Lazy evaluation list with high tree-shaking affinity and easy customization.


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Lazy evaluation list with high tree-shaking affinity and easy customization.


  • ๐ŸŽ Lazy Evaluation: The collections are only enumerated to the minimum necessary. Infinite sequences are supported.
  • ๐ŸŽ„ Tree-Shakeable: Only the features you use will be bundled.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ป Async Iterator Support: Iterable can also be seamlessly treated as Async Iterator.
  • ๐Ÿ“Ž Easy-Customization: You can easily create the functions you need by yourself. In this way.
  • ๐Ÿ—‚ Rxjs-like Syntax: To achieve tree-shaking, we use an rxjs-like syntax.
  • โœ… Simple Equality Strategy: It uses a simple Equality Strategy.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฏ All Typed: The whole thing is written in TypeScript, which also provides completion for type conversion between operators.
  • ๐Ÿ’จ No dependencies
import {from, map, take} from 'leseq';

const result1 = from([1,2,3,4,5]).pipe(
  map(i => i * i),

//result1: [1,4,9]

This is the result of bundle visualizer in the example above (1.21KB gzipped).



Getting Started

npm install leseq

If you are using Async Iterable and "target " in tsconfig.json is smaller than "es2018", you must add "ES2018.AsyncGenerator " and "ES2018.AsyncIterable " in tsconfig.json/lib or the type will not display properly.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "lib": ["DOM", "ES6", "ES2018.AsyncGenerator", "ES2018.AsyncIterable"]


import {from, map, take, find, range, reverse, filter} from 'leseq';

const result1 = from([1,2,3,4,5]).pipe(
  map(i => i * i),

for (const one of result1) {

//result: 1
//result: 4
//result: 9

const result2 = from([1,2,3,4,5]).pipe(
  filter(i => i % 2 == 0)
  find(i => i > 2)

//result2: 4

const result3 = range(1, 10000000).pipe(
  map((i) => i * i)

//result3: [9,4,1]

Async Iterable

import {from, mapAsync, filterAsync, fromAsAsync, findAsync, toAsync} from 'leseq';

const sleep = (milliseconds: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,milliseconds));

//from iterable to async iterable.
const result1 = await from([1,2,3,4,5]).value(toAsync()).pipe(
  mapAsync(async i => {
    await sleep(1000);
    return i * i;
  filterAsync(async i => i % 2 == 0)

//5 seconds later... result1: [4,16]

const result2 = await fromAsAsync([1,2,3,4,5]).pipe(
  mapAsync(async i => {
    await sleep(1000);
    return i * i;
  filterAsync(async i => i % 2 == 0)

//2 seconds later... result2: 4

const result3 = await fromConcatAsAsync([1,2],[3,4]).pipe(
  mapAsync(async i => {
    await sleep(1000);
    return i * i;

for await (const one of result3) {

//1 seconds later... result: 1
//2 seconds later... result: 4
//3 seconds later... result: 9
//4 seconds later... result: 16


You can generate a sequence(Seq<T>/AsyncSeq<T> object) with Generator, perform transformations and other operations with any number of Operators, and convert it to a value with Value.

// sync iterator
SyncSource = 
  Generators(ex: from, fromConcat, ..etc) | 
    ...SyncOperators(ex: map, filter, ...etc)

value = SyncSource.value(SyncValues(ex: find,some, ...etc));

// async iterator
AsyncSource = 
  AsyncGenerators(ex: fromAsAsync, fromConcatAsAsync, ...etc) |
  SyncSource.value(toAsync()) | // iterable to async iterable.
    ...AsyncOperators(ex: mapAsync, filterAsync, ...etc)

value = await AsyncSource.valueAsync(AsyncValues(ex: findAsync,someAsync, ...etc));

Since lazy evaluation is employed, the process is not executed when pipe() is called, but only when value(valueAsync), toArray(toArrayAsync)/toMutableArray(toMutableArrayAsync), or forEach(forEachAsync) is called.

Changes from "Iterable" or Seq<T> to "Async Iterable" can be made at any time with .value(toAsync()). but Once the chain is changed to "Async Iterable" by .value(toAsync()) or other means, only the asynchronous version of Operator/Value can be used in the same chain thereafter. This is because, in principle, it is impossible to change from an "Async Iterable" to "Iterable".

The predefined Generators/Operators/Values are as follows. And all of them have asynchronous versions(xxxAsAsync or xxxAsync).

If the function you want to use does not exist, you can also define your own Operator/Value function in this way.

Predefined Generators

Generator Description
from Generates a sequence from an iterable object. (async version: fromAsAsync )
fromConcat Generates a concatenated sequence of multiple iterable objects. (async version: fromConcatAsAsync )
fromValue Generates a sequence from a single value. (async version: fromValueAsAsync )
range Generates a sequential number sequence. (async version: rangeAsAsync )
repeat Generates a sequence in which the specified value is repeated a specified number of times. (async version: repeatAsAsync )

Predefined Operators

It is used within the pipe method of the Seq<T> object. Any number of operators can be connected.

Operator Description
chunk Returns a sequence divided into array of the specified size. (async version: chunkAsync )
concat Returns a sequence in which the current sequence and the specified sequence are concatenated. (async version: concatAsync )
concatValue Returns the sequence to which the specified value is added. (async version: concatValueAsync )
difference Returns the sequence that is the difference set between the current sequence and the specified sequence. (async version: differenceAsync )
filter Returns a sequence that has been filtered by the specified condition. (async version: filterAsync )
flatten Returns a flattened sequence. (async version: flattenAsync )
groupBy Returns a sequence grouped by a specified key. (async version: groupByAsync )
intersect Returns a sequence that is the product set of the current sequence and the specified sequence. (async version: intersectAsync )
map Returns the sequence in which each element has been transformed by the specified transformation function. (async version: mapAsync )
orderBy Returns a sequence sorted by a specified key. (async version: orderByAsync )
reverse Returns a sequence in reverse order of the current sequence. (async version: reverseAsync )
scan Returns the resulting sequence after applying the aggregate function to the elements of the current sequence. (async version: scanAsync )
skip Returns the sequence with the specified number of skips. (async version: skipAsync )
skipWhile Returns the sequence of elements skipped while matching the condition. (async version: skipWhileAsync )
take Returns a sequence that enumerates the specified number of items. (async version: takeAsync )
takeWhile Returns a sequence to be enumerated only while the condition is matched. (async version: takeWhileAsync )
tap Run side effects. (async version: tapAsync )
union Returns a sequence that is the union set of the current sequence and the specified sequence. (async version: unionAsync )
uniq Returns a deduplicated sequence. (async version: uniqAsync )
finalize Invokes a specified action after the source iterable sequence terminates gracefully or exceptionally. (async version: finalizeAsync )

Predefined Values

Generates a value from a sequence. Used in the value method of the Seq<T> object.

Value Description
toAsync Converts the current sequence to AsyncSeq<T> and returns it.
every Returns whether or not all elements of a sequence meet the specified conditions. (async version: everyAsync )
find Returns the first element that satisfies the condition. If no element satisfying the condition is found, an error is thrown. (async version: findAsync )
findOrDefault Returns the first element that satisfies the condition. If no element is found that satisfies the condition, it returns the specified default value. (async version: findOrDefaultAsync )
reduce Returns the result of applying the aggregate function to the elements of the current sequence. (async version: reduceAsync )
some Returns whether or not any element of the sequence satisfies the specified condition. (async version: someAsync )
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  • Suggestion: An alias method to output readonly array for Seq

    Suggestion: An alias method to output readonly array for Seq


    This is a suggestion to support ReadonlyArray<T>. In my opinion, ReadonlyArray is always a preferable choice than mutable one. (So they should be toMutableArray() and toArray() though, I hesitate to break backward compatibility)

    Also, I think some operators are able to support that interface i.e. the result of groupBy. I would commit for some enhancement if you feel positive against that.


    opened by hachibeeDI 7
  • Suggestions to make it easier to exclude null and undefined

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    I would like to suggest additional operators that will help exclude null and undefined from the sequence.

    I think you'll need ritual code like filter(i => i! == null && i! == undefined) or map(i => i !!) to exclude null and undefined from the sequence. I found a hint from Kotlin to solve this problem and used it as a reference.

    I hope this proposal is meaningful to the project.

    Thank you for reading.

    PS: I wrote the composition using Google Translate. Please forgive me for the dull sentences ...

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  • Fixed (probably unintentional) omission of await description.

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    Hello. Thank you for all your help on another matter.

    I was reviewing the test code and found that an await was missing, perhaps unintentionally. (I hope you can check the diff for the specific location).

    If it is unintentional, I hope you will consider this proposal. If it is intentional, you may reject this pull request.

    Thank you for reading.

    opened by samunohito 2
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