Script to remove unnecessary properties from package.json on prepublish hook



Script to remove unnecessary properties from package.json on prepublish hook.

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package.json is primarily for declaring an npm package and describing how it can be consumed.

However, it can often get bloated with development concerns such as devDependencies and configuration like eslintConfig, prettier, lint-staged, simple-git-hooks, etc.

Use clean-pkg-json in a prepublish hook to remove unnecessary properties from package.json. Useful in micropackages where every byte matters.


Add clean-pkg-json to the prepack hook, which runs before npm publish and npm pack.

// package.json
    "name": "my-package",
    // ...
    "scripts": {
        // ...
        "prepack": "clean-pkg-json"


Flag Description
-k, --keep <property name> Property names to keep. Accepts multiple flags or a comma-delimited list.
-v, --verbose Verbose logs.
-d, --dry Dry run mode. Instead of writing to disk, it will log it.
-h, --help Show help
--version Show version

Default preserved properties

By default, these properties are preserved in package.json:

name, version, private, publishConfig, type, scripts.preinstall, scripts.install, scripts.postinstall, scripts.prepublish, scripts.preprepare, scripts.prepare, scripts.postprepare, files, bin, browser, main, module, types, exports, imports, man, dependencies, peerDependencies, peerDependenciesMeta, bundledDependencies, optionalDependencies, engines, os, cpu, description, keywords, author, contributors, license, homepage, repository, bugs, funding

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