The nestjs cache module based on cache-manager & decorators 🍃


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A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.


zirus-cache for Nest.JS - simple and modern cache library

Simple example

async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
  return data;


npm install cache-manager
npm install -D @types/cache-manager
npm install @zirus/nestjs-cache-module

Basic usage

Import ZirusModule

  imports: [

    // Async registration
      imports: [ConfigModule],
      useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => (({
        store: configService.get('STORE')
      inject: [ConfigService]
export class AppModule {}

Customize caching

  imports: [
        store: 'memory', 
        ttl: 0, //time to live 
        max: 100 // max items in cache
export class AppModule {}

Also you can use different storage like Redis:

npm install cache-manager-redis-store
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import * as redisStore from 'cache-manager-redis-store';

  imports: [
      store: redisStore,
      max: 100,

      socket: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 6379
  controllers: [AppController]
export class AppModule {}

More storages:



This decorator can use for controller or endpoint alone

It should be used on any endpoint you want to cache (if it is not used globally on controller)

export class DataController {
  async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;

All GET methods of controller wil be cached

For one endpoint:

export class DataController {
  async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;


This decorator sets a specific cache key for endpoint

By default, the key is generated from the URL (including query parameters)

  async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;


This decorator sets a specific TTL for endpoint

By default is 0

  async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;

Also you can:

  @SetCacheTTL((context: ExecutionContext) => {
    const headers = context.switchToHttp().getRequest().headers;

    if (headers.flag !== undefined) {
      return 5;

    return 0;


Sometimes you might want to set up tracking based on different factors, for example, using HTTP headers (e.g. Authorization to properly identify profile endpoints).

@TrackBy work like @SetCacheKey() but he allows get Execution Context and write own function

  @TrackBy((context: ExecutionContext) => {
    return context.switchToHttp().getRequest().headers.authorization
  async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;


This decorator determines will be endpoint cached or not

  @SetCond((context) => {
    return context.switchToHttp().getRequest().headers.authorization !== undefined
  async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;


This decorator can be used when you don't need to cache one or more endpoints


export class AppController {

  async foo(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;

  async bar(): Promise<string[]> {
    return data;


/bar endpoint will not be cached

@Exclude() decorator is literally short entry for

  @SetCond(() => {
    return false;

Own logics

if you need work with cache-manager, you can:

constructor(@Inject(CACHE_MANAGER) private cacheManager: Cache) {}
import {CACHE_MANAGER} from '@zirus/nestjs-cache-module';
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