BI, API and Automation layer for your Engineering Operations data


Faros Community Edition

GitHub Stars Community Slack CI/CD PR Cycle Time

Faros Community Edition (CE) is an open-source engineering operations platform that connects the dots between all your operational data sources for a single-pane view across the software development life cycle.


🏁 Quickstart

Follow our 🏁 Quickstart Guide to connect your engineering systems and explore the metrics, all in a matter of minutes!


  • Rich Data Schema: Connected canonical models for the whole SDLC; 50+ entities, from tasks to deployments
  • Import from a variety of sources: Easy data import onto our models from Task Management, Version Control, Incident Management, and CI/CD systems
  • Flexible GraphQL API: Leverage imported data for automation / exploration in our canonical representation
  • Preconfigured dashboards: View well known engineering metrics such as DORA and SPACE
  • Extensibility and shareability: Build and share custom metrics and dashboards
  • Container-based deployment: Run on your laptop, private or public cloud, with no external dependencies

ℹ️ Components


Built 100% with open-source components:

  • Airbyte: Data integration platform for importing data from a variety of sources (even more sources)
  • Hasura: GraphQL engine that makes your data accessible over a real-time GraphQL API
  • Metabase: Business Intelligence (BI) tool for generating metrics and rendering charts and dashboards from your data
  • dbt: Data transformations to convert raw data into usable metrics
  • n8n: Extendable workflow automation of top of your data
  • PostgreSQL: Stores all the your data in canonical representation
  • Docker: Container runtime to run the services
  • Flyway: Schema evolution for the database schema
  • Faros Events CLI: CLI for reporting events to Faros platform, e.g builds & deployments from your CI/CD pipelines

🤗 Community support

For general help using Faros CE, please refer to the official documentation. For additional help, you can use one of these channels to ask a question:

  • Slack: Live discussions with the Community and Faros team
  • GitHub Issues: Bug reports, suggestions, contributions

Check out our website. Follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to get the latest company news.

📜 License

Apache License 2.0

  • GitHub dashboard

    GitHub dashboard


    New GitHub dashboard. Will be used as outcome of our Quickstart. github_dashboard


    • [x] Date Filter - difficult on the PR cycle time SQL question
    • [x] Repository Filter - difficult because tasks board id and prs repository id do not have the exact same values
    • [x] Link in Welcome dashboard
    • [x] Upgrade metabase dashboard import to support SQL filters

    Type of change

    • New canned dashboard


    (Delete what does not apply)

    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    opened by thomas-gerber 8
  • Follow up on renaming vcs_PullRequestCommitAssociation to vcs_PullRequestCommit

    Follow up on renaming vcs_PullRequestCommitAssociation to vcs_PullRequestCommit


    Follow up on #169 and depends on

    Type of change

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)


    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you lint your code locally before submission?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    • [x] Have you written new tests for your core changes, as applicable?
    • [x] Have you successfully run tests with your changes locally?
    opened by tovbinm 6
  • fix(mock-data): add auth headers to mock script

    fix(mock-data): add auth headers to mock script


    Adding authorization header for Hasura restful api call for allowing the mock data script to successfully upload/delete data form the api. The header value is being loaded from the project's main .env file which contains the necessary environment variables for running the entire project, including Hasura's admin secret.

    Fixes #91

    Type of change

    (Delete what does not apply)

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)


    (Delete what does not apply)

    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you lint your code locally before submission?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?

    OBS: There are no tests written for the mock-data package

    opened by saviogl 6
  • Dummy PR

    Dummy PR


    Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. List any dependencies that are required for this change.

    Fixes # (issue)

    Type of change

    (Delete what does not apply)

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • This change requires a documentation update


    (Delete what does not apply)

    • [ ] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [ ] Have you lint your code locally before submission?
    • [ ] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    • [ ] Have you written new tests for your core changes, as applicable?
    • [ ] Have you successfully run tests with your changes locally?
    opened by willmarks 5
  • Single compose file

    Single compose file


    On windows, one sees local volume related errors (see #173 and this slack thread). However, we noticed that:

    1. on that same machine, one could start vanilla airbyte with docker compose (see airbyte documentation)
    2. on that same machine, docker-compose -f airbyte-services.yaml up did not have any volume issues (i.e. airbyte-server got successfully created.

    Hence, there may be some issues with the extends keyword, which is not surprising given its checkered history (here, and here).

    The fix is to group everything into a single compose file. Fixes #173

    Type of change

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)


    (Delete what does not apply)

    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    • [x] Have you successfully run tests with your changes locally?
    opened by thomas-gerber 5
  • Airbyte 39

    Airbyte 39


    Upgrades to Airbyte 39.

    Type of change

    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)


    (Delete what does not apply)

    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    • [x] Have you successfully run tests with your changes locally?
    opened by thomas-gerber 5
  • Add source and connection for all supported sources in Airbyte

    Add source and connection for all supported sources in Airbyte


    All supported sources now have a canned source and a corresponding connection to the Faros destination in Airbyte.

    Related to #195

    Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 4 42 38 PM

    Type of change

    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • This change requires a documentation update


    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    • [x] Have you successfully run tests with your changes locally?
    opened by thomas-gerber 5
  • Feature: Add support for Kubernetes deployment through Kustomize

    Feature: Add support for Kubernetes deployment through Kustomize


    This PR adds initial support for Kubernetes deployments through Kustomize. This allows for a more K8s flexible deployment K8s model that can cater to users particular requirements.

    It uses Airbyte's provided Kustomize distribution, and include the additional dependent resources (metabase, n8n, hasura).

    There are still improvements that can be made for a true production deployment, but I think it's a good starting point to get feedback and have it integrated.

    Currently it contains a base setup with no overlays, that mimics much like the local development setup provided through docker-compose. As we move forward we can start creating overlays to cater to general use cases.

    Noticeable features:

    • Auto Initialization using faros-init docker image (farosai/faros-ce-init:latest)
      • This is done by using a K8s Job that is deployed along with the stack
    • Creation of ConfigMap based on basic .env for auto setup
      • For this I ended up creating a hard link from the root file so that we could run kustomize without the flag --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone. This flag prevents files from being loaded outside of the kustomization.yaml folder.
      • This provides a ConfigMap that can be mounted onto the appropriate manifests
    • Easy overrides with Kustomize which solves for secret management, security requirements, and other governance needs


    For deploying this stack provided that you have access to a cluster you can just run:

    kubectl apply -k kube/base

    Type of change

    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • This change requires a documentation update


    (Delete what does not apply)

    • [x] Have you checked to there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Have you lint your code locally before submission?
    • [x] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
    • [x] Have you written new tests for your core changes, as applicable?
    • [x] Have you successfully run tests with your changes locally?
    opened by saviogl 4
  • Add scripts to upload and delete mock data for DORA dashboard

    Add scripts to upload and delete mock data for DORA dashboard

    Add scripts to upload and delete mock data for DORA dashboard.

    Ensure you are running the latest version of Faros CE.

    From root directory

    docker-compose stop; ./

    Then get into the mock-data directory and install dependencies

    cd mock-data && npm i


    Upload data

    ./bin/mock-data upload

    Deleting data uploaded by script

    ./bin/mock-data delete

    Use -u flag to specify Hasura service url if using a different endpoint

    opened by chalenge 4
  • Faros Performance Fork of Github connector does not work on M1 Mac

    Faros Performance Fork of Github connector does not work on M1 Mac

    Describe the bug Related to the Faros performant fork of GitHub connector that was made default in (#140) and released as part of v0.2.0.

    The Faros fork of the Airbyte Github Source does not appear to be built for M1 Mac architectures (ie. linux/arm64). I looked around to see where I might make a PR to update it but I cannot find the source of that fork. Additionally, the same error occurs for the faros fork of the airbyte-faros-destination connector.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Follow the QuickStart guide
    2. In Step 2, configure the Github source
    3. Run a sync and check the logs
    4. Relevant log pasted below
    5. Operative errors are the logline below which occurs for both farosai/airbyte-faros-destination and farosai/airbyte-github-source connectors Error: WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested

    Expected behavior A full sync of the configured Github repos

    Screenshots and logs

    2022-09-25 16:11:47 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword airbyte_secret - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword order - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 INFO i.a.v.j.JsonSchemaValidator(test):71 - JSON schema validation failed. 
    errors: $.access_token: is missing but it is required, $.option_title: must be a constant value OAuth Credentials
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword examples - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):338 - Unknown keyword multiline - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 INFO i.a.a.LoggingTrackingClient(track):43 - track. version: 0.39.37-alpha, userId: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444, action: Connector Jobs, metadata: {job_type=sync, config.source.credentials.option_title=PAT Credentials, config.destination.source_specific_configs.bitbucket.application_mapping=set, namespace_definition=source, config.destination.edition_configs.segment_user_id=set, config.source.credentials.personal_access_token=set, config.destination.dry_run=false, frequency=manual, connector_source_definition_id=00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444445, workspace_id=00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444446, config.destination.source_specific_configs.jira.use_board_ownership=true, attempt_stage=STARTED, config.destination.edition_configs.hasura_url=set, config.destination.source_specific_configs.squadcast.application_mapping=set, attempt_id=1, connector_destination=Faros Destination, catalog.sync_mode.incremental=set, connector_destination_docker_repository=farosai/airbyte-faros-destination, table_prefix=true, config.destination.jsonata_mode=FALLBACK, workspace_name=00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444446, config.source.start_date=set, connector_source=GitHub (fork by Faros AI), config.destination.source_specific_configs.jira.exclude_fields=set, connector_source_docker_repository=farosai/airbyte-github-source, config.destination.source_specific_configs.pagerduty.application_mapping=set, config.destination.source_specific_configs.victorops.application_mapping=set, config.source.repository=set, config.destination.invalid_record_strategy=SKIP, catalog.sync_mode.full_refresh=set, connection_id=00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444447, config.destination.edition_configs.edition=community, job_id=1, connector_source_version=0.0.2, config.destination.source_specific_configs.victorops.application_field=set, catalog.destination_sync_mode.append=set, connector_destination_version=0.3.2, operation_count=0, config.source.page_size_for_large_streams=set, config.destination.source_specific_configs.statuspage.application_mapping=set, config.destination.edition_configs.hasura_admin_secret=set, connector_destination_definition_id=00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444448}
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):108 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/1/0/logs.log
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):113 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.37-alpha
    2022-09-25 16:11:47 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 exists...
    2022-09-25 16:11:48 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 was found locally.
    2022-09-25 16:11:48 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 1
    2022-09-25 16:11:48 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/1/0 --log-driver none --name airbyte-github-source-check-1-0-dkhgz --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.37-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=1 farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 check --config source_config.json
    2022-09-25 16:11:48 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 WARN i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):96 - Syncing `RepositoryStats` stream isn't available for repository `github/gitignore`.
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):97 - Check succeeded
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):134 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling...
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):108 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/1/0/logs.log
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):113 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.37-alpha
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 exists...
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 was found locally.
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 1
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/1/0 --log-driver none --name airbyte-faros-destination-check-1-0-ppsxq --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.37-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=1 farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 check --config source_config.json
    2022-09-25 16:11:51 ERROR i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):134 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling...
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):108 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/1/0/logs.log
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):113 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.39.37-alpha
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):115 - start sync worker. job id: 1 attempt id: 0
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):127 - configured sync modes: {null.workflows=incremental - append, null.pull_requests=incremental - append, null.commits=incremental - append, null.issue_labels=full_refresh - append, null.assignees=full_refresh - append, null.organizations=full_refresh - append, null.issues=incremental - append, null.branches=full_refresh - append, null.issue_milestones=incremental - append, - append, null.review_comments=incremental - append, null.pull_request_stats=incremental - append, null.releases=incremental - append, null.workflow_runs=full_refresh - append, null.users=full_refresh - append, null.collaborators=full_refresh - append, null.tags=full_refresh - append, null.repositories=full_refresh - append}
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.w.i.DefaultAirbyteDestination(start):69 - Running destination...
    2022-09-25 16:11:55 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 exists...
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 was found locally.
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 1
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/1/0 --log-driver none --name airbyte-faros-destination-write-1-0-qzsue --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.37-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=1 farosai/airbyte-faros-destination:0.3.2 write --config destination_config.json --catalog destination_catalog.json
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 exists...
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 was found locally.
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):108 - Creating docker job ID: 1
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):163 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/1/0 --log-driver none --name airbyte-github-source-read-1-0-nbdpg --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=false -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.39.37-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=1 farosai/airbyte-github-source:0.0.2 read --config source_config.json --catalog source_catalog.json
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getDestinationOutputRunnable$7):405 - Destination output thread started.
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):169 - Waiting for source and destination threads to complete.
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getReplicationRunnable$6):298 - Replication thread started.
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 destination > WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
    2022-09-25 16:11:56 source > WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
    2022-09-25 16:11:59 source > Starting syncing SourceGithub
    2022-09-25 16:11:59 source > Syncing `RepositoryStats` stream isn't available for repository `github/gitignore`.
    2022-09-25 16:11:59 source > Syncing `Branches` stream isn't available for repository `github/gitignore`.
    2022-09-25 16:11:59 source > 'github/gitignore'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/airbyte/integration_code/", line 13, in <module>
        launch(source, sys.argv[1:])
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/", line 129, in launch
        for message in
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/", line 120, in run
        for message in generator:
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/airbyte_cdk/sources/", line 101, in read
        stream_instances = { s for s in self.streams(config)}
      File "/airbyte/integration_code/source_github/", line 186, in streams
        default_branches, branches_to_pull = self._get_branches_data(config.get("branch", ""), repository_args)
      File "/airbyte/integration_code/source_github/", line 133, in _get_branches_data
        repo_branches = [default_branches[repo]]
    KeyError: 'github/gitignore'
    2022-09-25 16:11:59 INFO i.a.w.g.DefaultReplicationWorker(lambda$getReplicationRunnable$6):335 - Total records read: 1 (0 bytes)


    • Local Deployment
    • M1 MacBookPro 2022
    • MacOS 12.6 - Monterey
    • Docker Engine - 20.10.17
    • Docker Desktop - 4.12.0
    opened by jeckhart 3
  • Unable to install faros on windows OS

    Unable to install faros on windows OS

    Error: Error response from daemon: create tmp\airbyte_local: "tmp\airbyte_local" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path

    opened by gouravsinghSeq 3
  • GitHub diff stats

    GitHub diff stats

    Describe the bug The GitHub canned source does not get PR diff stats.

    The pull_request_stats stream (which exists in the community source AND for which we have a converter that updates the PR entityis deactivated because we get those errors:

    2022-10-31 05:42:56 source > Syncing stream: pull_request_stats 
    2022-10-31 05:43:13 source > Backing off _send(...) for 5.0s (airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.http.exceptions.DefaultBackoffException: Request URL:, Response Code: 502, Response Text: {
       "data": null,
             "message":"Something went wrong while executing your query. This may be the result of a timeout, or it could be a GitHub bug. Please include `F8DD:188C:158A262:164FCC8:635F6064` when reporting this issue."
    2022-10-31 05:43:13 source > Caught retryable error 'Request URL:, Response Code: 502, Response Text: {
       "data": null,
             "message":"Something went wrong while executing your query. This may be the result of a timeout, or it could be a GitHub bug. Please include `F8DD:188C:158A262:164FCC8:635F6064` when reporting this issue."
    ' after 1 tries. Waiting 5 seconds then retrying...
    2022-10-31 05:43:28 source > Backing off _send(...) for 10.0s (airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.http.exceptions.DefaultBackoffException: Request URL:, Response Code: 502, Response Text: {
       "data": null,
             "message":"Something went wrong while executing your query. This may be the result of a timeout, or it could be a GitHub bug. Please include `F8DD:188C:158B878:1651373:635F6076` when reporting this issue."
    2022-10-31 05:43:28 source > Caught retryable error 'Request URL:, Response Code: 502, Response Text: {
       "data": null,
             "message":"Something went wrong while executing your query. This may be the result of a timeout, or it could be a GitHub bug. Please include `F8DD:188C:158B878:1651373:635F6076` when reporting this issue."
    ' after 2 tries. Waiting 10 seconds then retrying...

    One shall investigate the nature of those errors in the source and figure out if this is a configuration issue, a transient issue, or something wrong with the source itself. Until then, the stream remains disabled and that data will be missing.

    opened by thomas-gerber 0
  • Use of JSON fields in template fails dashboard import

    Use of JSON fields in template fails dashboard import

    Describe the bug The use of field derived from a JSON-containing column makes import fail on field-level table sync check.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Start Faros
    2. Import some tasks from Jira/GH/...
    3. Trigger a database schema sync and field value scan
    4. Check that tms_Task now has 2 versions of status category for tms_Task: the generated field statusCategory and the newly metabase-derived one status -> category
    5. Create a dashboard with a non-SQL question using that status->category field as aggregation
    6. Export the dashboard.
    7. Try to re-import it.
    8. Import fails on syncTable because the check can not find that field in the metadata.

    Expected behavior Dashboard import from a template using such field is successful.

    Screenshots and logs If applicable, add screenshots and logs to help explain your problem. Example of bad template that had to be fixed here

    Notice the difference between the 2 field types: json_field generated_field

    Encountered during #231 .

    opened by thomas-gerber 0
  • Update canned connections to use Overwrite instead of Append sync mode

    Update canned connections to use Overwrite instead of Append sync mode

    Describe the bug The Faros Destination does not follow the sync mode spec (see Hence, all sync mode right now are either Full Refresh | Append or Incremental | Append which works as intended but not as an Airbyte user might expect. Once the Faros Destination is fixed, we will have to update the connections to use Overwrite.

    opened by thomas-gerber 0
  • `refreshedAt` is not updated when a record is modified

    `refreshedAt` is not updated when a record is modified

    Describe the bug refreshedAt is not updated when a record is modified.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Insert a record through GraphQL and check refreshedAt value
    2. Update some record field and check refreshedAt value again

    Expected behavior refreshedAt should be updated automatically on every record change.

    opened by tovbinm 0
  • Weekly Release / Deployment Frequency (Avg) computation is incorrect on low volume

    Weekly Release / Deployment Frequency (Avg) computation is incorrect on low volume

    Describe the bug In DORA dashboards, for the top left gauge chart Weekly Release / Deployment Frequency (Avg), we use a UI built query to compute the average. It is incorrect because weeks with no releases / deployments are simply ignored in the final averaging because of how the query is built. Indeed, the first aggregation that counts per week will have no entries for week with no release / deployment.

    Crafting the proper query may (?) require changing the card to a SQL query.

    Expected behavior If you have the following:

    • week 1 - 1 release
    • week 2 - 1 release
    • week 4 - 1 release The Weekly Release frequency past 30 days should be 0.75, instead it is 1.

    Screenshots and logs Notice how some weeks do not have releases. weekly_bug

    bug good first issue 
    opened by thomas-gerber 2
  • v0.5.0(Dec 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adds QA models by @thomas-gerber in
    • Scarf link for CLI image by @thomas-gerber in
    • Version instrumentation by @thomas-gerber in
    • Format by @thomas-gerber in
    • Updates README with CLI command by @thomas-gerber in
    • Instrumentation env vars are optional by @thomas-gerber in
    • Install Flow GIF by @thomas-gerber in
    • No metabase rebuild by @thomas-gerber in
    • Simpler README by @thomas-gerber in
    • Ignores git clone errors by @thomas-gerber in
    • Always pull latest images from Docker Hub by @alexisschwartz in
    • Only updates main airbyte sources on startup by @thomas-gerber in
    • Adding missing filters on issues chart in git dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
    • Allowlist bots for CLA by @ogusak in
    • Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /cli by @dependabot in

    New Contributors

    • @alexisschwartz made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Oct 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Windows Support

    • Single compose file by @thomas-gerber in

    Contributor License Agreement

    • CLA workflow by @ogusak in
    • fix token permissions by @ogusak in
    • allow rerun on posted comment by @ogusak in
    • CLA sign prompt by @ogusak in
    • Typo in CLA prompt by @ogusak in


    • Adds CLI for Faros CE by @ypc-faros in
    • Fix building the CLI docker image by @ypc-faros in
    • Explicit help to use spacebar to select repos by @thomas-gerber in
    • Make CLI wait for init to complete by @thomas-gerber in
    • Removes call to know missing function in by @thomas-gerber in
    • Add back pull of latest init image by @ypc-faros in
    • New Git dashboard + Bookmarks by @thomas-gerber in
    • CLI Jira + GitLab support by @thomas-gerber in
    • Email arg in start script by @thomas-gerber in
    • Explicit description of Cloud/Server support in CLI main menu by @thomas-gerber in
    • Error Handling for CLI sources by @thomas-gerber in
    • CLI hints at how long a sync should take by @thomas-gerber in
    • Fixes / ignores CLI lint errors by @thomas-gerber in
    • Render fields must be on for Jira source by @thomas-gerber in
    • Trigger metabase db sync on data sync to populate filters by @thomas-gerber in


    • Remove default 30 days filter on most build charts by @thomas-gerber in
    • Update on conflict clauses by @ypc-faros in
    • Updates Airbyte GitLab community source on start by @thomas-gerber in
    • Switches back to community GitHub source by @thomas-gerber in
    • Switches priority ordering for cleaner bookmarks by @thomas-gerber in
    • Removed all unnecessary entries from source and destination catalogs by @thomas-gerber in

    New Contributors

    • @ogusak made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Jul 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Sources (CircleCI, Datadog, OpsGenie, Squadcast, Statuspage)
      • Add source and connection for all supported sources in Airbyte by @thomas-gerber in
    • Dashboards
      • JIRA Sprint dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • DORA with releases and bugs by @thomas-gerber in
      • JIRA velocity, releases and epic dashboards by @thomas-gerber in
      • JIRA Epic Detail: better dispatch of series on Y axis by @thomas-gerber in
      • JIRA Kanban dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • Improve detection of bugs for DORA quality metrics by @crupley in
    • Kubernetes support
      • Feature: Add support for Kubernetes deployment through Kustomize by @saviogl in
      • Replace symlink with an actual copy of the env file in the kube base by @thomas-gerber in
      • feat: upgrade k8s airbyte to v0.39.37-alpha by @saviogl in
    • Schema updates
      • Adds PR/commit association by @ypc-faros in
      • Add mutation for PR/commit association by @ypc-faros in
      • Rename vcs_PullRequestCommitAssociation to vcs_PullRequestCommit by @ypc-faros in
      • Follow up on renaming vcs_PullRequestCommitAssociation to vcs_PullRequestCommit by @tovbinm in
      • Use hash index for commit messages by @ypc-faros in
      • Adds vcs_PullRequestLabel and vcs_Label + full-text index for commit messages by @ypc-faros in
    • Metabase and Airbyte upgrade
      • Upgrade to Metabase 43 by @thomas-gerber in
      • Airbyte 39 by @thomas-gerber in
    • Build improvements
      • Specify email in gha run by @ypc-faros in
      • Specify email in PR gha run by @thomas-gerber in
      • Add event cli integration test by @ypc-faros in
      • Add CD event test by @ypc-faros in
      • Adds check for artifact by @ypc-faros in
      • Make the init container fail on any initialization failure by @ypc-faros in
      • Adds integration tests for Hasura endpoints by @ypc-faros in
      • Use latest faros-init image for all docker-compose commands and bump github source image version by @cjwooo in
      • Run builds on every PR change by @tovbinm in
      • Actually fail workflow if init fails by @ypc-faros in
      • Update CodeQL actions to v2 by @tovbinm in
      • Jira source updates on startup by @thomas-gerber in
      • Added integration tests badge by @tovbinm in
      • Fix options conflicts in Metabase init script by @ypc-faros in
      • Add more endpoint tests by @ypc-faros in
    • Misc
      • Add origin to cicd_Artifact by @ypc-faros in
      • Add GitHub filter on all cards of the GitHub dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • Remove jira dashboard as it causes issues in init by @thomas-gerber in
      • Re-enables Jira Sprint dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • Remove latest dashboard until fixed by @thomas-gerber in
      • Remove default date filter in sql question by @thomas-gerber in
      • Update few card names in JIRA Sprint dashboard for consistency by @thomas-gerber in
      • Fix label in Kanban dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • Removes Airbyte integration test badge by @thomas-gerber in
      • Fix filters in review comments chart in GitHub dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • JIRA metrics in README by @thomas-gerber in
      • Increase test timeout by @ypc-faros in
      • update shield link by @thomas-gerber in
      • Move back to init image by @thomas-gerber in

    New Contributors

    • @crupley made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(May 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • dbt transforms
      • Adds option to trigger db sync in metabase init script by @ypc-faros in
      • Adds a simple dbt transform example by @ypc-faros in
      • Link to dbt transform external guide by @ypc-faros in
      • Add dbt incremental transformation example by @ypc-faros in
      • Adds build to deployment incremental transform example by @ypc-faros in
    • Sources
      • Buildkite source + updates all Faros sources by @thomas-gerber in
      • Use Faros performant fork of GitHub connector by default by @thomas-gerber in
    • Dashboards
      • Builds dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • CFR in DORA dashboard by @thomas-gerber in
      • Metabase init always imports new dashboards by @thomas-gerber in
      • Ignore table_id on card equality by @thomas-gerber in
    • Init improvements
      • Bump Flyway image to 8.5.10 by @tovbinm in
      • Add Docker latest tag by @tovbinm in
      • Optimize Docker image + update Node.js to 17.x by @tovbinm in
      • Fix canonical models path by @tovbinm in
      • installs wget which is used by the wait-for script by @ypc-faros in
      • Adds scarf prefix to init and airbyte/metabase m1 images by @ypc-faros in
      • Include changes to init image in tests by @ypc-faros in
      • Update cicd badge by @thomas-gerber in
      • Run unit tests during the release by @tovbinm in
    • Misc
      • Fixes link to Hasura by @ypc-faros in
      • Remove the export complete log line by @tovbinm in
      • Remove new lines by @tovbinm in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.2(Apr 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Create by @thomas-gerber in
    • Add support for JSON functions in dashboard import by @thomas-gerber in
    • Add documentation and slack links in welcome dashboard in metabase by @thomas-gerber in
    • Fix #110 by @thomas-gerber in
    • Organize .env file better by @thomas-gerber in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.1(Apr 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Init fixes and improvements
      • Fixes loading of Hasura metadata by @ypc-faros in
      • Limit the concurrency of api calls to airbyte by @ypc-faros in
      • Use Commander in metabase init script by @ypc-faros in
      • Set hasura admin secret in faros destination config during airbyte init by @cjwooo in
      • Pull latest faros-init in all architectures by @ypc-faros in
      • Allows to configure the Hasura URL for the Airbyte destination by @ypc-faros in
      • Allows to override metabase db cfg values by @ypc-faros in
      • Wait for Faros DB and Hasura/Metabase/n8n databases to exist before attempting to bring up other services by @ypc-faros in
    • Makes it possible to initialize a cloud deployment using docker-compose by @ypc-faros in
    • fix(mock-data): add auth headers to mock script by @saviogl in
    • PR Cycle Time Badge by @thomas-gerber in
    • Adds integration tests by @ypc-faros in

    New Contributors

    • @saviogl made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Mar 24, 2022)

    Initial Release of Faros Community Edition

    • Feature list:
    • Supported sources:
    • Support for cloud deployment:

    New Contributors

    • @tovbinm made their first contribution in
    • @cjwooo made their first contribution in
    • @eskrm made their first contribution in
    • @thomas-gerber made their first contribution in
    • @chalenge made their first contribution in
    • @snabar made their first contribution in
    • @joellabes made their first contribution in
    • @senecaso made their first contribution in
    • @dependabot made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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