A repository to generate the fake json data from protobuf.


Mock Protobuf

A command-line tool to mock protobuf!

Table of Contents


It’s handy to just use npm to install this tool:

npm i mock-pb-cli@latest -g

Or, you can build the source code on your own:

# Clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:JasonkayZK/mock-protobuf.js.git

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Compile the code
npm run c

# Install
npm i -g --force


Press mock-pb -h to get help:

$ mock-pb -h

Usage: mock-protobuf [options] [command]

A tool to mock protobuf

  -v, --version         output the version number
  -h, --help            display help for command

  s|serve [options]     Create a mock server for the given protobuf
  g|generate [options]  Generate mock data for the given protobuf
  help [command]        display help for command

Their are two sub commands to mock:

  • Generate json mock data: mock-pb g or mock-pb generate
  • Generate mock server:mock-pb s or mock-pb serve

Generate Mock Data

The generate subcommand is used to generate the json mock data from proto.

For example:

$ mock-pb g

The command above will mock all the protobuf files under the current work directory (aka .) and print all the mock data to the terminal:

Mocked demo.BasicResponse:
    "status": 902735693509892,
    "message": "Vmucue hqxllqx oiloapzwp.",
    "resp": {}

Mocked demo.DemoRequest:
    "data": "Kqr gxxq."

Mocked demo.DemoResponse:
    "resp": {
        "status": -6061376970430480,
        "message": "Xpjzjyxrcq eqkmytjo.",
        "resp": {}
    "resp_data": "Ryogd tswayqjsf."

The default searching protobuf files path is set to ., you can use -d to change it!

Such as:

  • mock-pb g -d ../test/proto

Output Directory

It’s easy to use -o the output the mock data to and directory:

$ mock-pb g -o ./mock-pb-output

And all the mock data will be output under mock-pb-output/:

$ tree
├── demo
│   ├── BasicResponse.json
│   ├── DemoRequest.json
│   └── DemoResponse.json
├── google.api
│   ├── CustomHttpPattern.json
│   ├── HttpBody.json
│   ├── Http.json
│   └── HttpRule.json
└── google.protobuf
    ├── Any.json
    ├── Api.json
    ├── SourceContext.json
    ├── Type.json
    └── UninterpretedOption.json

The output directory is based on the protobuf package

Mock Server

Instead of generating the mock json data, you can also start a mock server locally to mock the whole service!

It’s easy to start a mock server:

$ mock-pb s

The command above will mock all the protobuf files under the current work directory (aka .) and mock the methods under the service:

Handling routePath: /Demo
Handling routePath: /demo/DemoServiceAnotherDemo
restify listening at http://[::]:3333

The default port is 3333, you can use -p to change the server’s port:

  • mock-pb s -p 13333

It will print the handling route path when starting the server.

When you defined the method’s route path via google.api.http, the server will use this path, such as:

service DemoService {
  rpc Demo(DemoRequest) returns (DemoResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/Demo"
      body: "*"

If not, the route path will be generated as {/{ProtobufPackageName}/{ProtobufMethodName}, such as:

service DemoService {
  rpc AnotherDemo(AnotherDemoRequest) returns (AnotherDemoResponse) {

When serve is started, it’s easy to test:

$ curl localhost:3333/Demo
{"resp":{"status":8107764027207864,"message":"Vcinpb troqo neffhj ylve.","resp":{}},"resp_data":"Gpwsl nfq yvkyajlyk."}

$ curl localhost:3333/demo/DemoServiceAnotherDemo
{"resp":{"status":-843357854531144,"message":"Vzby.","resp":{}},"resp_data":"Kvia gfkcggmuo."}

Mock Server Data

Sometimes, you don’t want let mock.js generating the mock data, suck as:

{"resp":{"status":-843357854531144,"message":"Vzby.","resp":{}},"resp_data":"Kvia gfkcggmuo."}

But you need to let the server mock the specific response:

{"resp":{"status":200,"message":"ok"},"resp_data":{"Message":"This is a demo message"}}

It’s easy to declare your own mock data:


    "ResponseValue": [
            "MethodName": "demo.Demo",
            "Data": {
                "Hello": "world"
            "MethodName": "demo.AnotherDemo",
            "Data": {
                "resp": {
                    "status": 200,
                    "message": "ok"
                "resp_data": {
                    "Message": "This is a demo message"

The MethodName is the full name of the protobuf method (package.method);

Then use -c to declare the config file, such as -c ./mock-protobuf.config.json

The example is below:

$ npm run dev -- s -i demo -c ./mock-protobuf.config-demo.json

Then test:

$ curl localhost:3333/Demo

$ curl localhost:3333/demo/DemoServiceAnotherDemo
{"resp":{"status":200,"message":"ok"},"resp_data":{"Message":"This is a demo message"}}

The response has changed!


Sometimes we don’t want to mock all the protobuf definitions. Some some filter is required!

There are two ways to filter:

  • Includes: -i <string> or --include;
  • Excludes: -e <string> or --exclude;

The <string> will be built as a RegExp, and will be matched as packageName.serviceName.methodName;

Include Filter

When using include, ONLY the matched data will be mocked.

For example:

$ mock-pb g -i demo

Mocked demo.BasicResponse:
    "status": -978663427598816,
    "message": "Iymo zomttydmb.",
    "resp": {}

Mocked demo.DemoRequest:
    "data": "Mdnbfxbvoq khrbwyu sxmkev jss."

Mocked demo.DemoResponse:
    "resp": {
        "status": 6207610394471496,
        "message": "Dkwse mmhmuhhunb.",
        "resp": {}
    "resp_data": "Fqwkd noiefpr ntjbcfydl."

Mocked demo.AnotherDemoRequest:
    "name": "Puvujqy kyxl hshuysly.",
    "age": 175838119803604

Mocked demo.AnotherDemoResponse:
    "resp": {
        "status": -7659482750118844,
        "message": "Fygec kyzysqqga svimupy nbfrjt.",
        "resp": {}
    "resp_data": "Mpgjtjsbr qfspgkb xmpji."

This will only generate the data that under the demo.* package;

For more particular:

$ mock-pb g -i demo.DemoRequest.*

Mocked demo.DemoRequest:
    "data": "Ewqzspj hjkfvvc froqdhkwe fkqsdg dytidwli."

This will only mock demo.DemoRequest message!

Exclude Filter

On the contray, -e will remove the matched messages.

For example:

$ mock-pb g -e demo.*,google.protobuf.* -o mock-pb-gen

$ tree
└── google.api
    ├── CustomHttpPattern.json
    ├── HttpBody.json
    ├── Http.json
    └── HttpRule.json

This will not mock the message under demo.* and google.protobuf.* package.

When you are using both include and exclude filter, the exclude filter will ALWAYS effect at the first time!

For example:

$ mock-pb g -i demo -e demo

Will generate nothing!

Known Issue

Because this tool is depending on node-restify and protobuf.js, some known issue can not be avoid!

  • Resitfy does not work under Node v18: according to the issue: #1888
  • Protobuf.js may have trouble parsing the protobuf files when it got comments in it: according to the issue: #1799 or #1616 or #1237 or …
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