GICU-3 Kiosk application



GICU-3 Kiosk application.

Quick info

  • Language: ENG

Branching strategy*KB4sZe3J6Um27w1tbgfE5g.png

branch description
release A working version of the software ready for use. Master releases to here.
master The master branch which holds release ready code. Uat pushes to here.
uat (user acceptance testing) Branch for testing purposes. Dev pushes to here.
dev Development branch. Features pushes to here.
feature/[descriptive name] Features named clearly. Development happends here.

Always work in a feature (project) branch which has been created from dev. A feature branch may be merged to dev when the feature is ready. Dev may be merged to uat for testing at any time.

Please note that it's mandatory for features to have corresponding issues. The naming convention is as follows: feature/[name]
Always use kebab-case!

File structure*tjoajjTY-bV5KdS3dPDAqw.png

directory description
css css & scss files
dat datafiles including databases for component and statistics
doc documentation
img images
js javascript files
test testing space
index.html self explanatory

Project setup

npm install

other dependencies may be needed such as bootstrap, fuse.js and electron

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm start

Create production ready build


Create production ready build Linux

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