TypeScript-first schema validation for h3 and Nuxt applications



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Validate h3 and Nuxt 3 requests using zod schema's.


npm install h3-zod


import { createServer } from 'http'
import { createApp } from 'h3'
import { useValidatedBody, useValidatedQuery, z } from 'h3-zod'

const app = createApp()

app.use('/', async (req) => {
  // Validate body
  const body = await useValidatedBody(req, z.object({
    optional: z.string().optional(),
    required: z.boolean()

  // Validate query
  const query = useValidatedQuery(req, z.object({
    required: z.string()

with Nuxt

// ~/server/api/todo.post.ts
import { useValidatedBody, z } from 'h3-zod'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  const body = await useValidatedBody(event, z.object({
    optional: z.string().optional(),
    required: z.boolean()




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  • the validate body don't throw a 400

    the validate body don't throw a 400

    I am using what you are saying in your doc. The one says should send a 400 status code.

    But nothing happened when using it. Is the doc missing something ?

    opened by paper-florent 2
  • Validate ZodEffects schema

    Validate ZodEffects schema

    First of all thanks for this very useful library.

    The issue I'd like to report deals with using schema with type ZodEffects. Such schema can be produced by using z.refine on z.object as shown in example below. This produces a TS error. See https://codesandbox.io/s/morning-bash-oi6h35?file=/server/api/submit.post.ts

    import { useValidatedBody, z } from "h3-zod";
    import { defineEventHandler } from "h3";
    import dayjs from "dayjs";
    const bodySchema = z
        fromDate: z.string().optional(),
        toDate: z.string().optional()
        (schema) =>
          !!schema.fromDate && !!schema.toDate
            ? dayjs(schema.fromDate).isBefore(schema.toDate)
            : true,
        "'fromDate' has to be before 'toDate'"
    export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
      const body = await useValidatedBody(event, bodySchema);

    The solution would be to extend TQuery type like so:

    type TQuery<U extends UnknownKeysParam = any> =
      | z.ZodObject<any, U>
      | z.ZodUnion<[TQuery<U>, ...TQuery<U>[]]>
      | z.ZodIntersection<TQuery<U>, TQuery<U>>
      | z.ZodDiscriminatedUnion<string, z.Primitive, z.ZodObject<any, U>>
      | z.ZodEffects<z.ZodTypeAny>; // <-- add this line

    Would you like me to open a PR?

    opened by littlejon85 2
  • Validating nested ZodEffects throws TS error

    Validating nested ZodEffects throws TS error

    First of all big thanks for actively maintaining this package.

    Zod schema can use multiple refine validations, which produces type with nested ZodEffects.

    Passing this schema to h3-zod gives TS error.


    Tried this with [email protected], which handled this case OK, but further improvements were made down the line, changing the behaviour.

    EDIT: Also the resulting body type is unknown,

    opened by littlejon85 0
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