This project is a single-page application (SPA) about Booklist in which you can add your favorite books.



This website Awesome Books Library provides users a convenient way to keep track of their books or reading lists. Users can add and remove books from the list of books they curate on the website.


Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • LocalStorage
  • Linters
  • Es6 modules


👤 Omar Salem

👤 Benjamin Semah

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  • Es6 refactor

    Es6 refactor

    Hello 👋 I have done the following in this project:

    • Refactor the code for the project by using es6 modules in js
    • Add luxon to add time in the project

    Omar, cheers 😄

    opened by omarsalem7 0
Omar Salem
Open to new job opportunities | Full-Stack Developer | Software Engineer | Full-time student at Microverse.
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