🖼 Simple file-upload utility that shows a preview of the uploaded image. Written in TypeScript. No dependencies. Works well with or without a framework.



🖼 Simple file-upload utility that shows a preview of the uploaded image. Written in TypeScript. No dependencies. Works well with or without a framework.

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yarn add file-upload-with-preview

Or, you can include it through the browser.


<script src="https://unpkg.com/file-upload-with-preview/dist/file-upload-with-preview.iife.js"></script>


This is a simple frontend utility meant to help the file-upload process on your website.

It is written in pure JavaScript and has no dependencies. You can check out the live demo here.

For the most part, browsers do a good job of handling image-uploads. That being said - I find the ability to show our users a preview of their upload can go a long way in increasing the confidence in their upload.

file-upload-with-preview aims to address the issue of showing a preview of a user's uploaded image in a simple to use package.


  • Shows the actual image preview in the case of a single uploaded .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png image. Shows a success-image in the case of an uploaded .pdf file, uploaded video, or other un-renderable file - so the user knows their image was collected successfully. In the case of multiple selected files, the user's selected images will be shown in a grid.
  • Shows the image name in the input bar. Shows the count of selected images in the case of multiple selections within the same input.
  • Allows the user to clear their upload and clear individual images in the multiple grid
  • Looks great
  • Framework agnostic - to access the uploaded file/files just use the cachedFileArray (always will be an array) property of your FileUploadWithPreview object.
  • For every file-group you want just initialize another FileUploadWithPreview object with its own uniqueId - this way you can have multiple file-uploads on the same page. You also can just use a single input designated with a multiple property to allow multiple files on the same input.


This library looks for a specific HTML element to display the file-upload. Simply add the below div to your HTML. Make sure to populate your unique id in the data-upload-id attribute.

<div class="custom-file-container" data-upload-id="myFirstImage"></div>

Then, initialize your file-upload in the JavaScript like below:

import { FileUploadWithPreview } from 'file-upload-with-preview';
import 'file-upload-with-preview/dist/file-upload-with-preview.min.css';

const upload = new FileUploadWithPreview('myFirstImage');

If you're importing directly in the browser, use the following instead:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <div class="custom-file-container" data-upload-id="myFirstImage"></div>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/file-upload-with-preview"></script>

Then initialize like this:

const upload = new FileUploadWithPreview.FileUploadWithPreview('myFirstImage');

Then when you're ready to use the user's file for an API call or whatever, just access the user's uploaded file/files in the cachedFileArray property of your initialized object like this:


You can optionally trigger the image browser and clear selected images programmatically. There are additional methods on the class if you'd like to take a look at the source code.

upload.emulateInputSelection(); // to open image browser
upload.resetPreviewPanel(); // clear all selected images

You may also want to capture the event when an image is selected.

import { Events, ImageAddedEvent } from 'file-upload-with-preview';

window.addEventListener(Events.IMAGE_ADDED, (e: Event) => {
  const { detail } = e as unknown as ImageAddedEvent;

  console.log('detail', detail);


The cachedFileArray property is always an array. So if you are only allowing the user to upload a single file, you can access that file at cachedFileArray[0] - otherwise just send the entire array to your backend to handle it normally.

Make sure to pass in multiple: true in your options if you want to allow the user to select multiple images.


View the full docs here.

Full Example

See the full example in the ./example/index.ts folder. See the top of this README for some links to a few live CodeSandbox's.

Browser Support

If you are supporting a browser like IE11, one way to add a polyfill for fetch and promise is by adding the following in the bottom of your index.html:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/es6-promise@4/dist/es6-promise.auto.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fetch/2.0.3/fetch.js"></script>


# Install dependencies

# Watch changes during local development
yarn dev

# Run tests
yarn test

# Build library
yarn build


Go ahead and fork the project! Submit an issue if needed. Have fun!



  • Only saving last image of multiple uploads

    Only saving last image of multiple uploads

    If multiple images are uploaded one at a time only the last image you upload will show up in Request.Files.

    Upload a three images by selecting them individually. You will see the previews in the preview window.

    When you check Request.Files it will only have the last image you uploaded not the previous two.

    opened by Nomad7788 11
  • Active Class and Select Image

    Active Class and Select Image

    During the use of this module, I required at least two additional features:

    • one is CSS class when image is loaded and the preview gets active
    • another one is an API to manually trigger image browser

    So in this PR, I try to implement two things myself at my convenient.

    Test was passed with no problem!

    opened by firstor 6
  • Multiple file input. Images still in $_FILES after deleting.

    Multiple file input. Images still in $_FILES after deleting.

    I have found bug probably. Case 1:

    • add 3 files one by one in multiple file input
    • delete 2 of them
    • save form
    • expected results: 1 record in database. Test passed

    Case 2:

    • add 3 files at the same time (using crtrl/cmnd button) in multiple file input
    • delete 2 of them
    • save form
    • expected results: 1 record in database. Actual: 3 records. Test FAILED

    Case 3:

    • add 3 files at the same time (using crtrl/cmnd button) in multiple file input
    • delete all of them
    • save form
    • expected results: 0 records in database. Test PASSED.

    Something is wrong here. Please let me know it is an issue and solve it or close this ticket if it is not

    opened by wwwAdik 5
  • Unable to Replace background image for image grid

    Unable to Replace background image for image grid

    I want to replace default base64 image with backgroundImage base64

    here is the script i use

       var upload = new FileUploadWithPreview('myUniqueUploadId', {
                maxFileCount: 4,
                text: {
                    chooseFile: 'Maximum 4 Images Allowed',
                    browse: 'Add More Images',
                    selectedCount: 'Files Added',
                images: {
                    baseImage: backgroundImage,

    but it doesn't work, How do i display backgroundImage

    opened by sanoj26692 5
  • TypeError: FileUploadWithPreview is not a constructor

    TypeError: FileUploadWithPreview is not a constructor

    I had this script on my site, and now it stop working... Error i have is "TypeError: FileUploadWithPreview is not a constructor" Can You help it?

    opened by GrzegorzWalewski 5
  • There is no name attribute to get the image on backed

    There is no name attribute to get the image on backed

    Hi, I was using this utility to upload a profile image but there is no name attribute to get the image on backend (I am using codeigniter on backend). and when I did set it (name attribute) I was getting en empty array with no attributes (like size, name etc).

    opened by MdFarzan 4
  • presetFiles doesn't work with base64 encoded binary image string

    presetFiles doesn't work with base64 encoded binary image string


    I'm not sure if the option "presetFiles" only works with URL. But it didn't work when I tried to use data:image.

    This function provides a convenient way of serving images from your app that are not web-accessible (e.g., in public/).


    opened by oldcastlehq 4
  • How do i enable `cachedFileArray`

    How do i enable `cachedFileArray`

    Am unable to remove file from input after adding it, in same way i cant add file when there is file in input.


    So how do i enable upload.cachedFileArray

    var upload = new FileUploadWithPreview('myUniqueUploadId', {
      maxFileCount: 4,
      text: {
        chooseFile: 'Maximum 4 Images Allowed',
        browse: 'Add More Images',
        selectedCount: 'Files Added',
    opened by sanoj26692 4
  • Not able to get the image on server.

    Not able to get the image on server.

    My html

    <input type="hidden" name="upload_log" id="upload-log" value="" />
       <div class="upload-log-images">
       <div class="custom-file-container" data-upload-id="upload-log-images">
         <label>Upload File <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="custom-file-container__image-clear" title="Clear Image">&times</a></label>
         <label class="custom-file-container__custom-file" >
             <input type="file" class="custom-file-container__custom-file__custom-file-input" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg" multiple>
            <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10485760" />
           <span class="custom-file-container__custom-file__custom-file-control"></span>
          <div class="custom-file-container__image-preview"></div>

    What i understood is i have all the valid images in cachedFileArray.

    I am trying to sending complete array in hidden input.

    window.addEventListener('fileUploadWithPreview:imageDeleted', function(e) {
        if (e.detail.uploadId === 'upload-log-images') {

    At the server level.

     $files =   $upload_log = json_decode(utf8_encode(stripslashes($_POST['upload_log'])), true);

    output is

        [0] => Array
                [token] => pvf6dfs1p65k520olz9r
        [1] => Array
                [token] => 3tii69591shepm5x6apzys
    opened by insaurabh 4
  • keep original image size in preview.

    keep original image size in preview.

    Hi, ran across this and trying it out. Thanks!

    Using it for one image to test,

    If I choose a small image height x width the preview displays/fills the entire preview area. This could make it blurry.

    I may find this, but thought I'd give a quick ask,

    Is there a way to keep the original image size in the preview area? Get the original image dimensions?

    Thanks much! Appreciate it.

    Didn't see this in the notes.


    opened by WriterStat 4
  • Delete Button

    Delete Button

    We got two button 1 delete and another one clear . 1 Delete button only work or seen by multiple image not one . 1 Clear button i mistaken as deleted button which not listen to imageDeleted .

    opened by NobodyButMe-Haiya 4
  •  file_upload_with_preview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FileUploadWithPreview is not a constructor

    file_upload_with_preview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FileUploadWithPreview is not a constructor

    Hello @johndatserakis , I am getting this error Uncaught TypeError: file_upload_with_preview__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FileUploadWithPreview is not a constructor in ReactJs v18.2.0

    "file-upload-with-preview": "^5.0.8",

    Here is my sample code

    import "file-upload-with-preview/dist/file-upload-with-preview.min.css";
    import { FileUploadWithPreview } from "file-upload-with-preview";
    import React, { useState } from "react";
    function Gallery() {
      if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
        const upload = new FileUploadWithPreview("file-upload", {
          multiple: true,
      return (
    opened by dennohpeter 3
  • Name attribute not present in sending request to server.

    Name attribute not present in sending request to server.

    Hi, I am having an issue that input element attribute name is not present in the dynamically generated field which is causing problems in the server side, then I tried attaching dynamically to it using the Custom JS it gets attached to the input element but still I can not receive the image on the server side, so could you elaborate how to work around with this, thanks for your help, your plugin has been a big help.

    opened by mirfanalikhanprofessional 5
  • Beginner overloaded

    Beginner overloaded

    Please can you create an easy and simple example to run the upload and then use the uploaded file for beginner with nothing more than a webserver, jquery und nothing more (at this step). I dont have npm (and wont use it), because its over-overloaded for a simple upload at my own server for me only. Thanks Bfo

    opened by bforpc 2
  • v5.0.8(Oct 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix click event on single upload by @tasinttttttt in https://github.com/johndatserakis/file-upload-with-preview/pull/63

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/johndatserakis/file-upload-with-preview/compare/v5.0.7...v5.0.8

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v5.0.7(Jul 14, 2022)

  • v5.0.6(Apr 24, 2022)

    • Revamped library
    • Added TypeScript
    • Replaced webpack with vite for example
    • Updated all deps
    • Added prettier and updated eslint
    • Simplified library logic
    • Updated SCSS styling
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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