This is a Microverse project that entails a booklist where a user can add and remove books.



-Here is a Screenshot for the project geegee

Awesome Books Project

  • This is a Microverse project that entails a booklist where a user can add and remove books.

Built With

  • HTML & Javascript

Getting Started

  • Here is a link to the repo
  • Clone this repo to get started using git clone(insert the repo here)


  • Git. Which is a open source distributed version control system designed for source code management
  • A text editor (e.g Visual Studio Code, Vim, Atom & Sublime.)
  • A web browser (e.g Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox.)
  • Live Server which is a web extension that helps you to live reload feature for dynamic content (PHP, Node.js, ASPNET)


  • Here is the live link to view this project link


  • Using git, clone the code to your machine or download a Zip File.


👤 Grace Muthui

🤝 Contributing

  • Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

  • Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

  • Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

  • This project is MIT licensed.
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    • Refactored the Awesome Books project to use ES6 modules and syntax.
    • Added Luxon for the date and time display.
    • Followed proper Github flow.


    opened by Graycemuthui 0
Grayce Muthui
Fullstack software developer|| Artist|| Dog lover|| Stack: JavaScript|| Currently looking for new opportunities to grow my experience.
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