AdsPower supports Local API, which has functions like reading and writing account configuration information, opening and closing browsers, searching for accounts.



AdsPower supports Local API, which has functions like reading and writing account configuration information, opening and closing browsers, searching for accounts. Besides, it can cooperate with Selenium and Puppeteer to execute browser operations automatically.

How to Use AdsPower Local API

  • Users of AdsPower team collaboration version have access to API
  • Start AdsPower, log in the account with API permission
  • Go to Account Management-> Setting-> Local API to check the following items
    • API status: Success
    • API address: or http://localhost:50325/ (port: 50325, which might change and subjects to the address in the setting).
    • Script can go to Profile Management-> click Settings-> click Cache folder-> local_api file to obtain API address
  • Use script or http request tool to invoke Local API, allow to configure account data, browser fingerprint, open or close browser and other operations
  • API parameter type: string, Post format: JSON, unnecessary parameters are optional and can not be passed
  • Access frequency control for all APIs, max. access frequency: 1 request/second
  • Max. times to import account one day: browser environments quantity of your package * 10
  • Max. times to open browser one day: browser environments quantity of your package * 10
  • At the same time, it supports the mode of no-interface api-key to start the Local API service. For details, see: Help center

What the Local API supports

  • API Status
  • Browser Operation
    • Open Browser
    • Close Browser
    • Check Open Status
  • Group Management
    • Create Group
    • Update Group(coming soon)
    • Query Group
  • Profile Management
    • Create Profile
    • Update Profile
    • Query Profile
    • Delete Profile
    • Update Profile Group
    • Delete Profile Cache

API Status

Basic Information

    Path: /status

    Method: GET

    Description: Used to check the usability of the API

Returning Data


Browser Operation

Open Browser

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/browser/start

    Method: GET

    Description: Used to open browsers and account ID designation is required. After opening users can execute selenium and puppeteer automation operations, using browser debug API. Currently AdsPower is based on Chromium 88. Users should update AdsPower version to v 3.4.1 or above. Besides, selenium should cooperate with specific Webdriver, after starting AdsPower users will receive a return value and then get access to Webdriver using the value.

Request Parameters

Query: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not

Name Necessary Default Example Description Remarks
user_id YES - h1yynkm Unique ID, generated after importing account
serial_number NO - 123 Priority will be given to user id when user id is passed.
open_tabs NO 0 1 Open a platform or historical page. 0: Open (Default setting); 1: Close should update to V2.4.2.9 or above
launch_args NO - ["--window-position=400,0","--blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false", "--disable-notifications"] Browser startup parameters. eg: --blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false: Prohibit image loading. --disable-notifications: Disable notifications should update to V2.4.6.7 or above
headless NO 0 1 Whether to start the headless browser 0:NO (Default) 1:YES should update to V2.4.6.7 or above
disable_password_filling NO 0 1 Whether to disable the function of filling password 0:NO (Default) 1:YES should update to V2.4.6.7 or above
clear_cache_after_closing NO 0 1 Whether to delete the cache after closing the browser 0:NO (Default) 1:YES should update to V2.4.7.6 or above
enable_password_saving NO 0 1 Whether to allow password saving 0:NO (Default) 1:YES should update to V2.4.8.7 or above

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
      "selenium":"",    //Browser debug interface, used for selenium automation
      "puppeteer":"ws://"  //Browser debug interface, used for puppeteer automation
    "debug_port": "xxxx", //debug port
    "webdriver": "C:\xxxx\chromedriver.exe" //webdriver path

//Operation failed

Close Browser

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/browser/stop

    Method: GET

    Description: Used to close browsers and account ID designation is required.

Request Parameters

Query: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not

Name Necessary Default Example Description
user_id YES - h1yynkm Unique ID, generated after importing account
serial_number NO - 123 Priority will be given to user id when user id is passed.

Returning Data


Check Open Status

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/browser/active

    Method: GET

    Description: Used to check browser open status and account ID designation is required

Request Parameters

Query: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not

Name Necessary Default Example Description
user_id YES - h1yynkm Unique ID, generated after importing account
serial_number NO - 123 Priority will be given to user id when user id is passed.

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
    "status": "active",    //Open in browser: “active”, Close in browser: “inactive”
      "selenium":"",    //Browser debug interface, used for selenium automation
      "puppeteer":"ws://"   //Browser debug interface, used for puppeteer automation

//Operation failed

Group Management

Create Group

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/group/create

    Method: POST

    Description: Used to add group and divide accounts imported into several groups. Group name should be unique. After creating a group there will be a group ID. Group ID 0 is the default setting of system.

Request Parameters

Body: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not, format of parameter to be passed: JSON

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description
group_name text YES - group1 Unique name of the new group

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "group_id":"xxxxxxx"  //Group ID after adding group
    "group_name":"group1" //Group name
  "msg": "Success"
//Operation failed

Update Group(coming soon)

  • Coming Soon

Query Group

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/group/list

    Method: GET

    Description: Used to search group information. Group information includes group ID, group name. Group ID 0 is set by default.

Request Parameters

Query: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not

Name Necessary Default Example Description
group_name NO - group1 Enter a group name and search. If it is empty, system will search all groups.
page NO 1 1 Set from page 1 by default
page_size NO 1 10 1 piece of data per page by default, max. 2000

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "group_id": "100",     //Group ID, used to add account
        "group_name": "group1"  //Group name
        "group_id": "101",
        "group_name": "group2"
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 10
  "msg": "Success"

//Operation failed

Profile Management

Create Profile

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/user/create

    Method: POST

    Description: Create account, which allows to configure platform account name and password, cookie, proxy, fingerprint and so on. After importing there will be an account ID

Request Parameters

Body: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not, format of parameter to be passed: JSON

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description Remarks
name text NO - user A The name of the account, no more than 100 characters
domain_name text YES - Domain name of user’s account platform, such as, Will open when clicking Open.
open_urls list NO - ["",""] Other urls when opening browser. If leaving it empty, will open the domain name url.
repeat_config list NO - [2,3] Account deduplication. Default setting: Allow duplication. 0: Allow duplication; 2: Deduplication based on the account name/password; 3: Deduplication based on cookie; 4: Deduplication based on c_user (c_user is a specific tag for Facebook)
username text NO - myusername Fill in at least one of the following: username /password or cookie information. If username /password duplication is allowed, leave here empty.
password text NO - 123456 Fill in at least one f the following: username /password or cookie information. If username /password duplication is allowed, leave here empty.
cookie text NO - [ { "domain": "", "expirationDate": , "name":"path": "/","sameSite": "unspecified", "secure":true, "value": "", "id": 1 } ] Fill in at least one of the following: username /password or cookie information. If username /password repeat is allowed, leave here empty. Format: JSON
ignore_cookie_error text NO 0 1 0:When the cookie verification fails, the cookie format is incorrectly returned directly 1:When the cookie verification fails, filter out the data in the wrong format and keep the cookie in the correct format Only supports netspace Should upgrade to V2.4.6.6 or above
group_id text YES - 100 Add to corresponding group.
ip text NO - Proxy IP used for an account to log in. Fill in when proxy software is 911s5, lumauto or oxylabs.
country text NO - us Country or region your 911s5, lumauto and oxylabs account belongs to.Without 911s5, lumauto and oxylabs IP please enter country.
region text NO - xx State or province where account logged in, optional.
city text NO - xx City where account logged in, optional.
remark text NO - This is remark. Remarks to describe accounts
user_proxy_config userProxyConfig YES - {"proxy_type":"http","proxy_host":"", "proxy_port":"12","proxy_user":"12", "proxy_password":"12","proxy_soft":"luminati"} Account proxy configuration, for details please see parameter object userPorxyConfig
fingerprint_config fingerprintConfig YES - {"automatic_timezone": "1","language": ["en-US","en"],"flash": "block","fonts": ["all"],"webrtc": "disabled", "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36"} Account fingerprint configuration, for details please see parameter object fingerprintConfig

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "id":"xxxxxxx"  //Unique ID(user_id) after importing account
  "msg": "Success"
//Operation failed

Update Profile

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/user/update

    Method: POST

    Description: Edit account to update account username/password, cookie, proxy, fingerprint and so on

Request Parameters

Body: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not, format of parameter to be passed: JSON

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description Remarks
user_id text YES - xxxxxxx User id being edited
name text NO - user A The name of the account, no more than 100 characters
domain_name text NO - Domain name of user’s account platform, such as, Will open when clicking Open.
open_urls list NO - ["",""] Other urls when opening browser. If leaving it empty, will open the domain name url.
username text NO - myusername Fill in at least one of the following: username /password or cookie information. If username /password duplication is allowed, leave here empty.
password text NO - 123456 Fill in at least one of the following: username /password or cookie information. If username /password duplication is allowed, leave here empty.
cookie text NO - [ { "domain": "", "expirationDate": , "name":"path": "/","sameSite": "unspecified", "secure":true, "value": "", "id": 1 } ] Fill in at least one of the following: username /password or cookie information. If username /password repeat is allowed, leave here empty. Format: JSON
ignore_cookie_error text NO 0 1 0:When the cookie verification fails, the cookie format is incorrectly returned directly 1:When the cookie verification fails, filter out the data in the wrong format and keep the cookie in the correct format Only supports netspace Should upgrade to V2.4.6.6 or above
ip text NO - Proxy IP for an account to log in, fill it when proxy software is 911s5, lumauto or oxylabs
country text NO - us Country or region where your account belongs to. Without 911s5, lumauto or oxylabs IP please enter country
region text NO - xx State or province where an account logged in, optional
city text NO - xx City where an account logged in, optional
remark text NO - This is remark Remark to describe accounts
user_proxy_config userProxyConfig NO - {"proxy_type":"http","proxy_host":"", "proxy_port":"12","proxy_user":"12", "proxy_password":"12","proxy_soft":"luminati"} Account proxy configuration, for details please see parameter object userProxyConfig
fingerprint_config fingerprintConfig NO - {"automatic_timezone": "1","language": ["en-US","en"],"flash": "block","fonts": ["all"],"webrtc": "disabled", "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36"} Account fingerprint configuration, for details please see parameter object fingerprintConfig

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
  "msg": "Success"
//Operation failed

Query Profile

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/user/list

    Method: GET

    Description: View imported account information

Request Parameters

Query: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not

Name Necessary Default Example Description
group_id NO - 1001 Query by group ID. If leave here empty, system will search all groups
user_id NO - xxxxxxx Query by user id
serial_number NO - 123 Query by serial number
page NO 1 1 Query by page number, default setting: 1
page_size NO 1 50 Default setting: 1/page, max. 100/page

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "list": [
      "serial_number": "1",
      "user_id": "XXX",
      "name": "XXX",
      "group_id": "1",
      "group_name": "XX",
      "domain_name": "",
      "username": "username",
      "remark": "remark",
      "created_time": "1612520997", // Timestamp
      "ip": "",
      "ip_country": "sg",
      "password": "",
      "last_open_time": "1621333030" // Last opened time (Timestamp)
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 50
  "msg": "Success"
//Operation failed

Delete Profile

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/user/delete

    Method: POST

    Description: Delete useless accounts, batch deletion is allowed, max. quantity to delete once: 100

Request Parameters

Body: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not, format of parameter to be passed: JSON

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description
user_ids list YES - ["xxx"] ["xxx","yyy","zzz"] User id being deleted, format: array

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded

//Operation failed

Update Profile Group

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/user/regroup

    Method: POST

    Description: Regroup accounts according to ID

Request Parameters

Body: Nonessential parameter and you may pass it or not, format of parameter to be passed: JSON

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description
user_ids list YES - ["xxx"] ["xxx","yyy","zzz"] User id being grouped, format: array
group_id text YES - 123 Corresponding group id

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded

//Operation failed

Delete Profile Cache

Basic Information

    Path: /api/v1/user/delete-cache

    Method: POST

    Description: Used to clear all local caches generated by opening the browser. For account security, please be sure to use this interface when the device is not opening the browser. Need to be updated to V2.4.7.4

Returning Data

//Operation succeeded

//If the current user has an open browser, the execution will fail
  "msg":"There are currently open browsers, please close them before deleting the cache"

Parameter Object


user_proxy_config: Information about account proxy configuration. AdsPower supports frequently used proxy software and protocol.

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description
proxy_soft text YES - luminati Currently supports 911, luminati, lumauto, oxylabsatuto, ssh, other, noproxy
proxy_type text NO - socks5 Currently supports http, https, socks5; For 911 or no_proxy, you may pass the parameter or not
proxy_host text NO - Address of the proxy server, users can enter domain name or IP; For 911 or no_proxy, you may pass the parameter or not
proxy_port text NO - 123 Port of the proxy server; For 911 or no_proxy, you may pass the parameter or not
proxy_user text NO - abc Proxy account name
proxy_password text NO - xyz Proxy account password
proxy_url text NO - The link to change IP is used for mobile proxies and only supports http/https/socks5 proxy. 1. You can change proxy IP address via the link 2. If many profiles have the same proxy settings, IP address of these profiles will be changed simultaneously after refreshing proxy IP address

For user_proxy_config to pass corresponding JSON object is required, for example,

  • 911s5
  • luminati
  • luminati https
  • luminati socks5 {"proxy_soft":"luminati","proxy_type":"socks5","proxy_host":"xxxx","proxy_port":"xx","proxy_user":"xxx","proxy_password":"**"}
  • lumauto
    Note: global_config is optional
    • Custom (Default setting)
    • Use luminati dynamic IP in global settings {"proxy_soft":"lumauto","proxy_type":"http","global_config":"1"}
  • oxylabsauto
    Note: global_config is optional
    • Custom (Default setting)
    • Use oxylabs dynamic IP in global settings {"proxy_soft":"oxylabsauto","proxy_type":"http","global_config":"1"}
  • socks5
  • http
  • https
  • ssh
  • no_proxy


fingerprint_config: Information about browser fingerprint configuration. AdsPower allows to configure many kinds of fingerprints.

Name Type Necessary Default Example Description Remarks
automatic_timezone text NO 1 1 1: Timezone, automatically generated based on IP (Default setting); 0: Custom timezone
timezone text NO - America/Yellowknife Custom timezone, empty string "" represents local timezone by default
webrtc text NO disabled disabled Chrome instant messaging component, 3 options: Replace (Use proxy IP to cover real IP); Real (The local IP is acquired); Disabled (Default setting, website cannot obtain your IP)
location text NO ask ask Website requests your current location. Ask: ask for permission (Default setting), the same as common browsers; Allow: always allow website to obtain your location information; Block: always block obtaining location
location_switch text NO 1 1 1: Location, generated based on IP (Default setting); 0: Custom location
longitude text NO - -40.123321 Configure the longitude of location, necessary when designating location. From -180 to 180 with 6 number after decimal point.
latitude text NO - 30.123321 Configure latitude of location, necessary when designating location, from -90 to 90 with 6 numbers after decimal point.
accuracy text NO 1000 1000 Configure distance of location, necessary when designating location, from 10 to 5000 meters, should be integer
language list NO ["en-US","en"] ["en-US","en","zh-CN","zh"] Language of the browser (Default setting: ["en-US","en"]), supports many languages, format: string array
language_switch text NO 0 0 Configure languages based on IP country. 0: Off; 1: On. Should upgrade to V2.4.4.3 or above
ua text NO - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.113 Safari/537.36 User-agent, default setting: using random ua base. When customizing please make sure that ua format and content meet the requirement.
screen_resolution text NO none 1024_600 none: default setting, follow current computer. random: random resolution. When customizing, separate them with "_", width_height
fonts list NO - ["all"] ["Arial","Calibri","Cambria"] Font of the browser. Allows to customize font, format: string array
canvas text NO 0 0 Browser canvas fingerprint switch. 1: Add noise; 0: Use the current computer default Canvas (Default setting)
webgl_image text NO 0 0 Browser webgl image fingerprint switch. 1: Add noise; 0: Use the current computer default WebGL (Default setting)
webgl text NO 0 0 Browser webgl metadata fingerprint switch. 1: Mark; 2: Custom (need to set a value to replace the real WebGL metadata of your device); 0: Close (Default setting, uses the current computer default WebGL) For 2 Custom, should upgrade to V or above
webgl_config json NO {"unmasked_vendor": "", "unmasked_renderer": ""} {"unmasked_vendor": "Google Inc.", "unmasked_renderer": "ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)"} Custom browser webgl metadata.Unmasked vendor: providers;Unmasked renderer: can be customized only when webgl is 2. When webgl is 2, vendor and renderer cannot be empty. Should update to V or above
audio text NO 0 0 Audio fingerprint switch. 1: Add noise; 0: Close (Default setting, use the current computer default audio)
do_not_track text NO default true DNT means do not track. A browser configuration switch. 3 options: Default; True: open; False: close.
hardware_concurrency text NO 4 4 The number of CPU cores.Follow the current computer (Default); 2; 4 (Default value if parameter is not passed); 6; 8; 16
device_memory text NO 8 8 Follow the current computer (Default); 2; 4; 6; 8 (Default value if parameter is not passed)
flash text NO block allow Flash configuration switch. Allow or block (Default setting)
scan_port_type text NO 0 1 Port scan protection. 1: Enable; 0: Close (Default setting)
allow_scan_ports list NO - ["4000","4001"] Port allowed to be scanned when port scan protection is enabled, format: string array. Leave it empty if not to pass the parameter.
media_devices text NO 0 0 Media devices switch. 0: Off (each browser use default media device id of the computer); 1: On (use corresponding value to cover you real media device id)
client_rects text NO 1 1 ClientRects,0:Each browser uses the default ClientRects of the current computer. 1:Add corresponding noise, generate different ClientRects for each browser on the same computer Should upgrade to V3.6.2 or above
device_name_switch text NO 0 0 Device name, 0: Close, each browser uses the device name of the current computer. 1: Mask, replace your real device name with a suitable value. 2: Custom device name Should upgrade to 3.6.25 or above, when the value is 2, upgrade to V2.4.8.1 and above
device_name text NO - abcd Custom device name Should upgrade to V2.4.8.1 or above
random_ua json NO - {"ua_version":["80"],"ua_system":["Android"]} Support specified system, version setting ua. If you pass in a custom ua at the same time, take the custom ua first. ua_system: system;ua_version: version. This field is only supported in the create account interface, and the update account interface does not currently support the specified system and version update ua. See details random_ua
speech_switch text NO 0 0 SpeechVoices,0:Each profile uses the default SpeechVoices of the current computer 1:Use a value to replace the real SpeechVoices Should update program version to V3.11.10 or above and kernel version to V2.5.0.9 or above
mac_address_config json NO {"model": "0", address: ""} {"model": "2", address: "E4-02-9B-3B-E9-27"} MAC address: Support setting an appropriate value instead of the real MAC address.
model: 0 (use the MAC address of the current computer) , 1 (match an appropriate value instead of the real MAC address) , 2 (custom appropriate value instead of the real MAC address).
address: Custom MAC address, when model is 2, this value needs to be passed in.
Should update program version to V4.3.9 or above

Note: For fingerprint_config to pass JSON object is required, example:

    "automatic_timezone": "1",
    "language": ["en-US","en","zh-CN","zh"],
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141",
    "flash": "block",
    "webrtc": "disabled"


ua_system: list, not required. If you don’t fill in, it will be random in all systems by default. Support Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS X , Linux.
ua_version: list, not required. If not filled, it will be random in all versions by default. Each system supports the following versions
for examples:
Windows: ["95", "94", "93","92", "91", "90", "89", "88", "87", "86", "85", "84", "83", "82", "81", "80", "79", "78", "77"]
Mac OS X: ["89", "87", "86", "85", "84", "83", "81", "80", "79", "78"]
Linux: ["89", "88", "86", "85", "84", "83", "81", "80", "79"]
Android: ["95", "94", "93","92", "91", "90", "80", "79", "78", "77", "76", "75", "74", "73"]
iOS: ["95", "94", "93","92", "91", "90"]

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  •  /api/v1/user/create says user_proxy_config or proxyid is required when proxyid is provided

    /api/v1/user/create says user_proxy_config or proxyid is required when proxyid is provided

    When request /api/v1/user/create with following code: payload = { "name": "TEST-1", "group_id": "193511", "proxyid": "41", "remark": remark, "fingerprint_config": { "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai", "language": ["zh-CN", "en-US", "en"], "flash": "block", "fonts": ["all"], "webrtc": "disabled", }, } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } resp = requests.request("POST", url=url, headers=headers, json=payload)

    the api returns error as following: b'{"data":{},"msg":"user_proxy_config or proxyid is required","code":1002}'

    according to the document, proxyid should be enough if provided.

    opened by tatumsu 0
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Best dialogue for file creation, renaming, opening, deletion or jumping to a specific line

Features No need to rely on vscode.quickOpen Create, rename, delete, open files/folders without relying on the sidebar Jump to specific lines Find spe

Suryansh Makharia 3 Jul 31, 2022
An Obsidian plugin to add (prepend or append) specified content to a note (existing or new) without opening another pane.

Obsidian Note Content Pusher An Obsidian plugin to add (prepend or append) specified content to a note (existing or new) without opening another pane.

Henry Gustafson 21 Nov 6, 2022