HTML5 Game Engine


Quintus Engine

Quintus is an easy-to-learn, fun-to-use HTML5 game engine for mobile, desktop and beyond!

The Quintus engine is an HTML5 game engine designed to be modular and lightweight, with a concise JavaScript-friendly syntax. In lieu of trying to shoehorn a standard OOP-game engine structure into an HTML5 JavaScript engine, Quintus takes some cues from jQuery and provides plugins, events and a selector syntax. Instead of a deep single-inheritance-only model, Quintus provides a flexible component model in addition to traditional inheritance to make it easier to reuse functionality and share it across games and objects.

Warning: Quintus is at a very early stage of development, use at your own risk.*

Quintus Platformer Example

Example Annotated Source

More details and documentation at

Read the Quintus Guide to get started on the Engine.

Online Forum / Community

For general questions, demos, etc please post to the Quintus HTML5 Game Engine G+ Community

Using Quintus

The easiest way to use Quintus is simply to use the CDN hosted version at:

<!-- Production minified ~20k gzipped -->
<script src=''></script>

<!-- Full Source ~40k gzipped -->
<script src=''></script>

Quintus has no dependencies.

Alternatively you can clone the repo and either use each file separately or generate a unified version:

$ git clone git://
$ cd Quintus
$ npm install
$ grunt

Check the dist/ directory for contatenated versions.

History of Quintus

The initial version of Quintus was built over the course of writing Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development, although the repo code has diverged a bit from the Engine built in the book, the main philosophy and technologies used have not changed, and reading the book will give you a fairly exhaustive understanding of the internals of the Quintus Engine.


Quintus is a young engine that has a lot of missing gaps - some of which are pretty straightforward to fill in. If you are interested in hacking on Quintus, shoot me an email pascal at cykod period com, I'm happy to help folks get hacking on the engine.

If you have suggestions for additional enhancements, please add them to the Issues queue - no guarantee all ideas will be implemented and integrated into the core of the system, but suggestions welcome.

Here's some specific pieces that need some love:

  • Update the Q.Scenes method to only render sprites that are visible in the grid. (so draw doesn't get called with thousands of sprites)
  • Fix the collision methods to calculate a collision magnitude based on dot product of sprite velocities
  • Turn into a Node binary for generating projects.
  • Add Spriter support into the engine
  • Add a simple level editor


0.2.0 Initial API Docs + Better Tiled Integration + Sloped Tiles

  • quintus_tmx.js TMX file extraction
  • Multi-layer TMX Support + Sloped Tiles by lendrick
  • TMX Object layer support
  • TMX Repeater support
  • TMX Sensor tile support
  • SVG and Physics refactoring by drFabio
  • Generate collision points performance optimization
  • Disasteroids Example
  • Initial Platformer Full Example
  • Initial API Documentation
  • Conditional Render and step support
  • Tower Man Example

0.1.6 Assorted Fixes - 9/6/13

  • Fix by A11oW to Quintus input
  • #41 - repeated rounding issues
  • Change SpriteSheet to use tileW, tileH instead of tilew, tileh
  • Add flipping to AIBounce componet by fariazz
  • Add optional bounding box to viewport by fariazz
  • Initial experiment with YuiDoc

0.1.5 Assorted Fixes - 8/4/13

  • Assorted gruntfile stuff
  • Add hide, show, stop and start to stages
  • Per-sprite gravity override
  • Multi-layer support for TMX files by fariazz
  • Fix to scene locate method #46 by noahcampbell
  • Add support for sensors
  • Add support for loading scenes from a JSON file
  • auto-focus when keyboard controls are active
  • Add development mode: Quintus({ development: true }) to make changing assets easier
  • Allow for easier opacity tweening
  • Simple TMX/XML parsing from kvroman
  • Touch example fix from scottheckel

0.1.4 Updated Node + Grunt - 4/13/13

  • Updated Gruntfile.js and dependencies to latest versions

0.1.3 Sprite Platforms and Assorted Fixes - 4/7/13

  • Added collision loop for Sprites and added platforms example
  • Added Repeater to platformer and fixed default type
  • Fix to Joypad
  • Fix to sprite gridding
  • Child sort and flip support
  • Tile check fix from izidormatusov
  • Initial API Docs

0.1.1 UI and Web Audio fixes - 2/17/13

  • Fixed UI touch location on iOS when canvas is smaller than full screen
  • Fixed asset loading in Web Audio

0.1.0 Web Audio and better Tweens - 2/16/13

  • Note: this release was replaced with 0.1.1, which added no new features but fixed a couple bugs

  • Added support for Web Audio output (iOS6 supported, Yay!)

  • Added audio example in examples/audio

  • Removed sound sprite support

  • Added support for Audio looping (via"name", { loop: true }))

  • Added sound stopping support ( to stop all, `"name") to stop 1)

  • Moved non-working SVG, DOM and Physics modules to extra/

  • Added support for functions as direction options to follow (suggested by @gvhuyssteen )

    For Example:

      stage.follow(player, {
         // Always follow x
         x: true, 
         // Only follow y if the player has landed
         y: function(sprite) { return sprite.p.landed > 0 } 
  • Improved tween animations, by @fqborges fixes tween chaining and adds in an example in examples/tween/

Changes to your code:

  • You must call instead of to play sound
  • If you were using sound sprites, they have been removed.

0.0.5 UI Example + Bug Fixes - 2/2/13

  • Fix to Q.UI.Button with an Asset
  • Fix to MouseControls on Android
  • Added UI example

0.0.4 GameState and MouseControls - 1/27/13

  • Added Q.GameState for storing global game state ..
  • .. listening for events on changes to global game state
  • Added Q.input.mouseControls() for tracking mouse/touch locations
  • Couple fixes to Q.UI.Text
  • Fix to Touch module on iOS

0.0.3 Move to update from step - 1/19/13

  • Transitions scene from step to use update
  • Simplified Sprite stepping with update (no _super necessary any longer)
  • Added Scene locate method
  • Add touch example with drag and locate details
  • Added drawableTile and collidableTile to Q.TileLayer

Changes to your code:

  • Your sprite's step method should no longer call this._super(dt) (in fact, sprites don't define a default super method anymore, so it'll cause a bug)- events are now handled by the Sprite.update(dt) method

0.0.2 Reworked Sprites and Scenes - 1/1/13

  • Full SAT collision (rotation / scaling)
  • Container / Children support
  • Removed jQuery Dependency
  • Reworked collisions (need optimizations)
  • Add Quintus.UI module for containers, buttons and labels.
  • Added animate and tween support

0.0.1 Unrelease

  • Initial Release
  • Basic Sprite and Scene Support
  • Limited Audio
  • jQuery Dependency
  • Keyframe animation support
  • 2D Platformer controls and animation
  • Limited SAT Collision (no rotation / scale)
  • Quitnus not loading assets

    Quitnus not loading assets

    I copied the code from the basic Quintus platformer from the website home page with the same assets and nothing is loading. I tried running the game from a webserver (more specifically mongoose server) which also didn't work. The assets were being loaded with the Q.load function.

    opened by chand1012 26
  • Fix Mouse position in canvas with padding

    Fix Mouse position in canvas with padding

    The mouse position in an element is measured from the top left corner. When a margin or padding is used this starts outside the drawable area of the canvas. This needs to be taken into account.

    opened by mpkorstanje 18
  • Collision isn't working in Breakout example

    Collision isn't working in Breakout example

    Hi, i'm working on a litte game. The player just catches some symbols who are falling down from the top to to bottom with a paddle. Now the problem is, the collision will detect only the first time, then I delete the object with this.destroy(); after that i add a new symbol object with this.stage.insert(new Q.Icon()); this works fine, but if the player now tries to catch that new object, the collision won't be triggered.

    I am using Chrome: Version 35.0.1916.153 and also tried to use firefox, but same problem.

    The breakout example, has the same problem:

    bug high priority 
    opened by Stumpftopf 16
  • added gamepad support and some samples

    added gamepad support and some samples

    Hi @cykod :)

    I wrote a little plugin for quintus to support gamepads :) I use the fantastic lib and wrote some code arround it so it maps the events from gamepad.js to quintus.

    The only things todo, to use this is to include the gamepad.js and the quintus_gamepad.js

    In the game code only something like this must be called when initializing Quintus

    var Q = window.Q = Quintus() .include("Sprites, Scenes, Input,GamePadInput, 2D, Anim, Touch, UI")

    I added in the examples folder two new examples which are showing that it works ;) platformer_tmx_gamepad tower_man_gamepad

    At the moment only Xbox360 gamepads are configured.

    opened by tuxBurner 9
  • Touch event triggered twice on Android

    Touch event triggered twice on Android

    Touch event on mobile is being triggered twice on Android. To test click on any of the numbers (tested on Android 4.1 browser), it will show the number twice:

    May have to do with the way I'm using the viewport. What I want to achieve is to fit to width of the device without showing more of the game world. Using maximize: "touch" shows a blank screen on my phone, using maximize: true, messes up the alignment of the GUI and the background (the link above only has the GUI. I'll be releasing the full game once finished in a blog post).

    (basically I just want to re-scale the entire game to fit the screen, the way it happens in LimeJS for instance, without showing extra parts of the level)

    bug invalid 
    opened by fariazz 9
  • Scrollable Container with a scrollbar (Feature)

    Scrollable Container with a scrollbar (Feature)

    To create a container which can have a text or blocks which can be scrollable. Examples -

    1. Like a instruction screen displaying the instructions.
    2. Objective screen
    3. Achievement screen displaying all the achievements
    opened by NikunjShah 8
  • Gap with TMX map and spacing tileset

    Gap with TMX map and spacing tileset


    I use an TMX map with 1px spacing between tiles. Tiles on first line are correctly rendered. But other line have tiles gap. line 2 : 1 tile gap Line 3 : 2 tiles gap etc

    I use this tileset (16 x 16 with 1px spacing) roguelikesheet_transparent My tmx file :

    I've a bad config or it's a bug ?

    opened by Sparksx 6
  • Fix for UI.Text align

    Fix for UI.Text align

    align is used to both set the alignment in the front string and to physically move the location where the font string is to be. The end result is that align is always centered.

    This fixes this by making the default alignment centred and removing the physical positioning of the text.Bounding points are adjusted accordingly.

    opened by mpkorstanje 6
  • loading local files like json

    loading local files like json


    I think it's very important than we can load local resources like the json files. This is significant if you want make a local game to run in a mobile.

    I don't know what is exactly the problem, I suspect this is a safety restriction. But another JS game engine (similar to quintus) can load this type of files:

    I suggest than you can investigate how can resolve the problem watching the ss2d source code (ResourceManager.loadResources).


    opened by fraespre 6
  • Separate rendering engine/code

    Separate rendering engine/code

    Forgive me for not knowing the code well enough, but is there a clear place in the code where a renderer is defined?

    I am looking to use Pixi for rendering, but am really wary about the major framework (Phaser) that uses it. Quintus is more than enough, aside from having Pixi/webgl support.

    For that matter, if there is a clean spot to add/change/remove renderers, I am sure work could be done to get threejs in here too!

    feature request 
    opened by JaredSartin 6
  • Two digit sprite numbers in level tile array?

    Two digit sprite numbers in level tile array?

    If you have a tile sprite with many tiles and edit it in a monospace font, it's easier to edit if all numbers have two digits. That way you can follow the columns more easily. Today it looks like this:


    It would be nice if it was also okay to add the tile sprite numbers like this:


    Thanks for a very exciting game platform!

    opened by tkahn 5
  • Any interest in creating a proper npm package?

    Any interest in creating a proper npm package?

    Is there any interest in creating a proper NPM package for quintus?

    • Namely, one that can be yarn/npm installed
    • And another that can be injected into a SCRIPT tag

    Have this setup working locally and if I get some bandwidth I can do a PR here

    opened by frankandrobot 0
  • Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null - Trying to load tmx file

    Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null - Trying to load tmx file


    i've a problem when i try to load my tmx max :

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null at Function.Q._tmxExtractAssetName (quintus_tmx.js:40) at Function.Q._tmxLoadTilesets (quintus_tmx.js:113) at Function.Q.stageTMX (quintus_tmx.js:251) at Class.sceneFunc (app.js:13) at Class.loadScene (quintus_scenes.js:313) at Function.Q.stageScene (quintus_scenes.js:1082) at Function. (app.js:20) at loadedCallback (quintus.js:1889) at XMLHttpRequest.request.onreadystatechange (quintus.js:1761)

    here is my tmx file

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <map version="1.0" tiledversion="1.1.3" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="right-down" width="100" height="17" tilewidth="64" tileheight="64" infinite="0" nextobjectid="1">
     <tileset firstgid="1" source="game-tiles.tsx"/>
     <layer name="background" width="100" height="17">
       <property name="type" value="0"/>
      <data encoding="csv">
     <layer name="collision" width="100" height="17">
       <property name="collision" value="true"/>
      <data encoding="csv">

    my tsx file is in the same folder than my tmx file (data folder)

    and here is my app.js file

    window.addEventListener("load", function(){
       var Q = window.Q = Quintus()
           .include("Sprites, Scenes, Input, 2D, Anim, Touch, UI, TMX, Audio")
               maximize: true
        Q.scene('level', function(stage) {
        //On lance la scene à l'emplacement 0
        Q.loadTMX("level.tmx", function(){
    opened by GuillaumeGascon 2
  • Sprite asset with image format .png not rendering on safari

    Sprite asset with image format .png not rendering on safari


    I made a little hybrid game, i' tested all way around on edge, firefox, chrome, (also on android) and everything is fine except for safari. When i open safari i got a surprise. the player sprite becomes invisible. I have no idea why. Even if i use .jpg the image stills invalid.

    Additional info: i exported the image from gimp to .png (the same as others sprites) filesize:31kb resolution:284x175

    Any suggestion? Should i change the .png format to another suggested? have you been here before? The image is just

    opened by ghost 2
  • Can't make the z index order work

    Can't make the z index order work

    I'm trying to change the stacking order of my sprites by setting the z property in the init function. But no matter what value I put in, it always stacks the elements in the order I add them to the stage.

    	init: function(props) {
    		this._super(props, {
    			w: 20,
    			h: 20
    stage.insert(new Q.Test({ z: 2, color: 'blue' }));
    stage.insert(new Q.Test({ z: 1, color: 'red' }));
    opened by ricardo 0
  • Collision Issues: Only Background detected as being collide.

    Collision Issues: Only Background detected as being collide.

    If I introduce in any way the background, the hit event of the player always gets activated since Quintus believes that the player is colliding with the background always.

    1. How can I prevent any object to "collide" with the background?
    2. How can you handle multiple collision. For example, two objects have already collide. We make the "glued" together and a third object collides?


    ` /**

    • Libraries loaded:
    • ->
    • ->
    • ->
    • Note: To turn text js into cdn go to
    • Warning: If one of the sources for the resources (such the images being used), it stop existing or it is not available, this code will not work. */

    var backgroundUrl = ""; var player1WalkUrl = ""; var player2WalkUrl = ""; var resourcesUrlList = [backgroundUrl, player1WalkUrl, player2WalkUrl];

    // Include Sprite module and set game's canvas size var Q = Quintus().include("Sprites, Anim, UI, 2D, Input, Scenes, Touch") .setup({width: 800, height: 480})

    Q.Sprite.extend("Background", { init: function(background){ this._super(background, { asset: backgroundUrl, x: Q.el.width / 2, y: Q.el.height / 2, collisionLayer: 0, type: Q.SPRITE_NONE }); } });

    Q.Sprite.extend("Player1", { init: function(player){ this._super(player, { sprite: "player1", sheet: "player1", speed: 50, type: Q.SPRITE_FRIENDLY }); this.p.x = this.p.w; this.p.y = (Q.el.height / 2) - this.p.h; this.add("animation");"default"); this.on("hit", "collision"); }, "step" : function(dt){ this.p.x += this.p.speed * dt; this.stage.collide(this); }, "collision" : function(col){ console.log(col.obj); if (col.obj.isA("Player2")){ col.obj.destroy(); this.destroy(); Q.clearStages(); Q.stageScene("level1"); } } });

    Q.Sprite.extend("Player2", { init: function(player){ this._super(player, { sprite: "player2", sheet: "player2", speed: 50, flip: "x", type: Q.SPRITE_ENEMY }); this.p.x = Q.el.width - this.p.w; this.p.y = (Q.el.height / 2) - this.p.h; this.add("animation");"default"); }, "step" : function(dt){ this.p.x -= this.p.speed * dt; } });

    Q.scene("level1", function(stage){ // Trying to find the right one //stage.insert(new Q.Background()); //stage.insert(new Q.Repeater({asset: backgroundUrl})); //stage.collisionLayer(new Q.Background()); //stage.insert(new Q.UI.Container({x: Q.width/2, y: Q.height/2, fill: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"})); //stage.insert(new Q.Sprite({asset: backgroundUrl})); stage.insert(new Q.Player1()); stage.insert(new Q.Player2()); });

    var playerSheet = { tilew: 66, tileh: 92,
    sx: 0, sy: 0,
    w: 256, h: 512 };

    var playerAnimationFrame = { default: { frames: [0, 1, 2, 4], rate: 1/4 } };

    Q.load(resourcesUrlList, function(){
    Q.sheet("player1", player1WalkUrl, playerSheet); Q.sheet("player2", player2WalkUrl, playerSheet); Q.animations("player1", playerAnimationFrame); Q.animations("player2", playerAnimationFrame); Q.clearStages(); Q.stageScene("level1"); });


    opened by acarlstein 0
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