"/state of the server?)

    It seems the more delay/lag we have via network the worser it gets

    opened by capital-G 2
  • Slider does not react to touch inputs

    Slider does not react to touch inputs

    Does not work as expected on smartphones (they dont use mouseup)

    opened by capital-G 1
  • Add forwarding of wss in reverse proxy

    Add forwarding of wss in reverse proxy

    Currently it seems the wss connections are rejected by the server, see

    Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://

    Thankfully falls back on a simple get/post workflow so it still works.

    bug documentation 
    opened by capital-G 1
  • Make host address dynamic in frontend

    Make host address dynamic in frontend

    Currently the remote deployment does not work because we build against the wrong socket address, see

    2 ways to solve this

    • inject the URL as argument during build time
    • use the same host url as the current visited url - maybe this is a good fallback for the first usecase
    opened by capital-G 1
  • Fix quark file

    Fix quark file

    Not a deal breaker, but I wasn't sure if the "DemonWidgets" in the quark file is correct? Also, I'd be curious to see how it compares with the WsGUI quark :-)

    Originally posted by @dyfer in

    opened by capital-G 1
  • Get values of controller on startup

    Get values of controller on startup

    Currently only what controllers are available is synced at startup but not their position. This could probably done for each controller item independently in order to make syncing easier.

    opened by capital-G 1
  • Add schematcis via uml

    Add schematcis via uml

    First sketch via


    rectangle "Local" {
      rectangle "docker" as localdocker {
          frame client {
            rectangle "client.js:57220" as LocalClient
        frame "SuperCollider" {
          rectangle "sclang:57120" as sclang
    rectangle "Server" {
      rectangle "docker" {
      frame "backend" {
        rectangle ":3000" <<express>> as express
      frame "frontend" {
        rectangle ":8080" <<vue>> as vue
      frame "nginx" {
        rectangle ":80" <<webserver>> as webserver
    cloud "Remote Clients" as RemoteClients
    RemoteClients <-> webserver : "WebRTC"
    vue -> webserver : "http"
    express <-> webserver : "ws"
    LocalClient <--> webserver : "WebRTC"
    sclang <-> LocalClient : "OSC"
    opened by capital-G 1
  • Implement proper env handling for frontend

    Implement proper env handling for frontend

    Frontend relies on VUE_APP_SOCKET_ENDPOINT which is declared in gitignored ./frontend/.venv - should be handeled better, also consider this for static build

    opened by capital-G 1
  • Fix slider entering

    Fix slider entering

    @mouseon/@mouseoff seem to work good in theory but they do not work on touch interfaces and also don't work fast (enough?) when one just clicks on a section instead of dragging it.

    opened by capital-G 1
  • 26 make socketio host address dynamic in frontend

    26 make socketio host address dynamic in frontend

    closes #26 by improving the detection of the socketio host. The steps are:

    • use export VUE_APP_SOCKET_ENDPOINT= env variable if set - this needs to be set during build time of the docker container - useful if the websocket host deviates (e.g. different host or port)
    • if host == localhost -> use localhost:3000 as the vue development server (port 8080) has no websocket initaited which runs under 3000 in the dev setup
    • otherwise use the base address of the website
    opened by capital-G 0
  • GUI does not sync across devices

    GUI does not sync across devices

    We currently ignore the values that we receive from other clients in the frontend. This bug was introduced by the rewriting in typescript which changed the behavior of how we distribute the receiving channels. Maybe its best to fix this properly by adding a state management?

    opened by capital-G 0
  • Docker compose client fails under linux

    Docker compose client fails under linux

    host.docker.internal is a macOS/Windows featuer, for linux see

    Creating webrtcgui_client_1 ... done
    Attaching to webrtcgui_client_1                                                                                                    
    client_1  |  
    client_1  | > [email protected] client /root/web_rtc_gui 
    client_1  | > ts-node --esm src/client.ts 
    client_1  |  
    client_1  | Start client 
    client_1  | Backend address: 
    client_1  | SuperCollider address: host.docker.internal:57120 
    client_1  | Client port: 57220 
    client_1  | Auth token: "somePW" 
    client_1  | Started client 
    client_1  | Connected to server 
    client_1  | Received freq: 113.30357142857143 
    client_1  | Received freq: 119.75 
    client_1  | Received freq: 132.98214285714286 
    client_1  | Received freq: 152.32142857142856 
    client_1  | Received freq: 167.92857142857142 
    client_1  | Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND host.docker.internal 
    client_1  |     at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:71:26) { 
    client_1  |   errno: -3008, 
    client_1  |   code: 'ENOTFOUND', 
    client_1  |   syscall: 'getaddrinfo', 
    client_1  |   hostname: 'host.docker.internal' 
    client_1  | } 
    client_1  | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE 
    client_1  | npm ERR! errno 1 
    client_1  | npm ERR! [email protected] client: `ts-node --esm src/client.ts` 
    client_1  | npm ERR! Exit status 1 
    client_1  | npm ERR!  
    client_1  | npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] client script. 
    client_1  | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 
    client_1  |  
    client_1  | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: 
    client_1  | npm ERR!     /root/.npm/_logs/2022-12-15T16_03_32_530Z-debug.log 
    webrtcgui_client_1 exited with code 1
    opened by capital-G 0
  • v0.2.1(Dec 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • remove web font loader by @capital-G in
    • Fix reverse proxy config by @capital-G in
    • Pinia store by @capital-G in
    • 26 make socketio host address dynamic in frontend by @capital-G in
    • Share connection by @capital-G in
    • Develop by @capital-G in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Dec 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add typescript by @capital-G in
    • add monospace option to text component by @capital-G in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Dec 9, 2022)

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