Tool to sign data with a Cardano-Secret-Key // verify data with a Cardano-Public-Key // generate CIP-8 & CIP-36 data


Tool to sign data with a Cardano-Secret-Key // verify data with a Cardano-Public-Key // generate CIP-8 & CIP-36 data

What can cardano-signer sign?

  • Sign any hexdata, textdata or binaryfile with a provided normal or extended secret key. The key can be provided in hex, bech or file format. The signing output is a signature in hex- or json-format, also the public key of the provided secret key for verification.
  • Sign payloads in CIP-8 mode. The signing output is a signature in hex format and also the public key of the provided secret key for verification. The output can also be set to be in json format which will also show additional data (--json-extended).
  • Generate and sign Catalyst registration/delegation metadata cbor in CIP-36 mode. This also includes relatively weighted voting power delegation. The output is the registration/delegation data in json or cborHex-format and/or a binary cbor file, which can be transmitted on chain as it is.

What can cardano-signer verify?

  • Verify a signature for any hexdata, textdata or binaryfile together with a provided public key. The key can be provided in hex, bech or file format. The verification output is true(exitcode=0) or false(exitcode=1) as a console output or in json-format.


" | --data "" | --data-file "" data/payload/file to sign in hex-, text- or binary-file-format --secret-key "||" path to a signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string [--json | --json-extended] optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format [--out-file ""] path to an output file, default: standard-output Output: "signature_hex + publicKey_hex" or JSON-Format Signing a payload in CIP-8 mode: Syntax: cardano-signer sign --cip8 Params: --data-hex "" | --data "" | --data-file "" data/payload/file to sign in hex-, text- or binary-file-format --secret-key "||" path to a signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string --address "" signing address (bech format like 'stake1_...') [--json | --json-extended] optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format [--out-file ""] path to an output file, default: standard-output Output: "signature_hex + publicKey_hex" or JSON-Format Signing a catalyst registration/delegation in CIP-36 mode: Syntax: cardano-signer sign --cip36 Params: --vote-public-key "||" public-key-file or public hex/bech-key string to delegate the votingpower to --vote-weight relative weight of the delegated votingpower, default: 1 (=100% for single delegation) [--vote-public-key "||" additional public-key-file(s) or public hex/bech-key string(s) to delegate the votingpower to --vote-weight ] additional relative weight(s) of the delegated votingpower, default: 1 (=100% for single delegation) --secret-key "||" signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string of the stake key (votingpower) --rewards-address "" rewards stake address (bech format like 'stake1_...') --nonce nonce value, this is typically the slotheight(tip) of the chain [--vote-purpose ] optional parameter (unsigned int), default: 0 (catalyst) [--json | --json-extended] optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format, default: cborHex [--out-file ""] path to an output file, default: standard-output [--out-cbor ""] path to write a binary metadata.cbor file to Output: Registration-Metadata in JSON-, cborHex-, cborBinary-Format Verifying a hex/text-string or a binary-file(data) via signature + publicKey: Syntax: cardano-signer verify Params: --data-hex "" | --data "" | --data-file "" data/payload/file to verify in hex-, text- or binary-file-format --signature "" signature in hexformat --public-key "||" path to a public-key-file or a direct public hex/bech-key string [--json | --json-extended] optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format [--out-file ""] path to an output file, default: standard-output Output: "true/false" (exitcode 0/1) or JSON-Format ">
$ ./cardano-signer help

cardano-signer 1.7.0

Signing a hex/text-string or a binary-file:

   Syntax: cardano-signer sign
   Params: --data-hex "" | --data "" | --data-file ""
                                                                data/payload/file to sign in hex-, text- or binary-file-format
           --secret-key "||"           path to a signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file ""]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "signature_hex + publicKey_hex" or JSON-Format

Signing a payload in CIP-8 mode:

   Syntax: cardano-signer sign --cip8
   Params: --data-hex "" | --data "" | --data-file ""
                                                                data/payload/file to sign in hex-, text- or binary-file-format
           --secret-key "||"           path to a signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string
           --address ""                           signing address (bech format like 'stake1_...')
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file ""]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "signature_hex + publicKey_hex" or JSON-Format

Signing a catalyst registration/delegation in CIP-36 mode:

   Syntax: cardano-signer sign --cip36
   Params: --vote-public-key "||"      public-key-file or public hex/bech-key string to delegate the votingpower to
           --vote-weight                          relative weight of the delegated votingpower, default: 1 (=100% for single delegation)
           [--vote-public-key "||"     additional public-key-file(s) or public hex/bech-key string(s) to delegate the votingpower to
           --vote-weight ]                        additional relative weight(s) of the delegated votingpower, default: 1 (=100% for single delegation)
           --secret-key "||"           signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string of the stake key (votingpower)
           --rewards-address ""                   rewards stake address (bech format like 'stake1_...')
           --nonce                                nonce value, this is typically the slotheight(tip) of the chain
           [--vote-purpose ]                      optional parameter (unsigned int), default: 0 (catalyst)
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format, default: cborHex
           [--out-file ""]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
           [--out-cbor ""]                        path to write a binary metadata.cbor file to
   Output: Registration-Metadata in JSON-, cborHex-, cborBinary-Format

Verifying a hex/text-string or a binary-file(data) via signature + publicKey:

   Syntax: cardano-signer verify
   Params: --data-hex "" | --data "" | --data-file ""
                                                                data/payload/file to verify in hex-, text- or binary-file-format
           --signature ""                                  signature in hexformat
           --public-key "||"           path to a public-key-file or a direct public hex/bech-key string
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file ""]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "true/false" (exitcode 0/1) or JSON-Format



Signing (defaultmode)


$ cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a76501e7a"
ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03 9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27

$ cardano-signer sign \
      --out-file mySignature.txt \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a76501e7a"
#Signature+publicKey was written to the file mySignature.txt

$ cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a"
Error: Invalid normal secret key

$ cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a76501e7a88afe88fa8f888544e6f5a5f555e5faf6f6f"
Error: Invalid extended secret key


$ cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key owner.staking.skey
ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03 9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27

$ cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key owner.staking.vkey
Error: The file 'owner.staking.vkey' is not a signing/secret key json


$ cardano-signer sign --data-file test.txt --secret-key test.skey

caacb18c46319f55b932efa77357f14b66b27aa908750df2c91800dc59711015ea2e568974ac0bcabf9b1c4708b877c2b94a7658c2dcad78b108049062572e09 57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0

Signing (CIP-8 mode)


$ cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
      --address "stake_test1uqt3nqapz799tvp2lt8adttt29k6xa2xnltahn655tu4sgc6asaqg" \
      --data '{"choice":"Yes","comment":"","network":"preview","proposal":"2038c417d112e005ef61c95d710ee62184a6c177d18b2da891f97cefae4f8535","protocol":"SundaeSwap","title":"Test Proposal - Tampered","version":"1","votedAt":"3137227","voter":"stake_test1uqt3nqapz799tvp2lt8adttt29k6xa2xnltahn655tu4sgc6asaqg"}' \
      --secret-key myStakeKey.skey
5b2e7ac3fbe3cec1540f98fcc29c1ab63778e14a653a2328b2e56af6fd2a714540708e5f3e19670b9b867151c7dfb75061c6b94508d88f43ad3b3893ca213506 57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0

$ cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
	--address "stake_test1uqt3nqapz799tvp2lt8adttt29k6xa2xnltahn655tu4sgc6asaqg" \
	--data '{"choice":"Yes","comment":"","network":"preview","proposal":"2038c417d112e005ef61c95d710ee62184a6c177d18b2da891f97cefae4f8535","protocol":"SundaeSwap","title":"Test Proposal - Tampered","version":"1","votedAt":"3137227","voter":"stake_test1uqt3nqapz799tvp2lt8adttt29k6xa2xnltahn655tu4sgc6asaqg"}' \
	--secret-key myStakeKey.skey \

  "workMode": "sign-cip8",
  "addressHex": "e0171983a1178a55b02afacfd6ad6b516da375469fd7dbcf54a2f95823",
  "inputDataHex": "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",
  "signDataHex": "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",
  "signature": "5b2e7ac3fbe3cec1540f98fcc29c1ab63778e14a653a2328b2e56af6fd2a714540708e5f3e19670b9b867151c7dfb75061c6b94508d88f43ad3b3893ca213506",
  "secretKey": "e8ddb1cfc09e163915e6c28fcb5fbb563bfef57201857e15288b67abbd91e4441e5fa179a8f90da1684ba5aa310da521651d2ce20443f149f8ca9e333a96dabc",
  "publicKey": "57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0"


$ cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
      --address "stake_test1uqt3nqapz799tvp2lt8adttt29k6xa2xnltahn655tu4sgc6asaqg" \
      --data-hex "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" \
      --secret-key myStakeKey.skey

5b2e7ac3fbe3cec1540f98fcc29c1ab63778e14a653a2328b2e56af6fd2a714540708e5f3e19670b9b867151c7dfb75061c6b94508d88f43ad3b3893ca213506 57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0

Signing (CIP-36 mode) - Catalyst Voting Registration / VotingPower Delegation


$ cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
      --rewards-address "stake_test1urqntq4wexjylnrdnp97qq79qkxxvrsa9lcnwr7ckjd6w0cr04y4p" \
      --secret-key ../owner.staking.skey \
      --vote-public-key somevote.vkey \
      --nonce 71948552 \
      --out-cbor catalyst-delegation.cbor



$ cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
      --rewards-address "stake_test1urqntq4wexjylnrdnp97qq79qkxxvrsa9lcnwr7ckjd6w0cr04y4p" \
      --secret-key ../owner.staking.skey \
      --vote-public-key ../somevote.vkey \
      --vote-weight 10 \
      --vote-public-key "C2CD50D8A231FBC1444D65ABAB4F6BF74178E6DE64722558EEEF0B73DE293A8A" \
      --vote-weight 20 \
      --vote-public-key "ed25519_pk128c305nw9xh20kearuhcwj447kzlvxdfttkk6uwnrf6qfjm9276svd678w" \
      --vote-weight 70 \
      --nonce 71948552 \
      --out-cbor catalyst-multidelegation.cbor

$ cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
	--rewards-address "stake_test1urqntq4wexjylnrdnp97qq79qkxxvrsa9lcnwr7ckjd6w0cr04y4p" \
	--secret-key "f5beaeff7932a4164d270afde7716067582412e8977e67986cd9b456fc082e3a" \
	--vote-public-key ../ --vote-weight 1 \
	--vote-public-key martin-test.vkey --vote-weight 5 \
	--nonce 123456789 \

  "workMode": "sign-cip36",
  "registrationCBOR": "a219ef64a5018282582051f117d26e29aea7db3d1f2f874ab5f585f619a95aed6d71d31a7404cb6557b50182582057758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f00502582086870efc99c453a873a16492ce87738ec79a0ebd064379a62e2c9cf4e119219e03581de0c13582aec9a44fcc6d984be003c5058c660e1d2ff1370fd8b49ba73f041a075bcd15050019ef65a1015840a97affe866b515f3dadb3038b4ccc58bf689005d417300fbf57d3f17eceb553d7354d919adb59a8b6dc30afb6cdda414812c3ffd4dfceebb15e391a7415bde0d",
  "registrationJSON": {
    "61284": {
      "1": [
      "2": "0x86870efc99c453a873a16492ce87738ec79a0ebd064379a62e2c9cf4e119219e",
      "3": "0xe0c13582aec9a44fcc6d984be003c5058c660e1d2ff1370fd8b49ba73f",
      "4": 123456789,
      "5": 0
    "61285": {
      "1": "0xa97affe866b515f3dadb3038b4ccc58bf689005d417300fbf57d3f17eceb553d7354d919adb59a8b6dc30afb6cdda414812c3ffd4dfceebb15e391a7415bde0d"
  "signDataHex": "45d05fca1f25e1a01c375dc2c8896e1fe61619852bbef2b26b4ece433c5bdeb7",
  "signature": "a97affe866b515f3dadb3038b4ccc58bf689005d417300fbf57d3f17eceb553d7354d919adb59a8b6dc30afb6cdda414812c3ffd4dfceebb15e391a7415bde0d",
  "secretKey": "f5beaeff7932a4164d270afde7716067582412e8977e67986cd9b456fc082e3a",
  "publicKey": "86870efc99c453a873a16492ce87738ec79a0ebd064379a62e2c9cf4e119219e"

Verification (defaultmode)


$ cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key "9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27"


$ cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key "aaaaaaaaaab3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27"


$ cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "aaaaaaaaaa45dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key "9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27"



$ cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key owner.staking.vkey


$ cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key owner.staking.skey
Error: The file 'owner.staking.skey' is not a verification/public key json


$ cardano-signer verify --data-file test.txt --public-key test.vkey --signature "caacb18c46319f55b932efa77357f14b66b27aa908750df2c91800dc59711015ea2e568974ac0bcabf9b1c4708b877c2b94a7658c2dcad78b108049062572e09"


Release Notes

  • 1.7.0

    • Added JSON and JSON-Extended output format: Default output format is plaintext, using the --json flag generates a JSON output. Using the --json-extended flag generates a JSON output with much more information.
    • In CIP-36 mode, using the new --json flag together with the --out-file parameter generates directly a JSON Format which is compatible to be used as a registration.json metadata with cardano-cli. --out-cbor always generates a binary registration.cbor metadata file, also compatible to be used with cardano-cli.
    • Usage/Help context is now colored for better readability
  • 1.6.1

    • Added new check in CIP-36 mode to avoid duplicated voting_key entries in the delegations. Exits with an error if duplicates are found.
  • 1.6.0

    • New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter --data-file to use any binary file as the data source to sign.
    • Added the function to directly use bech encoded secret and public keys for the signing/verification. You can mix the formats.
  • 1.5.0

    • New CIP-36 mode via parameter --cip36. This enables the new catalyst/governance registration and votingpower (multi-)delegation mode. Output generates a signed cbor file or hex_string.
  • 1.4.0

    • New CIP-8 mode via parameter --cip8. This enables CIP-8 conform payload signing.
    • New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter --data for pure text payloads, and --data-hex for hex-encoded payloads.
  • 1.3.0

    • Now supporting true parameter/flag names.
    • Added new optional --out-file option, which would write the signature+publicKey to a file and not to the standard output.
  • 1.2.0

    • Added support to use Cardano-Key-Files in addition to a direct Key-Hexstring. Supports standard sKey/vKey JSON files and also files with a Bech32-Key in it, like the ones generated via jcli
  • 1.1.0

    • Added functionality to do also a Verification of the Signature together with the data and the Public Key.
  • 1.0.0

    • Initial version, supports signing of a Data-Hexstring string with a Key-Hexstring.


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Nami Wallet Nami Wallet is a browser based wallet extension to interact with the Cardano blockchain. It's an open-source project and built by Berry Po

Dec 29, 2022

Cardano DApp Wallet Connector

Cardano DApp Wallet Connector This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. React JS demo In the project directory, you can run: npm start run

Dec 18, 2022

Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript and Node.js.

Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript and Node.js.

Jan 8, 2023

A typescript wrapper package to use the cardano-cli

Coti cardano-cli A package to run cardano-cli commands from nodejs, if you hold a blockfrost API-KEY you could add while creating a cardano-cli instan

Aug 10, 2022

The code base for the tutorial on how to use the TypingDNA Verify API

TypingDNA-Verify-API-Tutorial The code base for the tutorial on how to use the TypingDNA Verify API Resources TypingDNA Website TypingDNA Verify Docs

Oct 6, 2022

Massive Open-Source Anti-agression Intelligence Collection is intended for civilians to be able to submit and verify intelligence items about an attacking force.

Massive Open-Source Anti-agression Intelligence Collection is intended for civilians to be able to submit and verify intelligence items about an attacking force.

Mar 1, 2022
Martin Lang
Supporter for the Cardano Ecosystem
Martin Lang
A comprehensive user sign-up/sign-in system

Nodejs Login System You want a comprehensive user sign-up/sign-in system I strongly suggest you take a look at this repo. The System Includes Welcome

Furkan Gulsen 8 Aug 1, 2022
A password management tool(secret-mission)

Secret-Mission是一个密码管理桌面应用,使用Electron和React编写,所有密码数据均保存在本地,使用二进制文件存储,账户密码和用户密码均使用加密处理,使用简单、安全、快捷,使用前请仔细阅读使用说明。 开发要求 Node.js ^14.18.1 版本开发 NPM ^6.14.15

qiangck 3 May 22, 2022
Base62-token.js - Generate & Verify GitHub-style & npm-style Base62 Tokens

base62-token.js Generate & Verify GitHub-style & npm-style Secure Base62 Tokens Works in Vanilla JS (Browsers), Node.js, and Webpack. Online Demo See

Root 4 Jun 11, 2022
BHIMUPIJS is a npm module which can validate, verify and generate QR Codes for UPI IDs.

bhimupijs BHIMUPIJS is a npm module which can validate, verify and generate QR Codes for UPI IDs. Installation Install this npm package globally. npm

Emmadi Sumith Kumar 18 Nov 21, 2022
A small utility server to exchange data and messages between clients. Comes complete with E2E public key encryption

Zenotta Intercom A small utility server to exchange arbitrary data between clients. Comes complete with E2E public key encryption Official documentati

Zenotta AG 7 Oct 2, 2022
A frida script that can be used to find the public RSA key used in the native shared library, seen in version 3.3.0 of Akamai BMP

Akamai BMP - RSA/AES Frida Hook This Frida script can be used to find the public RSA key used in the encryption process in Akamai BMP 3.3.0. Since ver

yog 31 Jan 8, 2023
A private chatroom for discussing secret stuff.

?? Socket.IO IRC A private chatroom for discussing secret stuff. The Problem Almost all chatapps nowadays aren't safe enough for private communication

Melvin Chia 6 Aug 16, 2022
Autocompletion, in-code secret peeking 🔎, syncing, and more, for your .env files in VSCode. 👑 From the same people who pioneered dotenv.

Dotenv Official (with Vault) for VSCode Official Dotenv. Syntax highlighting, autocompletion, in-code secret peeking, and .env file syncing with Doten

Dotenv 38 Dec 19, 2022
This Next.js app is designed to be used with the Figment Learn Pathways, to help developers learn about various blockchain protocols such as Solana, NEAR, Secret, Polygon and Polkadot!

???? What is learn-web3-dapp? We made this decentralized application (dApp) to help developers learn about Web 3 protocols. It's a Next.js app that us

t0nto 8 Oct 1, 2022