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CanJS is a collection of client-side JavaScript architectural libraries.

Web Components

CanJS’s StacheElement allows you to create Web Components with observable properties and live-bound templates.

class Counter extends StacheElement {
	static view = `
		Count: <span>{{ this.count }}</span>
		<button on:click="this.increment()">+1</button>

	static props = {
		count: 0

	increment() {
customElements.define("my-counter", Counter);

Model layer

Components shouldn’t be concerned with how data is fetched, updated, or cached.

CanJS provides the right abstractions for your model code to be cleanly separated from your UI code. Learn more…

Promises in templates

CanJS’s stache templating language can directly read the state and values from Promises.

No need to write any extra code to determine whether a Promise is pending, resolved, or rejected. Learn more…

{{# if(this.promise.isPending) }}
{{/ if }}
{{# if(this.promise.isRejected) }}
  Error: {{ this.promise.reason }}
{{/ if }}
{{# if(this.promise.isResolved) }}
  Result: {{ this.promise.value }}
{{/ if }}

Real-time list updating

After data is created, updated, or destroyed, CanJS automatically updates your lists for you.

Filtering and sorting are preserved, so you don’t have to manually update your lists or fetch the same data again. Learn more…

Getting Started

Ready to get started? See the Setting Up CanJS, API Docs and Guides pages.

Support / Contributing

Before you make an issue, please read our Contributing guide.

You can find the core team on Slack.

Release History

See Releases.


MIT License.

  • Condition (helper) inside can-EVENT doesn't work

    Condition (helper) inside can-EVENT doesn't work

    in latest minor pre 2.3 code:

    <div can-click="{{#if canShowPopover}}togglePopover{{/if}}"></div>

    causes an error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'compile' of undefined .../node_modules/can/view/stache/text_section.js 29 TypeError: Cannot read property 'compile' of undefined

    it works in 2.2.6

    bug fixed in branch 
    opened by wclr 42
  • Change syntax for passing in template objects to Components to use `{}`

    Change syntax for passing in template objects to Components to use `{}`

    Right now, passing an object argument to a can.Component involves putting a plain string in an attribute, like so:

    <can-didgeridoo state="state"></can-didgeridoo>

    With the template rendered like:

    can.view("#mytemplate", {state: {foo: 1, bar: 2}});

    Note that, in this case, the "state" string will be interpreted differently by the can.Component depending on whether you set the default value to state: "@", in its scope.

    I propose the following alternative for passing mustache context values into can.Component:

    <can-didgeridoo state="{{state}}" name="name"></can-didgeridoo>

    Where "{{state}}" will automatically look that value up and pass it into the component, and "name" will pass the string directly into the component.

    I believe this is clearer, and will also remove the need to use "@" to configure whether we should interpret it as a string or look it up.

    enhancement fixed in branch 
    opened by zkat 36
  • Application structuring - high level component and route glue

    Application structuring - high level component and route glue


    There's a need to make the high-level behavior of an application easier to manage. Features might include:

    • [ ] - progressive loading of modules / components
    • [ ] - initialization of modules / components
    • [ ] - animating / switching between pages

    Some of this might be accomplishable with #1005. Here's an example:{
            "import": function(componentName,callback){
                var script = document.createElement("script");
                script.src = "components/"+componentName.substr(2)+".js";
                script.onload = callback;
            componentTemplates: {
                "b-contacts": "<b-contacts page='{contactPage}'></b-contacts>",
                "b-contact": "<b-contact contact-id='{contactId}'></b-contact>",
            component: function(){
                return "b-"+can.route.attr("page"); 
            animate: function(newContainer, oldContainer, done){
                    .css({top: "0px"})
                    .width( $(oldContainer).width() )
                        position: "", top: "",width: ""
            element: "main"
    Future Feature 
    opened by justinbmeyer 32
  • CanJS 4.0 migration guide

    CanJS 4.0 migration guide

    Changes to watch for


    • %event and other special symbols are now on scope
      • for example, %event is now scope.event
    • can-view-scope doesn't do implicit scope walking, so change to use ../ and whatnot. Or use {{scope.find('foo')}}


    • can.route(":page", { page: "home" }); is now can.route("{page}", { page: "home" });
    • can.route.ready(); is now can.route.start();
    • can.route() is now can.route.register()


    • can-stache/helpers/route is now can-stache-route-helpers


    • can.batch.start() is now can.queues.batch.start()
    • can.batch.stop() is now can.queues.batch.stop()
    opened by JaneOri 30
  • can-semijs


    The following is a very rough idea of a template engine:

    import helpers from "my-helpers";
    import studentView from "student-view.semijs";
    export default (viewModel) => {
       for(let classRoom of viewModel.classRooms) {
         <li class=classRoom.type;>
           let teacher = classRoom.teacher;
           <p> Name:; </p>
           <p> Teacher:; </p>
           <p> if( !teacher.hasKeys( classRoom ) ) { No keys } else { Keys } </p>
           <p> helpers.prettyDate( classRoom.startTime ); </p>


    • this uses ; to signal the end of a JS expression.
    • it also uses identifier( ... ) { ... } to signal a JS expression.


    • Even more like JS.
    • Uses only one ending identifier to signal an insert expression ;. I like this A LOT more than { } because JavaScript already uses {} so I've never thought {} was a good language switch "identifier".


    • Much harder to make work without creating a lot more code.
    • Might be impossible to parse. We'd have to parse backwards from ;. How do you know if let teacher = classRoom.teacher; is {#let teacher be classRoom.teacher} or let teacher be {classRoom.teacher}.
    opened by justinbmeyer 28
  • Modify key -> argument behavior in can.stache

    Modify key -> argument behavior in can.stache

    Orignal Post

    As far as I can tell, I cannot pass a function directly to a component because it sees it as a compute and tries to run it. I have to pass an object or wrap the function in a function instead which isn't always convenient.,js,console


    We are proposing a COMPUTE ~ and AT @ operator. ~ would try to provide a "compute", while @ would give directly whats AT the specified property. The following table describes its behavior.

    Uses of Keys:

    • helper expression - The arguments passed to stache helpers like {{myHelper key1 key2}}.
    • call expression - The arguments passed to subexpressions like {{myHelper(key1,key2)}}.
    • components - The .attr value that will be set in the component's viewModel for bindings like [attr]="key".
    • method helper expression - The arguments passed to an (event) binding like ($click)="method key".

    Key values:


    An observable chain that ends in a compute. Examples for

    // a compute as a property
    {foo: {bar: can.compute(1)}}
    // a compute as a map attr
    new can.Map({ foo: {bar: can.compute(1)} })
    // a compute returned by a function
    {foo: function(){  return {bar: can.compute(1)} }} 

    An observable chain that ends in a function or method. Examples for

    // A method that reads an observable
    {foo: {bar: function(){ return map.attr("value") }}}
    // A method of an observable
    var MyMap = Map.extend({bar: function(){  return this.attr("value") }})
    {foo: new MyMap()}
    // A property of an observable
    new can.Map({ foo: {bar: function(){...} } })

    An observable chain that ends in a property on an attr that is not a function or compute. Examples for

    // an observable property
    new can.Map({foo: {bar: "value"}})
    // An observable returned by a function
    {foo: function(){  return new can.Map({bar: "value"}) }}

    Resulting behaviors:

    • R - Reference
    • R() - Executes the reference to get the value
    • (R) - Wraps the observable chain in a compute
    • (!R) - Wraps the observable chain in a compute only if an observable was read
    • {} - Listen to changes and re-execute.

    Behavior table

    | key | computes | functions | properties | general behavior | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | helpers | (R()) | 1 | (R) | pass a compute if possible | | subexpression | {R()} | {R()} | {R} | pass the return value of a compute or function, re-call if something observable changes. | | components | {R()} | {R()} | {R} | two way bind to a compute or map.attr, 1-way bind to a function | | methods | R() | R() | R | pass the return value of a compute or function |

    • 1 - If the key is a function on a normal object, the function is passed, even if the function calls a compute. If the key is a function on a Map prototype, a compute() is passed regardless if the method is compute-able or undefined is returned and not compute-able. If key is a function on a Map attribute, a compute is passed whose value is the function.

    | ~key | computes | functions | properties | general behavior | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | helpers | (R()) | (!R()) | (R) | pass a compute if possible | | subexpression | (R()) | (!R()) | (R) | pass a compute if possible | | components | (R()) | (!R()) | (R) | 1-way bind a compute as a value if possible | | methods | (R()) | (!R()) | (R) | pass a compute if possible |

    | @key | computes | functions | properties | general behavior | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | helpers | {(R)} | {(R)} | {(R)} | pass a compute that returns a a function or compute at the end of the path. | | subexpression | {R} | {R} | {R} | pass a reference, but re-call if reference changes | | components | {R} | {R} | {R} | two-way bind to the reference | | methods | R | R | R | pass the reference |

    Behavior examples

    key / helpers / computes

    // Context
    context = new can.Map({foo: {bar: can.compute(1) }}
    // compute passed for `` argument:
      return context.attr("foo").attr("bar")(set)

    key / components / properties

    // Context
    context = new can.Map({foo: {bar: "value" }}
    // viewModel set for `prop="{}"`:
    viewModel.attr("prop", "value" )

    ~key / components / properties

    // Context
    context = new can.Map({foo: {bar: "value" }}
    // viewModel set for `prop="{}"`:
    viewModel.attr("prop", compute(function(set){
      return map.attr("foo").attr("bar",set)
    }) )

    @ key / components / functions

    // Context
    function bar(){ ... }
    var MyMap = Map.extend({bar: bar})
    context = new Map({foo: new MyMap()}
    // viewModel set for `[(prop)]="foo@bar"`:
    viewModel.attr("prop", bar ) // if context.attr("foo") changes, a different function can be set here.
    enhancement solved on paper 
    opened by dylanrtt 28
  • create can.Component for custom tags

    create can.Component for custom tags



    I'd like to start making it possible to create custom tags similar to webcomponents.

    For example:

    <overlay displayWhen="userIsLoggedIn" class="{{classHelper foo}}"><h1> Hello World</h1></overlay>

    powered by something like

    can.Component("Overlay", {
      template: "TEMPLATEREF",
      "{displayWhen} change": function(displayWhen, ev, display){
        display? : this.element.hide()


    Merging DOM

    How to merge things setup in the "outer" template like:

    • attributes of the custom tag
    • children of the custom tag

    with the tag's template?

    AMD / Steal nameless modules.

    opened by justinbmeyer 27
  • can-import self closing tag on css/less

    can-import self closing tag on css/less

    A self-closing tag should be accepted for css/less

    <can-import from="somfile.less!"></can-import>


    <can-import from="somfile.less!"/>

    There will never be content.

    Currently if you do this:

    {{#if xyz}}
    <can-import from="somfile.less!"/>

    The css/less file is loaded even when xyz is false, unless you don't use a self closing tag.

    opened by MarcGodard 26
  • Validation improvements

    Validation improvements


    It seems like can/map/validate is sort of like can/map/define::setter but has several differences, and it might make sense to merge them.

    Setter supports async, validations doesn't.

    Validations supports an "errors" object and "errors" events, both of which are very useful.

    I propose merging the validations plugin into define. Or at least making them work together rather than separately.

    A couple thoughts:

    • Although validate would be similar to set, I think validate should be separate, because I can think of cases where you'd want the hook provided by set and validation logic separate.
    • The validate callback should be called with a success, error so you can do serverside validations
    • errors should be observable (#355)
    opened by moschel 26
  • Possible memory leak

    Possible memory leak


    I think I've found a memory leak. JS Bin

    To reproduce the leak:

    1. Take a heap snapshot
    2. Click on Insert
    3. Click on Remove
    4. Take a heap snapshot
    5. Click on Insert
    6. Click on Remove
    7. Take a heap snapshot

    Now view the list of objects created between the first and the second snapshot. You'll see that there are items which cannot be garbage collected: image

    When I discovered the issue I was using Chrome 56.... I don't know the exact version because when I tried to check my Chrome version it started to update to 57.0.2987.133. I had no choice it upgraded to the latest stable version. The problem still exists with Chrome 57.0.2987.133.

    In the JS Bin I use a custom build. Here are the versions for the modules I use in the custom build: can-component: 3.0.7 can-route: 3.0.8 can-stache: 3.0.21 can-stache-bindings: 3.0.13 can-stache-converters: 3.0.7 can-compute: 3.0.7 can-event: 3.2.0 can-view-model: 3.1.3 can-connect/can/base-map/base-map: 1.3.8 can-define/map/map: 1.0.17 can-define/list/list: 1.0.17 can-set: 1.1.0 can-fixture: 1.0.13 can-map: 3.0.6 can-list: 3.0.3 can-map-backup: 3.0.3 can-map-define: 3.0.6 can-connect/can/model/model: 1.3.8 can-jquery: 3.0.6


    opened by sszabolcs 25
  • Figure out attribute binding syntaxes

    Figure out attribute binding syntaxes

    In combination with #1699, this proposal seeks to create a more flexible, powerful, and easily understood attribute binding syntaxes for use in stache.


    | Type | Example | | --- | --- | | event - viewModel | <my-comp (child-event)="parentMethod()"/> | | event - DOM | <my-comp ($click)="parentMethod()"/> | | 0 way - viewModel | <my-comp child-prop="foo"/> | | one way - viewModel - parent to child | <my-comp {child-prop}="parentProp"/> | | one way - DOM - parent to element | <my-comp {$el-prop}="parentProp"/> | | one way - reference - child to reference | <my-comp {^child-prop}="*ref"/> | | two way - viewModel | <my-comp {(child-prop)}="parentProp"/> | | two way - DOM | <my-comp {($child-prop)}="parentProp"/> | | two way - reference | <my-comp {(child-prop)}="*ref"/> | | two way - reference shorthand | <my-comp *ref/> |

    event - viewModel


    Binds an event on the can.viewModel of whatever element it was placed on.


    <modal (todo.created)="hideModal()" (cancelled)="hideModal()"/>

    event - DOM


    Bind an event on the element it was placed on.


    <button ($click)="">Save</button>

    0 way - viewModel


    Sets the viewModelAttr property to "value".

    one way - viewModel - parent to child

    The following looks up task in the scope, and sets it as todo in the <modal>'s viewModel:

    <modal {todo}="task"/>

    one way - DOM - parent to element

    Provides one-way binding to an element's property or attribute. We will maintain a list of properties that will be set instead of setting the attribute.

    <input {$checked}="complete" type='checkbox'/>

    This is equivalent to:

    <input {{#complete}}checked{{/complete}} type='checkbox'/>

    While it's possible to do one-way binding to an element property or attribute with stache alone, two-way binding uses this for syntactic sugar.

    one way - reference - child to reference

    The following looks up task in the child viewModel, and sets it as todo in the current template's reference scope:

    <modal {^task}="*todo"/>

    two way - viewModel

    This two-way binds a viewModel property to something in the scope. The following two-way binds <component>'s childProp to parentProp in the scope:

    <component  {(child-prop)}="parentProp" />

    This is syntactic sugar for:

    <component  {childProp}="parentProp"
               (childProp)="~parentProp(%viewModel.childProp)" />

    two way - DOM

    This two-way binds a element property to something in the scope. The following two-way binds the <input>'s checked property to complete in the scope:

    <input {($checked)}="complete" type='checkbox' />

    This is syntactic sugar for:

    <component  {$checked}="complete"
               (change)="~complete($element.checked)" />

    A mapping of property names to which event should be listened to will be kept.

    two way - reference

    This two-way binds a element property to something in the scope. The following two-way binds the <component>'s selected.licensePlate property to selectedPlate in the template references scope:

    <component {(selected.license-plate)}="*selectedPlate"/>

    This is syntactic sugar for:

    <component  {selected.license-plate}="*selectedPlate"
               (selected.licensePlate)="~*selectedPlate(%viewModel.selected.licensePlate)" />
    opened by justinbmeyer 25
  • docs: Fix a few typos

    docs: Fix a few typos

    There are small typos in:

    • docs/can-guides/introduction/
    • docs/can-guides/introduction/
    • docs/can-guides/topics/


    • Should read pizzazz rather than pizzaz.
    • Should read observable rather than obserable.
    • Should read identifying rather than indentifying.
    • Should read easier rather than easer.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by

    opened by timgates42 0
  • logWhatChangesMe isn't getting getter derived observables

    logWhatChangesMe isn't getting getter derived observables

    I have a functionon a StacheElement like:

    	get isEven(){
    		return (this.count % 2) === 0;

    logWhatChangesMe is not reporting count as a source. However, you can see it is source internally:


    And the following works:

    opened by justinbmeyer 0
  • createinstance and updateinstance in BaseConnection::save are not atomic.

    createinstance and updateinstance in BaseConnection::save are not atomic.

    When createInstance or updateInstance is called in "save: function(instance){}" they are not batched. As such if you have an observation on an object-instance, you can get multiple calls for each key/member/field/prop.

    Fictional example case: Assume an Object that has to following fields: "GUID, ID, name". To create a new object you only submit "Name" to the server. The server then replies with {"GUID":"0F5581" , "ID":1, name: "Name}. If you now create an observation of that object on GUID and ID, your observation will be trigger twice. If you then required both a valid GUI and ID at that point in time, you will get an error since ID hasn't been updated yet.

    Consider adding stop and start batch in these positions. (I needed to add this for my GUI code to work, the update/creation had to be atomic from the point of the observer.)

    opened by qantourisc 5
  • can-control cannot set up delegate listeners on observables.

    can-control cannot set up delegate listeners on observables.

    In can 2.x this property on a can-control would bind to a delegated handler in a can-map:

        '{pageObserve} headerId change': function(o, ev, prop, how, newVal, oldVal) {
            if ( how === "add" ) {
               // ...

    and fire this "change" event handler on options.pageObserve only when the headerId property changed.

    This was made possible by can/map/delegate, which in modern CanJS is no longer part of can-map or the overall CanJS event binding and dispatch system. CanMap no longer has a delegate() prototype method and can-event-queue/map/map's on function, used by can-control, can only delegate to DOM targets, not to observables. The result is that after upgrading a 2.x application to Can 6, this event handler no longer fires.

    bug regression 6.0 
    opened by bmomberger-bitovi 0
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