Fast, tiny and solid hooks system for Javascript and Node.js


Uncino 🪝

Fast, tiny and solid hooks system for Javascript and NodeJS

Uncino is italian word for hook

Uncino - Fast, tiny and solid hooks system for Javascript and NodeJS

Do you know Wordpress hooks system? Uncino is a hooks system highly inspired to it!

  • Async / Await support
  • Node or Browser support
  • Actions / Hooks system
  • Easy to use
  • No Dependencies

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npm i uncino or yarn add uncino

Quick example

const uncino = require('uncino')
const hooks = uncino()

hooks.addHook('test', 'namespace', async (number) => {
  return number + 10

hooks.addHook('test', 'namespace', async (number) => {
  return number + 20

async function testHook(myNumber) {
  const newNumber = await hooks.runHook('test', myNumber)
  console.log(myNumber, newNumber)

testHook(3)  // 3 33
testHook(10)  // 10 40


Uncino permit to your code to interact/modify another piece of code at specific, pre-defined spots.

Uncino has two types of hooks: Actions and Hooks. To use either, you need to write a custom function, and then register for a specific action or hook.

Actions allow you to add data or change how your code operates. Actions will run at a specific point in the execution. Callback functions for Actions can perform some kind of a task, like echoing output to the user or inserting something into the database. Callback functions for an Action do not return anything back to the calling Action hook.

Hooks give you the ability to change data during the execution of your code. Callback functions for Hooks will accept a variable, modify it, and return it. They are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output. Hooks expect to have something returned back to them.

With Uncino you can create your own hook spots so that other developers can extend and modify your code or you can create your pluggable core.

Hooks API

Method Name Arguments Description
addHook hookName, namespace, callback, priority Register callback as new hook for hookName in namespace with priority (default: 10).
removeHook hookName, namespace Remove hook for hookName in namespace
hasHook hookName, namespace Check if hook for hookName in namespace exists
removeAllHooks hookName Remove all hooks for hookName
runHook hookName, params Run hook for hookName with params. It returns a Promise with the hook result

Actions API

Method Name Arguments Description
addAction actionName, namespace, callback, priority Register callback as new action for actionName in namespace with priority (default: 10).
removeAction actionName, namespace Remove hook for actionName in namespace
hasAction actionName, namespace Check if hook for actionName in namespace exists
removeAllActions actionName Remove all actionss for actionName
runAction actionName, params Run action for actionName with params. It returns a Promise with void value


Clone the repo and look in the test folder


Clone the repo then use npm install for download all the dependencies then launch npm run build for build the project

Pull Requests?

I'd love them!


Let's hear them! (The nice ones please!)


In case you're interested I'm @riktarweb

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  • Write better tests for the library

    Write better tests for the library

    Currently the tests included only check for quite trivial behaviours but don't really guarantee the correctness of the original code in various aspects.

    Additional tests are needed to check:

    • The functions passed as hooks are what is actually being called when running the hook. This should involve creating some mock or stub functions and then checking that they have been called with some assertion. As they currently are written most tests would pass even if runHook simply returned the passed argument plus 3 ignoring everything else.
    • That actions actually run. Currently the tests only verify that actions are stored and that runAction resolves but they don't check anything at all about the actions actually being executed. Again, some mocks should be setup and used to verify that they have actually been called.
    • That the "priority" argument works. Currently there's no test at all that verifies in any way the order/priority in which the functions are called. This applies to both hooks and actions.
    • A number of additional edge cases. It would be useful to have tests that check things like calling runHook with no hooks added, or calling removeHook when no hook has been added, or removing/adding hooks from inside a hook function (what is the expected behaviour here? is it documented anywhere?), or some other similar infrequent but not unthinkable cases.

    Note that all these things are probably correct in the code now. I'm not saying there are any errors right now, but I'm also not saying that there aren't. What I'm saying is that the included tests are too weak to be useful for anything; they offer very little or no safety at all.

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