A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links.



Smooth Scroll is, without a doubt, my most popular and widely used plugin.

But in the time since I created it, a CSS-only method for smooth scrolling has emerged, and now has fantastic browser support. It can do things this plugin can't (like scrolling to anchor links from another page), and addresses bugs and limitations in the plugin that I have never gotten around to fixing.

This plugin has run its course, and the browser now offers a better, more feature rich and resilient solution out-of-the-box.

Learn how to animate scrolling to anchor links with one line of CSS, and how to prevent anchor links from scrolling behind fixed or sticky headers.

Thanks for the years of support!

Smooth Scroll Build Status

A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links. Smooth Scroll works great with Gumshoe.

View the Demo on CodePen →

Getting Started | Scroll Speed | Easing Options | API | What's new? | Known Issues | Browser Compatibility | License

Quick aside: you might not need this library. There's a native CSS way to handle smooth scrolling that might fit your needs.

Want to learn how to write your own vanilla JS plugins? Check out my Vanilla JS Pocket Guides or join the Vanilla JS Academy and level-up as a web developer. 🚀

Getting Started

Compiled and production-ready code can be found in the dist directory. The src directory contains development code.

1. Include Smooth Scroll on your site.

There are two versions of Smooth Scroll: the standalone version, and one that comes preloaded with polyfills for closest(), requestAnimationFrame(), and CustomEvent(), which are only supported in newer browsers.

If you're including your own polyfills or don't want to enable this feature for older browsers, use the standalone version. Otherwise, use the version with polyfills.

Direct Download

You can download the files directly from GitHub.

<script src="path/to/smooth-scroll.polyfills.min.js"></script>


You can also use the jsDelivr CDN. I recommend linking to a specific version number or version range to prevent major updates from breaking your site. Smooth Scroll uses semantic versioning.

<!-- Always get the latest version -->
<!-- Not recommended for production sites! -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll/dist/smooth-scroll.polyfills.min.js"></script>

<!-- Get minor updates and patch fixes within a major version -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll@15/dist/smooth-scroll.polyfills.min.js"></script>

<!-- Get patch fixes within a minor version -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cferdinandi/[email protected]/dist/smooth-scroll.polyfills.min.js"></script>

<!-- Get a specific version -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cferdinandi/[email protected]/dist/smooth-scroll.polyfills.min.js"></script>


You can also use NPM (or your favorite package manager).

npm install smooth-scroll

2. Add the markup to your HTML.

No special markup needed—just standard anchor links. Give the anchor location an ID just like you normally would.

<a data-scroll href="#bazinga">Anchor Link</a>
<div id="bazinga">Bazinga!</div>

Note: Smooth Scroll does not work with <a name="anchor"></a> style anchors. It requires IDs.

3. Initialize Smooth Scroll.

In the footer of your page, after the content, initialize Smooth Scroll by passing in a selector for the anchor links that should be animated. And that's it, you're done. Nice work!

	var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]');

Note: The a[href*="#"] selector will apply Smooth Scroll to all anchor links. You can selectively target links using any other selector(s) you'd like. Smooth Scroll accepts multiple selectors as a comma separated list. Example: '.js-scroll, [data-scroll], #some-link'.

Scroll Speed

Smooth Scroll allows you to adjust the speed of your animations with the speed option.

This a number representing the amount of time in milliseconds that it should take to scroll 1000px. Scroll distances shorter than that will take less time, and scroll distances longer than that will take more time. The default is 300ms.

var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {
	speed: 300

If you want all of your animations to take exactly the same amount of time (the value you set for speed), set the speedAsDuration option to true.

// All animations will take exactly 500ms
var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {
	speed: 500,
	speedAsDuration: true

Easing Options

Smooth Scroll comes with about a dozen common easing patterns. Here's a demo of the different patterns.

Linear Moves at the same speed from start to finish.

  • Linear

Ease-In Gradually increases in speed.

  • easeInQuad
  • easeInCubic
  • easeInQuart
  • easeInQuint

Ease-In-Out Gradually increases in speed, peaks, and then gradually slows down.

  • easeInOutQuad
  • easeInOutCubic
  • easeInOutQuart
  • easeInOutQuint

Ease-Out Gradually decreases in speed.

  • easeOutQuad
  • easeOutCubic
  • easeOutQuart
  • easeOutQuint

You can also pass in your own custom easing pattern using the customEasing option.

var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {
	// Function. Custom easing pattern
	// If this is set to anything other than null, will override the easing option above
	customEasing: function (time) {

		// return <your formulate with time as a multiplier>

		// Example: easeInOut Quad
		return time < 0.5 ? 2 * time * time : -1 + (4 - 2 * time) * time;



Smooth Scroll includes smart defaults and works right out of the box. But if you want to customize things, it also has a robust API that provides multiple ways for you to adjust the default options and settings.

Options and Settings

You can pass options and callbacks into Smooth Scroll when instantiating.

var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {

	// Selectors
	ignore: '[data-scroll-ignore]', // Selector for links to ignore (must be a valid CSS selector)
	header: null, // Selector for fixed headers (must be a valid CSS selector)
	topOnEmptyHash: true, // Scroll to the top of the page for links with href="#"

	// Speed & Duration
	speed: 500, // Integer. Amount of time in milliseconds it should take to scroll 1000px
	speedAsDuration: false, // If true, use speed as the total duration of the scroll animation
	durationMax: null, // Integer. The maximum amount of time the scroll animation should take
	durationMin: null, // Integer. The minimum amount of time the scroll animation should take
	clip: true, // If true, adjust scroll distance to prevent abrupt stops near the bottom of the page
	offset: function (anchor, toggle) {

		// Integer or Function returning an integer. How far to offset the scrolling anchor location in pixels
		// This example is a function, but you could do something as simple as `offset: 25`

		// An example returning different values based on whether the clicked link was in the header nav or not
		if (toggle.classList.closest('.my-header-nav')) {
			return 25;
		} else {
			return 50;


	// Easing
	easing: 'easeInOutCubic', // Easing pattern to use
	customEasing: function (time) {

		// Function. Custom easing pattern
		// If this is set to anything other than null, will override the easing option above

		// return <your formulate with time as a multiplier>

		// Example: easeInOut Quad
		return time < 0.5 ? 2 * time * time : -1 + (4 - 2 * time) * time;


	// History
	updateURL: true, // Update the URL on scroll
	popstate: true, // Animate scrolling with the forward/backward browser buttons (requires updateURL to be true)

	// Custom Events
	emitEvents: true // Emit custom events


Custom Events

Smooth Scroll emits three custom events:

  • scrollStart is emitted when the scrolling animation starts.
  • scrollStop is emitted when the scrolling animation stops.
  • scrollCancel is emitted if the scrolling animation is canceled.

All three events are emitted on the document element and bubble up. You can listen for them with the addEventListener() method. The event.detail object includes the anchor and toggle elements for the animation.

// Log scroll events
var logScrollEvent = function (event) {

	// The event type
	console.log('type:', event.type);

	// The anchor element being scrolled to
	console.log('anchor:', event.detail.anchor);

	// The anchor link that triggered the scroll
	console.log('toggle:', event.detail.toggle);


// Listen for scroll events
document.addEventListener('scrollStart', logScrollEvent, false);
document.addEventListener('scrollStop', logScrollEvent, false);
document.addEventListener('scrollCancel', logScrollEvent, false);


Smooth Scroll also exposes several public methods.


Animate scrolling to an anchor.

var scroll = new SmoothScroll();
	anchor, // Node to scroll to. ex. document.querySelector('#bazinga')
	toggle, // Node that toggles the animation, OR an integer. ex. document.querySelector('#toggle')
	options // Classes and callbacks. Same options as those passed into the init() function.

Example 1

var scroll = new SmoothScroll();
var anchor = document.querySelector('#bazinga');

Example 2

var scroll = new SmoothScroll();
var anchor = document.querySelector('#bazinga');
var toggle = document.querySelector('#toggle');
var options = { speed: 1000, easing: 'easeOutCubic' };
scroll.animateScroll(anchor, toggle, options);

Example 3

// You can optionally pass in a y-position to scroll to as an integer
var scroll = new SmoothScroll();


Cancel a scroll-in-progress.

var scroll = new SmoothScroll();

Note: This does not handle focus management. The user will stop in place, and focus will remain on the anchor link that triggered the scroll.


Destroy the current initialization. This is called automatically in the init method to remove any existing initializations.

var scroll = new SmoothScroll();

Fixed Headers

If you're using a fixed header, Smooth Scroll will automatically offset scroll distances by the header height. Pass in a valid CSS selector for your fixed header as an option to the init.

If you have multiple fixed headers, pass in the last one in the markup.

<nav data-scroll-header>
	var scroll = new SmoothScroll('.some-selector',{
		header: '[data-scroll-header]'

What's new?

Scroll duration now varies based on distance traveled. If you want to maintain the old scroll animation duration behavior, set the speedAsDuration option to true.

Known Issues

Reduce Motion Settings

This isn't really an "issue" so-much as a question I get a lot.

Smooth Scroll respects the Reduce Motion setting available in certain operating systems. In browsers that surface that setting, Smooth Scroll will not run and will revert to the default "jump to location" anchor link behavior.

I've decided to respect user preferences of developer desires here. This is not a configurable setting.

<body> styling

If the <body> element has been assigned a height of 100% or overflow: hidden, Smooth Scroll is unable to properly calculate page distances and will not scroll to the right location. The <body> element can have a fixed, non-percentage based height (ex. 500px), or a height of auto, and an overflow of visible.

Animating from the bottom

Animated scrolling links at the very bottom of the page (example: a "scroll to top" link) will stop animated almost immediately after they start when using certain easing patterns. This is an issue that's been around for a while and I've yet to find a good fix for it. I've found that easeOut* easing patterns work as expected, but other patterns can cause issues. See this discussion for more details.

Scrolling to an anchor link on another page

This, unfortunately, cannot be done well.

Most browsers instantly jump you to the anchor location when you load a page. You could use scrollTo(0, 0) to pull users back up to the top, and then manually use the animateScroll() method, but in my experience, it results in a visible jump on the page that's a worse experience than the default browser behavior.

Browser Compatibility

Smooth Scroll works in all modern browsers, and IE 9 and above.

Smooth Scroll is built with modern JavaScript APIs, and uses progressive enhancement. If the JavaScript file fails to load, or if your site is viewed on older and less capable browsers, anchor links will jump the way they normally would.

Note: Smooth Scroll will not run—even in supported browsers—if users have Reduce Motion enabled. Learn more in the "Known Issues" section.


Support back to IE9 requires polyfills for closest(), requestAnimationFrame(), and CustomEvent(). Without them, support starts with Edge.

Use the included polyfills version of Smooth Scroll, or include your own.


The code is available under the MIT License.

  • Allow cancelling programmatic scroll by user

    Allow cancelling programmatic scroll by user

    It might be something only programmers can feel annoyed about but quite often when a scroll animation is running I'd like to cancel it and scroll the other way around.

    A simple but effective method that should work in all modern browsers is to stop the smooth-scroll when the wheel or touchstart event is triggered.

    Semi-real code(could be written more compact):

    var cancelEvents  = ['wheel', 'touchstart'];
    var userstopEvent = new Event('smoothscroll_userstop');
    function applyEventFunctionToAll(func) {
    	var i;
    	for (i=0; i<cancelEvents.length;i++) {
    		func('on' + cancelEvents[i]);
    function userStopAnimateScroll() {
    function removeCancelListener(eventName) {
    	window.removeEventListener(eventName, userStopAnimateScroll);
    function addCancelListener(eventName) {
    	window.addEventListener(eventName, userStopAnimateScroll);
    if (allowUserStopAnimationScroll === true) { 

    My code does not handle anything like scrollers inside anything other than window. Mostly because I have no clue if it should.

    And maybe it does not need to be in there core but it would be nice to be able to add this functionality with the "api".

    feature request 
    opened by renegeuze 34
  • Error thrown when using a module loader

    Error thrown when using a module loader

    Hello, I'm getting an error when clicking a link with data-scroll applied: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hostname' of undefined

    Installed via Bower.

    Link HTML looks like: Clients

    Init looks like: smoothScroll.init({ selector: 'a[href^="#"]' });

    Any ideas?

    opened by kiogo 22
  • Enable smooth-scroll for links to other pages

    Enable smooth-scroll for links to other pages

    Hey Chris.

    Currently, smooth-scroll just works for on-page links. What about adding the possibility to link to different url paths and invoking the scroll animation with the on body load event if a hash (and some additional identifier) is present in the url? This way you could use the same links on multiple pages, e.g. in a navigation.

    An example link: /imprint/#.privacy If the link points to another page, is marked with data-scroll and the hash is present in the url, smooth-scroll would invoke the animation and scroll to the element with the id or class "privacy" on page load event. As for a link to an element on the current page, you should still invoke the animation on the click event. The check could be done using window.location.pathname in this case. If you just use the hash without the additional dot, of course, the browser directly jumps to the element with the id "privacy". So I think you need an additional identifier after the hash which is removed, replaced or interpreted as the class identifier to be used to select the element on the page via the querySelector.

    What do you think?

    opened by JonasHavers 22
  • Position: fixed elements turn to Position: relative during smoot-scroll on iOS

    Position: fixed elements turn to Position: relative during smoot-scroll on iOS

    I have a header which is positioned as fixed and implemented scrolling (on click on one div, page scrolls to that particular div, offsetted with header height). So all works perfect on desktop, like magic, my page scrolls to that div and header scrolls down together and sits on top of the div (no matter how narrow is it). But when I'm trying to test it from iPhone's Safari it looks like after scroll has been performed my header sticks to the top of the document (like it's position relative) and I can get it back only by refreshing the page.

    I would highly appreciate if you share any thoughts around that. Thank you in advance.

    opened by kosanna 17
  • No smooth scroll

    No smooth scroll

    There is no smooth scroll in my demo http://nirvana.bplaced.net/smooth-scroll-master/ it directly jumps to the anchor without transition. whats wrong?

    opened by Mexikaner9 16
  • doesnt scroll up from the bottom

    doesnt scroll up from the bottom

    Hi, thanks very much for this project. It was looking great immediately. But I have a problem. When I scroll down to the absolute bottom of my page there is a fault behavior. When I click any link there (links to a different position on the same site) there is just a little jump upwards approximately a pixel or so. If I hit the link about 15 times it goes up 1 pixel but then suddenly on the 16th time it scrolls smoothly to the right position. If I first scroll up a little manually it works on the first click. I couldn't figure out what the problem is. Any advice?

    opened by Arnold85 16
  • Have to initialize twice

    Have to initialize twice

    For one particular page smooth-scroll has to be initialized twice (once when constructing, and again with init(...)) for having proper scroll targets:

    var scroll = new SmoothScroll(scrollSelector, scrollOpts);
                      scroll.init(scrollSelector, scrollOpts);

    Otherwise smooth-scroll scrolls too far upwards or downwards or even to the top of page. The incorrect offset also depends on the scroll position, when it already scrolled (incorrectly) to the target, going to that anchor again results in it moving around up and down even to the top of page.

    After removing some elements inside the section to be addressed by anchor (ID), it appears that smooth-scroll incorrectly uses some height of elements inside for the (incorrect) offset.

    opened by strarsis 15
  • doesn't work in browserify environment

    doesn't work in browserify environment

    I'm trying to use the plugin with browserify, without much success, though.

    The reason, seems to be, that in browserified apps root is not a window, but rather module object.

    Here the .addEventListener is always undefined, so plugin in not initialized correctly. My naive try to change to window.addEventListener didn't help, since root used in many other places.

    I'm using browserify + umd modules quite a lot, but it's first time I'm having such issue. Maybe there are some workarounds with browserify-shim or something?

    opened by alexbeletsky 14
  • Add AMD support, exports Object, few clean ups and supports function

    Add AMD support, exports Object, few clean ups and supports function

    Reduced some redundancies such as inside _getDataOptions, no need to return an empty Object when you create one in the same scope, just returns it if there aren't any options.

    Few other cleanups such as as ternary operator and reducing all the return; statements, generally just use one and pass whatever you want to it (this is so you can still run the rest of the script, manipulate anything else then return).

    Broke out the mustard test into a function, it's getting a bit long for an if () {}. Added String.prototype.trim test as you're also using it and support is flakey in all IE versions.

    Put the public methods on an exports Object, to think about what you're exporting rather than passing Private methods to a public Object. It also means less maintenance inside the script when adding/changing functions.

    opened by toddmotto 14
  • Getting console error message on init 'Uncaught TypeError: o.default is not a constructor'

    Getting console error message on init 'Uncaught TypeError: o.default is not a constructor'

    Hi Chris, First of all, love the package! I'm using yarn to manage my packages and I've managed to add it correctly. Import is in ES6 by having import SmoothScroll from 'smooth-scroll' at the top of my component. When I console.log(SmoothScroll); it appears in my console. All working fine!

    The moment I run my init var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]'); I get the following error in my console.

    Uncaught TypeError: o.default is not a constructor at new e (index.js:17) at index.js:23 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at index.js:22 Any ideas as to why this is happening? Wasn't happening on older versions of your smooth scroll.

    Cheers, Dayne

    opened by dayneh88 12
  • Update URL before animation

    Update URL before animation

    Instead of waiting for the animation to stop before updating the URL, let’s update it right off the bat.

    I’m using nav:target to show/hide my main menu on touch devices using only CSS. One of the benefits of this is that as soon as a menu item is tapped, the menu is hidden because the URL changes. Enter smooth-scroll: Because the script waits until the animation stops before updating the URL, the menu stays visible while the script animates the scroll to the selected location, and only then closes. This looks awkward.

    This commit changes the order of things, so that the URL is changed immediately, making my menu toggle at the expected time (immediately after tapping a menu item).

    Let me know if you would prefer a more robust solution that offers both options. For example: dataURL could have the values before, after, and false, so developers have more control over this behavior. I’d like to take a crack at that if it’s something you’d like to see.


    opened by agarzola 12
  • Add

    Add "silent" option

    I really like that the polyfills were separated from the core in the latest release. Making a faster loading experience for users of modern browsers is for sure a priority over shipping a more bulky library for the benefit of a small percentage of users on legacy browsers.

    I upgraded without adding polyfills, but wanted to take it even a step further -- if a user is on IE, I'd rather have the plugin not run at all than commit to loading polyfills into all browsers or muddying up the code with a runtime conditional polyfill load for IE. Since this plugin is not functional and is purely aesthetic for my use-case, my preference is just to have it not load for legacy browser users - I am using it for id-based jump links, so the browser native functionality still works and it will jump to the section, but without the smooth scroll.

    To accomodate this, I added a new option, silent, which is false by default, but if set to true will suppress the error thrown when the browser doesn't support the features required by smooth-scroll. Setting this option to true indicates that you are aware that older browsers will not support smooth-scroll, but are OK with it.

    Surely this feature can be dangerous is set without careful consideration of where and how smooth-scroll is being used, which is why it is false by default.

    I tested this feature using IE11 and it is working as intended.

    I also added a npm script to run the gulp compile, which makes it easier and quicker for contributors to run without having the correct version of gulp installed globally 😁

    opened by jescalan 11
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