Finally, a simple, lightweight (0.6kb), pure JavaScript image lazy loader that even works in IE* using the IntersectionObserver API


Simply Lazy

A simple & lightweight (0.6kb), pure JavaScript image lazy loader that even works in IE* utilizing the built in IntersectionObserver API in your favorite browser.

See the Browser Support section for more information regarding browser support.


View the live demo here.

This demo is hosted in this same repository's /docs directory for you to see exactly how it is used.

Install through npm:

npm i simply-lazy

Self Hosting:

Lazy loading doesn't have to be complicated. It's as simple as:

  1. Adding the script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="./simplyLazy.min.js"></script>
  1. Setting your images up with a data-src attribute:
<img data-src="/path/to/img.jpg" />
  1. Initialize the lazy loader:

Any selector that works for querySelectorAll will work for the selector.

For example:

// Using a CSS class:

// Using a data attribute:

Additionally there is an options object you can use to get callbacks or set default information.


Function Description
onImageLoad(imgEl) Called after an image loads and it will receive the imageElement as a parameter
onImageError(imgEl) Called if there is an error loading the image (i.e. 404), it will receive the imageElement as a parameter


Parameter Type Values Default
defaultImage String path to default image or base64 string null

defaultImage is only called onImageError and if it has a value. This can be useful if there is an error loading an image like a 404 but you still want to show a default placeholder image. The value you use for defaultImage will be set to the src of the <img> element. The example below is a base64 string of an empty image placeholder.

Here is an example usage with all of the options:

  onImageLoad: (imgEl) => {
    // Called after an image loads
  onImageError: (imgEl) => {
    // Called if there is an error loading the image
  defaultImage: '' // An empty image, can be replaced with a known image URL

The selector can be any selector you would typically use when using el.querySelectorAll, like a class name.

In your HTML you only need to set a data-src equal to your image src. Note: Do not set the src or else you will override this plugin!

<img data-src"/path/to/img.jpg" />

Browser Support

This is supported in all major browsers and will even work in IE with one simple tweak.

For IE to work you must add this Polyfill script to your app which will only be loaded in browsers that do not support IntersectionObserver (like IE). All other browsers will not load anything when using this script from

<script src=""></script>


Contributions are always welcome. Please fork this repo and submit a PR.

Find a bug or want a new feature? Create an issue or a feature request here.


Max Poshusta

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