Handling iterables like lazy arrays.



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iterum library provides a class for handling iterable transformations inspired in Array methods and lodash/fp functions. This library also supplies combinatorial functions like permutations, combinations, variations, product, power and powerSet that has a high computational cost but this library is able to support taking advantage of lazy evaluation.


$ npm install iterum --save


const Iterum = require('iterum')
const {range} = Iterum

const iterable = range(1, Infinity) // (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...)
    .map(value => 2 * value) // (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16...)
    .filter(value => value % 3 === 0 || value % 3 === 1) // (4 6 10 12 16...)
    .take(5) // (4 6 10 12 16)
    .concat([1, 2, 3]) // (4 6 10 12 16 1 2 3)

// converting to array:
[...iterable] // [4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 1, 2, 3]

// traversing values:
for (const val of iterable) {
    // ...

// creating an iterator that traverses the values
let iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]()
iterator.next() // {value: 4, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 6, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 10, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 12, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 16, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 1, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 2, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: 3, done: false}
iterator.next() // {value: undefined, done: true}

Why Iterum?

Iterable interface has been introduced by ES2015. An object that implements this interface has a Symbol.iterator property with a generator value which arity is 0. For example we can create an obj variable that implements Iterable interface:

let obj = {
    [Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
        for (let i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) {
            yield i

Any object that implements the Iterable interface can use for..of statement and the spread operator. For example:

[...obj] // returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

for (let x of obj) {
  // x traverses all values between 0 and 10

Then, obj can be processed as an ordered list of values. However, unlike built-in iterables (Array, Set, Map, String, etc), obj is a lazy iterable. It means that, thanks to generators, obj does not store the computed values in memory and its values are computed just when are required. These are the essential features for implementing lazy evaluation.

It is even possible to create a new iterable without computing or storing obj values in memory. This is an example of creating a new iterable that iterates over the double of values generated by obj:

let doubleObj = {
    [Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
        for (const value of obj) {
            yield 2 * value

[...doubleObj] // returns [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]

iterum is a library that takes advantage of these techniques to provide a collection of functions and methods that apply iterable transformations without traversing values. Then, using iterum, the previous example could be expressed thus:

const Iterum = require('iterum')

const obj = Iterum.range(0, 10) // (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

const doubleObj = obj.map(e => 2 * e) // (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)


API Documentation


  • Node.js >=6
  • ES2015 transpilers

Customized builds

Iterum allows to build just what you need. Read customized build section for more information.



  • Release 1.0

    Release 1.0

    I would like to implement a new release using ES2015 features.

    The current package just allows manipulate generators with 0-arity. There are some similar data structure in es2015: iterables

    Iterables are objects that wraps a generator of 0-arity in Symbol.iterator property. Then:

    • Iterum(generator) constructor will be deprecated and Iterum(iterable) will be the new constructor.
    • Iterum instance will also be an iterable.
    • new ES2015 Array inmutable methods will be implemented in Iterum prototype.
    • Support for node >=6

    Then, new branch dev-1.0 has been created and I will be happy to receive any suggestions and constributions.


    opened by xgbuils 8
  • Iterum methods don't create a standalone iterator [0.4.0]

    Iterum methods don't create a standalone iterator [0.4.0]


    var Iterum = require('iterum')
    var Range = Iterum.Range
    var it = Iterum(Range(3, 5))
    var mapIt = it.map(function (value) {
        return 2 * value
    mapIt.next() // {value: 6, done: false}
    mapIt.next() // {value: 8, done: false}
    it.next() // {value: 5, done: false}
    it.next() // {value: undefined, done: false}

    If next method of mapIt is called, next method of it is affected.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by xgbuils 7
  • release 2

    release 2

    I would like to do some breaking changes.

    First of all, I prefer that methods that returns lazy iterables of arrays (zip, cartesian, permutations) return iterables of iterables to achieve a real laziness. For example, is not possible to do permutations or cartesian product of potentially infinite iterables.

    At second point, I want to use memoization. For example, if we have:

    const iterable = Iterum([1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128])

    and then we need to do:

    const slice = iterable.slice(6)
    const result = slice.concat(slice)

    The first iterable is traversed twice.

    I don't want this behaviour.

    Finally, there are some methods like map, reduce, every, etc. that I would like to simplify thus:

    1. removing the context parameter and,
    2. Allowing the value parameter on callback functions.

    The reason is that point 1 can be acomplished using bind and point 2 can be achieved using zip combined with other methods. For example:

    const iterable = Iterum([1, 3, 5, 7]).map((e, i) => 2 * e + i)
    // would be implemented thus:
    const {range} = Iterum
    const iterable = Iterum([1, 3, 5, 7]).zip(range(0, Infinity)).map(([e, i]) => 2 * e + i)
    opened by xgbuils 4
  • adapt functions to functional style (iterable last)

    adapt functions to functional style (iterable last)

    Currently, iterum library use functions inspired by lodash. However, after reading more about functional programming and knowing another libraries like imlazy, ramda or lodash/fp, I prefer iterables in the last parameter.

    opened by xgbuils 3
  • Implement lazy cartesian product

    Implement lazy cartesian product

    Now, cartesian method does not allow to be used with infinite iterables. If cartesian returns an iterable of iterables, this method will be able to be lazy.

    opened by xgbuils 3
  • removing `fromIndex` arguments.

    removing `fromIndex` arguments.

    includes and indexOf has fromIndex arguments which don't make sense.

    In Array approach it is useful to have better performance. But in lazy approach doing iterum.drop(fromIndex).includes(...) is the same.

    opened by xgbuils 2
  • Implement groupBy method for potentially infinite iterables

    Implement groupBy method for potentially infinite iterables

    If a groupBy method returns a lazy iterable of lazy iterables, it is possible call this method on potentially infinite iterable:

    range(0, Infinity).groupBy(e => e % 5) /* [
        [0, 5, 10, ... ],
        [1, 6, 11, ... ],
        [2, 7, 12, ... ],
    opened by xgbuils 2
  • cartesian performance

    cartesian performance

    I found es-iter library that implements similar methods to this library. But there are mutables. For example:

    const Iter = require('es-iter')
    var a = new Iter([1, 2, 3])
    var b = a.map(e => 2 * e)
    [...a] // returns [1, 2, 3]
    [...b] // however it returns [] because has been consumed previously

    However, I found some performance problems in Iterum#cartesian method vs Iter#product method. When a cartesian product of large number of iterables is calculated, it takes a lot of time:

    I will try to solve this issue.


    opened by xgbuils 2
  • implement `combinations` method

    implement `combinations` method

    I would like to implement a method that returns the combinations of n values that produces an iterable. For example:

    Iterum([1, 2, 3, 4]).combinations(2) /*
        (1 2)
        (1 3)
        (1 4)
        (2 3)
        (2 4)
        (3 4)
    ) */

    I don't know what is the best order to produce values yet

    opened by xgbuils 1
  • 0.9.0 features

    0.9.0 features

    All methods except build and toArray (and forEach?) should return Iterum instances. .every, .indexOf, .reduce, .reduceRight and .some that return other type of values. They should return a generator that builds an iterator with one iteration with the same value that returns in [email protected]

    opened by xgbuils 1
  • 0.7.0 features

    0.7.0 features

    • add Cartesian constructor
    • add How to customize Iterum build (just import what you need!).
    • change from value methods/transform methods to eager methods/lazy methods
    opened by xgbuils 1
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