Web Application that allows you to add and remove books



Web Application that allows you to add and remove books! This project was created with the purpose of consolidating the creator's knowledge of React.

Built With

  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • React
  • Webpack

Live Demo

Check the Live Demo of this project!

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


You need to be able to use Node Package Manager, or also called, the npm command. If you dont have it, install it with these commands in the CLI (for Linux):

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

Then, run this command in the CLI:

npm --version

If the previous command prints a single line with a version number on screen, npm was installed.


First you need to clone the repository into the folder of your choice with this command:

git clone https://github.com/Yothu/bookstore-react.git

Then go inside the repository foler with this command:

cd bookstore-react

After you are inside, download the npm dependecies with this command:

npm install

Finally, show the project through the browser with this command:

npm start


You can add Books with is Title and Category in the form at the bottom, then press ADD BOOK. Once you press the button a new Book will be created, you can delete them by pressing the remove button at the bottom part of each book.


๐Ÿ‘ค David Vergaray

๐Ÿ“ License

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • Add Styling

    Add Styling


    This pull request is about styling the project.

    Project Requirements

    • [x] Style the project so that it looks the same as this template.


    For a more detailed description of the project's instructions check this page.


    To know how to install and use this project check the README.md file!.

    opened by Yothu 1
  • Initialize with components

    Initialize with components


    This pull request is about creating the basic structure of the components in the Bookstore project, and to initialize Redux.

    Project Requirements

    • [x] Initialise React app.
    • [x] Add React Redux.
    • [x] Use the "feature folder" approach.
    • [x] Use the ducks pattern for your Redux files.
    • [x] Add React Router.
      • [x] Display the list of books (empty at this point but it should be ready for the data) with the Remove button (no funcionality yet).
      • [x] Should have a form for adding a book (no functionality yet)
    • [x] Styling is not required at this point.


    For a more detailed description of the project's instructions check this page.


    To know how to install and use this project check the README.md file!.

    opened by Yothu 1
  • Connect to API using Redux

    Connect to API using Redux


    This pull request is about connecting the project to the Bookstore API using Redux middlewares.

    Project Requirements

    • [x] Refactor the redux code of the application using middleware to make async requests to the API.
    • [x] Refactor the add book and remove book features to persist the changes in the server.


    For a more detailed description of the project's instructions check this page.


    To know how to install and use this project check the README.md file!.

    opened by Yothu 0
  • Add create and remove book using redux

    Add create and remove book using redux


    This pull request is about configuring the Redux Store and creating actions and reducer for adding and removing books.

    Project Requirements

    • [x] Configure the Redux Store and import the necessary methods from Redux into the configureStore.js file.
    • [x] Write the book's actions and reducer using the ducks pattern.
    • [x] Set the data inputs in the local React state in the React component responsible for adding new books.
    • [x] Use the redux-logger to check if your application is working correctly.


    For a more detailed description of the project's instructions check this page.


    To know how to install and use this project check the README.md file!.

    opened by Yothu 0
David Vergaray
Full-Stack Developer and Certified computing engineer, currently studying at Microverse, | HTML | CSS | Python | JavaScript | Java | Open for Hire!
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