CSS Object Model implemented in pure JavaScript. It's also a parser!



CSSOM.js is a CSS parser written in pure JavaScript. It is also a partial implementation of CSS Object Model.

CSSOM.parse("body {color: black}")
-> {
  cssRules: [
      selectorText: "body",
      style: {
        0: "color",
        color: "black",
        length: 1

Parser demo

Works well in Google Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10.63+. Doesn't work in IE < 9 because of unsupported getters/setters.

To use CSSOM.js in the browser you might want to build a one-file version that exposes a single CSSOM global variable:

➤ git clone https://github.com/NV/CSSOM.git
➤ cd CSSOM
➤ node build.js
build/CSSOM.js is done

To use it with Node.js or any other CommonJS loader:

➤ npm install cssom

Don’t use it if...

You parse CSS to mungle, minify or reformat code like this:

div {
  background: gray;
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, white 0%, black 100%);

This pattern is often used to give browsers that don’t understand linear gradients a fallback solution (e.g. gray color in the example). In CSSOM, background: gray gets overwritten. It does NOT get preserved.

If you do CSS mungling, minification, or image inlining, considere using one of the following:


To run tests locally:

➤ git submodule init
➤ git submodule update

Who uses CSSOM.js

  • Crossbrowser version?

    Crossbrowser version?

    If someone needs a crossbrowser version of CSSOM.js please describe what are you intend to do with that. It is possible to remove all these __proto__ and Object.defineProperty, but I don't feel the need right now.

    opened by NV 10
  • @import support

    @import support

    @import url("partial.css");
    @import url("http://usercss.ru/styles/night/night.css");

    Spec. WebKit implementation: CSSImportRule.cpp.

    opened by NV 9
  • b2507c6 regression: Quoted CSS values don't parse anymore

    b2507c6 regression: Quoted CSS values don't parse anymore

    This used to work fine before b2507c6:

    cssom.parse('body{-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)";}');
    cssom.parse('body{font-family: "times new roman";}');
    opened by papandreou 8
  • Parser generator?

    Parser generator?

    It seems feasible to use some parser generator and reuse WebKit's stuff http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/WebCore/css/tokenizer.flex http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/WebCore/css/CSSGrammar.y

    Never did it before. Any pointers?

    opened by NV 8
  • CSSStyleSheet.toString()


    Ability to serialize CSSStyleSheet object into CSS string.

    CSSOM.parse("body {color: black}").toString()
    -> "body {color: black}"

    It might need a few options, such as indent or propertiesSeparator. Not sure about it yet.

    opened by NV 7
  • Improve error information about parse errors

    Improve error information about parse errors

    I've tried improving on the details of the error messages that CSSOM will throw.

    The changes try to do the following:

    • Throw new Error instead of strings
    • Keep track of line and char numbers (1-indexed to match most editors)
    • Write line and chars numbers in error.message
    • Add line and char numbers to error as properties
    • Added the stylesheet in the state of parsing that it was in when the error occurred

    I've changed the one thrown SyntexError with Error, since the SyntaxError seems to be reserved for node internals during failed eval().

    opened by Munter 6
  • Fix multiple declarations of the same property

    Fix multiple declarations of the same property

    This simple fix merges properties already declared in the style into a single property as a semicolon-delimited list. For example:

    .background-gradient {
        background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#1a82f7), to(#2F2727));
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7); 
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7); 
        background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7); 
        background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7)

    would result in:

    cssRules: [
            selectorText: '.background-gradient',
            parentRule: null,
            style: {
                0: 'background',
                background: '-webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#1a82f7), to(#2F2727)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #2F2727, #1a82f7)',
                length: 1

    This allows the declarations to be preserved as well as correctly parsed, and it will be overwritten if a more specific selector redefines the property. A downside to this implementation is that it does not give individual access to each rule. But since this didn't work to begin with I don't see it as a problem.

    opened by straker 5
  • Add CSSGroupingRule and CSSConditionRule

    Add CSSGroupingRule and CSSConditionRule

    This change adds the CSSGroupingRule and CSSConditionRule constructors, and it establishes the prototype chain between these and CSSMediaRule and CSSSupportsRule.

    For the updated functionality, it includes references to the appropriate specifications, and I did my best to keep the coding style in sync with the existing project. For instance, I preserved the styling where tabs are currently intermixed with spaces in CSSMediaRule.js, and I preserved the strategy of using new CSSOM.CSS... over Object.create (which is done to support for Firefox 3.6, perhaps?).

    For the tests, I verified that, while one test is failing from the current main branch, all the other tests are still passing after this change. I included a comment similar to others for a currently untestable getter.

    Resolves #105

    opened by jonathantneal 4
  • CSSFontFaceRule is missing from npm package exports

    CSSFontFaceRule is missing from npm package exports

    versions 0.3.2 and 0.3.3 are missing CSSFontFaceRule from exports. I couldn't find it in the source code, as tags for these versions don't exists.

    For reference, here's the contents of index.js for v0.3.3:

    exports.CSSStyleDeclaration = require("./CSSStyleDeclaration").CSSStyleDeclaration;
    exports.CSSRule = require("./CSSRule").CSSRule;
    exports.CSSStyleRule = require("./CSSStyleRule").CSSStyleRule;
    exports.CSSImportRule = require("./CSSImportRule").CSSImportRule;
    exports.MediaList = require("./MediaList").MediaList;
    exports.CSSMediaRule = require("./CSSMediaRule").CSSMediaRule;
    exports.StyleSheet = require("./StyleSheet").StyleSheet;
    exports.CSSStyleSheet = require("./CSSStyleSheet").CSSStyleSheet;
    exports.parse = require("./parse").parse;
    exports.clone = require("./clone").clone;
    opened by amitzur 4
  • should not remove spaces in calc() function

    should not remove spaces in calc() function

    Spaces are mandatory inside CSS calc() function, and should not be removed in inlining.

    .foo {
      width: calc(100% - 80px);

    gets parsed to this

    .foo {width: calc(100%-80px);}

    and that doesn't work in the browser.

    linear-gradient also has the same issue.

    linear-gradient(135deg, #00689b 0%, #00375a 90%, #00375a 90%, #003455 100%);

    gets parsed to this

    linear-gradient(135deg, #00689b0%, #00375a90%, #00375a90%, #003455100%);

    opened by jonkemp 4
  • W3C

    W3C "transform" style doesn't work

    To replicate, create an element and do the following with it:

    const domElement = document.createElement('div');
    domElement.style.transform = 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)';
    assert(domElement.style.transform === 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)'); // undefined

    I can only get it to work if I use this specific pattern:

    const domElement = document.createElement('div');
    domElement.style['webkit-transform'] = 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)';
    assert(domElement.style.WebkitTransform === 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)');

    X-issue from https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/issues/1321

    opened by probablyup 4
  • Security Policy

    Security Policy


    Can you please add a Security Policy and describe what sort of vulnerabilities you consider valid for this library? I have found a few issues that could be pertinent depending on what you consider a vulnerability.

    Thanks, Carter Snook

    opened by sno2 0
  • Expose `parse` to `CSSGroupingRule`

    Expose `parse` to `CSSGroupingRule`

    CSSGroupingRule.insertRule requires parse. Previously:

    $ pwd
    $ node
    Welcome to Node.js v18.1.0.
    Type ".help" for more information.
    > const CSSOM = require('./lib');
    > const rule = new CSSOM.CSSGroupingRule();
    > rule.insertRule('#a{}', 0);
    Uncaught TypeError: CSSOM.parse is not a function
        at CSSGroupingRule.insertRule (/path/to/CSSOM/lib/CSSGroupingRule.js:41:22)


    > rule.insertRule('#a{}', 0);
    opened by MrDOS 1
  • Expose CSSOM.parse to CSSGroupingRule

    Expose CSSOM.parse to CSSGroupingRule

    Currently CSSGroupingRule is calling CSSOM.parse but parse wasn't included which leads to a syntax error. This PR fixes that

    Line which is currently calling CSSOM.parse: https://github.com/NV/CSSOM/blob/a469aae2f92e454e669aec821781626924f98d17/lib/CSSGroupingRule.js#L41

    opened by Juice10 3
  • "font-size" not accessible

    Hi, thanks for this library.

    I'm trying to access "font-size" on a CSSStyleDeclaration object like I would on the browser using .fontSize but apparently it is only accessible using ["font-size"]... I think this applies to all dashed properties, is this intended?

    opened by Kal-Aster 0
  • parseError on @media print {

    parseError on @media print {

    const cssom = require("cssom"); //version 0.4.4
    const styles = `@-moz-document url-prefix(){@media print{.enabled-vuetify-global-styling .v-application,.enabled-vuetify-global-styling .v-application--wrap{display:block}}}`;


    Uncaught Error: Unexpected } (line 1, char 157)
        at parseError (/Users/przemyslawbeigert/code/bethink/wnl-platform/node_modules/cssom/lib/parse.js:62:15)
        at Object.parse (/Users/przemyslawbeigert/code/bethink/wnl-platform/node_modules/cssom/lib/parse.js:386:7) {
      line: 1,
      char: 157,
      styleSheet: CSSStyleSheet {
        parentStyleSheet: null,
        cssRules: [ [CSSMediaRule] ]
    opened by przemyslawjanpietrzak 0
  • Error: Could not parse CSS stylesheet

    Error: Could not parse CSS stylesheet

    Screen Shot 2021-01-01 at 9 31 22 PM

    cssom is installed with version "0.4.4" and is a dependency for jsdom at ^0.4.4

    Followed this thread when this was an issue at version 0.3.2 with no avail

    opened by nhidtran 1
  • v0.3.0(Nov 9, 2013)

    • Allow \' and \" escape sequences in strings, albeit not full escape sequence support.
    • Support IE expression() values (#45).
    • Support @-moz-document (#47).
    • Fix some issues in older Firefox and IE browsers.
    • Correctly set parentStyleSheet on rules added via insertRules.
    • Fix package.json jake version to be modern.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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