The /r/place Atlas is a project aiming to catalog all the artworks created during Reddit's 2022 /r/place event.


Entry count Commit activity Netlify License
Discord Subreddit subscribers Website

The 2022 Place Atlas

The /r/place Atlas is a project aiming to catalog all the artworks created during Reddit's 2022 /r/place event. This project was created by Roland Rytz and is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

You can check out the website by clicking here.

If you don't know GitHub and wanted to submit new entries or request changes to existing ones, please visit /r/placeAtlas2.

How To Contribute

Map Contributions


To contribute to the map, we require a certain format for artwork region and labels. This can be generated on the contributing page on the website.

Reddit Submission

  1. Follow the instructions on the contributing page, then click "Post Direct to Reddit".
  2. Flair your post with the "New Entry" tag.
  3. A moderator will accept your contribution shortly.

Map Edits

  1. Create a fork of our repo.
  2. Enter your data into the web/atlas.json file, with the correct format and ID number.
  3. Create a Pull Request against the cleanup branch.

Cleaning Contributions

If you spot a duplicate, please PR against the cleanup branch. To help find duplicates, append ?mode=overlap to the url:

  • Editing! Past canvas entries! And some others! Oh, my!

    Editing! Past canvas entries! And some others! Oh, my!

    EDIT 3:

    We moved! Visit #1314 (issue, recommended), #1315 (PR), and the remaster branch for the current status!

    EDIT 2:

    Despite of the name of the branch is "edit," this PR has expanded and actually tackles 5 issues at once.

    1. Editing (#708) Editing existing entries from the website.
    2. Past/alternative canvas entries Adding/Editing new entries on past canvas/canvas variations.
    3. Multi-canvas paths Have multiple paths for different canvas on any period or variation
    4. New links format A links object that has both existing website and subreddit, and new types such as Discord links and wiki entries, along with separation by array (JSON) or newlines (website)
    5. Canvas variations Support for canvas variations other than the default r/place canvas. (e.g. The Final Clean)

    EDIT: Now with past canvas entries, check the comments!

    Should've resolves #708, but this is somehow closed. I'll just put it here.

    This allows editing from the website, with adjustments on the script. This also include changes of the "submitted-by" string into "contributors" array. Additional script is made for merging temp-atlas.json with atlas.json, also made to check if there are edit conflicts, which will be excluded from addition.

    The merge script is tested, but the crawler doesn't. So, please check it.


    opened by Hans5958 50
  • Improve/merge scripts, avoid RegEx, format when crawling

    Improve/merge scripts, avoid RegEx, format when crawling

    Inspired by #908*, I made this. I suppose wanted to merge this for a while, but I just separated so you guys can check the changed files better because it seperated, but now here we are.

    Also I migrated it to be JSON-based instead of RegEx-based, and would you look at that speedup! Crawler would be also simplified to just use JSON.

    And also more additions such as converting and on subreddits, and resolving #707, so that's something.

    * This is a different implementation of it.

    Fix #707

    opened by Hans5958 48
  • New center algorithm

    New center algorithm

    this is the version from Mapbox, just to see how well it performs. It definitely needs improvements as of now. I'm going to include the atlas.json, but it will be excluded once the pr is ready to be merged.

    opened by fabi321 23
  • The Remaster Plan

    The Remaster Plan

    The remaster is currently underway! New features, new design, new new!

    Have new, ambitious ideas? You are invited! Tell us, or implement in this remaster by creating a PR towards the remaster branch. Please do not submit new/edited entries on it.

    You can also test the remaster before it goes up. You may found some bugs that we can fix before it's release. In that case, tell it here!

    New entries and edits will still be pushed to master (via cleanup/reddit) to be live later, as usual.

    Visit the current state:



    • #1149
      • [x] Editing (#708)
      • [x] Past/alternative canvas entries
      • [x] Multi-canvas paths
      • [x] New links format
      • [x] Canvas variations
        • [x] 30-minute r/place canvas
        • [x] The Final Clean canvases and alternatives
        • [x] #1319
    • [x] #1320, #1334
      • See also:


    • [x] #1178, #1235
    • [x] Add .gitattributes
    • [x] Conversion script

    Additional After Redesign

    • [x] #1318
    • [x] Add SVG symbol on buttons
    • [x] #820
    • [x] Change /r/place to r/place
    • [x] Some other minor stuff that we haven't put here. (check the commits of the PR)
    • [x] Polishing


    • [x] Cleanup
      • [x] Remove test code
      • [x] Remove beta warning
    • [x] #1317
    • [x] Freeze on atlas.json (do not create new entries or make edits)
    • [x] Run formatter
    • [x] Final smoke test
      • [x] Website
      • [x] Crawler


    • [x] Smoke test after new format entries in
      • [x] Website
      • [x] Crawler
    • [ ] Deprecate/remove code that supports the old format
    enhancement tooling 
    opened by Hans5958 16
  • Bottom bar with time travel

    Bottom bar with time travel

    Allows to view canvas at different points in time, by using the slider at the bottom. + reworks the bottom sheet.

    See for example

    opened by ProstoSanja 10
  • Improve canvas loading

    Improve canvas loading

    Last time, we got a race condition on the canvas loading when you seek the timeline too fast. This PR fixes it, along with some additional fixes:

    • Use datasets for states (in extension to hiding the loading overlay)
    • Change z-index of some category (1000 is overlay after initialization, 200 is overlay before initialization)
    • Show loading overlay when image is loading for more than 2 seconds
    • Avoid spamming requests by waiting 100ms after the last input.
    • Use the same font for the loading overlay
    opened by Hans5958 9
  • Use the official final image of Reddit

    Use the official final image of Reddit

    Reddit has now apparently published the official final image:

    While it's probably up for debate whether the official image or the end result of r/thefinalclean should be used in the end, I think the official image is still an improvement over the current one.

    Link to the raw image (Reddit banner still needs to be removed):


    As noted in the replies, this was in fact not the final image, but the final image has now been posted:

    Reddit post:


    Whether that or the result of r/thefinalclean is preferred is still debatable.

    opened by Siphalor 9
  • Node.js tool for detecting Entries that share 99% of their area (Duplicates)

    Node.js tool for detecting Entries that share 99% of their area (Duplicates)

    Hi, i made a handy tool for getting a list of duplicates

    Assigns duplicates based on Polygons: intersec_area/outer_area < 0.01 Almost no false positives, quite a few false negatives when borders of duplicate are drawn sloppily

    The script also generates a second version of the atlas: Adds parent: "" property to the atlas, that lists the id of the first identical element Adds bounds: [] property with bounding box Adds childs: [] property with the ids of the children (These properties could be used to fold all duplicates in a comment section style below the parent entry, so they don't take up space)

    To run, download Node.js and run node tools/duplicateFinder

    opened by DRKSLV 9


    Due to an INCREDIBLE high surge in submissions and the fact we still need to find the final picture before the whitening. Some delay will be brough to the project. Keep in mind, all the work done here. Has to be done manually, so we have to shift through all 181 PR's and submissions by ourselves.

    opened by Codixer 9
  • Major UI redesign

    Major UI redesign

    Closes #1320, part of #1314. Needs to be updated to be feature parity with remaster branch before merging.

    • Accessibility fix: Closes #1223

    Normal mode: Dark mode screenshot Light mode screenshot

    Edit object mode: Dark mode screenshot

    About page: Dark mode screenshot

    opened by mxdanger 8
  • Update atlas.json

    Update atlas.json

    Removed extra entries for rickroll qr code(originally there was 3 which wasn't added by any admin of our community).

    Changed the description of the last one left to our preferred one. Also since the qr code is already going to youtube link we have changed link in to our community discord invite link.

    One of the removed entries was from another subreddit(r/placeQRcode) which didn't belong to us. We dont have a subreddit.

    changes requested 
    opened by Grymtn12 8
  • Panning and zooming map with side menu open causes issues

    Panning and zooming map with side menu open causes issues

    When the canvas element has a margin-left applied to it the zoom origin is not correctly calculated while panning.

    1. Open the side menu
    2. Click and hold the slippy map
    3. Without letting go, zoom in or out
    4. After zooming, pan the map

    After doing the last action the origin of the zoom will be shifted over by the amount of the margin-left. This also occurs when using a pinch and zoom on a touch screen device.

    opened by mxdanger 0
  • Unable to click entry header link twice

    Unable to click entry header link twice

    If you click the header of an entry, where the link icon is, the entry is added to the url with the ID and timeline position, as expected.

    However, if you click the same entry header again it does not update. A side effect of this is that if you have the entry already linked to in the url and you change the timeline position it's not possible to update it if you click the entry header.

    opened by mxdanger 3
  • Dynamic default period range on creation

    Dynamic default period range on creation

    When creating a new period, the default position of the start and end range should be set to the user's current timeline position instead of the variant config default. This would allow for a more intuitive way of adding periods and immediately start drawing.

    opened by mxdanger 0
  • Calculate initial zoom based on entry dimensions

    Calculate initial zoom based on entry dimensions

    There are some entries that are too small, it needs to be zoomed in, and there are some entries that are too big, in needs to be zoomed out. There is only one zoom for all of it, so should be a way to calculate the initial zoom based on the dimensions of the entry.

    opened by Hans5958 0
  • Change reference when using the diff modes

    Change reference when using the diff modes

    When using the diff modes, it would use the production atlas.json ( There should be an option to change the reference (e.g. to cleanup).

    opened by Hans5958 0
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