A SPW (Single Page Website) that can track your favorite books on your browser! Made with ES6 modules,JavaScript, HTML 5 and CSS 3.



It is a project for Microverse's JavaScript Module to be done using pair-programming.

Desktop Version

Desktop - Books List Page Desktop - Add Book Page Desktop - Contact Page

Mobile Version

Mobile - Books List Page

In this website you can add books of your choice to the list of books and save them in your browser's localstorage.

Built With

  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript (ES6)

Live Demo

Getting Started

  • Install Node.js
  • Install text editor of your choice (eg. VS Code)
  • Clone the repository from here
  • Change directory to 'cd awesome-books-with-es6-modules'
  • On the root directory, run 'npm install' on the terminal to install packages.
  • Open the index.html file in your browser (using live server) to check your updates and navigate to other pages.


👤 **Silvia Tofana **

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • Awesome-books-es6-modules


    Setup your project: Create a new directory and initialize it with git. Use the npm init -y command to create a package.json file. Create the entry point for your JavaScript code called index.js Create an index.css file for your styles. Create the main index.html file. Link your index.js and index.css files there. Create a directory called modules. Re-create your Awesome books app following the rules:

    Use ES6 syntax. Divide your code into modules. Save each module in a separate file in the modules dir. Import modules in the index.js file. For this exercise - the more modules the better! Keep all functionalities of the app without errors. Refactor your methods and functions to arrow functions. Use let and const in the correct way. Display the current date below the navigation bar.

    For this requirement, you should use a library [Luxon] Download the script and save it to your project. Import it as a module. See the article [Get the current date and time]. Your task here is to use a new tool effectively with little externally curated support. Exactly as you will do in your future job.

    opened by silviatofana 2
  • peer to peer : code review

    peer to peer : code review

    code review :green_circle:

    • good job so far
    • responsive design
    • professional readme

    changes required

    • "No books" message still displays when you add a new book please fix that error
    opened by HanningtoneM 0
Full-Stack Developer, JavaScript - React/Redux & NodeJs Developer. Seeking job opportunities.
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