This package creates embeds and buttons in a very simple way using the whatsapp-web.js module for whatsapp


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This package creates embeds and buttons in a very simple way using the whatsapp-web.js module for whatsapp.

NOTE : Internally whatsapp-web.js is being used to send and receive messages. Though it has been safe as per my testing, I cannot promise that your number will not be blocked by Whatsapp. Also, this project is not affiliated, associated, authorized or endorsed with Whatsapp or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates in any way.

🔗 Links

🚀 Installation:

Install the package @deathabyss/wwebjs-sender with npm or yarn


npm i @deathabyss/wwebjs-sender


yarn add @deathabyss/wwebjs-sender

Install the package whatsapp-web.js with npm or yarn


npm i whatsapp-web.js


yarn add whatsapp-web.js


  • Create embeds in an easy way
  • Create buttons in an easy way
  • Reply to messages with embed
  • Send messages to a number with embeds and buttons at the same time in an easy way

👀 Example usage:

{ console.log("QR RECEIVED", qr); }); client.on("ready", () => { console.log("Client is ready!"); }); client.on("message", (msg) => { if (msg.body == "!command") { const { from } = msg; let embed = new WwebjsSender.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("✅ | Successful process!") .setDescription( "The process has been successful! To confirm press *Yes* or press *No* to cancel." ) .setFooter("WwebjsSender") .setTimestamp(); let button1 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton() .setCustomId("yes") .setLabel("Yes"); let button2 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton() .setCustomId("no") .setLabel("No"); WwebjsSender.send({ client: client, number: from, embed: embed, button: [button1, button2], }); } }); client.initialize();">
const WwebjsSender = require("@deathabyss/wwebjs-sender");
const { Client } = require("whatsapp-web.js");

const client = new Client();

client.on("qr", (qr) => {
  console.log("QR RECEIVED", qr);

client.on("ready", () => {
  console.log("Client is ready!");

client.on("message", (msg) => {
  if (msg.body == "!command") {
    const { from } = msg;
    let embed = new WwebjsSender.MessageEmbed()
      .setTitle("✅ | Successful process!")
        "The process has been successful! To confirm press *Yes* or press *No* to cancel."

    let button1 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton()

    let button2 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton()

      client: client,
      number: from,
      embed: embed,
      button: [button1, button2],


👀 Example Result:

📚 Usage:


let embed = new MessageEmbed() //Call the constructor MessageEmbed
  .setTitle("Title") //Set a title for the embed [optional]
  .setDescription("Description") //Set a description for the embed [required]
  .setFooter("Footer") //Set a footer for the embed [optional]
  .setTimestamp(); //Set a timestamp for the embed [optional]


let button = new MessageButton() //Call the constructor MessageButton
  .setCustomId("Id") //Set a custom id for the button [optional]
  .setLabel("Label"); //Set a label for the button [required]


  message: msg, //The message that was received [required]
  embed: embed, //The embed [required]


  client: client, //The client of the bot [required]
  number: number, //The number to send the message [required]
  embed: embed, //The embed [required]
  button: [button], //The button/s [optional]

📁 Contributing

1 - Fork it (

2 - Create your feature branch (git checkout -b features/thing)

3 - Commit your changes (git commit -am 'feat(image): Add some thing')

4 - Push to the branch (git push origin feature/thing)

5 - Create a new Pull Request

👥 Contributors


💻 🎨 🧪 🤔

📖 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • bug


    i se this , but nothing happends...

        case "test": {
          sendMessage(kevin, "Comando ejecutado");
          let embed = new WwebjsSender.MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle("✅ | Successful process!")
            .setDescription("The process has been successful!")
            .addField("✔", "To confirm")
            .addField("❌", "To cancel")
              name: "Now you have 2 buttons to choose!",
              value: "✔ or ❌",
          let button1 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton()
          let button2 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton()
            client: client,
            number: from,
            embed: embed,
            button: [button1, button2],
    opened by Askeshine 12
  • Button is not working

    Button is not working

    I have use same example code. if I have send message with button then not working. if I have remove button then send message

    let embed = new WwebjsSender.MessageEmbed() .sizeEmbed(28) .setTitle("✅ | Successful process!") .setDescription("The process has been successful!") .addField("✔", "To confirm") .addField("❌", "To cancel") .addFields({ name: "Now you have 2 buttons to choose!", value: "✔ or ❌", }) .setFooter("WwebjsSender") .setTimestamp();

        let button1 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton()
        let button2 = new WwebjsSender.MessageButton()
            client: client,
            number: from,
            embed: embed,
            button: [button1, button2],
    opened by harshadkanziya-in 1
  •  TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'char')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'char')

    Given Below Error image

    My Code Below `import { Client , LocalAuth,MessageMedia ,List} from 'whatsapp-web.js'//@ts-ignore import { MessageEmbed,MessageButton,send,Collector} from "@deathabyss/wwebjs-sender" import { readFileSync} from 'fs' import qrcode from 'qrcode-terminal'

    export const fileToBase64 = async( filepath:string) => { const buffedInput = "data:image/gif;base64," + await readFileSync(filepath, 'base64') return buffedInput }

    const client = new Client({ authStrategy: new LocalAuth(), puppeteer: { headless: false ,
    ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions'] } })

    client.on('qr', (qr) => { // Generate and scan this code with your phone console.log('QR RECEIVED') qrcode.generate(qr, {small: true}) });

    client.on('ready', () => { console.log('Client is ready!') })

    client.on('message', async(msg) => { if (msg.body == '!ping') { msg.reply('pong') } else if (msg.body == 'image'){ const base64Image = await readFileSync('./jagodasir.jpg',{encoding: 'base64'}) const media = new MessageMedia('image/png', base64Image) await msg.reply(media,msg.from,{caption: 'this is my caption'}) } else if (msg.body.startsWith('!send')){ const quoted_msg = await msg.getQuotedMessage() if (quoted_msg){ const command_and_number = msg.body.split(' ') const sanitized_number = command_and_number[1].toString().replace(/[- )(]/g, "") const final_number = 94${sanitized_number.substring(sanitized_number.length - 9)} const number_details = await client.getNumberId(final_number) if (number_details) { await quoted_msg.forward(number_details._serialized) //await } else { console.log(final_number, "\nMobile number is not registered"); } } else{ await msg.reply('Please Reply To A Message\n\n!send 771247221') }

    else if (msg.body == 'list'){
        const productsList = new List(
            "Here's our list of products at 50% off",
            "View all products",
                title: "Products list",
                rows: [
                  { id: "apple", title: "Apple" },
                  { id: "mango", title: "Mango" },
                  { id: "banana", title: "Banana" },
            "Please select a product"
        await client.sendMessage(msg.from,productsList)
    else if (msg.body == 'button'){
        let embed = new MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle("✅ | Successful process!")
            .setDescription("The process has been successful!")
            .addField("✔", "To confirm")
            .addField("❌", "To cancel")
                name: "Now you have 2 buttons to choose!",
                value: "✔ or ❌"
        let button1 = new MessageButton().setCustomId("confirm").setLabel("✔");
        let button2 = new MessageButton().setCustomId("cancel").setLabel("❌")
        await send({
            client: client,
            number: msg.from,
            embed: embed,
            button: [button1, button2]
    else if (msg.body == 'register'){
        let someEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle(`1️⃣ | What is your name?`)
            .setDescription(`Please, type your name.`)
        let anotherEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
        .setTitle(`2️⃣ | What is your age?`)
        .setDescription(`Please, type your age.`)
        let collect = new Collector({
            client: client,
            chat: await msg.getChat(),
            time: 10000,
            number: msg.from,
            max: [20, 3],
            question: ["🔐 What is your name?", "🚨 What is your age?"],
            embed: [someEmbed, anotherEmbed]
        collect.on("message", async (msg) => {
        let body = msg.body;
        await collect.initialize();
        let resultMessageQuestion = await collect.messageQuestionCollcetor();
        let resultEmbedQuestion = await collect.embedQuestionCollector();
        console.log(resultMessageQuestion, resultEmbedQuestion);



    opened by NonameASecret 1
  • ReferenceError: id_btn is not defined

    ReferenceError: id_btn is not defined

    id_btn = id;
    ReferenceError: id_btn is not defined
    at MessageButton.setCustomId (/app/node_modules/@deathabyss/wwebjs-sender/index.js:503:14)
    at Client.<anonymous> (/app/index.js:202:18)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    bug happens at .setCustomId("confirm")

    opened by leonimeloo 0
⬤▬▬▬▬▬▬⪨✬⪩▬▬▬▬▬▬⬤ • Owner【Troxx】 • Developer【Node/HTML】 • ‏‏‎Partner【@TwitchTheaterTv】 ⬤▬▬▬▬▬▬⪨✬⪩▬▬▬▬▬▬⬤
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